/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_CONSOLE_H #define ENGINE_CONSOLE_H #include "kernel.h" class IConsole : public IInterface { MACRO_INTERFACE("console", 0) public: enum { OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD=0, OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN=0, ACCESS_LEVEL_MOD, }; // TODO: rework this interface to reduce the amount of virtual calls class IResult { protected: unsigned m_NumArgs; public: IResult() { m_NumArgs = 0; } virtual ~IResult() {} virtual int GetInteger(unsigned Index) = 0; virtual float GetFloat(unsigned Index) = 0; virtual const char *GetString(unsigned Index) = 0; int NumArguments() const { return m_NumArgs; } }; class CCommandInfo { public: const char *m_pName; const char *m_pHelp; const char *m_pParams; }; typedef void (*FPrintCallback)(const char *pStr, void *pUser); typedef void (*FPossibleCallback)(const char *pCmd, void *pUser); typedef void (*FCommandCallback)(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData); typedef void (*FChainCommandCallback)(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); virtual CCommandInfo *GetCommandInfo(const char *pName, int FlagMask) = 0; virtual void PossibleCommands(const char *pStr, int FlagMask, FPossibleCallback pfnCallback, void *pUser) = 0; virtual void ParseArguments(int NumArgs, const char **ppArguments) = 0; virtual void Register(const char *pName, const char *pParams, int Flags, FCommandCallback pfnFunc, void *pUser, const char *pHelp) = 0; virtual void Chain(const char *pName, FChainCommandCallback pfnChainFunc, void *pUser) = 0; virtual void StoreCommands(bool Store) = 0; virtual bool LineIsValid(const char *pStr) = 0; virtual void ExecuteLine(const char *Sptr) = 0; virtual void ExecuteLineStroked(int Stroke, const char *pStr) = 0; virtual void ExecuteFile(const char *pFilename) = 0; virtual void RegisterPrintCallback(FPrintCallback pfnPrintCallback, void *pUserData) = 0; virtual void Print(int Level, const char *pFrom, const char *pStr) = 0; virtual void SetAccessLevel(int AccessLevel) = 0; }; extern IConsole *CreateConsole(int FlagMask); #endif // FILE_ENGINE_CONSOLE_H