#include #include #include #include "../engine/interface.h" #include "mapres_col.h" // Don't tweak :) const float pi = 3.14159265358979f; #define LERP(a,b,t) (a + (b-a) * t) #define min(a, b) ( a > b ? b : a) #define max(a, b) ( a > b ? a : b) inline baselib::vec2 get_direction(int angle) { float a = angle/256.0f; return baselib::vec2(cosf(a), sinf(a)); } inline float get_angle(baselib::vec2 dir) { float a = atan(dir.y/dir.x); if(dir.x < 0) a = a+pi; return a; } inline bool col_check_point(float x, float y) { return col_check_point((int)x, (int)y); } inline bool col_check_point(baselib::vec2 p) { return col_check_point(p.x, p.y); } // Network stuff enum { OBJTYPE_NULL=0, OBJTYPE_PLAYER, OBJTYPE_PROJECTILE, OBJTYPE_POWERUP, EVENT_EXPLOSION, EVENT_HEALTHMOD, EVENT_SOUND, EVENT_SMOKE, }; enum { EMOTE_NORMAL=0, EMOTE_BLINK, EMOTE_WINK, EMOTE_PAIN, EMOTE_HAPPY, }; struct player_input { int left; int right; int angle; int jump; int fire; int hook; int blink; int activeweapon; }; struct ev_explosion { int x, y; }; struct ev_sound { int x, y; int sound; // if (0x80000000 flag is set -> looping) if (0x40000000 is set -> stop looping }; struct ev_healthmod { int x, y; int amount; }; struct obj_projectile { int type; int x, y; int vx, vy; }; struct obj_powerup { int type; int subtype; int x, y; int vx, vy; }; struct obj_player { int name[8]; int local; int clientid; int health; int armor; int ammocount; int x, y; int vx, vy; int angle; // current active weapon int weapon; // current active modifier int modifier; // num attack ticks left of current attck int attackticks; int attacklen; int visualtimeattack; int score; int emote; int hook_active; int hook_x, hook_y; }; enum { WEAPON_TYPE_GUN = 0, WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET = 1, WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN = 2, WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE = 3, WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS, //WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER = 2, POWERUP_TYPE_HEALTH = 0, POWERUP_TYPE_ARMOR = 1, POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON = 2, POWERUP_TYPE_NINJA = 3, POWERUP_TYPE_TIMEFIELD = 4, POWERUP_TYPE_NUMPOWERUPS, PLAYER_MAXHEALTH = 10, PLAYER_MAXARMOR = 10, MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA = 0, MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD = 1, MODIFIER_NUMMODIFIERS, }; struct mapres_spawnpoint { int x, y; int type; }; struct mapres_item { int x, y; int type; }; enum { MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT=1, MAPRES_ITEM=2, ITEM_NULL=0, ITEM_WEAPON_GUN=0x00010001, ITEM_WEAPON_SHOTGUN=0x00010002, ITEM_WEAPON_ROCKET=0x00010003, ITEM_WEAPON_SNIPER=0x00010004, ITEM_WEAPON_HAMMER=0x00010005, ITEM_HEALTH_1 =0x00020001, ITEM_HEALTH_5 =0x00020005, ITEM_HEALTH_10=0x00020010, ITEM_ARMOR_1=0x00030001, ITEM_ARMOR_5=0x00030005, ITEM_ARMOR_10=0x00030010, ITEM_NINJA=0x00040001, }; // sound categories and stuff enum { SOUND_FIRE_GUN = 0, SOUND_FIRE_SHOTGUN, SOUND_FIRE_ROCKET, SOUND_FIRE_MELEE, SOUND_FIRE_NINJA, // impacts with world SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_GUN, SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_SHOTGUN, SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_ROCKET, // chain ? // Player movement SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_SHORT, SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_LONG, SOUND_PLAYER_SPAWN, SOUND_PLAYER_CHAIN_LOOP, SOUND_PLAYER_CHAIN_IMPACT, SOUND_PLAYER_IMPACT, SOUND_PLAYER_IMPACT_NINJA, SOUND_PLAYER_DIE, SOUND_PLAYER_SWITCHWEAPON, SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP, SOUND_PLAYER_LAND, SOUND_NUMSOUNDS, // extra defs (for future?) SOUND_EQUIP_GUN = SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP, SOUND_EQUIP_ROCKET = SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP, SOUND_EQUIP_SHOTGUN = SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP, SOUND_EQUIP_MELEE = SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP, SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STARTLOOP = 0x80000000, SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STOPLOOP = 0x40000000, SOUND_MASK = ~(SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STARTLOOP | SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STOPLOOP), };