/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_UI_SCROLLREGION_H #define GAME_CLIENT_UI_SCROLLREGION_H #include "ui.h" struct CScrollRegionParams { bool m_Active; float m_ScrollbarWidth; float m_ScrollbarMargin; bool m_ScrollbarNoMarginRight; float m_SliderMinHeight; float m_ScrollUnit; ColorRGBA m_ClipBgColor; ColorRGBA m_ScrollbarBgColor; ColorRGBA m_RailBgColor; ColorRGBA m_SliderColor; ColorRGBA m_SliderColorHover; ColorRGBA m_SliderColorGrabbed; unsigned m_Flags; enum { FLAG_CONTENT_STATIC_WIDTH = 1 << 0, }; CScrollRegionParams() { m_Active = true; m_ScrollbarWidth = 20.0f; m_ScrollbarMargin = 5.0f; m_ScrollbarNoMarginRight = false; m_SliderMinHeight = 25.0f; m_ScrollUnit = 10.0f; m_ClipBgColor = ColorRGBA(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_ScrollbarBgColor = ColorRGBA(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_RailBgColor = ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f); m_SliderColor = ColorRGBA(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); m_SliderColorHover = ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); m_SliderColorGrabbed = ColorRGBA(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f); m_Flags = 0; } ColorRGBA SliderColor(bool Active, bool Hovered) const { if(Active) return m_SliderColorGrabbed; else if(Hovered) return m_SliderColorHover; return m_SliderColor; } }; /* Usage: -- Initialization -- static CScrollRegion s_ScrollRegion; vec2 ScrollOffset(0, 0); s_ScrollRegion.Begin(&ScrollRegionRect, &ScrollOffset); Content = ScrollRegionRect; Content.y += ScrollOffset.y; -- "Register" your content rects -- CUIRect Rect; Content.HSplitTop(SomeValue, &Rect, &Content); s_ScrollRegion.AddRect(Rect); -- [Optional] Knowing if a rect is clipped -- s_ScrollRegion.RectClipped(Rect); -- [Optional] Scroll to a rect (to the last added rect)-- ... s_ScrollRegion.AddRect(Rect); s_ScrollRegion.ScrollHere(Option); -- [Convenience] Add rect and check for visibility at the same time if(s_ScrollRegion.AddRect(Rect)) // The rect is visible (not clipped) -- [Convenience] Add rect and scroll to it if it's selected if(s_ScrollRegion.AddRect(Rect, ScrollToSelection && IsSelected)) // The rect is visible (not clipped) -- End -- s_ScrollRegion.End(); */ // Instances of CScrollRegion must be static, as member addresses are used as UI item IDs class CScrollRegion : private CUIElementBase { public: // TODO: Properly fix whatever is causing the 1-pixel discrepancy in scrolling rect height and remove this magic value. // Currently this must be added when calculating the required height of a UI rect for a scroll region to get a perfect fit. static constexpr float HEIGHT_MAGIC_FIX = 1.0f; enum EScrollRelative { SCROLLRELATIVE_UP = -1, SCROLLRELATIVE_NONE = 0, SCROLLRELATIVE_DOWN = 1, }; private: float m_ScrollY; float m_ContentH; float m_RequestScrollY; // [0, ContentHeight] EScrollRelative m_ScrollDirection; float m_ScrollSpeedMultiplier; float m_AnimTimeMax; float m_AnimTime; float m_AnimInitScrollY; float m_AnimTargetScrollY; CUIRect m_ClipRect; CUIRect m_RailRect; CUIRect m_LastAddedRect; // saved for ScrollHere() vec2 m_SliderGrabPos; // where did user grab the slider vec2 m_ContentScrollOff; CScrollRegionParams m_Params; public: enum EScrollOption { SCROLLHERE_KEEP_IN_VIEW = 0, SCROLLHERE_TOP, SCROLLHERE_BOTTOM, }; CScrollRegion(); void Begin(CUIRect *pClipRect, vec2 *pOutOffset, const CScrollRegionParams *pParams = nullptr); void End(); bool AddRect(const CUIRect &Rect, bool ShouldScrollHere = false); // returns true if the added rect is visible (not clipped) void ScrollHere(EScrollOption Option = SCROLLHERE_KEEP_IN_VIEW); void ScrollRelative(EScrollRelative Direction, float SpeedMultiplier = 1.0f); const CUIRect *ClipRect() const { return &m_ClipRect; } void DoEdgeScrolling(); bool RectClipped(const CUIRect &Rect) const; bool ScrollbarShown() const; bool Animating() const; const CScrollRegionParams &Params() const { return m_Params; } }; #endif