/* (c) Shereef Marzouk. See "licence DDRace.txt" and the readme.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ #ifndef GAME_SERVER_DDRACECOMMANDS_H #define GAME_SERVER_DDRACECOMMANDS_H #undef GAME_SERVER_DDRACECOMMANDS_H // this file can be included several times #ifndef CHAT_COMMAND #define CHAT_COMMAND(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help) #endif CHAT_COMMAND("credits", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConCredits, this, "Shows the credits of the DDRace mod") CHAT_COMMAND("emote", "?s[emote name] i[duration in seconds]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConEyeEmote, this, "Sets your tee's eye emote") CHAT_COMMAND("eyeemote", "?s['on'|'off'|'toggle']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetEyeEmote, this, "Toggles use of standard eye-emotes on/off, eyeemote s, where s = on for on, off for off, toggle for toggle and nothing to show current status") CHAT_COMMAND("settings", "?s[configname]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSettings, this, "Shows gameplay information for this server") CHAT_COMMAND("help", "?r[command]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConHelp, this, "Shows help to command r, general help if left blank") CHAT_COMMAND("info", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConInfo, this, "Shows info about this server") CHAT_COMMAND("me", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConMe, this, "Like the famous irc command '/me says hi' will display ' says hi'") CHAT_COMMAND("w", "s[player name] r[message]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConWhisper, this, "Whisper something to someone (private message)") CHAT_COMMAND("whisper", "s[player name] r[message]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConWhisper, this, "Whisper something to someone (private message)") CHAT_COMMAND("c", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConConverse, this, "Converse with the last person you whispered to (private message)"); CHAT_COMMAND("converse", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConConverse, this, "Converse with the last person you whispered to (private message)"); CHAT_COMMAND("pause", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTogglePause, this, "Toggles pause") CHAT_COMMAND("spec", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConToggleSpec, this, "Toggles spec (if not available behaves as /pause)") CHAT_COMMAND("dnd", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConDND, this, "Toggle Do Not Disturb (no chat and server messages)") CHAT_COMMAND("mapinfo", "?r[map]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConMapInfo, this, "Show info about the map with name r gives (current map by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("timeout", "s[code]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTimeout, this, "Set timeout protection code s") CHAT_COMMAND("save", "r[code]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSave, this, "Save team with code r") CHAT_COMMAND("load", "r[code]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConLoad, this, "Load with code r") CHAT_COMMAND("map", "?r[map]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConMap, this, "Vote a map by name") CHAT_COMMAND("rankteam", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTeamRank, this, "Shows the team rank of player with name r (your team rank by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("teamrank", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTeamRank, this, "Shows the team rank of player with name r (your team rank by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("rank", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRank, this, "Shows the rank of player with name r (your rank by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("rules", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRules, this, "Shows the server rules") CHAT_COMMAND("team", "?i[id]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConJoinTeam, this, "Lets you join team i (shows your team if left blank)") CHAT_COMMAND("lock", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConLockTeam, this, "Lock team so no-one else can join it") CHAT_COMMAND("invite", "r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConInviteTeam, this, "Invite a person to a locked team") CHAT_COMMAND("top5team", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTeamTop5, this, "Shows five team ranks of the ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("teamtop5", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTeamTop5, this, "Shows five team ranks of the ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("top5", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTop5, this, "Shows five ranks of the ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("showothers", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConShowOthers, this, "Whether to show players from other teams or not (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") CHAT_COMMAND("specteam", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSpecTeam, this, "Whether to show players from other teams when spectating (on by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") CHAT_COMMAND("ninjajetpack", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConNinjaJetpack, this, "Whether to use ninja jetpack or not. Makes jetpack look more awesome") CHAT_COMMAND("saytime", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSayTime, this, "Privately messages someone's current time in this current running race (your time by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("saytimeall", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSayTimeAll, this, "Publicly messages everyone your current time in this current running race") CHAT_COMMAND("time", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTime, this, "Privately shows you your current time in this current running race in the broadcast message") CHAT_COMMAND("timer", "?s['gametimer'|'broadcast'|'both'|'none'|'cycle']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetTimerType, this, "Personal Setting of showing time in either broadcast or game/round timer, timer s, where s = broadcast for broadcast, gametimer for game/round timer, cycle for cycle, both for both, none for no timer and nothing to show current status") CHAT_COMMAND("r", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRescue, this, "Teleport yourself out of freeze (use sv_rescue 1 to enable this feature)") CHAT_COMMAND("rescue", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRescue, this, "Teleport yourself out of freeze (use sv_rescue 1 to enable this feature)") CHAT_COMMAND("kill", "", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConProtectedKill, this, "Kill yourself") #if defined(CONF_SQL) CHAT_COMMAND("times", "?s[player name] ?i[number of times to skip]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTimes, this, "/times ?s?i shows last 5 times of the server or of a player beginning with name s starting with time i (i = 1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("points", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConPoints, this, "Shows the global points of a player beginning with name r (your rank by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("top5points", "?i[number]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTopPoints, this, "Shows five points of the global point ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") #endif #undef CHAT_COMMAND #endif