/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "player.h" #include "entities/character.h" #include "gamecontext.h" #include "gamecontroller.h" #include "score.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID_IMPL(CPlayer, MAX_CLIENTS) IServer *CPlayer::Server() const { return m_pGameServer->Server(); } CPlayer::CPlayer(CGameContext *pGameServer, uint32_t UniqueClientID, int ClientID, int Team) : m_UniqueClientID(UniqueClientID) { m_pGameServer = pGameServer; m_ClientID = ClientID; m_Team = GameServer()->m_pController->ClampTeam(Team); m_NumInputs = 0; Reset(); GameServer()->Antibot()->OnPlayerInit(m_ClientID); } CPlayer::~CPlayer() { GameServer()->Antibot()->OnPlayerDestroy(m_ClientID); delete m_pLastTarget; delete m_pCharacter; m_pCharacter = 0; } void CPlayer::Reset() { m_DieTick = Server()->Tick(); m_PreviousDieTick = m_DieTick; m_JoinTick = Server()->Tick(); delete m_pCharacter; m_pCharacter = 0; m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; m_LastActionTick = Server()->Tick(); m_TeamChangeTick = Server()->Tick(); m_LastInvited = 0; m_WeakHookSpawn = false; int *pIdMap = Server()->GetIdMap(m_ClientID); for(int i = 1; i < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { pIdMap[i] = -1; } pIdMap[0] = m_ClientID; // DDRace m_LastCommandPos = 0; m_LastPlaytime = 0; m_ChatScore = 0; m_Moderating = false; m_EyeEmoteEnabled = true; if(Server()->IsSixup(m_ClientID)) m_TimerType = TIMERTYPE_SIXUP; else m_TimerType = (g_Config.m_SvDefaultTimerType == TIMERTYPE_GAMETIMER || g_Config.m_SvDefaultTimerType == TIMERTYPE_GAMETIMER_AND_BROADCAST) ? TIMERTYPE_BROADCAST : g_Config.m_SvDefaultTimerType; m_DefEmote = EMOTE_NORMAL; m_Afk = true; m_LastWhisperTo = -1; m_LastSetSpectatorMode = 0; m_aTimeoutCode[0] = '\0'; delete m_pLastTarget; m_pLastTarget = new CNetObj_PlayerInput({0}); m_LastTargetInit = false; m_TuneZone = 0; m_TuneZoneOld = m_TuneZone; m_Halloween = false; m_FirstPacket = true; m_SendVoteIndex = -1; if(g_Config.m_Events) { time_t RawTime; struct tm *pTimeInfo; time(&RawTime); pTimeInfo = localtime(&RawTime); if((pTimeInfo->tm_mon == 11 && pTimeInfo->tm_mday == 31) || (pTimeInfo->tm_mon == 0 && pTimeInfo->tm_mday == 1)) { // New Year m_DefEmote = EMOTE_HAPPY; } else if((pTimeInfo->tm_mon == 9 && pTimeInfo->tm_mday == 31) || (pTimeInfo->tm_mon == 10 && pTimeInfo->tm_mday == 1)) { // Halloween m_DefEmote = EMOTE_ANGRY; m_Halloween = true; } else { m_DefEmote = EMOTE_NORMAL; } } m_OverrideEmoteReset = -1; GameServer()->Score()->PlayerData(m_ClientID)->Reset(); m_ShowOthers = g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault; m_ShowAll = g_Config.m_SvShowAllDefault; m_ShowDistance = vec2(1200, 800); m_SpecTeam = false; m_NinjaJetpack = false; m_Paused = PAUSE_NONE; m_DND = false; m_LastPause = 0; m_Score.reset(); // Variable initialized: m_Last_Team = 0; m_LastSQLQuery = 0; m_ScoreQueryResult = nullptr; m_ScoreFinishResult = nullptr; int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); int64_t TickSpeed = Server()->TickSpeed(); // If the player joins within ten seconds of the server becoming // non-empty, allow them to vote immediately. This allows players to // vote after map changes or when they join an empty server. // // Otherwise, block voting in the beginning after joining. if(Now > GameServer()->m_NonEmptySince + 10 * TickSpeed) m_FirstVoteTick = Now + g_Config.m_SvJoinVoteDelay * TickSpeed; else m_FirstVoteTick = Now; m_NotEligibleForFinish = false; m_EligibleForFinishCheck = 0; m_VotedForPractice = false; m_SwapTargetsClientID = -1; m_BirthdayAnnounced = false; } static int PlayerFlags_SixToSeven(int Flags) { int Seven = 0; if(Flags & PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING) Seven |= protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING; if(Flags & PLAYERFLAG_SCOREBOARD) Seven |= protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_SCOREBOARD; return Seven; } void CPlayer::Tick() { if(m_ScoreQueryResult != nullptr && m_ScoreQueryResult->m_Completed) { ProcessScoreResult(*m_ScoreQueryResult); m_ScoreQueryResult = nullptr; } if(m_ScoreFinishResult != nullptr && m_ScoreFinishResult->m_Completed) { ProcessScoreResult(*m_ScoreFinishResult); m_ScoreFinishResult = nullptr; } bool ClientIngame = Server()->ClientIngame(m_ClientID); #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies && m_ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS - g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { ClientIngame = true; } #endif if(!ClientIngame) return; if(m_ChatScore > 0) m_ChatScore--; Server()->SetClientScore(m_ClientID, m_Score); if(m_Moderating && m_Afk) { m_Moderating = false; GameServer()->SendChatTarget(m_ClientID, "Active moderator mode disabled because you are afk."); if(!GameServer()->PlayerModerating()) GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Server kick/spec votes are no longer actively moderated."); } // do latency stuff { IServer::CClientInfo Info; if(Server()->GetClientInfo(m_ClientID, &Info)) { m_Latency.m_Accum += Info.m_Latency; m_Latency.m_AccumMax = maximum(m_Latency.m_AccumMax, Info.m_Latency); m_Latency.m_AccumMin = minimum(m_Latency.m_AccumMin, Info.m_Latency); } // each second if(Server()->Tick() % Server()->TickSpeed() == 0) { m_Latency.m_Avg = m_Latency.m_Accum / Server()->TickSpeed(); m_Latency.m_Max = m_Latency.m_AccumMax; m_Latency.m_Min = m_Latency.m_AccumMin; m_Latency.m_Accum = 0; m_Latency.m_AccumMin = 1000; m_Latency.m_AccumMax = 0; } } if(Server()->GetNetErrorString(m_ClientID)[0]) { m_Afk = true; char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' would have timed out, but can use timeout protection now", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID)); GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); Server()->ResetNetErrorString(m_ClientID); } if(!GameServer()->m_World.m_Paused) { int EarliestRespawnTick = m_PreviousDieTick + Server()->TickSpeed() * 3; int RespawnTick = maximum(m_DieTick, EarliestRespawnTick) + 2; if(!m_pCharacter && RespawnTick <= Server()->Tick()) m_Spawning = true; if(m_pCharacter) { if(m_pCharacter->IsAlive()) { ProcessPause(); if(!m_Paused) m_ViewPos = m_pCharacter->m_Pos; } else if(!m_pCharacter->IsPaused()) { delete m_pCharacter; m_pCharacter = 0; } } else if(m_Spawning && !m_WeakHookSpawn) TryRespawn(); } else { ++m_DieTick; ++m_PreviousDieTick; ++m_JoinTick; ++m_LastActionTick; ++m_TeamChangeTick; } m_TuneZoneOld = m_TuneZone; // determine needed tunings with viewpos int CurrentIndex = GameServer()->Collision()->GetMapIndex(m_ViewPos); m_TuneZone = GameServer()->Collision()->IsTune(CurrentIndex); if(m_TuneZone != m_TuneZoneOld) // don't send tunings all the time { GameServer()->SendTuningParams(m_ClientID, m_TuneZone); } if(m_OverrideEmoteReset >= 0 && m_OverrideEmoteReset <= Server()->Tick()) { m_OverrideEmoteReset = -1; } if(m_Halloween && m_pCharacter && !m_pCharacter->IsPaused()) { if(1200 - ((Server()->Tick() - m_pCharacter->GetLastAction()) % (1200)) < 5) { GameServer()->SendEmoticon(GetCID(), EMOTICON_GHOST); } } } void CPlayer::PostTick() { // update latency value if(m_PlayerFlags & PLAYERFLAG_SCOREBOARD) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i] && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS) m_aCurLatency[i] = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->m_Latency.m_Min; } } // update view pos for spectators if((m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS || m_Paused) && m_SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[m_SpectatorID] && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[m_SpectatorID]->GetCharacter()) m_ViewPos = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[m_SpectatorID]->GetCharacter()->m_Pos; } void CPlayer::PostPostTick() { #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(!g_Config.m_DbgDummies || m_ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS - g_Config.m_DbgDummies) #endif if(!Server()->ClientIngame(m_ClientID)) return; if(!GameServer()->m_World.m_Paused && !m_pCharacter && m_Spawning && m_WeakHookSpawn) TryRespawn(); } void CPlayer::Snap(int SnappingClient) { #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(!g_Config.m_DbgDummies || m_ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS - g_Config.m_DbgDummies) #endif if(!Server()->ClientIngame(m_ClientID)) return; int id = m_ClientID; if(!Server()->Translate(id, SnappingClient)) return; CNetObj_ClientInfo *pClientInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pClientInfo) return; StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Name0, 4, Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID)); StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Clan0, 3, Server()->ClientClan(m_ClientID)); pClientInfo->m_Country = Server()->ClientCountry(m_ClientID); StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Skin0, 6, m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinName); pClientInfo->m_UseCustomColor = m_TeeInfos.m_UseCustomColor; pClientInfo->m_ColorBody = m_TeeInfos.m_ColorBody; pClientInfo->m_ColorFeet = m_TeeInfos.m_ColorFeet; int SnappingClientVersion = GameServer()->GetClientVersion(SnappingClient); int Latency = SnappingClient == SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT ? m_Latency.m_Min : GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->m_aCurLatency[m_ClientID]; int Score; // This is the time sent to the player while ingame (do not confuse to the one reported to the master server). // Due to clients expecting this as a negative value, we have to make sure it's negative. // Special numbers: // -9999: means no time and isn't displayed in the scoreboard. if(m_Score.has_value()) { // shift the time by a second if the player actually took 9999 // seconds to finish the map. if(m_Score.value() == 9999) Score = -10000; else Score = -m_Score.value(); } else { Score = -9999; } // send 0 if times of others are not shown if(SnappingClient != m_ClientID && g_Config.m_SvHideScore) Score = -9999; if(!Server()->IsSixup(SnappingClient)) { CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pPlayerInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pPlayerInfo) return; pPlayerInfo->m_Latency = Latency; pPlayerInfo->m_Score = Score; pPlayerInfo->m_Local = (int)(m_ClientID == SnappingClient && (m_Paused != PAUSE_PAUSED || SnappingClientVersion >= VERSION_DDNET_OLD)); pPlayerInfo->m_ClientID = id; pPlayerInfo->m_Team = m_Team; if(SnappingClientVersion < VERSION_DDNET_INDEPENDENT_SPECTATORS_TEAM) { // In older versions the SPECTATORS TEAM was also used if the own player is in PAUSE_PAUSED or if any player is in PAUSE_SPEC. pPlayerInfo->m_Team = (m_Paused != PAUSE_PAUSED || m_ClientID != SnappingClient) && m_Paused < PAUSE_SPEC ? m_Team : TEAM_SPECTATORS; } } else { protocol7::CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pPlayerInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pPlayerInfo) return; pPlayerInfo->m_PlayerFlags = PlayerFlags_SixToSeven(m_PlayerFlags); if(SnappingClientVersion >= VERSION_DDRACE && (m_PlayerFlags & PLAYERFLAG_AIM)) pPlayerInfo->m_PlayerFlags |= protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_AIM; if(Server()->ClientAuthed(m_ClientID)) pPlayerInfo->m_PlayerFlags |= protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_ADMIN; // Times are in milliseconds for 0.7 pPlayerInfo->m_Score = Score == -9999 ? -1 : -Score * 1000; pPlayerInfo->m_Latency = Latency; } if(m_ClientID == SnappingClient && (m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS || m_Paused)) { if(!Server()->IsSixup(SnappingClient)) { CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *pSpectatorInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(m_ClientID); if(!pSpectatorInfo) return; pSpectatorInfo->m_SpectatorID = m_SpectatorID; pSpectatorInfo->m_X = m_ViewPos.x; pSpectatorInfo->m_Y = m_ViewPos.y; } else { protocol7::CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *pSpectatorInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(m_ClientID); if(!pSpectatorInfo) return; pSpectatorInfo->m_SpecMode = m_SpectatorID == SPEC_FREEVIEW ? protocol7::SPEC_FREEVIEW : protocol7::SPEC_PLAYER; pSpectatorInfo->m_SpectatorID = m_SpectatorID; pSpectatorInfo->m_X = m_ViewPos.x; pSpectatorInfo->m_Y = m_ViewPos.y; } } CNetObj_DDNetPlayer *pDDNetPlayer = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pDDNetPlayer) return; pDDNetPlayer->m_AuthLevel = Server()->GetAuthedState(id); pDDNetPlayer->m_Flags = 0; if(m_Afk) pDDNetPlayer->m_Flags |= EXPLAYERFLAG_AFK; if(m_Paused == PAUSE_SPEC) pDDNetPlayer->m_Flags |= EXPLAYERFLAG_SPEC; if(m_Paused == PAUSE_PAUSED) pDDNetPlayer->m_Flags |= EXPLAYERFLAG_PAUSED; if(Server()->IsSixup(SnappingClient) && m_pCharacter && m_pCharacter->m_DDRaceState == DDRACE_STARTED && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->m_TimerType == TIMERTYPE_SIXUP) { protocol7::CNetObj_PlayerInfoRace *pRaceInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pRaceInfo) return; pRaceInfo->m_RaceStartTick = m_pCharacter->m_StartTime; } bool ShowSpec = m_pCharacter && m_pCharacter->IsPaused() && m_pCharacter->CanSnapCharacter(SnappingClient); if(SnappingClient != SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT) { CPlayer *pSnapPlayer = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]; ShowSpec = ShowSpec && (GameServer()->GetDDRaceTeam(m_ClientID) == GameServer()->GetDDRaceTeam(SnappingClient) || pSnapPlayer->m_ShowOthers == SHOW_OTHERS_ON || (pSnapPlayer->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS || pSnapPlayer->IsPaused())); } if(ShowSpec) { CNetObj_SpecChar *pSpecChar = Server()->SnapNewItem(id); if(!pSpecChar) return; pSpecChar->m_X = m_pCharacter->Core()->m_Pos.x; pSpecChar->m_Y = m_pCharacter->Core()->m_Pos.y; } } void CPlayer::FakeSnap() { if(GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDNET_OLD) return; if(Server()->IsSixup(m_ClientID)) return; int FakeID = VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1; CNetObj_ClientInfo *pClientInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(FakeID); if(!pClientInfo) return; StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Name0, 4, " "); StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Clan0, 3, ""); StrToInts(&pClientInfo->m_Skin0, 6, "default"); if(m_Paused != PAUSE_PAUSED) return; CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pPlayerInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(FakeID); if(!pPlayerInfo) return; pPlayerInfo->m_Latency = m_Latency.m_Min; pPlayerInfo->m_Local = 1; pPlayerInfo->m_ClientID = FakeID; pPlayerInfo->m_Score = -9999; pPlayerInfo->m_Team = TEAM_SPECTATORS; CNetObj_SpectatorInfo *pSpectatorInfo = Server()->SnapNewItem(FakeID); if(!pSpectatorInfo) return; pSpectatorInfo->m_SpectatorID = m_SpectatorID; pSpectatorInfo->m_X = m_ViewPos.x; pSpectatorInfo->m_Y = m_ViewPos.y; } void CPlayer::OnDisconnect() { KillCharacter(); m_Moderating = false; } void CPlayer::OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { // skip the input if chat is active if((m_PlayerFlags & PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING) && (pNewInput->m_PlayerFlags & PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING)) return; AfkTimer(); m_NumInputs++; if(m_pCharacter && !m_Paused) m_pCharacter->OnPredictedInput(pNewInput); // Magic number when we can hope that client has successfully identified itself if(m_NumInputs == 20 && g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestion[0] != '\0' && GetClientVersion() <= VERSION_DDNET_OLD) GameServer()->SendBroadcast(g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestion, m_ClientID); else if(m_NumInputs == 200 && Server()->IsSixup(m_ClientID)) GameServer()->SendBroadcast("This server uses an experimental translation from Teeworlds 0.7 to 0.6. Please report bugs on ddnet.org/discord", m_ClientID); } void CPlayer::OnDirectInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { Server()->SetClientFlags(m_ClientID, pNewInput->m_PlayerFlags); AfkTimer(); if(((!m_pCharacter && m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) || m_Paused) && m_SpectatorID == SPEC_FREEVIEW) m_ViewPos = vec2(pNewInput->m_TargetX, pNewInput->m_TargetY); // check for activity if(mem_comp(pNewInput, m_pLastTarget, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput))) { mem_copy(m_pLastTarget, pNewInput, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)); // Ignore the first direct input and keep the player afk as it is sent automatically if(m_LastTargetInit) UpdatePlaytime(); m_LastActionTick = Server()->Tick(); m_LastTargetInit = true; } } void CPlayer::OnPredictedEarlyInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { m_PlayerFlags = pNewInput->m_PlayerFlags; if(!m_pCharacter && m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS && (pNewInput->m_Fire & 1)) m_Spawning = true; // skip the input if chat is active if(m_PlayerFlags & PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING) return; if(m_pCharacter && !m_Paused) m_pCharacter->OnDirectInput(pNewInput); } int CPlayer::GetClientVersion() const { return m_pGameServer->GetClientVersion(m_ClientID); } CCharacter *CPlayer::GetCharacter() { if(m_pCharacter && m_pCharacter->IsAlive()) return m_pCharacter; return 0; } void CPlayer::KillCharacter(int Weapon, bool SendKillMsg) { if(m_pCharacter) { m_pCharacter->Die(m_ClientID, Weapon, SendKillMsg); delete m_pCharacter; m_pCharacter = 0; } } void CPlayer::Respawn(bool WeakHook) { if(m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) { m_WeakHookSpawn = WeakHook; m_Spawning = true; } } CCharacter *CPlayer::ForceSpawn(vec2 Pos) { m_Spawning = false; m_pCharacter = new(m_ClientID) CCharacter(&GameServer()->m_World, GameServer()->GetLastPlayerInput(m_ClientID)); m_pCharacter->Spawn(this, Pos); m_Team = 0; return m_pCharacter; } void CPlayer::SetTeam(int Team, bool DoChatMsg) { KillCharacter(); m_Team = Team; m_LastSetTeam = Server()->Tick(); m_LastActionTick = Server()->Tick(); m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_Team Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = m_ClientID; Msg.m_Team = m_Team; Msg.m_Silent = !DoChatMsg; Msg.m_CooldownTick = m_LastSetTeam + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvTeamChangeDelay; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, -1); if(Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { // update spectator modes for(auto &pPlayer : GameServer()->m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer && pPlayer->m_SpectatorID == m_ClientID) pPlayer->m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; } } } bool CPlayer::SetTimerType(int TimerType) { if(TimerType == TIMERTYPE_DEFAULT) { if(Server()->IsSixup(m_ClientID)) m_TimerType = TIMERTYPE_SIXUP; else SetTimerType(g_Config.m_SvDefaultTimerType); return true; } if(Server()->IsSixup(m_ClientID)) { if(TimerType == TIMERTYPE_SIXUP || TimerType == TIMERTYPE_NONE) { m_TimerType = TimerType; return true; } else return false; } if(TimerType == TIMERTYPE_GAMETIMER) { if(GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDNET_GAMETICK) m_TimerType = TimerType; else return false; } else if(TimerType == TIMERTYPE_GAMETIMER_AND_BROADCAST) { if(GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDNET_GAMETICK) m_TimerType = TimerType; else { m_TimerType = TIMERTYPE_BROADCAST; return false; } } else m_TimerType = TimerType; return true; } void CPlayer::TryRespawn() { vec2 SpawnPos; if(!GameServer()->m_pController->CanSpawn(m_Team, &SpawnPos, GameServer()->GetDDRaceTeam(m_ClientID))) return; m_WeakHookSpawn = false; m_Spawning = false; m_pCharacter = new(m_ClientID) CCharacter(&GameServer()->m_World, GameServer()->GetLastPlayerInput(m_ClientID)); m_ViewPos = SpawnPos; m_pCharacter->Spawn(this, SpawnPos); GameServer()->CreatePlayerSpawn(SpawnPos, GameServer()->m_pController->GetMaskForPlayerWorldEvent(m_ClientID)); if(g_Config.m_SvTeam == SV_TEAM_FORCED_SOLO) m_pCharacter->SetSolo(true); } void CPlayer::UpdatePlaytime() { m_LastPlaytime = time_get(); } void CPlayer::AfkTimer() { m_Afk = g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkTime != 0 && m_LastPlaytime < time_get() - time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkTime; } void CPlayer::SetAfk(bool Afk) { if(g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkTime == 0) { m_Afk = false; return; } m_Afk = Afk; // Ensure that the AFK state is not reset again automatically if(Afk) m_LastPlaytime = time_get() - time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvMaxAfkTime - 1; else m_LastPlaytime = time_get(); } int CPlayer::GetDefaultEmote() const { if(m_OverrideEmoteReset >= 0) return m_OverrideEmote; return m_DefEmote; } void CPlayer::OverrideDefaultEmote(int Emote, int Tick) { m_OverrideEmote = Emote; m_OverrideEmoteReset = Tick; m_LastEyeEmote = Server()->Tick(); } bool CPlayer::CanOverrideDefaultEmote() const { return m_LastEyeEmote == 0 || m_LastEyeEmote + (int64_t)g_Config.m_SvEyeEmoteChangeDelay * Server()->TickSpeed() < Server()->Tick(); } void CPlayer::ProcessPause() { if(m_ForcePauseTime && m_ForcePauseTime < Server()->Tick()) { m_ForcePauseTime = 0; Pause(PAUSE_NONE, true); } if(m_Paused == PAUSE_SPEC && !m_pCharacter->IsPaused() && m_pCharacter->IsGrounded() && m_pCharacter->m_Pos == m_pCharacter->m_PrevPos) { m_pCharacter->Pause(true); GameServer()->CreateDeath(m_pCharacter->m_Pos, m_ClientID, GameServer()->m_pController->GetMaskForPlayerWorldEvent(m_ClientID)); GameServer()->CreateSound(m_pCharacter->m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_DIE, GameServer()->m_pController->GetMaskForPlayerWorldEvent(m_ClientID)); } } int CPlayer::Pause(int State, bool Force) { if(State < PAUSE_NONE || State > PAUSE_SPEC) // Invalid pause state passed return 0; if(!m_pCharacter) return 0; char aBuf[128]; if(State != m_Paused) { // Get to wanted state switch(State) { case PAUSE_PAUSED: case PAUSE_NONE: if(m_pCharacter->IsPaused()) // First condition might be unnecessary { if(!Force && m_LastPause && m_LastPause + (int64_t)g_Config.m_SvSpecFrequency * Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick()) { GameServer()->SendChatTarget(m_ClientID, "Can't /spec that quickly."); return m_Paused; // Do not update state. Do not collect $200 } m_pCharacter->Pause(false); m_ViewPos = m_pCharacter->m_Pos; GameServer()->CreatePlayerSpawn(m_pCharacter->m_Pos, GameServer()->m_pController->GetMaskForPlayerWorldEvent(m_ClientID)); } [[fallthrough]]; case PAUSE_SPEC: if(g_Config.m_SvPauseMessages) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), (State > PAUSE_NONE) ? "'%s' speced" : "'%s' resumed", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID)); GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); } break; } // Update state m_Paused = State; m_LastPause = Server()->Tick(); // Sixup needs a teamchange protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_Team Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = m_ClientID; Msg.m_CooldownTick = Server()->Tick(); Msg.m_Silent = true; Msg.m_Team = m_Paused ? protocol7::TEAM_SPECTATORS : m_Team; GameServer()->Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, m_ClientID); } return m_Paused; } int CPlayer::ForcePause(int Time) { m_ForcePauseTime = Server()->Tick() + Server()->TickSpeed() * Time; if(g_Config.m_SvPauseMessages) { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' was force-paused for %ds", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID), Time); GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); } return Pause(PAUSE_SPEC, true); } int CPlayer::IsPaused() { return m_ForcePauseTime ? m_ForcePauseTime : -1 * m_Paused; } bool CPlayer::IsPlaying() { return m_pCharacter && m_pCharacter->IsAlive(); } void CPlayer::SpectatePlayerName(const char *pName) { if(!pName) return; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(i != m_ClientID && Server()->ClientIngame(i) && !str_comp(pName, Server()->ClientName(i))) { m_SpectatorID = i; return; } } } void CPlayer::ProcessScoreResult(CScorePlayerResult &Result) { if(Result.m_Success) // SQL request was successful { switch(Result.m_MessageKind) { case CScorePlayerResult::DIRECT: for(auto &aMessage : Result.m_Data.m_aaMessages) { if(aMessage[0] == 0) break; GameServer()->SendChatTarget(m_ClientID, aMessage); } break; case CScorePlayerResult::ALL: { bool PrimaryMessage = true; for(auto &aMessage : Result.m_Data.m_aaMessages) { if(aMessage[0] == 0) break; if(GameServer()->ProcessSpamProtection(m_ClientID) && PrimaryMessage) break; GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aMessage, -1); PrimaryMessage = false; } break; } case CScorePlayerResult::BROADCAST: if(Result.m_Data.m_aBroadcast[0] != 0) GameServer()->SendBroadcast(Result.m_Data.m_aBroadcast, -1); break; case CScorePlayerResult::MAP_VOTE: GameServer()->m_VoteType = CGameContext::VOTE_TYPE_OPTION; GameServer()->m_LastMapVote = time_get(); char aCmd[256]; str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "sv_reset_file types/%s/flexreset.cfg; change_map \"%s\"", Result.m_Data.m_MapVote.m_aServer, Result.m_Data.m_MapVote.m_aMap); char aChatmsg[512]; str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called vote to change server option '%s' (%s)", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID), Result.m_Data.m_MapVote.m_aMap, "/map"); GameServer()->CallVote(m_ClientID, Result.m_Data.m_MapVote.m_aMap, aCmd, "/map", aChatmsg); break; case CScorePlayerResult::PLAYER_INFO: if(Result.m_Data.m_Info.m_Time.has_value()) GameServer()->Score()->PlayerData(m_ClientID)->Set(Result.m_Data.m_Info.m_Time.value(), Result.m_Data.m_Info.m_aTimeCp); m_Score = Result.m_Data.m_Info.m_Time; Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); int Birthday = Result.m_Data.m_Info.m_Birthday; if(Birthday != 0 && !m_BirthdayAnnounced) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Happy DDNet birthday to %s for finishing their first map %d year%s ago!", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID), Birthday, Birthday > 1 ? "s" : ""); GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf, m_ClientID); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Happy DDNet birthday, %s!\nYou have finished your first map exactly %d year%s ago!", Server()->ClientName(m_ClientID), Birthday, Birthday > 1 ? "s" : ""); GameServer()->SendBroadcast(aBuf, m_ClientID); m_BirthdayAnnounced = true; } GameServer()->SendRecord(m_ClientID); break; } } }