#include // LZW Compressor struct SYM { unsigned char *data; int size; int next; }; struct SYMBOLS { SYM syms[512]; int jumptable[256]; int currentsym; }; static SYMBOLS symbols; // symbol info inline int sym_size(int i) { return symbols.syms[i].size; } inline unsigned char *sym_data(int i) { return symbols.syms[i].data; } static void sym_index(int sym) { int table = symbols.syms[sym].data[0]; symbols.syms[sym].next = symbols.jumptable[table]; symbols.jumptable[table] = sym; } static void sym_unindex(int sym) { int table = symbols.syms[sym].data[0]; int prev = -1; int current = symbols.jumptable[table]; while(current != -1) { if(current == sym) { if(prev != -1) symbols.syms[prev].next = symbols.syms[current].next; else symbols.jumptable[table] = symbols.syms[current].next; break; } prev = current; current = symbols.syms[current].next; } } static int sym_add(unsigned char *sym, long len) { int i = 256+symbols.currentsym; symbols.syms[i].data = sym; symbols.syms[i].size = len; symbols.currentsym = (symbols.currentsym+1)%255; return i; } static int sym_add_and_index(unsigned char *sym, long len) { if(symbols.syms[256+symbols.currentsym].size) sym_unindex(256+symbols.currentsym); int s = sym_add(sym, len); sym_index( s); return s; } static void sym_init() { static unsigned char table[256]; for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { table[i] = i; symbols.syms[i].data = &table[i]; symbols.syms[i].size = 1; symbols.jumptable[i] = -1; } for(int i = 0; i < 512; i++) symbols.syms[i].next = -1; /* // insert some symbols to start with static unsigned char zeros[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //static unsigned char one1[4] = {0,0,0,1}; //static unsigned char one2[4] = {1,0,0,0}; sym_add_and_index(zeros, 2); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 3); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 4); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 5); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 6); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 7); sym_add_and_index(zeros, 8); //sym_add_and_index(one1, 4); //sym_add_and_index(one2, 4);*/ symbols.currentsym = 0; } static int sym_find(unsigned char *data, int size, int avoid) { int best = data[0]; int bestlen = 1; int current = symbols.jumptable[data[0]]; while(current != -1) { if(current != avoid && symbols.syms[current].size <= size && memcmp(data, symbols.syms[current].data, symbols.syms[current].size) == 0) { if(bestlen < symbols.syms[current].size) { bestlen = symbols.syms[current].size; best = current; } } current = symbols.syms[current].next; } return best; } // // compress // long lzw_compress(const void *src_, int size, void *dst_) { unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)src_; unsigned char *end = (unsigned char *)src_+size; unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char *)dst_; long left = (end-src); int lastsym = -1; // init symboltable sym_init(); bool done = false; while(!done) { unsigned char *flagptr = dst; unsigned char flagbits = 0; int b = 0; dst++; // skip a byte where the flags are for(; b < 8; b++) { if(left <= 0) // check for EOF { // write EOF symbol flagbits |= 1< symsize+1) // create new symbol lastsym = sym_add_and_index(src, symsize+1); src += symsize; // advance src left -= symsize; } // write the flags *flagptr = flagbits; } return (long)(dst-(unsigned char*)dst_); } // // decompress // long lzw_decompress(const void *src_, void *dst_) { unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)src_; unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char *)dst_; unsigned char *prevdst = 0; int prevsize = -1; int item; sym_init(); while(1) { unsigned char flagbits = 0; flagbits = *src++; // read flags int b = 0; for(; b < 8; b++) { item = *src++; if(flagbits&(1<