##### authors ##### #translated to catalan by: # Ryozuki ##### translated strings ##### %ds left == %ds restants %i minute left == %i minuts restants %i minutes left == %i minuts restants %i second left == %i segons restants %i seconds left == %i segons restants %s wins! == ¡%s ha guanyat! Abort == Cancelar Add == Afegir Add Friend == Afegir amic Address == Direcció All == Tots Are you sure that you want to quit? == Estàs segur que vols sortir? Automatically record demos == Gravar repeticions automàticament Automatically take game over screenshot == Fer una foto de la pantalla al final de la partida automàticament Blue team == Equip blau Blue team wins! == El equip blau ha guanyat! Body == Cos Call vote == Votar Change settings == Canviar la configuració Chat == Conversació Clan == Clan Client == Client Connecting to == T'estàs unint a Connection Problems… == Problemes de connexió… Console == Consola Controls == Controls Count players only == Només contar jugadors Current == Actual Custom colors == Colors personalitzats Delete == Esborrar Delete demo == Esborrar repetició Demofile: %s == Fitxer de la repetició: %s Demos == Repeticions Disconnect == Desconnectar Disconnected == Desconnectat Downloading map == Descarregant mapa Draw! == Empat! Dynamic Camera == Càmera dinàmica Emoticon == Emoticó Error == Error Error loading demo == Error en carregar la repetició Favorite == Preferit Favorites == Preferits Feet == Peus Fire == Disparar Folder == Carpeta Force vote == Forçar la votació Free-View == Vista lliure Fullscreen == Pantalla completa Game == Joc Game info == Informació de la partida Game over == Fi de la partida Game paused == Joc en pausa Game type == Mode de joc Game types: == Modes de joc: General == General Graphics == Gràfics Grenade == Granada Hammer == Martell Has people playing == Hi ha gent jugant High Detail == Més detalls Hook == Ganxo Invalid Demo == Repetició invàlida Join blue == Unir-se al blau Join red == Unir-se al vermell Jump == Saltar Kick player == Expulsar el jugador Language == Idioma MOTD == MOTD Map == Mapa Move left == Moure's a l'esquerra Move player to spectators == Moure el jugador als espectadors Move right == Moure's a la dreta Movement == Moviment Mute when not active == Silenciar si no està actiu Name == Nom Next weapon == Arma següent Nickname == Nom No == No No password == Sense contrasenya No servers found == Cap servidor trobat No servers match your filter criteria == Cap servidor correspon als criteris de filtratge Ok == Ok Parent Folder == Carpeta principal Password == Contrasenya Password incorrect == Contrasenya incorrecta Ping == Ping Pistol == Pistola Play background music == Reproduir música de fons Player == Jugador Player country: == País del jugador Players == Jugadors Please balance teams! == Si us plau, equilibreu els equips! Prev. weapon == Arma anterior Quit == Sortir Reason: == Motiu: Red team == Equip vermell Red team wins! == El equip vermell guanya! Remote console == Consola remota Remove == Eliminar Remove friend == Eliminar amic Rename demo == Canviar de nom la repetició Reset filter == Reiniciar el filtre Score == Punts Score limit == Límit de punts Scoreboard == Puntuació Screenshot == Foto de pantalla Server address: == IP del servidor: Server info == Servidor Server not full == Servidor sense omplir Shotgun == Escopeta Show chat == Veure el xat Show friends only == Només veure els amics Show ingame HUD == Veure el HUD en el joc Show name plates == Veure els noms Show only chat messages from friends == Rebre només missatges d'amics Sound == So Sound error == Error de so Spectate == Asistir Spectate next == Observar el següent Spectate previous == Observar l'anterior Spectator mode == Mode espectador Spectators == Espectadors Stop record == Parar la grabació Strict gametype filter == Filtratge estricte del mode de joc Sudden Death == Mort sobtada Switch weapon on pickup == Canviar d'arma a l'agafar-la Team == Equip Team chat == En equip The audio device couldn't be initialised. == El dispositiu d'àudio no pot ser inicialitzat. The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == El servidor està utilitzant una modificació en un mode de joc estàndard Time limit == Temps límit Time limit: %d min == Temps límit: %d minuts Try again == Intenteu de nou Type == Tipus Unable to rename the demo == No es pot reanomenar la repetició Use sounds == Utilitzar sons Use team colors for name plates == Fer servir els colors dels equips en els noms V-Sync == V-Sync Version == Versió Vote command: == Ordre per la votació: Vote description: == Descripció de la votació: Vote no == Votar no Vote yes == Votar sí Voting == Votació Warmup == Escalfament Weapon == Arma Yes == Sí You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == Has de reiniciar el joc perquè els canvis tinguin efecte. Demo == Repetició Laser == Làser Reset == Reiniciat Screen == Pantalla New name: == Nom nou: Sat. == Saturació Miscellaneous == Miscel·lània Internet == Internet Max demos == Número màxim de repeticions News == Notícies Join game == Unir-se FSAA samples == Mostres FSAA Sound volume == Volum del so Max Screenshots == Número màxim de captures Hue == Tonalitat Record demo == Grabar repetició Your skin == La teva skin Reset to defaults == Restaurar als valors predeterminats Lht. == Lluminositat UI Color == Color del menú Alpha == Alfa LAN == LAN Name plates size == Mida de la lletra dels noms Ratio == Proporció AntiPing == AntiPing Show quads == Mostrar els quads Map sound volume == Volum del so del mapa Countries == Països Reconnect in %d sec == Reconnectar-se en %d segons Grabs == Agafa Show kill messages == Mostrar missatges de mort Show ghost == Mostrar el fantasma DDNet == DDNet No updates available == No hi ha actualitzacions disponibles Enable server message sound == Activa el so del missatge del servidor Show votes window after voting == Mostrar la finestra de votacions després de votar HUD == HUD Enable team chat sound == Activar el so del xat d'equip Show other players' hook collision lines == Mostra les línies de col·lisió d'altres jugadors Deaths == Morts Enable game sounds == Activar sons del joc DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! == El client DDNet necessita reiniciar-se per completar l'actualització! Show others == Mostrar altres Gameplay == Joc Restart == Reiniciar Browser == Navegador Follow == Seguir Enable gun sound == Activar el so de la pistola Team message == Missatge d'equip Automatically create statboard csv == Crear un fitxer csv d'estadístiques automàticament Save the best demo of each race == Guardar la millor demo de cada carrera Show tiles layers from BG map == Mostrar les capes de rajoles del mapa de fons Are you sure that you want to disconnect? == Estàs segur que et vols desconnectar? Types == Tipus Ghost == Fantasma Remove chat == Eliminar el xat Check now == Comprova ara Frags == Morts causades AntiPing: predict other players == AntiPing: Predir altres jugadors Show other players' key presses == Mostrar les tecles premudes d'altres jugadors Automatically take statboard screenshot == Fer una foto de la taula d'estadístiques automàticament System message == Missatge del sistema Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) == Activar el so de dolor llarg (quan dispares congelat) DDNet %s is available: == DDNet %s està disponible: Updating… == Actualitzant… Overlay entities == Entitats superposades Messages == Missatges %.2f MiB == %.2f MiB Refresh Rate == Freqüència d'actualització New random timeout code == Nou codi aleatori pel timeout Suicides == Suïcidis Net == Net Loading DDNet Client == Carregant el client DDNet FPM == FPM Default zoom == Zoom predeterminat Show score == Mostrar la puntuació Spree == Spree Max CSVs == CSVs màxims %.2f KiB == %.2f KiB Best == Millor Enable regular chat sound == Activar el so de xat regular Normal message == Missatge normal Search == Buscar Connecting dummy == Connectant el maniquí Clan plates size == Mida del clan Update now == Actualitza ara Show clan above name plates == Mostrar el clan a dalt dels noms Save ghost == Guardar el fantasma Exclude == Excloure Enable highlighted chat sound == Activar el so del xat destacat AntiPing: predict weapons == AntiPing: predir armes DDNet Client updated! == El client DDNet s'ha actualitzat! Highlighted message == Missatge destacat Switch weapon when out of ammo == Canviar d'arma en quedar-se sense munició AntiPing: predict grenade paths == AntiPing: predir el camí de la granada Friend message == Missatge d'amics Fat skins (DDFat) == Skins Groses (DDFat) Show names in chat in team colors == Mostrar els noms en el xat amb colors may cause delay == pot causar retràs Unfinished map == Mapa inacabat Deactivate == Desactivar Welcome to DDNet == Benvingut a DDNet Activate == Activar File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == L'arxiu ja existeix, vols reescriure'l? Indicate map finish == Indicar la finalització d'un mapa Save == Guardar Vanilla skins only == Només Vanilla skins only Date == Data Show DDNet map finishes in server browser == Mostrar finalitzacions de mapes en el buscador de servidors transmits your player name to info.ddnet.org == retransmet el teu nom de jugar a info.ddnet.org Successfully saved the replay! == S'ha guardat la repetició correctament! Replay feature is disabled! == La funció de reproducció està desactivada. Server best: == Millor del servidor: Personal best: == Millor personal: Learn == Aprendre Render demo == Renderitzar demo Replace video == Substituir el video Disconnect Dummy == Desconnectar dummy Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy? == Estàs segur que vols desconnectar el teu dummy? DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you. == DDraceNetwork és un videojoc cooperatiu en línia on l'objectiu és que tu i el teu grup de tees arribin a la meta final del mapa. Com a nouvingut hauries de començar en els servidors Novice, que contenen els mapes més fàcils. Considera el teu ping per escollir un servidor a prop teu. It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == És recomanat que miris la configuració i ho canviïs al teu gust abans d'entrar a un servidor. Please enter your nickname below. == Si us plau, escriu el teu nom a sota. Video name: == Nom del vídeo: Filter connecting players == Filtrar els jugadors connectant-se DDNet %s is out! == DDNet %s ja està disponible! Downloading %s: == Descarregant %s: Update failed! Check log… == L'actualització ha fallat! Mira el registre… Markers == Marques Length == Llargada Fetch Info == Obtenir informació Connect Dummy == Connectar el dummy Skin prefix == Prefix de la skin Hook collisions == Col·lisions del ganxo Pause == Pausa Kill == Matar Zoom in == Fer zoom Zoom out == Disminuir zoom Show all == Mostrar tots Toggle dyncam == Commutar dyncam Toggle dummy == Commutar dummy Toggle ghost == Commutar fantasma Dummy copy == Dummy copia Hammerfly dummy == Dummy hammerfly Converse == Conversar Statboard == Taula d'estadístiques Lock team == Bloquejar l'equip Show entities == Mostrar entitats Show HUD == Mostrar el HUD Use high DPI == Fer servir alt DPI Default length == Llargada predeterminada Enable replays == Activar les repeticions Size == Mida Show text entities == Mostrar entitats de text Show others (own team only) == Mostar altres (només de l'equip) Time == Temps 1 new mention == 1 nova menció %d new mentions == %d noves mencions 9+ new mentions == 9+ noves mencions Manual == Manual Race == Carrera Auto == Auto Replay == Repetició The width of texture %s is not divisible by %d, or the height is not divisible by %d, which might cause visual bugs. == La mida de la textura %s no es divisible per %d, o l'altura no es divisible per %d, el qual pot resultar en errors visuals. Warning == Advertència Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode. == Mode de depuració activat. Utilitza Ctrl+Shift+D per desactivar-lo. Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds. == Utilitza la tecla k per morir (reiniciar). Veure la configuració per més key binds. Existing Player == Jugador Existent Your nickname '%s' is already used (%d points). Do you still want to use it? == El teu sobrenom '%s' ja esta en ús (té %d punts). Vols continuar utilitzant-lo? Checking for existing player with your name == Comprovant si existeix un jugador amb el teu nom Are you sure that you want to disconnect and switch to a different server? == Estàs segur que et vols desconnectar i entrar a un servidor diferent? Speed == Velocitat Theme == Tema Getting server list from master server == Obtenint la llista de servidors %d of %d servers == %d de %d servidors %d of %d server == %d de %d servidor %d players == %d jugadors %d player == %d jugador Leak IP == Fer la teva ip pública Demos directory == Directori de demos Smooth Dynamic Camera == Camera dinàmica suau Skip the main menu == Saltar el menu principal Themes directory == Directori de temes Download skins == Descargar skins Skin Database == Base de dades de skins Skins directory == Directori de skins Chat command == Comanda de xat Dummy == Dummy Windowed == Finestra Windowed borderless == Finestra sense vores Desktop fullscreen == Pantalla completa d'escriptori Game sound volume == Volum del so del joc Chat sound volume == Volum del so de xat Background music volume == Volum de música de fons Assets == Arxius Use old chat style == Utilitzar l'estil antic del xat Client message == Missatge del client Preview == Vista prèvia Show local player's key presses == Mostrar les tecles premudes del jugador local Background == Fons Use current map as background == Utilitzar el mapa actual com a fons Entities == Entitats Emoticons == Emoticons Particles == Partícules Assets directory == Directori d'arxius del joc Discord == Discord https://ddnet.org/discord == https://ddnet.org/discord https://wiki.ddnet.org/ == https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Main_Page/ca Website == Página Web Settings == Configuració Stop server == Apagar servidor Run server == Engegar servidor Server executable not found, can't run server == L'executable del servidor no s'ha trobat, no es pot engegar el servidor Editor == Editor [Start menu] Play == Jugar AFR == AFR ASI == ASI AUS == AUS EUR == EUR NA == NA SA == SA CHN == CHN The format of texture %s is not RGBA which will cause visual bugs. == El format de la textura %s no és RGBA i pot causar errors visuals. Join Tutorial Server == Entrar al tutorial Skip Tutorial == Saltar el Tutorial Settings file == Arxiu de configuració Config directory == Directori amb la configuració Windowed fullscreen == Windowed fullscreen Renderer == Renderitzador default == predeterminat custom == personalitzat auto == auto Run on join == Córrer en unir-se Chat command (e.g. showall 1) == Commanda del xat (e.g showall 1) Tutorial == Tutorial Can't find a Tutorial server == No s'ha pogut trobar un servidor del tutorial [Graphics error] Failed during initialization. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == [Graphics error] Out of VRAM. Try removing custom assets (skins, entities, etc.), especially those with high resolution. == [Graphics error] An error during command recording occurred. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] A render command failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Submitting the render commands failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Failed to swap framebuffers. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Unknown error. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now. == [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, this is probably because you didn't install the driver of the integrated graphics card. == Could not resolve connect address '%s'. See local console for details. == Connect address error == Could not save downloaded map. Try manually deleting this file: %s == Could not connect dummy == Error playing demo == Failed saving the replay! == Saving settings to '%s' failed == Error saving settings == Preparing demo playback == Connected == Loading map file from storage == Loading demo file from storage == Initializing components == Why are you slowmo replaying to read this? == Initializing assets == Initializing map logic == Sending initial client info == Quitting. Please wait… == Restarting. Please wait… == Loading skin files == Searching == Enter Username == Enter Password == NOT CONNECTED == Match %d of %d == No results == Lines %d - %d (%s) == Locked == Following == Loading commands… == Position: == Speed: == Angle: == Multi-View == [Spectating] Following %s == Team %d == Some map images could not be loaded. Check the local console for details. == Uploading map data to GPU == Some map sounds could not be loaded. Check the local console for details. == Loading menu themes == Press a key… == Main menu == Rename folder == Render complete == Are you sure that you want to restart? == Save skin == Are you sure you want to save your skin? If a skin with this name already exists, it will be replaced. == There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it. == Continue anyway? == A demo with this name already exists == A folder with this name already exists == Unable to rename the folder == File '%s' already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == (paused) == Videos directory == Video was saved to '%s' == Unable to save the skin == Unable to save the skin with a reserved name == Trying to determine UDP connectivity… == UDP seems to be filtered. == UDP and TCP IP addresses seem to be different. Try disabling VPN, proxy or network accelerators. == No answer from server yet. == %d/%d KiB (%.1f KiB/s) == Getting game info == Requesting to join the game == Loading menu images == No local servers found (ports %d-%d) == Example of usage == No login required == Communities == Copy info == No server selected == Online players (%d) == Online clanmates (%d) == [friends (server browser)] Offline (%d) == Click to select server. Double click to join your friend. == Click to remove this player from your friends list. == Click to remove this clan from your friends list. == None == Are you sure that you want to remove the player '%s' from your friends list? == Are you sure that you want to remove the clan '%s' from your friends list? == Add Clan == Server filter == Friends == Play the current demo == Pause the current demo == Stop the current demo == Go back the specified duration == [Demo player duration] %d min. == [Demo player duration] %d sec. == Change the skip duration == Go forward the specified duration == Go back one tick == Go forward one tick == Go back one marker == Go forward one marker == Slow down the demo == Speed up the demo == Mark the beginning of a cut (right click to reset) == Mark the end of a cut (right click to reset) == Export cut as a separate demo == Close the demo player == Toggle keyboard shortcuts == Export demo cut == Cut interval == Cut length == Render cut to video == Please use a different filename == Loading demo files == All combined == No demo selected == Folder Link == Created == Netversion == [Demo details] map not included == Open the directory that contains the demo files == Are you sure that you want to delete the folder '%s'? == Are you sure that you want to delete the demo '%s'? == Delete folder == Unable to delete the demo '%s' == Unable to delete the folder '%s'. Make sure it's empty first. == Dummy is not allowed on this server == Please wait… == Loading… == Loading ghost files == Ghosts directory == Activate all == Deactivate all == Menu opened. Press Esc key again to close menu. == [Hertz] Hz == Save power by lowering refresh rate (higher input latency) == Open the settings file == Open the directory that contains the configuration and user files == Open the directory to add custom themes == Player info change cooldown == Download community skins == Create a random skin == Choose default eyes when joining a server == Open the directory to add custom skins == Enable controller == Controller == Ingame controller mode == [Ingame controller mode] Relative == [Ingame controller mode] Absolute == Ingame controller sens. == UI controller sens. == Controller jitter tolerance == No controller found. Plug in a controller. == Axis == Status == Aim bind == Mouse == Ingame mouse sens. == UI mouse sens. == Reset controls == Are you sure that you want to reset the controls to their defaults? == Cancel == Allows maps to render with more detail == Graphics card == Tee == Appearance == Name Plate == Hook Collisions == Info Messages == Show health, shields and ammo == Show local time always == DDRace HUD == Show client IDs (scoreboard, chat, spectator) == Show DDRace HUD == Show jumps indicator == Show dummy actions == Show player position == Show player speed == Show player target angle == Show freeze bars == Opacity of freeze bars inside freeze == Always show chat == Show only chat messages from team members == Chat font size == Chat width == Show friend mark (♥) in name plates == Show hook strength icon indicator == Show hook strength number indicator == Authed name color in scoreboard == Same clan color in scoreboard == Hook collision line == Show own player's hook collision line == Always show own player's hook collision line == Always show other players' hook collision lines == Hook collision line width == Hook collision line opacity == Colors of the hook collision line, in case of a possible collision with: == Your movements are not taken into account when calculating the line colors == Nothing hookable == Something hookable == A Tee == Show finish messages == Normal Color == Highlight Color == Weapons == Rifle Laser Outline Color == Rifle Laser Inner Color == Shotgun Laser Outline Color == Shotgun Laser Inner Color == Door Laser Outline Color == Door Laser Inner Color == Freeze Laser Outline Color == Freeze Laser Inner Color == Set all to Rifle == Enable ghost == When you cross the start line, show a ghost tee replicating the movements of your best time == Opacity == Only save improvements == Adjust the opacity of entities belonging to other teams, such as tees and nameplates == Quads are used for background decoration == Tries to predict other entities to give a feel of low latency == Regular background color == Entities background color == Unregister protocol and file extensions == Basic == Custom == Are you sure that you want to delete '%s'? == Delete skin == Unable to delete skin == Extras == Loading assets == Open the directory to add custom assets == Loading race demo files == Round %d/%d == [Spectators] %d others… == Super == [Team and size] %d\n(%d/%d) == Team %d (%d/%d) == [skins] Body == [skins] Marking == [skins] Decoration == [skins] Hands == [skins] Feet == [skins] Eyes == Loading sound files == Moved ingame == https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Mapping ==