import argparse import content import network from datatypes import EmitDefinition, EmitTypeDeclaration def create_enum_table(names, num): lines = [] lines += ["enum", "{"] for name in names: lines += [f"\t{name},"] lines += [f"\t{num}", "};"] return lines def create_flags_table(names): lines = [] lines += ["enum", "{"] for i, name in enumerate(names): lines += [f"\t{name} = 1<<{int(i)},"] lines += ["};"] return lines def EmitEnum(names, num): print("enum") print("{") print(f"\t{names[0]}=0,") for name in names[1:]: print(f"\t{name},") print(f"\t{num}") print("};") def EmitFlags(names): print("enum") print("{") for i, name in enumerate(names): print(f"\t{name} = 1<<{int(i)},") print("};") def gen_network_header(): print("#ifndef GAME_GENERATED_PROTOCOL_H") print("#define GAME_GENERATED_PROTOCOL_H") print("class CUnpacker;") print("#include ") print(network.RawHeader) for e in network.Enums: for line in create_enum_table([f"{}_{v}" for v in e.values], f'NUM_{}S'): # pylint: disable=no-member print(line) print("") for e in network.Flags: for line in create_flags_table([f"{}_{v}" for v in e.values]): print(line) print("") non_extended = [o for o in network.Objects if o.ex is None] extended = [o for o in network.Objects if o.ex is not None] for line in create_enum_table(["NETOBJTYPE_EX"]+[o.enum_name for o in non_extended], "NUM_NETOBJTYPES"): print(line) for line in create_enum_table(["__NETOBJTYPE_UUID_HELPER=OFFSET_GAME_UUID-1"]+[o.enum_name for o in extended], "OFFSET_NETMSGTYPE_UUID"): print(line) print("") non_extended = [o for o in network.Messages if o.ex is None] extended = [o for o in network.Messages if o.ex is not None] for line in create_enum_table(["NETMSGTYPE_EX"]+[o.enum_name for o in non_extended], "NUM_NETMSGTYPES"): print(line) print("") for line in create_enum_table(["__NETMSGTYPE_UUID_HELPER=OFFSET_NETMSGTYPE_UUID-1"]+[o.enum_name for o in extended], "OFFSET_MAPITEMTYPE_UUID"): print(line) print("") for item in network.Objects + network.Messages: for line in item.emit_declaration(): print(line) print("") EmitEnum([f"SOUND_{}" for i in content.container.sounds.items], "NUM_SOUNDS") EmitEnum([f"WEAPON_{}" for i in], "NUM_WEAPONS") print(""" class CNetObjHandler { const char *m_pMsgFailedOn; const char *m_pObjFailedOn; const char *m_pObjCorrectedOn; char m_aUnpackedData[1024 * 2]; int m_NumObjCorrections; int ClampInt(const char *pErrorMsg, int Value, int Min, int Max); static const char *ms_apObjNames[]; static const char *ms_apExObjNames[]; static int ms_aObjSizes[]; static int ms_aUnpackedObjSizes[]; static int ms_aUnpackedExObjSizes[]; static const char *ms_apMsgNames[]; static const char *ms_apExMsgNames[]; public: CNetObjHandler(); void *SecureUnpackObj(int Type, CUnpacker *pUnpacker); const char *GetObjName(int Type) const; int GetObjSize(int Type) const; int GetUnpackedObjSize(int Type) const; int NumObjCorrections() const; const char *CorrectedObjOn() const; const char *FailedObjOn() const; const char *GetMsgName(int Type) const; void *SecureUnpackMsg(int Type, CUnpacker *pUnpacker); bool TeeHistorianRecordMsg(int Type); const char *FailedMsgOn() const; }; """) print("#endif // GAME_GENERATED_PROTOCOL_H") def gen_network_source(): print("""\ #include "protocol.h" #include #include #include #include CNetObjHandler::CNetObjHandler() { m_pMsgFailedOn = ""; m_pObjFailedOn = ""; m_pObjCorrectedOn = ""; m_NumObjCorrections = 0; } int CNetObjHandler::NumObjCorrections() const { return m_NumObjCorrections; } const char *CNetObjHandler::CorrectedObjOn() const { return m_pObjCorrectedOn; } const char *CNetObjHandler::FailedObjOn() const { return m_pObjFailedOn; } const char *CNetObjHandler::FailedMsgOn() const { return m_pMsgFailedOn; } static const int max_int = 0x7fffffff; static const int min_int = 0x80000000; int CNetObjHandler::ClampInt(const char *pErrorMsg, int Value, int Min, int Max) { if(Value < Min) { m_pObjCorrectedOn = pErrorMsg; m_NumObjCorrections++; return Min; } if(Value > Max) { m_pObjCorrectedOn = pErrorMsg; m_NumObjCorrections++; return Max; } return Value; } """) lines = [] lines += ["const char *CNetObjHandler::ms_apObjNames[] = {"] lines += ['\t"EX/UUID",'] lines += [f'\t"{}",' for o in network.Objects if o.ex is None] lines += ['\t""', "};", ""] lines += ["const char *CNetObjHandler::ms_apExObjNames[] = {"] lines += ['\t"invalid",'] lines += [f'\t"{}",' for o in network.Objects if o.ex is not None] lines += ['\t""', "};", ""] lines += ["int CNetObjHandler::ms_aObjSizes[] = {"] lines += ['\t0,'] lines += [f'\tsizeof({o.struct_name}),' for o in network.Objects if o.ex is None] lines += ['\t0', "};", ""] lines += ["int CNetObjHandler::ms_aUnpackedObjSizes[] = {"] lines += ['\t16,'] lines += [f'\tsizeof({o.struct_name}),' for o in network.Objects if o.ex is None] lines += ["};", ""] lines += ["int CNetObjHandler::ms_aUnpackedExObjSizes[] = {"] lines += ['\t0,'] lines += [f'\tsizeof({o.struct_name}),' for o in network.Objects if o.ex is not None] lines += ["};", ""] lines += ['const char *CNetObjHandler::ms_apMsgNames[] = {'] lines += ['\t"invalid",'] lines += [f'\t"{}",' for msg in network.Messages if msg.ex is None] lines += ['\t""', "};", ""] lines += ['const char *CNetObjHandler::ms_apExMsgNames[] = {'] lines += ['\t"invalid",'] lines += [f'\t"{}",' for msg in network.Messages if msg.ex is not None] lines += ['\t""', "};", ""] for line in lines: print(line) print("""\ const char *CNetObjHandler::GetObjName(int Type) const { if(Type >= 0 && Type < NUM_NETOBJTYPES) { return ms_apObjNames[Type]; } else if(Type > __NETOBJTYPE_UUID_HELPER && Type < OFFSET_NETMSGTYPE_UUID) { return ms_apExObjNames[Type - __NETOBJTYPE_UUID_HELPER]; } return "(out of range)"; } int CNetObjHandler::GetObjSize(int Type) const { if(Type < 0 || Type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return 0; return ms_aObjSizes[Type]; } int CNetObjHandler::GetUnpackedObjSize(int Type) const { if(Type >= 0 && Type < NUM_NETOBJTYPES) { return ms_aUnpackedObjSizes[Type]; } else if(Type > __NETOBJTYPE_UUID_HELPER && Type < OFFSET_NETMSGTYPE_UUID) { return ms_aUnpackedExObjSizes[Type - __NETOBJTYPE_UUID_HELPER]; } return 0; } const char *CNetObjHandler::GetMsgName(int Type) const { if(Type >= 0 && Type < NUM_NETMSGTYPES) { return ms_apMsgNames[Type]; } else if(Type > __NETMSGTYPE_UUID_HELPER && Type < OFFSET_MAPITEMTYPE_UUID) { return ms_apExMsgNames[Type - __NETMSGTYPE_UUID_HELPER]; } return "(out of range)"; } """) lines = [] lines += ["""\ void *CNetObjHandler::SecureUnpackObj(int Type, CUnpacker *pUnpacker) { m_pObjFailedOn = 0; switch(Type) { case NETOBJTYPE_EX: { const unsigned char *pPtr = pUnpacker->GetRaw(sizeof(CUuid)); if(pPtr != 0) { mem_copy(m_aUnpackedData, pPtr, sizeof(CUuid)); } break; } """] for item in network.Objects: base_item = None if item.base: base_item = next(i for i in network.Objects if == item.base) for line in item.emit_uncompressed_unpack_and_validate(base_item): lines += ["\t" + line] lines += ['\t'] lines += ["""\ default: m_pObjFailedOn = "(type out of range)"; break; } if(pUnpacker->Error()) m_pObjFailedOn = "(unpack error)"; if(m_pObjFailedOn) return 0; m_pObjFailedOn = ""; return m_aUnpackedData; } """] for line in lines: print(line) lines = [] lines += ["""\ void *CNetObjHandler::SecureUnpackMsg(int Type, CUnpacker *pUnpacker) { m_pMsgFailedOn = 0; switch(Type) { """] for item in network.Messages: for line in item.emit_unpack_msg(): lines += ["\t" + line] lines += ['\t'] lines += ["""\ default: m_pMsgFailedOn = "(type out of range)"; break; } if(pUnpacker->Error()) m_pMsgFailedOn = "(unpack error)"; if(m_pMsgFailedOn) return 0; m_pMsgFailedOn = ""; return m_aUnpackedData; } """] for line in lines: print(line) lines = [] lines += ["""\ bool CNetObjHandler::TeeHistorianRecordMsg(int Type) { switch(Type) { """] empty = True for msg in network.Messages: if not msg.teehistorian: lines += [f'\tcase {msg.enum_name}:'] empty = False if not empty: lines += ['\t\treturn false;'] lines += ["""\ default: return true; } } """] for line in lines: print(line) lines = [] lines += ["""\ void RegisterGameUuids(CUuidManager *pManager) { """] for item in network.Objects + network.Messages: if item.ex is not None: lines += [f'\tpManager->RegisterName({item.enum_name}, "{item.ex}");'] lines += [""" RegisterMapItemTypeUuids(pManager); } """] for line in lines: print(line) def gen_common_content_types_header(): # print some includes print('#include ') # emit the type declarations with open("datasrc/", "rb") as content_file: contentlines = content_file.readlines() order = [] for line in contentlines: line = line.strip() if line[:6] == "class ".encode() and "(Struct)".encode() in line: order += [line.split()[1].split("(".encode())[0].decode("ascii")] for name in order: EmitTypeDeclaration(content.__dict__[name]) def gen_common_content_header(): # print some includes print('#include "data_types.h"') # the container pointer print('extern CDataContainer *g_pData;') # enums EmitEnum([f"IMAGE_{}" for i in content.container.images.items], "NUM_IMAGES") EmitEnum([f"ANIM_{}" for i in content.container.animations.items], "NUM_ANIMS") EmitEnum([f"SPRITE_{}" for i in content.container.sprites.items], "NUM_SPRITES") def gen_common_content_source(): EmitDefinition(content.container, "datacontainer") print('CDataContainer *g_pData = &datacontainer;') def gen_content_types_header(): print("#ifndef CONTENT_TYPES_HEADER") print("#define CONTENT_TYPES_HEADER") gen_common_content_types_header() print("#endif") def gen_client_content_header(): print("#ifndef CLIENT_CONTENT_HEADER") print("#define CLIENT_CONTENT_HEADER") gen_common_content_header() print("#endif") def gen_client_content_source(): print('#include "client_data.h"') gen_common_content_source() def gen_server_content_header(): print("#ifndef SERVER_CONTENT_HEADER") print("#define SERVER_CONTENT_HEADER") gen_common_content_header() print("#endif") def gen_server_content_source(): print('#include "server_data.h"') gen_common_content_source() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Generate C++ Source Files for the Teeworlds Network Protocol') ) FUNCTION_MAP = { 'network_header': gen_network_header, 'network_source': gen_network_source, 'content_types_header': gen_content_types_header, 'client_content_header': gen_client_content_header, 'client_content_source': gen_client_content_source, 'server_content_header': gen_server_content_header, 'server_content_source': gen_server_content_source, } parser.add_argument('file_to_generate', choices=FUNCTION_MAP.keys()) args = parser.parse_args() FUNCTION_MAP[args.file_to_generate]() if __name__ == '__main__': main()