import argparse import tempfile import binascii import hashlib import os import re import sys AUTH_ADD_REGEX=re.compile(r'^\s*auth_add\s+(?P"[^"]*"|[^"\s]+)\s+(?P"[^"]*"|[^"\s]+)\s+(?P"[^"]*"|[^"\s]+)\s*$') AUTH_ADD_PRESENT_REGEX=re.compile(r'(^|\W)auth_add($|\W)') def hash_password(password): salt = os.urandom(8) h = hashlib.md5() h.update(password.encode()) h.update(salt) return h.hexdigest(), binascii.hexlify(salt).decode('ascii') def auth_add_p_line(username, level, pwhash, salt): if level not in ('admin', 'mod', 'moderator', 'helper'): print(f"Warning: level ({level}) not one of admin, mod or helper.", file=sys.stderr) if repr(level) != f"'{level}'": print(f"Warning: level ({level}) contains weird symbols, config line is possibly malformed.", file=sys.stderr) if repr(username) != f"'{username}'": print(f"Warning: username ({username}) contains weird symbols, config line is possibly malformed.", file=sys.stderr) username = username.replace('"', '\\"') if ' ' in username or ';' in username: username = f'"{username}"' return f"auth_add_p {username} {level} {pwhash} {salt}" def auth_add_p_line_from_pw(username, level, password): if len(password) < 8: print("Warning: password too short for a long-term password.", file=sys.stderr) pwhash, salt = hash_password(password) return auth_add_p_line(username, level, pwhash, salt) def parse_line(line): m = AUTH_ADD_REGEX.match(line) if not m: if print("Warning: Funny-looking line with 'auth_add', not touching it:") print(line, end="") return None password ='password') if password.startswith('"'): password = password[1:-1] # Strip quotes. return'username'),'level'), password def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Hash passwords in a way suitable for DDNet configs.") p.add_argument('--new', '-n', nargs=3, metavar=("USERNAME", "LEVEL", "PASSWORD"), action='append', default=[], help="username, level and password of the new user") p.add_argument('config', nargs='?', metavar="CONFIG", help="config file to update.") args = p.parse_args() if not and args.config is None: p.error("expected at least one of --new and CONFIG") use_stdio = args.config is None or args.config == '-' if use_stdio: if args.config is None: input_file = open(os.devnull, encoding="utf-8") else: input_file = sys.stdin output_file = sys.stdout else: input_file = open(args.config, encoding="utf-8") # pylint: disable=consider-using-with output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', dir=os.getcwd(), prefix=f"{args.config}.", delete=False) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with for line in input_file: parsed = parse_line(line) if parsed is None: print(line, end="", file=output_file) else: print(auth_add_p_line_from_pw(*parsed), file=output_file) for auth_tuple in print(auth_add_p_line_from_pw(*auth_tuple), file=output_file) if not use_stdio: input_file.close() output_filename = output_file.close() os.rename(output_filename, args.config) if __name__ == '__main__': main()