/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "maplayers.h" CMapLayers::CMapLayers(int t) { m_Type = t; m_pLayers = 0; m_CurrentLocalTick = 0; m_LastLocalTick = 0; m_EnvelopeUpdate = false; } void CMapLayers::OnInit() { m_pLayers = Layers(); m_pImages = m_pClient->m_pMapimages; } void CMapLayers::EnvelopeUpdate() { if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { const IDemoPlayer::CInfo *pInfo = DemoPlayer()->BaseInfo(); m_CurrentLocalTick = pInfo->m_CurrentTick; m_LastLocalTick = pInfo->m_CurrentTick; m_EnvelopeUpdate = true; } } void CMapLayers::MapScreenToGroup(float CenterX, float CenterY, CMapItemGroup *pGroup, float Zoom) { float Points[4]; RenderTools()->MapscreenToWorld(CenterX, CenterY, pGroup->m_ParallaxX/100.0f, pGroup->m_ParallaxY/100.0f, pGroup->m_OffsetX, pGroup->m_OffsetY, Graphics()->ScreenAspect(), Zoom, Points); Graphics()->MapScreen(Points[0], Points[1], Points[2], Points[3]); } void CMapLayers::EnvelopeEval(float TimeOffset, int Env, float *pChannels, void *pUser) { CMapLayers *pThis = (CMapLayers *)pUser; pChannels[0] = 0; pChannels[1] = 0; pChannels[2] = 0; pChannels[3] = 0; CEnvPoint *pPoints = 0; { int Start, Num; pThis->m_pLayers->Map()->GetType(MAPITEMTYPE_ENVPOINTS, &Start, &Num); if(Num) pPoints = (CEnvPoint *)pThis->m_pLayers->Map()->GetItem(Start, 0, 0); } int Start, Num; pThis->m_pLayers->Map()->GetType(MAPITEMTYPE_ENVELOPE, &Start, &Num); if(Env >= Num) return; CMapItemEnvelope *pItem = (CMapItemEnvelope *)pThis->m_pLayers->Map()->GetItem(Start+Env, 0, 0); static float s_Time = 0.0f; static float s_LastLocalTime = pThis->Client()->LocalTime(); if(pThis->Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { const IDemoPlayer::CInfo *pInfo = pThis->DemoPlayer()->BaseInfo(); if(!pInfo->m_Paused || pThis->m_EnvelopeUpdate) { if(pThis->m_CurrentLocalTick != pInfo->m_CurrentTick) { pThis->m_LastLocalTick = pThis->m_CurrentLocalTick; pThis->m_CurrentLocalTick = pInfo->m_CurrentTick; } s_Time = mix(pThis->m_LastLocalTick / (float)pThis->Client()->GameTickSpeed(), pThis->m_CurrentLocalTick / (float)pThis->Client()->GameTickSpeed(), pThis->Client()->IntraGameTick()); } pThis->RenderTools()->RenderEvalEnvelope(pPoints+pItem->m_StartPoint, pItem->m_NumPoints, 4, s_Time+TimeOffset, pChannels); } else { if(pThis->m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj) // && !(pThis->m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags&GAMESTATEFLAG_PAUSED)) { if(pItem->m_Version < 2 || pItem->m_Synchronized) { s_Time = mix((pThis->Client()->PrevGameTick()-pThis->m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_RoundStartTick) / (float)pThis->Client()->GameTickSpeed(), (pThis->Client()->GameTick()-pThis->m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_RoundStartTick) / (float)pThis->Client()->GameTickSpeed(), pThis->Client()->IntraGameTick()); } else s_Time += pThis->Client()->LocalTime()-s_LastLocalTime; } pThis->RenderTools()->RenderEvalEnvelope(pPoints+pItem->m_StartPoint, pItem->m_NumPoints, 4, s_Time+TimeOffset, pChannels); s_LastLocalTime = pThis->Client()->LocalTime(); } } struct STmpTile { vec2 m_TopLeft; vec2 m_TopRight; vec2 m_BottomRight; vec2 m_BottomLeft; }; struct STmpTileTexCoord { STmpTileTexCoord() { m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[0] = m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[1] = 0; m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[0] = 0; m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[1] = 1; m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[0] = 1; m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[1] = 0; m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[0] = m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[1] = 1; } unsigned char m_TexCoordTopLeft[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordTopRight[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordBottomRight[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordBottomLeft[2]; unsigned char m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[2]; }; void FillTmpTileSpeedup(STmpTile* pTmpTile, STmpTileTexCoord* pTmpTex, unsigned char Flags, unsigned char Index, int x, int y, int Scale, CMapItemGroup* pGroup, short AngleRotate) { if(pTmpTex) { unsigned char x0 = 0; unsigned char y0 = 0; unsigned char x1 = 16; unsigned char y1 = 0; unsigned char x2 = 16; unsigned char y2 = 16; unsigned char x3 = 0; unsigned char y3 = 16; unsigned char bx0 = 0; unsigned char by0 = 0; unsigned char bx1 = 1; unsigned char by1 = 0; unsigned char bx2 = 1; unsigned char by2 = 1; unsigned char bx3 = 0; unsigned char by3 = 1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeft[0] = x0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeft[1] = y0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeft[0] = x3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeft[1] = y3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRight[0] = x1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRight[1] = y1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRight[0] = x2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRight[1] = y2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[0] = bx0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[1] = by0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[0] = bx3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[1] = by3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[0] = bx1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[1] = by1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[0] = bx2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[1] = by2; } //same as in rotate from Graphics() float Angle = (float)AngleRotate*(3.14159265f/180.0f); float c = cosf(Angle); float s = sinf(Angle); float xR, yR; int i; int ScaleSmaller = 2; pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.x = x*Scale + ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.y = y*Scale + ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_BottomLeft.x = x*Scale + ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_BottomLeft.y = y*Scale + Scale - ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_TopRight.x = x*Scale + Scale - ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_TopRight.y = y*Scale + ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_BottomRight.x = x*Scale + Scale - ScaleSmaller; pTmpTile->m_BottomRight.y = y*Scale + Scale - ScaleSmaller; float* pTmpTileVertices = (float*)pTmpTile; vec2 Center; Center.x = pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.x + (Scale-ScaleSmaller)/2.f; Center.y = pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.y + (Scale-ScaleSmaller)/2.f; for(i = 0; i < 4*2; i++) { xR = pTmpTileVertices[i*2] - Center.x; yR = pTmpTileVertices[i*2+1] - Center.y; pTmpTileVertices[i*2] = xR * c - yR * s + Center.x; pTmpTileVertices[i*2+1] = xR * s + yR * c + Center.y; } } void FillTmpTile(STmpTile* pTmpTile, STmpTileTexCoord* pTmpTex, unsigned char Flags, unsigned char Index, int x, int y, int Scale, CMapItemGroup* pGroup) { if(pTmpTex) { unsigned char tx = Index%16; unsigned char ty = Index/16; unsigned char x0 = tx; unsigned char y0 = ty; unsigned char x1 = tx+1; unsigned char y1 = ty; unsigned char x2 = tx+1; unsigned char y2 = ty+1; unsigned char x3 = tx; unsigned char y3 = ty+1; unsigned char bx0 = 0; unsigned char by0 = 0; unsigned char bx1 = 1; unsigned char by1 = 0; unsigned char bx2 = 1; unsigned char by2 = 1; unsigned char bx3 = 0; unsigned char by3 = 1; if(Flags&TILEFLAG_VFLIP) { x0 = x2; x1 = x3; x2 = x3; x3 = x0; bx0 = bx2; bx1 = bx3; bx2 = bx3; bx3 = bx0; } if(Flags&TILEFLAG_HFLIP) { y0 = y3; y2 = y1; y3 = y1; y1 = y0; by0 = by3; by2 = by1; by3 = by1; by1 = by0; } if(Flags&TILEFLAG_ROTATE) { unsigned char Tmp = x0; x0 = x3; x3 = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = Tmp; Tmp = y0; y0 = y3; y3 = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = Tmp; Tmp = bx0; bx0 = bx3; bx3 = bx2; bx2 = bx1; bx1 = Tmp; Tmp = by0; by0 = by3; by3 = by2; by2 = by1; by1 = Tmp; } pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeft[0] = x0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeft[1] = y0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeft[0] = x3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeft[1] = y3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRight[0] = x1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRight[1] = y1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRight[0] = x2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRight[1] = y2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[0] = bx0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopLeftRightOrBottom[1] = by0; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[0] = bx3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomLeftRightOrBottom[1] = by3; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[0] = bx1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordTopRightRightOrBottom[1] = by1; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[0] = bx2; pTmpTex->m_TexCoordBottomRightRightOrBottom[1] = by2; } pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.x = x*Scale; pTmpTile->m_TopLeft.y = y*Scale; pTmpTile->m_BottomLeft.x = x*Scale; pTmpTile->m_BottomLeft.y = y*Scale + Scale; pTmpTile->m_TopRight.x = x*Scale + Scale; pTmpTile->m_TopRight.y = y*Scale; pTmpTile->m_BottomRight.x = x*Scale + Scale; pTmpTile->m_BottomRight.y = y*Scale + Scale; } bool CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::Init(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height) { if(Width == 0 || Height == 0) return false; m_Width = Width; m_Height = Height; m_TilesOfLayer = new CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::STileVisual[Height*Width]; if(Width > 2) { m_BorderTop = new CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::STileVisual[Width-2]; m_BorderBottom = new CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::STileVisual[Width-2]; } if(Height > 2) { m_BorderLeft = new CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::STileVisual[Height-2]; m_BorderRight = new CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::STileVisual[Height-2]; } return true; } CMapLayers::STileLayerVisuals::~STileLayerVisuals() { if(m_TilesOfLayer) { delete[] m_TilesOfLayer; } if(m_BorderTop) delete[] m_BorderTop; if(m_BorderBottom) delete[] m_BorderBottom; if(m_BorderLeft) delete[] m_BorderLeft; if(m_BorderRight) delete[] m_BorderRight; m_TilesOfLayer = NULL; m_BorderTop = NULL; m_BorderBottom = NULL; m_BorderLeft = NULL; m_BorderRight = NULL; } bool AddTile(std::vector& TmpTiles, std::vector& TmpTileTexCoords, unsigned char Index, unsigned char Flags, int x, int y, CMapItemGroup* pGroup, bool DoTextureCoords, bool FillSpeedup = false, int AngleRotate = -1) { if(Index) { TmpTiles.push_back(STmpTile()); STmpTile& Tile = TmpTiles.back(); STmpTileTexCoord* pTileTex = NULL; if(DoTextureCoords) { TmpTileTexCoords.push_back(STmpTileTexCoord()); STmpTileTexCoord& TileTex = TmpTileTexCoords.back(); pTileTex = &TileTex; } if(FillSpeedup) FillTmpTileSpeedup(&Tile, pTileTex, Flags, 0, x, y, 32.f, pGroup, AngleRotate); else FillTmpTile(&Tile, pTileTex, Flags, Index, x, y, 32.f, pGroup); return true; } return false; } void CMapLayers::OnMapLoad() { if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) return; //clear everything and destroy all buffers if(m_TileLayerVisuals.size() != 0) { int s = m_TileLayerVisuals.size(); for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i) { Graphics()->DestroyVisual(m_TileLayerVisuals[i]->m_VisualObjectsIndex); delete m_TileLayerVisuals[i]; } m_TileLayerVisuals.clear(); } CServerInfo Info; Client()->GetServerInfo(&Info); bool PassedGameLayer = false; //prepare all visuals for all tile layers std::vector tmpTiles; std::vector tmpTileTexCoords; std::vector tmpBorderTopTiles; std::vector tmpBorderTopTilesTexCoords; std::vector tmpBorderLeftTiles; std::vector tmpBorderLeftTilesTexCoords; std::vector tmpBorderRightTiles; std::vector tmpBorderRightTilesTexCoords; std::vector tmpBorderBottomTiles; std::vector tmpBorderBottomTilesTexCoords; std::vector tmpBorderCorners; std::vector tmpBorderCornersTexCoords; for(int g = 0; g < m_pLayers->NumGroups(); g++) { CMapItemGroup *pGroup = m_pLayers->GetGroup(g); if(!pGroup) { dbg_msg("maplayers", "error group was null, group number = %d, total groups = %d", g, m_pLayers->NumGroups()); dbg_msg("maplayers", "this is here to prevent a crash but the source of this is unknown, please report this for it to get fixed"); dbg_msg("maplayers", "we need mapname and crc and the map that caused this if possible, and anymore info you think is relevant"); continue; } for(int l = 0; l < pGroup->m_NumLayers; l++) { CMapItemLayer *pLayer = m_pLayers->GetLayer(pGroup->m_StartLayer+l); bool IsFrontLayer = false; bool IsSwitchLayer = false; bool IsTeleLayer = false; bool IsSpeedupLayer = false; bool IsTuneLayer = false; bool IsGameLayer = false; bool IsEntityLayer = false; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->GameLayer()) { IsGameLayer = true; IsEntityLayer = true; PassedGameLayer = true; } if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->FrontLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsFrontLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SwitchLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsSwitchLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TeleLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsTeleLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SpeedupLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsSpeedupLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TuneLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsTuneLayer = true; if(m_Type <= TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE) { if(PassedGameLayer) return; } else if(m_Type == TYPE_FOREGROUND) { if(!PassedGameLayer) continue; } if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { bool DoTextureCoords = false; CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; if(pTMap->m_Image == -1) { if(IsEntityLayer) DoTextureCoords = true; } else DoTextureCoords = true; int DataIndex = 0; unsigned int TileSize = 0; int OverlayCount = 0; if(IsFrontLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Front; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); } else if(IsSwitchLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Switch; TileSize = sizeof(CSwitchTile); OverlayCount = 2; } else if(IsTeleLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tele; TileSize = sizeof(CTeleTile); OverlayCount = 1; } else if(IsSpeedupLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Speedup; TileSize = sizeof(CSpeedupTile); OverlayCount = 2; } else if(IsTuneLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tune; TileSize = sizeof(CTuneTile); } else { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Data; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); } unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(DataIndex); void* pTiles = (void*)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(DataIndex); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*TileSize) { int CurOverlay = 0; while(CurOverlay < OverlayCount + 1) { // We can later just count the tile layers to get the idx in the vector m_TileLayerVisuals.push_back(new STileLayerVisuals()); STileLayerVisuals& Visuals = *m_TileLayerVisuals.back(); Visuals.Init(pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height); Visuals.m_IsTextured = DoTextureCoords; tmpTiles.clear(); tmpTileTexCoords.clear(); tmpBorderTopTiles.clear(); tmpBorderLeftTiles.clear(); tmpBorderRightTiles.clear(); tmpBorderBottomTiles.clear(); tmpBorderCorners.clear(); tmpBorderTopTilesTexCoords.clear(); tmpBorderLeftTilesTexCoords.clear(); tmpBorderRightTilesTexCoords.clear(); tmpBorderBottomTilesTexCoords.clear(); tmpBorderCornersTexCoords.clear(); int x = 0; int y = 0; for(y = 0; y < pTMap->m_Height; ++y) { for(x = 0; x < pTMap->m_Width; ++x) { unsigned char Index = 0; unsigned char Flags = 0; int AngleRotate = -1; if(IsEntityLayer) { if(IsGameLayer) { Index = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Index; Flags = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags; if(IsDDNet(&Info) && !IsValidGameTile(Index)) Index = 0; } if(IsFrontLayer) { Index = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Index; Flags = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags; if(!IsValidFrontTile(Index)) Index = 0; } if(IsSwitchLayer) { Flags = 0; Index = ((CSwitchTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Type; if(!IsValidSwitchTile(Index)) Index = 0; else if(CurOverlay == 0) { Flags = ((CSwitchTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags; if(Index == TILE_SWITCHTIMEDOPEN) Index = 8; } else if(CurOverlay == 1) Index = ((CSwitchTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Number; else if(CurOverlay == 2) Index = ((CSwitchTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Delay; } if(IsTeleLayer) { Index = ((CTeleTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Type; Flags = 0; if(!IsValidTeleTile(Index)) Index = 0; else if(CurOverlay == 1) { if(Index != TILE_TELECHECKIN && Index != TILE_TELECHECKINEVIL) Index = ((CTeleTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Number; else Index = 0; } } if(IsSpeedupLayer) { Index = ((CSpeedupTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Type; Flags = 0; AngleRotate = ((CSpeedupTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width + x].m_Angle; if(!IsValidSpeedupTile(Index) || ((CSpeedupTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Force == 0) Index = 0; else if(CurOverlay == 1) Index = ((CSpeedupTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Force; else if(CurOverlay == 2) Index = ((CSpeedupTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_MaxSpeed; } if(IsTuneLayer) { Index = ((CTuneTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Type; if(Index != TILE_TUNE1) Index = 0; Flags = 0; } } else { Index = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Index; Flags = ((CTile*)pTiles)[y*pTMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags; } //the amount of tiles handled before this tile int TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTMap->m_Width + x].SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(TilesHandledCount*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); bool AddAsSpeedup = false; if(IsSpeedupLayer && CurOverlay == 0) AddAsSpeedup = true; if(AddTile(tmpTiles, tmpTileTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTMap->m_Width + x].Draw(true); //do the border tiles if(x == 0) { if(y == 0) { Visuals.m_BorderTopLeft.SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderCorners.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderCorners, tmpBorderCornersTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderTopLeft.Draw(true); } else if(y == pTMap->m_Height - 1) { Visuals.m_BorderBottomLeft.SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderCorners.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderCorners, tmpBorderCornersTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderBottomLeft.Draw(true); } else { Visuals.m_BorderLeft[y-1].SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderLeftTiles.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderLeftTiles, tmpBorderLeftTilesTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderLeft[y-1].Draw(true); } } else if(x == pTMap->m_Width - 1) { if(y == 0) { Visuals.m_BorderTopRight.SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderCorners.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderCorners, tmpBorderCornersTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderTopRight.Draw(true); } else if(y == pTMap->m_Height - 1) { Visuals.m_BorderBottomRight.SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderCorners.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderCorners, tmpBorderCornersTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderBottomRight.Draw(true); } else { Visuals.m_BorderRight[y-1].SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderRightTiles.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderRightTiles, tmpBorderRightTilesTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderRight[y-1].Draw(true); } } else if(y == 0) { if(x > 0 && x < pTMap->m_Width - 1) { Visuals.m_BorderTop[x-1].SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderTopTiles.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderTopTiles, tmpBorderTopTilesTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderTop[x-1].Draw(true); } } else if(y == pTMap->m_Height - 1) { if(x > 0 && x < pTMap->m_Width - 1) { Visuals.m_BorderBottom[x-1].SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpBorderBottomTiles.size()*6*sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpBorderBottomTiles, tmpBorderBottomTilesTexCoords, Index, Flags, x, y, pGroup, DoTextureCoords, AddAsSpeedup, AngleRotate)) Visuals.m_BorderBottom[x-1].Draw(true); } } } } //append one kill tile to the gamelayer if(IsGameLayer) { Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.SetIndexBufferByteOffset((offset_ptr32)(tmpTiles.size() * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int))); if(AddTile(tmpTiles, tmpTileTexCoords, TILE_DEATH, 0, 0, 0, pGroup, DoTextureCoords)) Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.Draw(true); } //add the border corners, then the borders and fix their byte offsets int TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); Visuals.m_BorderTopLeft.AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount*6*sizeof(unsigned int)); Visuals.m_BorderTopRight.AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount*6*sizeof(unsigned int)); Visuals.m_BorderBottomLeft.AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount*6*sizeof(unsigned int)); Visuals.m_BorderBottomRight.AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount*6*sizeof(unsigned int)); //add the Corners to the tiles tmpTiles.insert(tmpTiles.end(), tmpBorderCorners.begin(), tmpBorderCorners.end()); tmpTileTexCoords.insert(tmpTileTexCoords.end(), tmpBorderCornersTexCoords.begin(), tmpBorderCornersTexCoords.end()); //now the borders TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); if(pTMap->m_Width > 2) { for(int i = 0; i < pTMap->m_Width-2; ++i) { Visuals.m_BorderTop[i].AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int)); } } tmpTiles.insert(tmpTiles.end(), tmpBorderTopTiles.begin(), tmpBorderTopTiles.end()); tmpTileTexCoords.insert(tmpTileTexCoords.end(), tmpBorderTopTilesTexCoords.begin(), tmpBorderTopTilesTexCoords.end()); TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); if(pTMap->m_Width > 2) { for(int i = 0; i < pTMap->m_Width-2; ++i) { Visuals.m_BorderBottom[i].AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int)); } } tmpTiles.insert(tmpTiles.end(), tmpBorderBottomTiles.begin(), tmpBorderBottomTiles.end()); tmpTileTexCoords.insert(tmpTileTexCoords.end(), tmpBorderBottomTilesTexCoords.begin(), tmpBorderBottomTilesTexCoords.end()); TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); if(pTMap->m_Height > 2) { for(int i = 0; i < pTMap->m_Height-2; ++i) { Visuals.m_BorderLeft[i].AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int)); } } tmpTiles.insert(tmpTiles.end(), tmpBorderLeftTiles.begin(), tmpBorderLeftTiles.end()); tmpTileTexCoords.insert(tmpTileTexCoords.end(), tmpBorderLeftTilesTexCoords.begin(), tmpBorderLeftTilesTexCoords.end()); TilesHandledCount = tmpTiles.size(); if(pTMap->m_Height > 2) { for(int i = 0; i < pTMap->m_Height-2; ++i) { Visuals.m_BorderRight[i].AddIndexBufferByteOffset(TilesHandledCount * 6 * sizeof(unsigned int)); } } tmpTiles.insert(tmpTiles.end(), tmpBorderRightTiles.begin(), tmpBorderRightTiles.end()); tmpTileTexCoords.insert(tmpTileTexCoords.end(), tmpBorderRightTilesTexCoords.begin(), tmpBorderRightTilesTexCoords.end()); //setup params float* pTmpTiles = (tmpTiles.size() == 0) ? NULL : (float*)&tmpTiles[0]; unsigned char* pTmpTileTexCoords = (tmpTileTexCoords.size() == 0) ? NULL : (unsigned char*)&tmpTileTexCoords[0]; Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex = Graphics()->CreateVisualObjects(pTmpTiles, pTmpTileTexCoords, tmpTiles.size(), tmpTiles.size() * 6); ++CurOverlay; } } } } } } void CMapLayers::RenderTileLayer(int LayerIndex, vec4* pColor, CMapItemLayerTilemap* pTileLayer, CMapItemGroup* pGroup) { STileLayerVisuals& Visuals = *m_TileLayerVisuals[LayerIndex]; if(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex == -1) return; //no visuals were created float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1; Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1); float r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1; if(pTileLayer->m_ColorEnv >= 0) { float aChannels[4]; EnvelopeEval(pTileLayer->m_ColorEnvOffset/1000.0f, pTileLayer->m_ColorEnv, aChannels, this); r = aChannels[0]; g = aChannels[1]; b = aChannels[2]; a = aChannels[3]; } int BorderX0, BorderY0, BorderX1, BorderY1; bool DrawBorder = false; int Y0 = BorderY0 = (int)(ScreenY0/32)-1; int X0 = BorderX0 = (int)(ScreenX0/32)-1; int Y1 = BorderY1 = (int)(ScreenY1/32)+1; int X1 = BorderX1 = (int)(ScreenX1/32)+1; if(X0 < 0) { X0 = 0; DrawBorder = true; } if(Y0 < 0) { Y0 = 0; DrawBorder = true; } if(X1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width) { X1 = pTileLayer->m_Width - 1; DrawBorder = true; } if(Y1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height) { Y1 = pTileLayer->m_Height - 1; DrawBorder = true; } bool DrawLayer = true; if(X1 < 0) DrawLayer = false; if(Y1 < 0) DrawLayer = false; if(X0 >= pTileLayer->m_Width) DrawLayer = false; if(Y0 >= pTileLayer->m_Height) DrawLayer = false; if(DrawLayer) { //create the indice buffers we want to draw -- reuse them static std::vector s_IndexOffsets; static std::vector s_DrawCounts; s_IndexOffsets.clear(); s_DrawCounts.clear(); unsigned long long Reserve = absolute(Y1 - Y0) + 1; s_IndexOffsets.reserve(Reserve); s_DrawCounts.reserve(Reserve); for(int y = Y0; y <= Y1; ++y) { if(X0 > X1) continue; dbg_assert(Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X1].IndexBufferByteOffset() >= Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X0].IndexBufferByteOffset(), "Tile count wrong."); unsigned int NumVertices = ((Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X1].IndexBufferByteOffset() - Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X0].IndexBufferByteOffset()) / sizeof(unsigned int)) + (Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X1].DoDraw() ? 6lu : 0lu); if(NumVertices) { s_IndexOffsets.push_back((offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_TilesOfLayer[y*pTileLayer->m_Width + X0].IndexBufferByteOffset()); s_DrawCounts.push_back(NumVertices); } } pColor->x *= r; pColor->y *= g; pColor->z *= b; pColor->w *= a; int DrawCount = s_IndexOffsets.size(); if(DrawCount != 0) { Graphics()->DrawVisualObject(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, &s_IndexOffsets[0], &s_DrawCounts[0], DrawCount); } } if(DrawBorder) DrawTileBorder(LayerIndex, pColor, pTileLayer, pGroup, BorderX0, BorderY0, BorderX1, BorderY1); } void CMapLayers::DrawTileBorder(int LayerIndex, vec4* pColor, CMapItemLayerTilemap* pTileLayer, CMapItemGroup* pGroup, int BorderX0, int BorderY0, int BorderX1, int BorderY1) { STileLayerVisuals& Visuals = *m_TileLayerVisuals[LayerIndex]; int Y0 = BorderY0; int X0 = BorderX0; int Y1 = BorderY1; int X1 = BorderX1; if(X0 < 1) X0 = 1; if(Y0 < 1) Y0 = 1; if(X1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width - 1) X1 = pTileLayer->m_Width - 2; if(Y1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height - 1) Y1 = pTileLayer->m_Height - 2; if(BorderX0 < 0) { // Draw corners on left side if(BorderY0 < 0) { if(Visuals.m_BorderTopLeft.DoDraw()) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = BorderX0 * 32.f; Offset.y = BorderY0 * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (absolute(BorderX0)+1) * (absolute(BorderY0)+1) - 1; // Don't draw the corner again Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderTopLeft.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, absolute(BorderX0)+1, Count); } } if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height) { if(Visuals.m_BorderBottomLeft.DoDraw()) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = BorderX0 * 32.f; Offset.y = (BorderY1-pTileLayer->m_Height) * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = -32.f; int Count = (absolute(BorderX0)+1) * ((BorderY1-pTileLayer->m_Height)+1) - 1; // Don't draw the corner again Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderBottomLeft.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, absolute(BorderX0)+1, Count); } } // Draw left border if(Y0 < pTileLayer->m_Height - 1 && Y1 > 0) { unsigned int DrawNum = ((Visuals.m_BorderLeft[Y1-1].IndexBufferByteOffset() - Visuals.m_BorderLeft[Y0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset()) / sizeof(unsigned int)) + (Visuals.m_BorderLeft[Y1-1].DoDraw() ? 6lu : 0lu); offset_ptr_size pOffset = (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderLeft[Y0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset(); vec2 Dir; Dir.x = -32.f; Dir.y = 0.f; Graphics()->DrawBorderTileLine(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, pOffset, (float*)&Dir, DrawNum, absolute(BorderX0)); } } if(BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width) { // Draw corners on right side if(BorderY0 < 0) { if(Visuals.m_BorderTopRight.DoDraw()) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width) * 32.f; Offset.y = BorderY0 * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = -32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width+1) * (absolute(BorderY0)+1) - 1; // Don't draw the corner again Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderTopRight.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width)+1, Count); } } if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height) { if(Visuals.m_BorderBottomRight.DoDraw()) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width) * 32.f; Offset.y = (BorderY1-pTileLayer->m_Height) * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = -32.f; Dir.y = -32.f; int Count = (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width+1) * ((BorderY1-pTileLayer->m_Height)+1) - 1; // Don't draw the corner again Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderBottomRight.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (BorderX1-pTileLayer->m_Width)+1, Count); } } // Draw right border if(Y0 < pTileLayer->m_Height - 1 && Y1 > 0) { unsigned int DrawNum = ((Visuals.m_BorderRight[Y1-1].IndexBufferByteOffset() - Visuals.m_BorderRight[Y0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset()) / sizeof(unsigned int)) + (Visuals.m_BorderRight[Y1-1].DoDraw() ? 6lu : 0lu);; offset_ptr_size pOffset = (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderRight[Y0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset(); vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 0.f; Graphics()->DrawBorderTileLine(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, pOffset, (float*)&Dir, DrawNum, BorderX1 - pTileLayer->m_Width); } } if(BorderY0 < 0) { // Draw top border if(X0 < pTileLayer->m_Width - 1 && X1 > 0) { unsigned int DrawNum = ((Visuals.m_BorderTop[X1-1].IndexBufferByteOffset() - Visuals.m_BorderTop[X0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset()) / sizeof(unsigned int)) + (Visuals.m_BorderTop[X1-1].DoDraw() ? 6lu : 0lu);; offset_ptr_size pOffset = (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderTop[X0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset(); vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 0.f; Dir.y = -32.f; Graphics()->DrawBorderTileLine(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, pOffset, (float*)&Dir, DrawNum, absolute(BorderY0)); } } if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height) { // Draw bottom border if(X0 < pTileLayer->m_Width - 1 && X1 > 0) { unsigned int DrawNum = ((Visuals.m_BorderBottom[X1-1].IndexBufferByteOffset() - Visuals.m_BorderBottom[X0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset()) / sizeof(unsigned int)) + (Visuals.m_BorderBottom[X1-1].DoDraw() ? 6lu : 0lu);; offset_ptr_size pOffset = (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderBottom[X0-1].IndexBufferByteOffset(); vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 0.f; Dir.y = 32.f; Graphics()->DrawBorderTileLine(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, pOffset, (float*)&Dir, DrawNum, BorderY1 - pTileLayer->m_Height); } } } void CMapLayers::DrawKillTileBorder(int LayerIndex, vec4* pColor, CMapItemLayerTilemap* pTileLayer, CMapItemGroup* pGroup) { STileLayerVisuals& Visuals = *m_TileLayerVisuals[LayerIndex]; if(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex == -1) return; //no visuals were created float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1; Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1); bool DrawBorder = false; int BorderY0 = (int)(ScreenY0/32)-1; int BorderX0 = (int)(ScreenX0/32)-1; int BorderY1 = (int)(ScreenY1/32)+1; int BorderX1 = (int)(ScreenX1/32)+1; if(BorderX0 < -201) DrawBorder = true; if(BorderY0 < -201) DrawBorder = true; if(BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 201) DrawBorder = true; if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height + 201) DrawBorder = true; if(!DrawBorder) return; if(!Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.DoDraw()) return; if(BorderX0 < -300) BorderX0 = -300; if(BorderY0 < -300) BorderY0 = -300; if(BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 300) BorderX1 = pTileLayer->m_Width + 299; if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height + 300) BorderY1 = pTileLayer->m_Height + 299; if(BorderX1 < -300) BorderX1 = -300; if(BorderY1 < -300) BorderY1 = -300; if(BorderX0 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 300) BorderX0 = pTileLayer->m_Width + 299; if(BorderY0 >= pTileLayer->m_Height + 300) BorderY0 = pTileLayer->m_Height + 299; // Draw left kill tile border if(BorderX0 < -201) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = BorderX0 * 32.f; Offset.y = BorderY0 * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (absolute(BorderX0) - 201) * (BorderY1 - BorderY0); Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (absolute(BorderX0) - 201), Count); } // Draw top kill tile border if(BorderY0 < -201) { vec2 Offset; int OffX0 = (BorderX0 < -201 ? -201 : BorderX0); int OffX1 = (BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 201 ? pTileLayer->m_Width + 201 : BorderX1); Offset.x = OffX0 * 32.f; Offset.y = BorderY0 * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (OffX1 - OffX0) * (absolute(BorderY0)-201); Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (OffX1 - OffX0), Count); } if(BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 201) { vec2 Offset; Offset.x = (pTileLayer->m_Width + 201) * 32.f; Offset.y = BorderY0 * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (BorderX1 - (pTileLayer->m_Width + 201)) * (BorderY1 - BorderY0); Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (BorderX1 - (pTileLayer->m_Width + 201)), Count); } if(BorderY1 >= pTileLayer->m_Height + 201) { vec2 Offset; int OffX0 = (BorderX0 < -201 ? -201 : BorderX0); int OffX1 = (BorderX1 >= pTileLayer->m_Width + 201 ? pTileLayer->m_Width + 201 : BorderX1); Offset.x = OffX0 * 32.f; Offset.y = (pTileLayer->m_Height + 201) * 32.f; vec2 Dir; Dir.x = 32.f; Dir.y = 32.f; int Count = (OffX1 - OffX0) * (BorderY1-(pTileLayer->m_Height + 201)); Graphics()->DrawBorderTile(Visuals.m_VisualObjectsIndex, (float*)pColor, (offset_ptr_size)Visuals.m_BorderKillTile.IndexBufferByteOffset(), (float*)&Offset, (float*)&Dir, (OffX1 - OffX0), Count); } } int CMapLayers::TileLayersOfGroup(CMapItemGroup* pGroup) { int TileLayerCounter = 0; bool PassedGameLayer = false; for(int l = 0; l < pGroup->m_NumLayers; l++) { CMapItemLayer *pLayer = m_pLayers->GetLayer(pGroup->m_StartLayer+l); bool IsFrontLayer = false; bool IsSwitchLayer = false; bool IsTeleLayer = false; bool IsSpeedupLayer = false; bool IsTuneLayer = false; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->GameLayer()) { PassedGameLayer = true; } if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->FrontLayer()) IsFrontLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SwitchLayer()) IsSwitchLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TeleLayer()) IsTeleLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SpeedupLayer()) IsSpeedupLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TuneLayer()) IsTuneLayer = true; if(m_Type <= TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE) { if(PassedGameLayer) return TileLayerCounter; } else if(m_Type == TYPE_FOREGROUND) { if(!PassedGameLayer) continue; } if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; int DataIndex = 0; unsigned int TileSize = 0; int TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 0; if(IsFrontLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Front; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } else if(IsSwitchLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Switch; TileSize = sizeof(CSwitchTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 3; } else if(IsTeleLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tele; TileSize = sizeof(CTeleTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 2; } else if(IsSpeedupLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Speedup; TileSize = sizeof(CSpeedupTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 3; } else if(IsTuneLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tune; TileSize = sizeof(CTuneTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } else { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Data; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(DataIndex); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*TileSize) { TileLayerCounter += TileLayerAndOverlayCount; } } } return TileLayerCounter; } void CMapLayers::OnRender() { if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_ONLINE && Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) return; CUIRect Screen; Graphics()->GetScreen(&Screen.x, &Screen.y, &Screen.w, &Screen.h); vec2 Center = m_pClient->m_pCamera->m_Center; bool PassedGameLayer = false; int TileLayerCounter = 0; for(int g = 0; g < m_pLayers->NumGroups(); g++) { CMapItemGroup *pGroup = m_pLayers->GetGroup(g); if(!pGroup) { dbg_msg("maplayers", "error group was null, group number = %d, total groups = %d", g, m_pLayers->NumGroups()); dbg_msg("maplayers", "this is here to prevent a crash but the source of this is unknown, please report this for it to get fixed"); dbg_msg("maplayers", "we need mapname and crc and the map that caused this if possible, and anymore info you think is relevant"); continue; } if(!g_Config.m_GfxNoclip && pGroup->m_Version >= 2 && pGroup->m_UseClipping) { // set clipping float Points[4]; MapScreenToGroup(Center.x, Center.y, m_pLayers->GameGroup(), m_pClient->m_pCamera->m_Zoom); Graphics()->GetScreen(&Points[0], &Points[1], &Points[2], &Points[3]); float x0 = (pGroup->m_ClipX - Points[0]) / (Points[2]-Points[0]); float y0 = (pGroup->m_ClipY - Points[1]) / (Points[3]-Points[1]); float x1 = ((pGroup->m_ClipX+pGroup->m_ClipW) - Points[0]) / (Points[2]-Points[0]); float y1 = ((pGroup->m_ClipY+pGroup->m_ClipH) - Points[1]) / (Points[3]-Points[1]); if(x1 < 0.0f || x0 > 1.0f || y1 < 0.0f || y0 > 1.0f) { //check tile layer count of this group TileLayerCounter += TileLayersOfGroup(pGroup); continue; } Graphics()->ClipEnable((int)(x0*Graphics()->ScreenWidth()), (int)(y0*Graphics()->ScreenHeight()), (int)((x1-x0)*Graphics()->ScreenWidth()), (int)((y1-y0)*Graphics()->ScreenHeight())); } if(!g_Config.m_ClZoomBackgroundLayers && !pGroup->m_ParallaxX && !pGroup->m_ParallaxY) { MapScreenToGroup(Center.x, Center.y, pGroup, 1.0); } else MapScreenToGroup(Center.x, Center.y, pGroup, m_pClient->m_pCamera->m_Zoom); for(int l = 0; l < pGroup->m_NumLayers; l++) { CMapItemLayer *pLayer = m_pLayers->GetLayer(pGroup->m_StartLayer+l); bool Render = false; bool IsGameLayer = false; bool IsFrontLayer = false; bool IsSwitchLayer = false; bool IsTeleLayer = false; bool IsSpeedupLayer = false; bool IsTuneLayer = false; bool IsEntityLayer = false; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->GameLayer()) { IsEntityLayer = IsGameLayer = true; PassedGameLayer = true; } if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->FrontLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsFrontLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SwitchLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsSwitchLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TeleLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsTeleLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->SpeedupLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsSpeedupLayer = true; if(pLayer == (CMapItemLayer*)m_pLayers->TuneLayer()) IsEntityLayer = IsTuneLayer = true; if(m_Type == -1) Render = true; else if(m_Type <= TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE) { if(PassedGameLayer) return; Render = true; if(m_Type == TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE) { if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES && !g_Config.m_ClBackgroundShowTilesLayers) continue; } } else // TYPE_FOREGROUND { if(PassedGameLayer && !IsGameLayer) Render = true; } if(Render && pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES && Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LCTRL) && Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LSHIFT) && Input()->KeyPress(KEY_KP_0)) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; CTile *pTiles = (CTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Data); CServerInfo CurrentServerInfo; Client()->GetServerInfo(&CurrentServerInfo); char aFilename[256]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "dumps/tilelayer_dump_%s-%d-%d-%dx%d.txt", CurrentServerInfo.m_aMap, g, l, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height); IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(File) { for(int y = 0; y < pTMap->m_Height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < pTMap->m_Width; x++) io_write(File, &(pTiles[y*pTMap->m_Width + x].m_Index), sizeof(pTiles[y*pTMap->m_Width + x].m_Index)); io_write_newline(File); } io_close(File); } } if((Render || IsGameLayer) && pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; int DataIndex = 0; unsigned int TileSize = 0; int TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 0; if(IsFrontLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Front; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } else if(IsSwitchLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Switch; TileSize = sizeof(CSwitchTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 3; } else if(IsTeleLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tele; TileSize = sizeof(CTeleTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 2; } else if(IsSpeedupLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Speedup; TileSize = sizeof(CSpeedupTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 3; } else if(IsTuneLayer) { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Tune; TileSize = sizeof(CTuneTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } else { DataIndex = pTMap->m_Data; TileSize = sizeof(CTile); TileLayerAndOverlayCount = 1; } unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(DataIndex); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*TileSize) { TileLayerCounter += TileLayerAndOverlayCount; } } // skip rendering if detail layers if not wanted, or is entity layer and we are a background map if((pLayer->m_Flags&LAYERFLAG_DETAIL && !g_Config.m_GfxHighDetail && !IsGameLayer) || (m_Type == TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE && IsEntityLayer)) continue; if((Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities < 100 && !IsGameLayer && !IsFrontLayer && !IsSwitchLayer && !IsTeleLayer && !IsSpeedupLayer && !IsTuneLayer) || (g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsGameLayer) || (m_Type == TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE)) { if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; if(pTMap->m_Image == -1) { if(!IsGameLayer) Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); else Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); } else Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->Get(pTMap->m_Image)); CTile *pTiles = (CTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Data); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Data); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f); if(IsGameLayer && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities) Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); else if(!IsGameLayer && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && !(m_Type == TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE)) Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*(100-g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities)/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderTilemap(pTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE, EnvelopeEval, this, pTMap->m_ColorEnv, pTMap->m_ColorEnvOffset); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); // draw kill tiles outside the entity clipping rectangle if(IsGameLayer) { // slow blinking to hint that it's not a part of the map double Seconds = time_get()/(double)time_freq(); vec4 ColorHint = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f + 0.7f*(1.0+sin(2.0f*pi*Seconds/3.f))/2.0f); RenderTools()->RenderTileRectangle(-201, -201, pTMap->m_Width+402, pTMap->m_Height+402, 0, TILE_DEATH, // display air inside, death outside 32.0f, Color*ColorHint, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, EnvelopeEval, this, pTMap->m_ColorEnv, pTMap->m_ColorEnvOffset); } RenderTools()->RenderTilemap(pTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, EnvelopeEval, this, pTMap->m_ColorEnv, pTMap->m_ColorEnvOffset); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); // draw kill tiles outside the entity clipping rectangle if(IsGameLayer) { // slow blinking to hint that it's not a part of the map double Seconds = time_get() / (double)time_freq(); vec4 ColorHint = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f + 0.7f*(1.0 + sin(2.0f*pi*Seconds / 3.f)) / 2.0f); vec4 ColorKill(Color.x*ColorHint.x,Color.y*ColorHint.y,Color.z*ColorHint.z,Color.w*ColorHint.w); DrawKillTileBorder(TileLayerCounter-1, &ColorKill, pTMap, pGroup); } RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } else if(pLayer->m_Type == LAYERTYPE_QUADS) { CMapItemLayerQuads *pQLayer = (CMapItemLayerQuads *)pLayer; if(pQLayer->m_Image == -1) Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); else Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->Get(pQLayer->m_Image)); CQuad *pQuads = (CQuad *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSwapped(pQLayer->m_Data); if(m_Type == TYPE_BACKGROUND_FORCE) { if(g_Config.m_ClShowQuads) { //Graphics()->BlendNone(); //RenderTools()->ForceRenderQuads(pQuads, pQLayer->m_NumQuads, LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE, EnvelopeEval, this, 1.f); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->ForceRenderQuads(pQuads, pQLayer->m_NumQuads, LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, EnvelopeEval, this, 1.f); } } else { //Graphics()->BlendNone(); //RenderTools()->RenderQuads(pQuads, pQLayer->m_NumQuads, LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE, EnvelopeEval, this); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderQuads(pQuads, pQLayer->m_NumQuads, LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, EnvelopeEval, this); } } } else if(Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsFrontLayer) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); CTile *pFrontTiles = (CTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Front); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Front); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderTilemap(pFrontTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE, EnvelopeEval, this, pTMap->m_ColorEnv, pTMap->m_ColorEnvOffset); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderTilemap(pFrontTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT, EnvelopeEval, this, pTMap->m_ColorEnv, pTMap->m_ColorEnvOffset); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } else if(Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsSwitchLayer) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); CSwitchTile *pSwitchTiles = (CSwitchTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Switch); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Switch); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CSwitchTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderSwitchmap(pSwitchTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderSwitchmap(pSwitchTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT); RenderTools()->RenderSwitchOverlay(pSwitchTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-3, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); if(g_Config.m_ClTextEntities) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetOverlayBottom()); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-2, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetOverlayTop()); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } } else if(Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsTeleLayer) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); CTeleTile *pTeleTiles = (CTeleTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Tele); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Tele); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CTeleTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderTelemap(pTeleTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderTelemap(pTeleTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT); RenderTools()->RenderTeleOverlay(pTeleTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-2, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); if(g_Config.m_ClTextEntities) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetOverlayCenter()); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } } else if(Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsSpeedupLayer) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); CSpeedupTile *pSpeedupTiles = (CSpeedupTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Speedup); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Speedup); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CSpeedupTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderSpeedupmap(pSpeedupTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderSpeedupmap(pSpeedupTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT); RenderTools()->RenderSpeedupOverlay(pSpeedupTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); // draw arrow -- clamp to the edge of the arrow image Graphics()->WrapClamp(); Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[IMAGE_SPEEDUP_ARROW].m_Id); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-3, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); Graphics()->WrapNormal(); if(g_Config.m_ClTextEntities) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetOverlayBottom()); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-2, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetOverlayTop()); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } } else if(Render && g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities && IsTuneLayer) { CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTMap = (CMapItemLayerTilemap *)pLayer; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pImages->GetEntities()); CTuneTile *pTuneTiles = (CTuneTile *)m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(pTMap->m_Tune); unsigned int Size = m_pLayers->Map()->GetDataSize(pTMap->m_Tune); if(Size >= pTMap->m_Width*pTMap->m_Height*sizeof(CTuneTile)) { vec4 Color = vec4(pTMap->m_Color.r/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.g/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.b/255.0f, pTMap->m_Color.a/255.0f*g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); if(!Graphics()->IsBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->BlendNone(); RenderTools()->RenderTunemap(pTuneTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE); Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTools()->RenderTunemap(pTuneTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, Color, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND|LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT); //RenderTools()->RenderTuneOverlay(pTuneTiles, pTMap->m_Width, pTMap->m_Height, 32.0f, g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities/100.0f); } else { Graphics()->BlendNormal(); RenderTileLayer(TileLayerCounter-1, &Color, pTMap, pGroup); } } } } if(!g_Config.m_GfxNoclip) Graphics()->ClipDisable(); } if(!g_Config.m_GfxNoclip) Graphics()->ClipDisable(); // reset the screen like it was before Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); }