/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_SHARED_DEMO_H #define ENGINE_SHARED_DEMO_H #include #include #include "snapshot.h" class CDemoRecorder : public IDemoRecorder { class IConsole *m_pConsole; IOHANDLE m_File; int m_LastTickMarker; int m_LastKeyFrame; int m_FirstTick; unsigned char m_aLastSnapshotData[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; class CSnapshotDelta *m_pSnapshotDelta; int m_NumTimelineMarkers; int m_aTimelineMarkers[MAX_TIMELINE_MARKERS]; bool m_DelayedMapData; unsigned int m_MapSize; unsigned char *m_pMapData; void WriteTickMarker(int Tick, int Keyframe); void Write(int Type, const void *pData, int Size); public: CDemoRecorder(class CSnapshotDelta *pSnapshotDelta, bool DelayedMapData = false); CDemoRecorder() {} int Start(class IStorage *pStorage, class IConsole *pConsole, const char *pFilename, const char *pNetversion, const char *pMap, unsigned MapCrc, const char *pType, unsigned int MapSize = 0, unsigned char *pMapData = NULL); int Stop(bool Finalize = false); void AddDemoMarker(); void RecordSnapshot(int Tick, const void *pData, int Size); void RecordMessage(const void *pData, int Size); bool IsRecording() const { return m_File != 0; } int Length() const { return (m_LastTickMarker - m_FirstTick)/SERVER_TICK_SPEED; } }; class CDemoPlayer : public IDemoPlayer { public: class IListner { public: virtual ~IListner() {} virtual void OnDemoPlayerSnapshot(void *pData, int Size) = 0; virtual void OnDemoPlayerMessage(void *pData, int Size) = 0; }; struct CPlaybackInfo { CDemoHeader m_Header; CTimelineMarkers m_TimelineMarkers; IDemoPlayer::CInfo m_Info; int64 m_LastUpdate; int64 m_CurrentTime; int m_SeekablePoints; int m_NextTick; int m_PreviousTick; float m_IntraTick; float m_TickTime; }; struct CMapInfo { char m_aName[128]; int m_Crc; int m_Size; }; private: IListner *m_pListner; // Playback struct CKeyFrame { long m_Filepos; int m_Tick; }; struct CKeyFrameSearch { CKeyFrame m_Frame; CKeyFrameSearch *m_pNext; }; class IConsole *m_pConsole; IOHANDLE m_File; char m_aFilename[256]; CKeyFrame *m_pKeyFrames; CMapInfo m_MapInfo; CPlaybackInfo m_Info; int m_DemoType; unsigned char m_aLastSnapshotData[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; int m_LastSnapshotDataSize; class CSnapshotDelta *m_pSnapshotDelta; int ReadChunkHeader(int *pType, int *pSize, int *pTick); void DoTick(); void ScanFile(); int NextFrame(); public: CDemoPlayer(class CSnapshotDelta *m_pSnapshotDelta); void SetListner(IListner *pListner); int Load(class IStorage *pStorage, class IConsole *pConsole, const char *pFilename, int StorageType); int Play(); void Pause(); void Unpause(); int Stop(); void SetSpeed(float Speed); int SetPos(float Percent); const CInfo *BaseInfo() const { return &m_Info.m_Info; } void GetDemoName(char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) const; bool GetDemoInfo(class IStorage *pStorage, const char *pFilename, int StorageType, CDemoHeader *pDemoHeader) const; const char *GetDemoFileName() { return m_aFilename; }; int GetDemoType() const; int Update(bool RealTime=true); const CPlaybackInfo *Info() const { return &m_Info; } virtual bool IsPlaying() const { return m_File != 0; } const CMapInfo *GetMapInfo() { return &m_MapInfo; }; }; class CDemoEditor : public IDemoEditor, public CDemoPlayer::IListner { CDemoPlayer *m_pDemoPlayer; CDemoRecorder *m_pDemoRecorder; IConsole *m_pConsole; IStorage *m_pStorage; class CSnapshotDelta *m_pSnapshotDelta; const char *m_pNetVersion; bool m_Stop; int m_SliceFrom; int m_SliceTo; public: virtual void Init(const char *pNetVersion, class CSnapshotDelta *pSnapshotDelta, class IConsole *pConsole, class IStorage *pStorage); virtual void Slice(const char *pDemo, const char *pDst, int StartTick, int EndTick); virtual void OnDemoPlayerSnapshot(void *pData, int Size); virtual void OnDemoPlayerMessage(void *pData, int Size); }; #endif