/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_PARTICLES_H #define GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_PARTICLES_H #include #include // particles struct CParticle { void SetDefault() { m_Vel = vec2(0,0); m_LifeSpan = 0; m_StartSize = 32; m_EndSize = 32; m_Rot = 0; m_Rotspeed = 0; m_Gravity = 0; m_Friction = 0; m_FlowAffected = 1.0f; m_Color = ColorRGBA(1,1,1,1); } vec2 m_Pos; vec2 m_Vel; int m_Spr; float m_FlowAffected; float m_LifeSpan; float m_StartSize; float m_EndSize; float m_Rot; float m_Rotspeed; float m_Gravity; float m_Friction; ColorRGBA m_Color; // set by the particle system float m_Life; int m_PrevPart; int m_NextPart; }; class CParticles : public CComponent { friend class CGameClient; public: enum { GROUP_PROJECTILE_TRAIL=0, GROUP_EXPLOSIONS, GROUP_GENERAL, NUM_GROUPS }; CParticles(); void Add(int Group, CParticle *pPart, float TimePassed = 0.f); virtual void OnReset(); virtual void OnRender(); virtual void OnInit(); private: int m_ParticleQuadContainerIndex; enum { MAX_PARTICLES=1024*8, }; CParticle m_aParticles[MAX_PARTICLES]; int m_FirstFree; int m_aFirstPart[NUM_GROUPS]; void RenderGroup(int Group); void Update(float TimePassed); template class CRenderGroup : public CComponent { public: CParticles *m_pParts; virtual void OnRender() { m_pParts->RenderGroup(TGROUP); } }; CRenderGroup m_RenderTrail; CRenderGroup m_RenderExplosions; CRenderGroup m_RenderGeneral; }; #endif