/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "maplayers.h" #include "menus.h" int CMenus::DoButton_DemoPlayer(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, (Checked ? 0.10f : 0.5f) * UI()->ButtonColorMul(pID)), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); UI()->DoLabel(pRect, pText, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_CENTER); return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, pText, Checked, pRect); } int CMenus::DoButton_Sprite(const void *pID, int ImageID, int SpriteID, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, int Corners) { RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (Checked ? 0.10f : 0.5f) * UI()->ButtonColorMul(pID)), Corners, 5.0f); Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[ImageID].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); if(!Checked) Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); RenderTools()->SelectSprite(SpriteID); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(pRect->x, pRect->y, pRect->w, pRect->h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, "", Checked, pRect); } bool CMenus::DemoFilterChat(const void *pData, int Size, void *pUser) { bool DoFilterChat = *(bool *)pUser; if(!DoFilterChat) { return false; } CUnpacker Unpacker; Unpacker.Reset(pData, Size); int Msg = Unpacker.GetInt(); int Sys = Msg & 1; Msg >>= 1; return !Unpacker.Error() && !Sys && Msg == NETMSGTYPE_SV_CHAT; } void CMenus::RenderDemoPlayer(CUIRect MainView) { const IDemoPlayer::CInfo *pInfo = DemoPlayer()->BaseInfo(); const float SeekBarHeight = 15.0f; const float ButtonbarHeight = 20.0f; const float NameBarHeight = 20.0f; const float Margins = 5.0f; float TotalHeight; static int64_t LastSpeedChange = 0; // render popups if(m_DemoPlayerState == DEMOPLAYER_SLICE_SAVE) { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); CUIRect Box, Part, Part2; Box = Screen; Box.VMargin(150.0f / UI()->Scale(), &Box); Box.HMargin(150.0f / UI()->Scale(), &Box); // render the box RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Box, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 15.0f); Box.HSplitTop(20.f / UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f / UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Part, Localize("Select a name"), 24.f, TEXTALIGN_CENTER); Box.HSplitTop(20.f / UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f / UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Part.VMargin(20.f / UI()->Scale(), &Part); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Part, m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint, 24.f, TEXTALIGN_CENTER); CUIRect Label, TextBox, Ok, Abort; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&Abort, &Ok); Ok.VMargin(20.0f, &Ok); Abort.VMargin(20.0f, &Abort); static int s_RemoveChat = 0; static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("Abort"), 0, &Abort) || m_EscapePressed) m_DemoPlayerState = DEMOPLAYER_NONE; static int s_ButtonOk = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonOk, Localize("Ok"), 0, &Ok) || m_EnterPressed) { if(str_comp(m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename, m_aCurrentDemoFile) == 0) str_copy(m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint, Localize("Please use a different name"), sizeof(m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint)); else { if(!str_endswith(m_aCurrentDemoFile, ".demo")) str_append(m_aCurrentDemoFile, ".demo", sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile)); char aPath[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aPath, sizeof(aPath), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_aCurrentDemoFile); IOHANDLE DemoFile = Storage()->OpenFile(aPath, IOFLAG_READ, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); const char *pStr = Localize("File already exists, do you want to overwrite it?"); if(DemoFile && str_comp(m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint, pStr) != 0) { io_close(DemoFile); str_copy(m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint, pStr, sizeof(m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint)); } else { m_DemoPlayerState = DEMOPLAYER_NONE; Client()->DemoSlice(aPath, CMenus::DemoFilterChat, &s_RemoveChat); DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } } } Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part2); Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part2); Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); Part2.VSplitLeft(60.0f, 0, &Label); if(DoButton_CheckBox(&s_RemoveChat, Localize("Remove chat"), s_RemoveChat, &Label)) { s_RemoveChat ^= 1; } Part.VSplitLeft(60.0f, 0, &Label); Label.VSplitLeft(120.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitLeft(20.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitRight(60.0f, &TextBox, 0); UI()->DoLabel(&Label, Localize("New name:"), 18.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); static float s_Offset = 0.0f; if(UIEx()->DoEditBox(&s_Offset, &TextBox, m_aCurrentDemoFile, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile), 12.0f, &s_Offset)) { m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint[0] = '\0'; } } // handle keyboard shortcuts independent of active menu if(m_pClient->m_GameConsole.IsClosed() && m_DemoPlayerState == DEMOPLAYER_NONE && g_Config.m_ClDemoKeyboardShortcuts) { // increase/decrease speed if(!Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LSHIFT) && !Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) { if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_UP)) { DemoPlayer()->SetSpeedIndex(+1); LastSpeedChange = time_get(); } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_DOWN)) { DemoPlayer()->SetSpeedIndex(-1); LastSpeedChange = time_get(); } } // pause/unpause if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_SPACE) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_RETURN) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_K)) { if(pInfo->m_Paused) { DemoPlayer()->Unpause(); } else { DemoPlayer()->Pause(); } } // seek backward/forward 10/5 seconds if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_J)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekTime(-10.0f); } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_L)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekTime(10.0f); } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_LEFT)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekTime(-5.0f); } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_RIGHT)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekTime(5.0f); } // seek to 0-90% const int SeekPercentKeys[] = {KEY_0, KEY_1, KEY_2, KEY_3, KEY_4, KEY_5, KEY_6, KEY_7, KEY_8, KEY_9}; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(SeekPercentKeys) / sizeof(SeekPercentKeys[0]); i++) { if(Input()->KeyPress(SeekPercentKeys[i])) { DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(i * 0.1f); break; } } // seek to the beginning/end if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_HOME)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(0.0f); } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_END)) { DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(1.0f); } } TotalHeight = SeekBarHeight + ButtonbarHeight + NameBarHeight + Margins * 3; // render speed info if(g_Config.m_ClDemoShowSpeed && time_get() - LastSpeedChange < time_freq() * 1) { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); char aSpeedBuf[256]; str_format(aSpeedBuf, sizeof(aSpeedBuf), "×%.2f", pInfo->m_Speed); TextRender()->Text(0, 120.0f, Screen.y + Screen.h - 120.0f - TotalHeight, 60.0f, aSpeedBuf, -1.0f); } if(!m_MenuActive) return; MainView.HSplitBottom(TotalHeight, 0, &MainView); MainView.VSplitLeft(50.0f, 0, &MainView); MainView.VSplitLeft(450.0f, &MainView, 0); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&MainView, ms_ColorTabbarActive, CUI::CORNER_T, 10.0f); MainView.Margin(5.0f, &MainView); CUIRect SeekBar, ButtonBar, NameBar; int CurrentTick = pInfo->m_CurrentTick - pInfo->m_FirstTick; int TotalTicks = pInfo->m_LastTick - pInfo->m_FirstTick; MainView.HSplitTop(SeekBarHeight, &SeekBar, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.HSplitTop(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.HSplitBottom(NameBarHeight, &ButtonBar, &NameBar); NameBar.HSplitTop(4.0f, 0, &NameBar); // do seekbar { static int s_SeekBarID = 0; void *id = &s_SeekBarID; char aBuffer[128]; // draw seek bar RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&SeekBar, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); // draw filled bar float Amount = CurrentTick / (float)TotalTicks; CUIRect FilledBar = SeekBar; FilledBar.w = 10.0f + (FilledBar.w - 10.0f) * Amount; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&FilledBar, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); // draw markers for(int i = 0; i < pInfo->m_NumTimelineMarkers; i++) { float Ratio = (pInfo->m_aTimelineMarkers[i] - pInfo->m_FirstTick) / (float)TotalTicks; Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(SeekBar.x + (SeekBar.w - 10.0f) * Ratio, SeekBar.y, UI()->PixelSize(), SeekBar.h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // draw slice markers // begin if(g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceBegin != -1) { float Ratio = (g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceBegin - pInfo->m_FirstTick) / (float)TotalTicks; Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(10.0f + SeekBar.x + (SeekBar.w - 10.0f) * Ratio, SeekBar.y, UI()->PixelSize(), SeekBar.h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // end if(g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceEnd != -1) { float Ratio = (g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceEnd - pInfo->m_FirstTick) / (float)TotalTicks; Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(10.0f + SeekBar.x + (SeekBar.w - 10.0f) * Ratio, SeekBar.y, UI()->PixelSize(), SeekBar.h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // draw time char aCurrentTime[32]; str_time((int64_t)CurrentTick / SERVER_TICK_SPEED * 100, TIME_HOURS, aCurrentTime, sizeof(aCurrentTime)); char aTotalTime[32]; str_time((int64_t)TotalTicks / SERVER_TICK_SPEED * 100, TIME_HOURS, aTotalTime, sizeof(aTotalTime)); str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%s / %s", aCurrentTime, aTotalTime); UI()->DoLabel(&SeekBar, aBuffer, SeekBar.h * 0.70f, TEXTALIGN_CENTER); // do the logic int Inside = UI()->MouseInside(&SeekBar); if(UI()->ActiveItem() == id) { if(!UI()->MouseButton(0)) UI()->SetActiveItem(0); else { static float PrevAmount = 0.0f; float Amount = (UI()->MouseX() - SeekBar.x) / SeekBar.w; if(Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) { Amount = PrevAmount + (Amount - PrevAmount) * 0.05f; if(Amount > 0.0f && Amount < 1.0f && absolute(PrevAmount - Amount) >= 0.0001f) { //PrevAmount = Amount; m_pClient->m_SuppressEvents = true; DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(Amount); m_pClient->m_SuppressEvents = false; m_pClient->m_MapLayersBackGround.EnvelopeUpdate(); m_pClient->m_MapLayersForeGround.EnvelopeUpdate(); } } else { if(Amount > 0.0f && Amount < 1.0f && absolute(PrevAmount - Amount) >= 0.001f) { PrevAmount = Amount; m_pClient->m_SuppressEvents = true; DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(Amount); m_pClient->m_SuppressEvents = false; m_pClient->m_MapLayersBackGround.EnvelopeUpdate(); m_pClient->m_MapLayersForeGround.EnvelopeUpdate(); } } } } else if(UI()->HotItem() == id) { if(UI()->MouseButton(0)) UI()->SetActiveItem(id); } if(Inside) UI()->SetHotItem(id); } if(CurrentTick == TotalTicks) { DemoPlayer()->Pause(); DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(0.0f); } bool IncreaseDemoSpeed = false, DecreaseDemoSpeed = false; // do buttons CUIRect Button; // combined play and pause button ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_PlayPauseButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_PlayPauseButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS, pInfo->m_Paused ? SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_PLAY : SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_PAUSE, false, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) { if(pInfo->m_Paused) { DemoPlayer()->Unpause(); } else { DemoPlayer()->Pause(); } } // stop button ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_ResetButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_ResetButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS, SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_STOP, false, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) { DemoPlayer()->Pause(); DemoPlayer()->SeekPercent(0.0f); } // slowdown ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_SlowDownButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_SlowDownButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS, SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_SLOWER, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) DecreaseDemoSpeed = true; // fastforward ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_FastForwardButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_FastForwardButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS, SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_FASTER, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) IncreaseDemoSpeed = true; // speed meter ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins * 3, 0, &ButtonBar); char aBuffer[64]; str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "×%g", pInfo->m_Speed); UI()->DoLabel(&ButtonBar, aBuffer, Button.h * 0.7f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); // slice begin button ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins * 10, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_SliceBeginButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_SliceBeginButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS2, SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_SLICE_BEGIN, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) Client()->DemoSliceBegin(); // slice end button ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_SliceEndButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_SliceEndButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS2, SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_SLICE_END, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) Client()->DemoSliceEnd(); // slice save button ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(Margins, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(ButtonbarHeight, &Button, &ButtonBar); static int s_SliceSaveButton = 0; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_SliceSaveButton, IMAGE_FILEICONS, SPRITE_FILE_DEMO2, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) { str_copy(m_aCurrentDemoFile, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile)); m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint[0] = '\0'; m_DemoPlayerState = DEMOPLAYER_SLICE_SAVE; } // close button ButtonBar.VSplitRight(ButtonbarHeight * 3, &ButtonBar, &Button); static int s_ExitButton = 0; if(DoButton_DemoPlayer(&s_ExitButton, Localize("Close"), 0, &Button) || (Input()->KeyPress(KEY_C) && m_pClient->m_GameConsole.IsClosed() && m_DemoPlayerState == DEMOPLAYER_NONE)) { Client()->Disconnect(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } // toggle keyboard shortcuts button ButtonBar.VSplitRight(Margins * 3, &ButtonBar, 0); ButtonBar.VSplitRight(ButtonbarHeight, &ButtonBar, &Button); static int s_KeyboardShortcutsButton = 0; int Sprite = g_Config.m_ClDemoKeyboardShortcuts ? SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED : SPRITE_DEMOBUTTON_SHORTCUTS_DISABLED; if(DoButton_Sprite(&s_KeyboardShortcutsButton, IMAGE_DEMOBUTTONS2, Sprite, 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_ALL)) { g_Config.m_ClDemoKeyboardShortcuts ^= 1; } // demo name char aDemoName[64] = {0}; DemoPlayer()->GetDemoName(aDemoName, sizeof(aDemoName)); char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("Demofile: %s"), aDemoName); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, NameBar.x, NameBar.y + (NameBar.h - (Button.h * 0.5f)) / 2.f, Button.h * 0.5f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER | TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END); Cursor.m_LineWidth = MainView.w; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aBuf, -1); if(IncreaseDemoSpeed) { DemoPlayer()->SetSpeedIndex(+1); LastSpeedChange = time_get(); } else if(DecreaseDemoSpeed) { DemoPlayer()->SetSpeedIndex(-1); LastSpeedChange = time_get(); } } static CUIRect gs_ListBoxOriginalView; static CUIRect gs_ListBoxView; static float gs_ListBoxRowHeight; static int gs_ListBoxItemIndex; static int gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex; static int gs_ListBoxNewSelected; static int gs_ListBoxDoneEvents; static int gs_ListBoxNumItems; static int gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow; static float gs_ListBoxScrollValue; static bool gs_ListBoxItemActivated; static bool gs_ListBoxClicked; void CMenus::UiDoListboxStart(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float RowHeight, const char *pTitle, const char *pBottomText, int NumItems, int ItemsPerRow, int SelectedIndex, float ScrollValue, bool LogicOnly) { CUIRect Scroll, Row; CUIRect View = *pRect; if(!LogicOnly) { // background RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&View, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.15f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); } View.VSplitRight(20.0f, &View, &Scroll); // setup the variables gs_ListBoxOriginalView = View; gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex = SelectedIndex; gs_ListBoxNewSelected = SelectedIndex; gs_ListBoxItemIndex = 0; gs_ListBoxRowHeight = RowHeight; gs_ListBoxNumItems = NumItems; gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow = ItemsPerRow; gs_ListBoxDoneEvents = 0; gs_ListBoxScrollValue = ScrollValue; gs_ListBoxItemActivated = false; gs_ListBoxClicked = false; // do the scrollbar View.HSplitTop(gs_ListBoxRowHeight, &Row, 0); int NumViewable = (int)(gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h / Row.h) * gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow; //int Num = (NumItems + gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - 1) / gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - NumViewable + 1; int Num = ceil((NumItems - NumViewable) / (float)gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow); if(Num <= 0) { Num = 0; } else { if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) && UI()->MouseInside(&View)) gs_ListBoxScrollValue -= Num == 1 ? 0.1f : 3.0f / Num; if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN) && UI()->MouseInside(&View)) gs_ListBoxScrollValue += Num == 1 ? 0.1f : 3.0f / Num; } if(Num == 0) gs_ListBoxScrollValue = 0; else gs_ListBoxScrollValue = UIEx()->DoScrollbarV(pID, &Scroll, gs_ListBoxScrollValue); // the list gs_ListBoxView = gs_ListBoxOriginalView; gs_ListBoxView.VMargin(5.0f, &gs_ListBoxView); UI()->ClipEnable(&gs_ListBoxView); gs_ListBoxView.y -= gs_ListBoxScrollValue * Num * Row.h; } CMenus::CListboxItem CMenus::UiDoListboxNextRow() { static CUIRect s_RowView; CListboxItem Item = {0}; if(gs_ListBoxItemIndex % gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow == 0) gs_ListBoxView.HSplitTop(gs_ListBoxRowHeight /*-2.0f*/, &s_RowView, &gs_ListBoxView); s_RowView.VSplitLeft(s_RowView.w / (gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - gs_ListBoxItemIndex % gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow) / (UI()->Scale()), &Item.m_Rect, &s_RowView); Item.m_Visible = 1; //item.rect = row; Item.m_HitRect = Item.m_Rect; //CUIRect select_hit_box = item.rect; if(gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex == gs_ListBoxItemIndex) Item.m_Selected = 1; // make sure that only those in view can be selected if(Item.m_Rect.y + Item.m_Rect.h > gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y) { if(Item.m_HitRect.y < Item.m_HitRect.y) // clip the selection { Item.m_HitRect.h -= gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y - Item.m_HitRect.y; Item.m_HitRect.y = gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y; } } else Item.m_Visible = 0; // check if we need to do more if(Item.m_Rect.y > gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y + gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h) Item.m_Visible = 0; gs_ListBoxItemIndex++; return Item; } CMenus::CListboxItem CMenus::UiDoListboxNextItem(const void *pId, bool Selected, bool KeyEvents, bool NoHoverEffects) { int ThisItemIndex = gs_ListBoxItemIndex; if(Selected) { if(gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex == gs_ListBoxNewSelected) gs_ListBoxNewSelected = ThisItemIndex; gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex = ThisItemIndex; } CListboxItem Item = UiDoListboxNextRow(); CUIRect HitRect = Item.m_HitRect; if(HitRect.y < gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y) { float TmpDiff = gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y - HitRect.y; HitRect.y = gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y; HitRect.h -= TmpDiff; } HitRect.h = minimum(HitRect.h, (gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y + gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h) - HitRect.y); if(Item.m_Visible && UI()->DoButtonLogic(pId, "", gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex == gs_ListBoxItemIndex, &HitRect)) { gs_ListBoxClicked = true; gs_ListBoxNewSelected = ThisItemIndex; } // process input, regard selected index if(gs_ListBoxSelectedIndex == ThisItemIndex) { if(!gs_ListBoxDoneEvents) { gs_ListBoxDoneEvents = 1; if(m_EnterPressed || (UI()->ActiveItem() == pId && Input()->MouseDoubleClick())) { gs_ListBoxItemActivated = true; UI()->SetActiveItem(0); } else if(KeyEvents) { for(int i = 0; i < m_NumInputEvents; i++) { int NewIndex = -1; if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS) { if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_DOWN) NewIndex = gs_ListBoxNewSelected + 1; else if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_UP) NewIndex = gs_ListBoxNewSelected - 1; else if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_PAGEUP) NewIndex = maximum(gs_ListBoxNewSelected - 20, 0); else if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_PAGEDOWN) NewIndex = minimum(gs_ListBoxNewSelected + 20, gs_ListBoxNumItems - 1); else if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_HOME) NewIndex = 0; else if(m_aInputEvents[i].m_Key == KEY_END) NewIndex = gs_ListBoxNumItems - 1; } if(NewIndex > -1 && NewIndex < gs_ListBoxNumItems) { // scroll float Offset = (NewIndex / gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - gs_ListBoxNewSelected / gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow) * gs_ListBoxRowHeight; int Scroll = gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y > Item.m_Rect.y + Offset ? -1 : gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y + gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h < Item.m_Rect.y + Item.m_Rect.h + Offset ? 1 : 0; if(Scroll) { int NumViewable = (int)(gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h / gs_ListBoxRowHeight) + 1; int ScrollNum = (gs_ListBoxNumItems + gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - 1) / gs_ListBoxItemsPerRow - NumViewable + 1; if(Scroll < 0) { int Num = (gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y - Item.m_Rect.y - Offset + gs_ListBoxRowHeight - 1.0f) / gs_ListBoxRowHeight; gs_ListBoxScrollValue -= (1.0f / ScrollNum) * Num; } else { int Num = (Item.m_Rect.y + Item.m_Rect.h + Offset - (gs_ListBoxOriginalView.y + gs_ListBoxOriginalView.h) + gs_ListBoxRowHeight - 1.0f) / gs_ListBoxRowHeight; gs_ListBoxScrollValue += (1.0f / ScrollNum) * Num; } if(gs_ListBoxScrollValue < 0.0f) gs_ListBoxScrollValue = 0.0f; if(gs_ListBoxScrollValue > 1.0f) gs_ListBoxScrollValue = 1.0f; } gs_ListBoxNewSelected = NewIndex; } } } } //selected_index = i; CUIRect r = Item.m_Rect; r.Margin(1.5f, &r); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&r, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 4.0f); } else if(UI()->MouseInside(&HitRect) && !NoHoverEffects) { CUIRect r = Item.m_Rect; r.Margin(1.5f, &r); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&r, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.25f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 4.0f); } return Item; } int CMenus::UiDoListboxEnd(float *pScrollValue, bool *pItemActivated, bool *pListBoxActive) { UI()->ClipDisable(); if(pScrollValue) *pScrollValue = gs_ListBoxScrollValue; if(pItemActivated) *pItemActivated = gs_ListBoxItemActivated; if(pListBoxActive) *pListBoxActive = gs_ListBoxClicked; return gs_ListBoxNewSelected; } int CMenus::UiLogicGetCurrentClickedItem() { if(gs_ListBoxClicked) return gs_ListBoxNewSelected; else return -1; } int CMenus::DemolistFetchCallback(const CFsFileInfo *pInfo, int IsDir, int StorageType, void *pUser) { CMenus *pSelf = (CMenus *)pUser; if(str_comp(pInfo->m_pName, ".") == 0 || (str_comp(pInfo->m_pName, "..") == 0 && str_comp(pSelf->m_aCurrentDemoFolder, "demos") == 0) || (!IsDir && !str_endswith(pInfo->m_pName, ".demo"))) { return 0; } CDemoItem Item; str_copy(Item.m_aFilename, pInfo->m_pName, sizeof(Item.m_aFilename)); if(IsDir) { str_format(Item.m_aName, sizeof(Item.m_aName), "%s/", pInfo->m_pName); Item.m_InfosLoaded = false; Item.m_Valid = false; Item.m_Date = 0; } else { str_truncate(Item.m_aName, sizeof(Item.m_aName), pInfo->m_pName, str_length(pInfo->m_pName) - 5); Item.m_InfosLoaded = false; Item.m_Date = pInfo->m_TimeModified; } Item.m_IsDir = IsDir != 0; Item.m_StorageType = StorageType; pSelf->m_lDemos.add_unsorted(Item); return 0; } void CMenus::DemolistPopulate() { m_lDemos.clear(); if(!str_comp(m_aCurrentDemoFolder, "demos")) m_DemolistStorageType = IStorage::TYPE_ALL; Storage()->ListDirectoryInfo(m_DemolistStorageType, m_aCurrentDemoFolder, DemolistFetchCallback, this); if(g_Config.m_BrDemoFetchInfo) FetchAllHeaders(); m_lDemos.sort_range(); } void CMenus::DemolistOnUpdate(bool Reset) { if(Reset) g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected[0] = '\0'; else { bool Found = false; int SelectedIndex = -1; // search for selected index for(sorted_array::range r = m_lDemos.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) { SelectedIndex++; if(str_comp(g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected, r.front().m_aName) == 0) { Found = true; break; } } if(Found) m_DemolistSelectedIndex = SelectedIndex; } m_DemolistSelectedIndex = Reset ? m_lDemos.size() > 0 ? 0 : -1 : m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= m_lDemos.size() ? m_lDemos.size() - 1 : m_DemolistSelectedIndex; m_DemolistSelectedIsDir = m_DemolistSelectedIndex < 0 ? false : m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_IsDir; } bool CMenus::FetchHeader(CDemoItem &Item) { if(!Item.m_InfosLoaded) { char aBuffer[512]; str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, Item.m_aFilename); Item.m_Valid = DemoPlayer()->GetDemoInfo(Storage(), aBuffer, Item.m_StorageType, &Item.m_Info, &Item.m_TimelineMarkers, &Item.m_MapInfo); Item.m_InfosLoaded = true; } return Item.m_Valid; } void CMenus::FetchAllHeaders() { for(sorted_array::range r = m_lDemos.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) { FetchHeader(r.front()); } m_lDemos.sort_range(); } void CMenus::RenderDemoList(CUIRect MainView) { static int s_Inited = 0; if(!s_Inited) { DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(true); s_Inited = 1; } char aFooterLabel[128] = {0}; if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0) { CDemoItem &Item = m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex]; if(str_comp(Item.m_aFilename, "..") == 0) str_copy(aFooterLabel, Localize("Parent Folder"), sizeof(aFooterLabel)); else if(m_DemolistSelectedIsDir) str_copy(aFooterLabel, Localize("Folder"), sizeof(aFooterLabel)); else if(!FetchHeader(Item)) str_copy(aFooterLabel, Localize("Invalid Demo"), sizeof(aFooterLabel)); else str_copy(aFooterLabel, Localize("Demo details"), sizeof(aFooterLabel)); } // render background RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&MainView, ms_ColorTabbarActive, CUI::CORNER_B, 10.0f); MainView.Margin(10.0f, &MainView); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) CUIRect RenderRect; #endif CUIRect ButtonBar, RefreshRect, FetchRect, PlayRect, DeleteRect, RenameRect, LabelRect, ListBox; CUIRect ButtonBar2, DirectoryButton; MainView.HSplitBottom((ms_ButtonHeight + 5.0f) * 2.0f, &MainView, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar2.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar2.HSplitTop(ms_ButtonHeight, &ButtonBar2, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar2.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &FetchRect, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar2.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar2.VSplitLeft(230.0f, &DirectoryButton, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar2.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar2); ButtonBar.VSplitRight(110.0f, &ButtonBar, &PlayRect); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &RefreshRect, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &DeleteRect, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &RenameRect, &ButtonBar); ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(110.0f, &ButtonBar2, &RenderRect); ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(10.0f, &ButtonBar2, 0); #endif ButtonBar.VSplitLeft(110.0f, &LabelRect, &ButtonBar); MainView.HSplitBottom(140.0f, &ListBox, &MainView); // render demo info MainView.VMargin(5.0f, &MainView); MainView.HSplitBottom(5.0f, &MainView, 0); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&MainView, ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.15f), CUI::CORNER_B, 4.0f); if(!m_DemolistSelectedIsDir && m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0 && m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Valid) { CUIRect Left, Right, Labels; MainView.VMargin(20.0f, &MainView); MainView.HMargin(10.0f, &MainView); MainView.VSplitMid(&Labels, &MainView); // left side Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Created:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); char aTimestamp[256]; str_timestamp_ex(m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Date, aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp), FORMAT_SPACE); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aTimestamp, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Type:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Info.m_aType, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Length:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); int Length = m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].Length(); char aBuf[64]; str_time((int64_t)Length * 100, TIME_HOURS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aBuf, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Version:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Info.m_Version); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aBuf, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Markers:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].NumMarkers()); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aBuf, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); // right side Labels = MainView; Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Map:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Info.m_aMapName, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Size:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); const float Size = m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].Size() / 1024.0f; if(Size > 1024) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("%.2f MiB"), Size / 1024.0f); else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("%.2f KiB"), Size); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aBuf, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); if(m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_MapInfo.m_Sha256 != SHA256_ZEROED) { UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, "SHA256:", 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); char aSha[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE]; sha256_str(m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_MapInfo.m_Sha256, aSha, sizeof(aSha) / 2); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aSha, Right.w > 235 ? 14.0f : 11.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); } else { UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Crc:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%08x", m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_MapInfo.m_Crc); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, aBuf, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); } Labels.HSplitTop(5.0f, 0, &Labels); Labels.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Left, &Labels); Left.VSplitLeft(150.0f, &Left, &Right); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Left, Localize("Netversion:"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Right, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_Info.m_aNetversion, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); } // demo list CUIRect Headers; ListBox.HSplitTop(ms_ListheaderHeight, &Headers, &ListBox); struct CColumn { int m_ID; int m_Sort; CLocConstString m_Caption; int m_Direction; float m_Width; int m_Flags; CUIRect m_Rect; CUIRect m_Spacer; }; enum { COL_ICON = 0, COL_DEMONAME, COL_MARKERS, COL_LENGTH, COL_DATE, }; static CColumn s_aCols[] = { {COL_ICON, -1, " ", -1, 14.0f, 0, {0}, {0}}, {COL_DEMONAME, SORT_DEMONAME, "Demo", 0, 0.0f, 0, {0}, {0}}, {COL_MARKERS, SORT_MARKERS, "Markers", 1, 75.0f, 0, {0}, {0}}, {COL_LENGTH, SORT_LENGTH, "Length", 1, 75.0f, 0, {0}, {0}}, {COL_DATE, SORT_DATE, "Date", 1, 160.0f, 1, {0}, {0}}, }; /* This is just for scripts/update_localization.py to work correctly. Don't remove! Localize("Demo");Localize("Markers");Localize("Length");Localize("Date"); */ RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Headers, ColorRGBA(0.0f, 0, 0, 0.15f), 0, 0); int NumCols = sizeof(s_aCols) / sizeof(CColumn); // do layout for(int i = 0; i < NumCols; i++) { if(s_aCols[i].m_Direction == -1) { Headers.VSplitLeft(s_aCols[i].m_Width, &s_aCols[i].m_Rect, &Headers); if(i + 1 < NumCols) { //Cols[i].flags |= SPACER; Headers.VSplitLeft(2, &s_aCols[i].m_Spacer, &Headers); } } } for(int i = NumCols - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(s_aCols[i].m_Direction == 1) { Headers.VSplitRight(s_aCols[i].m_Width, &Headers, &s_aCols[i].m_Rect); Headers.VSplitRight(2, &Headers, &s_aCols[i].m_Spacer); } } for(int i = 0; i < NumCols; i++) { if(s_aCols[i].m_Direction == 0) s_aCols[i].m_Rect = Headers; } // do headers for(int i = 0; i < NumCols; i++) { if(DoButton_GridHeader(s_aCols[i].m_Caption, Localize(s_aCols[i].m_Caption), g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == s_aCols[i].m_Sort, &s_aCols[i].m_Rect)) { if(s_aCols[i].m_Sort != -1) { if(g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == s_aCols[i].m_Sort) g_Config.m_BrDemoSortOrder ^= 1; else g_Config.m_BrDemoSortOrder = 0; g_Config.m_BrDemoSort = s_aCols[i].m_Sort; } // Don't rescan in order to keep fetched headers, just resort m_lDemos.sort_range(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } } // scrollbar CUIRect Scroll; ListBox.VSplitRight(20.0f, &ListBox, &Scroll); static float s_ScrollValue = 0; s_ScrollValue = UIEx()->DoScrollbarV(&s_ScrollValue, &Scroll, s_ScrollValue); int PreviousIndex = m_DemolistSelectedIndex; HandleListInputs(ListBox, s_ScrollValue, 3.0f, &m_ScrollOffset, s_aCols[0].m_Rect.h, m_DemolistSelectedIndex, m_lDemos.size()); if(PreviousIndex != m_DemolistSelectedIndex) { str_copy(g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aName, sizeof(g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected)); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } // set clipping UI()->ClipEnable(&ListBox); CUIRect OriginalView = ListBox; int Num = (int)(ListBox.h / s_aCols[0].m_Rect.h) + 1; int ScrollNum = maximum(m_lDemos.size() - Num + 1, 0); ListBox.y -= s_ScrollValue * ScrollNum * s_aCols[0].m_Rect.h; int NewSelected = -1; int ItemIndex = -1; for(sorted_array::range r = m_lDemos.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) { ItemIndex++; CUIRect Row; CUIRect SelectHitBox; ListBox.HSplitTop(ms_ListheaderHeight, &Row, &ListBox); SelectHitBox = Row; int Selected = ItemIndex == m_DemolistSelectedIndex; // make sure that only those in view can be selected if(Row.y + Row.h > OriginalView.y && Row.y < OriginalView.y + OriginalView.h) { if(Selected) { CUIRect r = Row; r.Margin(0.5f, &r); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&r, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 4.0f); } else if(UI()->MouseInside(&SelectHitBox)) { CUIRect r = Row; r.Margin(0.5f, &r); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&r, ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.25f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 4.0f); } // clip the selection if(SelectHitBox.y < OriginalView.y) // top { SelectHitBox.h -= OriginalView.y - SelectHitBox.y; SelectHitBox.y = OriginalView.y; } else if(SelectHitBox.y + SelectHitBox.h > OriginalView.y + OriginalView.h) // bottom SelectHitBox.h = OriginalView.y + OriginalView.h - SelectHitBox.y; if(UI()->DoButtonLogic(r.front().m_aName /* TODO: */, "", Selected, &SelectHitBox)) { NewSelected = ItemIndex; str_copy(g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected, r.front().m_aName, sizeof(g_Config.m_UiDemoSelected)); DemolistOnUpdate(false); m_DoubleClickIndex = NewSelected; } } else { // don't render invisible items continue; } for(int c = 0; c < NumCols; c++) { CUIRect Button; Button.x = s_aCols[c].m_Rect.x; Button.y = Row.y; Button.h = Row.h; Button.w = s_aCols[c].m_Rect.w; int ID = s_aCols[c].m_ID; if(ID == COL_ICON) { DoButton_Icon(IMAGE_FILEICONS, r.front().m_IsDir ? SPRITE_FILE_FOLDER : SPRITE_FILE_DEMO1, &Button); } else if(ID == COL_DEMONAME) { CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, Button.x, Button.y + (Button.h - 12.0f * UI()->Scale()) / 2.f, 12.0f * UI()->Scale(), TEXTFLAG_RENDER | TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Button.w; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, r.front().m_aName, -1); } else if(ID == COL_MARKERS && !r.front().m_IsDir && r.front().m_InfosLoaded) { char aBuf[3]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", r.front().NumMarkers()); Button.VMargin(4.0f, &Button); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, aBuf, 12.0f, TEXTALIGN_RIGHT); } else if(ID == COL_LENGTH && !r.front().m_IsDir && r.front().m_InfosLoaded) { int Length = r.front().Length(); char aBuf[32]; str_time((int64_t)Length * 100, TIME_HOURS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); Button.VMargin(4.0f, &Button); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, aBuf, 12.0f, TEXTALIGN_RIGHT); } else if(ID == COL_DATE && !r.front().m_IsDir) { char aBuf[64]; str_timestamp_ex(r.front().m_Date, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), FORMAT_SPACE); Button.VSplitRight(24.0f, &Button, 0); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Button, aBuf, 12.0f, TEXTALIGN_RIGHT); } } } UI()->ClipDisable(); bool Activated = false; if(m_EnterPressed || (NewSelected >= 0 && Input()->MouseDoubleClick())) { UI()->SetActiveItem(0); Activated = true; } static int s_RefreshButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_RefreshButton, Localize("Refresh"), 0, &RefreshRect) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_F5) || (Input()->KeyPress(KEY_R) && Input()->ModifierIsPressed())) { DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } if(DoButton_CheckBox(&g_Config.m_BrDemoFetchInfo, Localize("Fetch Info"), g_Config.m_BrDemoFetchInfo, &FetchRect)) { g_Config.m_BrDemoFetchInfo ^= 1; if(g_Config.m_BrDemoFetchInfo) FetchAllHeaders(); } static int s_PlayButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_PlayButton, m_DemolistSelectedIsDir ? Localize("Open") : Localize("Play", "Demo browser"), 0, &PlayRect) || Activated || (Input()->KeyPress(KEY_P) && m_pClient->m_GameConsole.IsClosed() && m_DemoPlayerState == DEMOPLAYER_NONE)) { if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0) { if(m_DemolistSelectedIsDir) // folder { if(str_comp(m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename, "..") == 0) // parent folder fs_parent_dir(m_aCurrentDemoFolder); else // sub folder { char aTemp[256]; str_copy(aTemp, m_aCurrentDemoFolder, sizeof(aTemp)); str_format(m_aCurrentDemoFolder, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFolder), "%s/%s", aTemp, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename); m_DemolistStorageType = m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_StorageType; } DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(true); } else // file { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename); const char *pError = Client()->DemoPlayer_Play(aBuf, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_StorageType); if(pError) PopupMessage(Localize("Error"), str_comp(pError, "error loading demo") ? pError : Localize("Error loading demo"), Localize("Ok")); else { UI()->SetActiveItem(0); return; } } } } static int s_DirectoryButtonID = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_DirectoryButtonID, Localize("Demos directory"), 0, &DirectoryButton)) { char aBuf[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; Storage()->GetCompletePath(IStorage::TYPE_SAVE, "demos", aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); Storage()->CreateFolder("demos", IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!open_file(aBuf)) { dbg_msg("menus", "couldn't open file"); } } if(!m_DemolistSelectedIsDir) { static int s_DeleteButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_DeleteButton, Localize("Delete"), 0, &DeleteRect) || m_DeletePressed || (Input()->KeyPress(KEY_D) && m_pClient->m_GameConsole.IsClosed())) { if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0) { UI()->SetActiveItem(0); m_Popup = POPUP_DELETE_DEMO; return; } } static int s_RenameButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_RenameButton, Localize("Rename"), 0, &RenameRect)) { if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0) { UI()->SetActiveItem(0); m_Popup = POPUP_RENAME_DEMO; str_copy(m_aCurrentDemoFile, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile)); return; } } #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) static int s_RenderButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_RenderButton, Localize("Render"), 0, &RenderRect) || (Input()->KeyPress(KEY_R) && m_pClient->m_GameConsole.IsClosed())) { if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0) { UI()->SetActiveItem(0); m_Popup = POPUP_RENDER_DEMO; str_copy(m_aCurrentDemoFile, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile)); return; } } #endif } UI()->DoLabelScaled(&LabelRect, aFooterLabel, 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); }