/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "input.h" // this header is protected so you don't include it from anywhere #define KEYS_INCLUDE #include "keynames.h" #undef KEYS_INCLUDE // support older SDL version (pre 2.0.6) #ifndef SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN #define SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN (-32768) #endif #ifndef SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX #define SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX 32767 #endif #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) #include // windows.h must be included before imm.h, but clang-format requires includes to be sorted alphabetically, hence this comment. #include #endif // for platform specific features that aren't available or are broken in SDL #include void CInput::AddKeyEvent(int Key, int Flags) { dbg_assert((Flags & (FLAG_PRESS | FLAG_RELEASE)) != 0 && (Flags & ~(FLAG_PRESS | FLAG_RELEASE)) == 0, "Flags invalid"); CEvent Event; Event.m_Key = Key; Event.m_Flags = Flags; Event.m_aText[0] = '\0'; Event.m_InputCount = m_InputCounter; m_vInputEvents.emplace_back(Event); } void CInput::AddTextEvent(const char *pText) { CEvent Event; Event.m_Key = KEY_UNKNOWN; Event.m_Flags = FLAG_TEXT; str_copy(Event.m_aText, pText); Event.m_InputCount = m_InputCounter; m_vInputEvents.emplace_back(Event); } CInput::CInput() { mem_zero(m_aInputCount, sizeof(m_aInputCount)); mem_zero(m_aInputState, sizeof(m_aInputState)); m_vInputEvents.reserve(32); m_LastUpdate = 0; m_UpdateTime = 0.0f; m_InputCounter = 1; m_InputGrabbed = false; m_MouseFocus = true; m_pClipboardText = nullptr; m_CompositionLength = COMP_LENGTH_INACTIVE; m_CompositionCursor = 0; m_CandidateSelectedIndex = -1; m_aDropFile[0] = '\0'; } void CInput::Init() { StopTextInput(); m_pGraphics = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); MouseModeRelative(); InitJoysticks(); } void CInput::Shutdown() { SDL_free(m_pClipboardText); CloseJoysticks(); } void CInput::InitJoysticks() { if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) { if(SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { dbg_msg("joystick", "Unable to init SDL joystick system: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } } const int NumJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); dbg_msg("joystick", "%d joystick(s) found", NumJoysticks); for(int i = 0; i < NumJoysticks; i++) OpenJoystick(i); UpdateActiveJoystick(); Console()->Chain("inp_controller_guid", ConchainJoystickGuidChanged, this); } bool CInput::OpenJoystick(int JoystickIndex) { SDL_Joystick *pJoystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(JoystickIndex); if(!pJoystick) { dbg_msg("joystick", "Could not open joystick %d: '%s'", JoystickIndex, SDL_GetError()); return false; } if(std::find_if(m_vJoysticks.begin(), m_vJoysticks.end(), [pJoystick](const CJoystick &Joystick) -> bool { return Joystick.m_pDelegate == pJoystick; }) != m_vJoysticks.end()) { // Joystick has already been added return false; } m_vJoysticks.emplace_back(this, m_vJoysticks.size(), pJoystick); const CJoystick &Joystick = m_vJoysticks[m_vJoysticks.size() - 1]; dbg_msg("joystick", "Opened joystick %d '%s' (%d axes, %d buttons, %d balls, %d hats)", JoystickIndex, Joystick.GetName(), Joystick.GetNumAxes(), Joystick.GetNumButtons(), Joystick.GetNumBalls(), Joystick.GetNumHats()); return true; } void CInput::UpdateActiveJoystick() { m_pActiveJoystick = nullptr; if(m_vJoysticks.empty()) return; for(auto &Joystick : m_vJoysticks) { if(str_comp(Joystick.GetGUID(), g_Config.m_InpControllerGUID) == 0) { m_pActiveJoystick = &Joystick; return; } } // Fall back to first joystick if no match was found if(!m_pActiveJoystick) m_pActiveJoystick = &m_vJoysticks.front(); } void CInput::ConchainJoystickGuidChanged(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments() == 1) { static_cast(pUserData)->UpdateActiveJoystick(); } } float CInput::GetJoystickDeadzone() { return minimum(g_Config.m_InpControllerTolerance / 50.0f, 0.995f); } CInput::CJoystick::CJoystick(CInput *pInput, int Index, SDL_Joystick *pDelegate) { m_pInput = pInput; m_Index = Index; m_pDelegate = pDelegate; m_NumAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(pDelegate); m_NumButtons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(pDelegate); m_NumBalls = SDL_JoystickNumBalls(pDelegate); m_NumHats = SDL_JoystickNumHats(pDelegate); str_copy(m_aName, SDL_JoystickName(pDelegate)); SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetGUID(pDelegate), m_aGUID, sizeof(m_aGUID)); m_InstanceId = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(pDelegate); } void CInput::CloseJoysticks() { if(SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); m_vJoysticks.clear(); m_pActiveJoystick = nullptr; } void CInput::SetActiveJoystick(size_t Index) { m_pActiveJoystick = &m_vJoysticks[Index]; str_copy(g_Config.m_InpControllerGUID, m_pActiveJoystick->GetGUID()); } float CInput::CJoystick::GetAxisValue(int Axis) { return (SDL_JoystickGetAxis(m_pDelegate, Axis) - SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN) / (float)(SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX - SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN) * 2.0f - 1.0f; } void CInput::CJoystick::GetJoystickHatKeys(int Hat, int HatValue, int (&HatKeys)[2]) { if(HatValue & SDL_HAT_UP) HatKeys[0] = KEY_JOY_HAT0_UP + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; else if(HatValue & SDL_HAT_DOWN) HatKeys[0] = KEY_JOY_HAT0_DOWN + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; else HatKeys[0] = KEY_UNKNOWN; if(HatValue & SDL_HAT_LEFT) HatKeys[1] = KEY_JOY_HAT0_LEFT + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; else if(HatValue & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) HatKeys[1] = KEY_JOY_HAT0_RIGHT + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; else HatKeys[1] = KEY_UNKNOWN; } void CInput::CJoystick::GetHatValue(int Hat, int (&HatKeys)[2]) { GetJoystickHatKeys(Hat, SDL_JoystickGetHat(m_pDelegate, Hat), HatKeys); } bool CInput::CJoystick::Relative(float *pX, float *pY) { if(!Input()->m_MouseFocus || !Input()->m_InputGrabbed || !g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return false; const vec2 RawJoystickPos = vec2(GetAxisValue(g_Config.m_InpControllerX), GetAxisValue(g_Config.m_InpControllerY)); const float Len = length(RawJoystickPos); const float DeadZone = Input()->GetJoystickDeadzone(); if(Len > DeadZone) { const float Factor = 2500.0f * Input()->GetUpdateTime() * maximum((Len - DeadZone) / (1.0f - DeadZone), 0.001f) / Len; *pX = RawJoystickPos.x * Factor; *pY = RawJoystickPos.y * Factor; return true; } return false; } bool CInput::CJoystick::Absolute(float *pX, float *pY) { if(!Input()->m_MouseFocus || !Input()->m_InputGrabbed || !g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return false; const vec2 RawJoystickPos = vec2(GetAxisValue(g_Config.m_InpControllerX), GetAxisValue(g_Config.m_InpControllerY)); const float DeadZone = Input()->GetJoystickDeadzone(); if(dot(RawJoystickPos, RawJoystickPos) > DeadZone * DeadZone) { *pX = RawJoystickPos.x; *pY = RawJoystickPos.y; return true; } return false; } bool CInput::MouseRelative(float *pX, float *pY) { if(!m_MouseFocus || !m_InputGrabbed) return false; ivec2 Relative; #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // No relative mouse on Android ivec2 CurrentPos; SDL_GetMouseState(&CurrentPos.x, &CurrentPos.y); Relative = CurrentPos - m_LastMousePos; m_LastMousePos = CurrentPos; #else SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(&Relative.x, &Relative.y); #endif *pX = Relative.x; *pY = Relative.y; return *pX != 0.0f || *pY != 0.0f; } void CInput::MouseModeAbsolute() { m_InputGrabbed = false; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); Graphics()->SetWindowGrab(false); } void CInput::MouseModeRelative() { m_InputGrabbed = true; #if !defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // No relative mouse on Android SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); #endif Graphics()->SetWindowGrab(true); // Clear pending relative mouse motion SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(nullptr, nullptr); } void CInput::NativeMousePos(int *pX, int *pY) const { SDL_GetMouseState(pX, pY); } bool CInput::NativeMousePressed(int Index) { int i = SDL_GetMouseState(nullptr, nullptr); return (i & SDL_BUTTON(Index)) != 0; } const char *CInput::GetClipboardText() { SDL_free(m_pClipboardText); m_pClipboardText = SDL_GetClipboardText(); return m_pClipboardText; } void CInput::SetClipboardText(const char *pText) { SDL_SetClipboardText(pText); } void CInput::StartTextInput() { // enable system messages for IME SDL_EventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_ENABLE); SDL_StartTextInput(); } void CInput::StopTextInput() { SDL_StopTextInput(); // disable system messages for performance SDL_EventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_DISABLE); m_CompositionLength = COMP_LENGTH_INACTIVE; m_CompositionCursor = 0; m_aComposition[0] = '\0'; m_vCandidates.clear(); } void CInput::ConsumeEvents(std::function Consumer) const { for(const CEvent &Event : m_vInputEvents) { // Only propagate valid input events if(Event.m_InputCount == m_InputCounter) { Consumer(Event); } } } void CInput::Clear() { mem_zero(m_aInputState, sizeof(m_aInputState)); mem_zero(m_aInputCount, sizeof(m_aInputCount)); m_vInputEvents.clear(); } float CInput::GetUpdateTime() const { return m_UpdateTime; } bool CInput::KeyState(int Key) const { if(Key < KEY_FIRST || Key >= KEY_LAST) return false; return m_aInputState[Key]; } void CInput::UpdateMouseState() { const int MouseState = SDL_GetMouseState(nullptr, nullptr); if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_1] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_2] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_3] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_X1)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_4] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_X2)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_5] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(6)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_6] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(7)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_7] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(8)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_8] = 1; if(MouseState & SDL_BUTTON(9)) m_aInputState[KEY_MOUSE_9] = 1; } void CInput::UpdateJoystickState() { if(!g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return; IJoystick *pJoystick = GetActiveJoystick(); if(!pJoystick) return; const float DeadZone = GetJoystickDeadzone(); for(int Axis = 0; Axis < pJoystick->GetNumAxes(); Axis++) { const float Value = pJoystick->GetAxisValue(Axis); const int LeftKey = KEY_JOY_AXIS_0_LEFT + 2 * Axis; const int RightKey = LeftKey + 1; m_aInputState[LeftKey] = Value <= -DeadZone; m_aInputState[RightKey] = Value >= DeadZone; } for(int Hat = 0; Hat < pJoystick->GetNumHats(); Hat++) { int HatKeys[2]; pJoystick->GetHatValue(Hat, HatKeys); for(int Key = KEY_JOY_HAT0_UP + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; Key <= KEY_JOY_HAT0_DOWN + Hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; Key++) m_aInputState[Key] = HatKeys[0] == Key || HatKeys[1] == Key; } } void CInput::HandleJoystickAxisMotionEvent(const SDL_JoyAxisEvent &Event) { if(!g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return; CJoystick *pJoystick = GetActiveJoystick(); if(!pJoystick || pJoystick->GetInstanceId() != Event.which) return; if(Event.axis >= NUM_JOYSTICK_AXES) return; const int LeftKey = KEY_JOY_AXIS_0_LEFT + 2 * Event.axis; const int RightKey = LeftKey + 1; const float DeadZone = GetJoystickDeadzone(); if(Event.value <= SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN * DeadZone && !m_aInputState[LeftKey]) { m_aInputState[LeftKey] = true; m_aInputCount[LeftKey] = m_InputCounter; AddKeyEvent(LeftKey, IInput::FLAG_PRESS); } else if(Event.value > SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN * DeadZone && m_aInputState[LeftKey]) { m_aInputState[LeftKey] = false; AddKeyEvent(LeftKey, IInput::FLAG_RELEASE); } if(Event.value >= SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX * DeadZone && !m_aInputState[RightKey]) { m_aInputState[RightKey] = true; m_aInputCount[RightKey] = m_InputCounter; AddKeyEvent(RightKey, IInput::FLAG_PRESS); } else if(Event.value < SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX * DeadZone && m_aInputState[RightKey]) { m_aInputState[RightKey] = false; AddKeyEvent(RightKey, IInput::FLAG_RELEASE); } } void CInput::HandleJoystickButtonEvent(const SDL_JoyButtonEvent &Event) { if(!g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return; CJoystick *pJoystick = GetActiveJoystick(); if(!pJoystick || pJoystick->GetInstanceId() != Event.which) return; if(Event.button >= NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS) return; const int Key = Event.button + KEY_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_0; if(Event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { m_aInputState[Key] = true; m_aInputCount[Key] = m_InputCounter; AddKeyEvent(Key, IInput::FLAG_PRESS); } else if(Event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) { m_aInputState[Key] = false; AddKeyEvent(Key, IInput::FLAG_RELEASE); } } void CInput::HandleJoystickHatMotionEvent(const SDL_JoyHatEvent &Event) { if(!g_Config.m_InpControllerEnable) return; CJoystick *pJoystick = GetActiveJoystick(); if(!pJoystick || pJoystick->GetInstanceId() != Event.which) return; if(Event.hat >= NUM_JOYSTICK_HATS) return; int HatKeys[2]; CJoystick::GetJoystickHatKeys(Event.hat, Event.value, HatKeys); for(int Key = KEY_JOY_HAT0_UP + Event.hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; Key <= KEY_JOY_HAT0_DOWN + Event.hat * NUM_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS_PER_HAT; Key++) { if(Key != HatKeys[0] && Key != HatKeys[1] && m_aInputState[Key]) { m_aInputState[Key] = false; AddKeyEvent(Key, IInput::FLAG_RELEASE); } } for(int CurrentKey : HatKeys) { if(CurrentKey != KEY_UNKNOWN && !m_aInputState[CurrentKey]) { m_aInputState[CurrentKey] = true; m_aInputCount[CurrentKey] = m_InputCounter; AddKeyEvent(CurrentKey, IInput::FLAG_PRESS); } } } void CInput::HandleJoystickAddedEvent(const SDL_JoyDeviceEvent &Event) { if(OpenJoystick(Event.which)) { UpdateActiveJoystick(); } } void CInput::HandleJoystickRemovedEvent(const SDL_JoyDeviceEvent &Event) { auto RemovedJoystick = std::find_if(m_vJoysticks.begin(), m_vJoysticks.end(), [Event](const CJoystick &Joystick) -> bool { return Joystick.GetInstanceId() == Event.which; }); if(RemovedJoystick != m_vJoysticks.end()) { dbg_msg("joystick", "Closed joystick %d '%s'", (*RemovedJoystick).GetIndex(), (*RemovedJoystick).GetName()); auto NextJoystick = m_vJoysticks.erase(RemovedJoystick); // Adjust indices of following joysticks while(NextJoystick != m_vJoysticks.end()) { (*NextJoystick).m_Index--; ++NextJoystick; } UpdateActiveJoystick(); } } void CInput::SetCompositionWindowPosition(float X, float Y, float H) { SDL_Rect Rect; Rect.x = X / m_pGraphics->ScreenHiDPIScale(); Rect.y = Y / m_pGraphics->ScreenHiDPIScale(); Rect.h = H / m_pGraphics->ScreenHiDPIScale(); Rect.w = 0; SDL_SetTextInputRect(&Rect); } static int TranslateScancode(const SDL_KeyboardEvent &KeyEvent) { // See SDL_Keymod for possible modifiers: // NONE = 0 // LSHIFT = 1 // RSHIFT = 2 // LCTRL = 64 // RCTRL = 128 // LALT = 256 // RALT = 512 // LGUI = 1024 // RGUI = 2048 // NUM = 4096 // CAPS = 8192 // MODE = 16384 // Sum if you want to ignore multiple modifiers. if(KeyEvent.keysym.mod & g_Config.m_InpIgnoredModifiers) { return 0; } int Scancode = g_Config.m_InpTranslatedKeys ? SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(KeyEvent.keysym.sym) : KeyEvent.keysym.scancode; #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) // Translate the Android back-button to the escape-key so it can be used to open/close the menu, close popups etc. if(Scancode == KEY_AC_BACK) { Scancode = KEY_ESCAPE; } #endif return Scancode; } int CInput::Update() { const int64_t Now = time_get(); if(m_LastUpdate != 0) { const float Diff = (Now - m_LastUpdate) / (float)time_freq(); m_UpdateTime = m_UpdateTime == 0.0f ? Diff : (m_UpdateTime * 0.8f + Diff * 0.2f); } m_LastUpdate = Now; // keep the counter between 1..0xFFFFFFFF, 0 means not pressed m_InputCounter = (m_InputCounter % std::numeric_limits::max()) + 1; // Ensure that we have the latest keyboard, mouse and joystick state SDL_PumpEvents(); int NumKeyStates; const Uint8 *pState = SDL_GetKeyboardState(&NumKeyStates); if(NumKeyStates >= KEY_MOUSE_1) NumKeyStates = KEY_MOUSE_1; mem_copy(m_aInputState, pState, NumKeyStates); mem_zero(m_aInputState + NumKeyStates, KEY_LAST - NumKeyStates); // these states must always be updated manually because they are not in the SDL_GetKeyboardState from SDL UpdateMouseState(); UpdateJoystickState(); SDL_Event Event; bool IgnoreKeys = false; while(SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { int Scancode = 0; int Action = IInput::FLAG_PRESS; switch(Event.type) { case SDL_SYSWMEVENT: ProcessSystemMessage(Event.syswm.msg); break; case SDL_TEXTEDITING: { m_CompositionLength = str_length(Event.edit.text); if(m_CompositionLength) { str_copy(m_aComposition, Event.edit.text); m_CompositionCursor = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Event.edit.start; i++) m_CompositionCursor = str_utf8_forward(m_aComposition, m_CompositionCursor); // Event.edit.length is currently unused on Windows and will always be 0, so we don't support selecting composition text AddTextEvent(""); } else { m_aComposition[0] = '\0'; m_CompositionLength = 0; m_CompositionCursor = 0; } break; } case SDL_TEXTINPUT: m_aComposition[0] = '\0'; m_CompositionLength = COMP_LENGTH_INACTIVE; m_CompositionCursor = 0; AddTextEvent(Event.text.text); break; // handle keys case SDL_KEYDOWN: #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) if(Event.key.keysym.scancode == KEY_AC_BACK && m_BackButtonReleased) { if(m_LastBackPress == -1 || (Now - m_LastBackPress) / (float)time_freq() > 1.0f) { m_NumBackPresses = 1; m_LastBackPress = Now; } else { m_NumBackPresses++; if(m_NumBackPresses >= 3) { // Quit if the Android back-button was pressed 3 times within 1 second return 1; } } m_BackButtonReleased = false; } #endif Scancode = TranslateScancode(Event.key); break; case SDL_KEYUP: #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) if(Event.key.keysym.scancode == KEY_AC_BACK && !m_BackButtonReleased) { m_BackButtonReleased = true; } #endif Action = IInput::FLAG_RELEASE; Scancode = TranslateScancode(Event.key); break; // handle the joystick events case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: HandleJoystickAxisMotionEvent(Event.jaxis); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: HandleJoystickButtonEvent(Event.jbutton); break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: HandleJoystickHatMotionEvent(Event.jhat); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: HandleJoystickAddedEvent(Event.jdevice); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: HandleJoystickRemovedEvent(Event.jdevice); break; // handle mouse buttons case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: Action = IInput::FLAG_RELEASE; [[fallthrough]]; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_1; if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_2; if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_3; if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X1) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_4; if(Event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X2) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_5; if(Event.button.button == 6) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_6; if(Event.button.button == 7) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_7; if(Event.button.button == 8) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_8; if(Event.button.button == 9) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_9; break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if(Event.wheel.y > 0) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP; if(Event.wheel.y < 0) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN; if(Event.wheel.x > 0) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_LEFT; if(Event.wheel.x < 0) Scancode = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_RIGHT; Action |= IInput::FLAG_RELEASE; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: // Ignore keys following a focus gain as they may be part of global // shortcuts switch(Event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: Graphics()->Move(Event.window.data1, Event.window.data2); break; // listen to size changes, this includes our manual changes and the ones by the window manager case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: Graphics()->GotResized(Event.window.data1, Event.window.data2, -1); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: if(m_InputGrabbed) { MouseModeRelative(); // Clear pending relative mouse motion SDL_GetRelativeMouseState(nullptr, nullptr); } m_MouseFocus = true; IgnoreKeys = true; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: m_MouseFocus = false; IgnoreKeys = true; if(m_InputGrabbed) { MouseModeAbsolute(); // Remember that we had relative mouse m_InputGrabbed = true; } break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: Graphics()->WindowDestroyNtf(Event.window.windowID); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) // Todo: remove this when fixed in SDL MouseModeAbsolute(); MouseModeRelative(); #endif [[fallthrough]]; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: Graphics()->WindowCreateNtf(Event.window.windowID); break; } break; // other messages case SDL_QUIT: return 1; case SDL_DROPFILE: str_copy(m_aDropFile, Event.drop.file); SDL_free(Event.drop.file); break; } if(Scancode > KEY_FIRST && Scancode < g_MaxKeys && !IgnoreKeys && !HasComposition()) { if(Action & IInput::FLAG_PRESS) { m_aInputState[Scancode] = 1; m_aInputCount[Scancode] = m_InputCounter; } AddKeyEvent(Scancode, Action); } } if(m_CompositionLength == 0) m_CompositionLength = COMP_LENGTH_INACTIVE; return 0; } void CInput::ProcessSystemMessage(SDL_SysWMmsg *pMsg) { #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) // Todo SDL: remove this after SDL2 supports IME candidates if(pMsg->subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS && pMsg->msg.win.msg == WM_IME_NOTIFY) { switch(pMsg->msg.win.wParam) { case IMN_OPENCANDIDATE: case IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE: { HWND WindowHandle = pMsg->msg.win.hwnd; HIMC ImeContext = ImmGetContext(WindowHandle); DWORD Size = ImmGetCandidateListW(ImeContext, 0, nullptr, 0); LPCANDIDATELIST pCandidateList = nullptr; if(Size > 0) { pCandidateList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)malloc(Size); Size = ImmGetCandidateListW(ImeContext, 0, pCandidateList, Size); } m_vCandidates.clear(); if(pCandidateList && Size > 0) { for(DWORD i = pCandidateList->dwPageStart; i < pCandidateList->dwCount && (int)m_vCandidates.size() < (int)pCandidateList->dwPageSize; i++) { LPCWSTR pCandidate = (LPCWSTR)((DWORD_PTR)pCandidateList + pCandidateList->dwOffset[i]); m_vCandidates.push_back(std::move(windows_wide_to_utf8(pCandidate).value_or(""))); } m_CandidateSelectedIndex = pCandidateList->dwSelection - pCandidateList->dwPageStart; } else { m_CandidateSelectedIndex = -1; } free(pCandidateList); ImmReleaseContext(WindowHandle, ImeContext); break; } case IMN_CLOSECANDIDATE: m_vCandidates.clear(); m_CandidateSelectedIndex = -1; break; } } #endif } bool CInput::GetDropFile(char *aBuf, int Len) { if(m_aDropFile[0] != '\0') { str_copy(aBuf, m_aDropFile, Len); m_aDropFile[0] = '\0'; return true; } return false; } IEngineInput *CreateEngineInput() { return new CInput; }