/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_SERVER_ENTITIES_LASER_H #define GAME_SERVER_ENTITIES_LASER_H #include class CLaser : public CEntity { public: CLaser(CGameWorld *pGameWorld, vec2 Pos, vec2 Direction, float StartEnergy, int Owner, int Type); virtual void Reset() override; virtual void Tick() override; virtual void TickPaused() override; virtual void Snap(int SnappingClient) override; virtual void SwapClients(int Client1, int Client2) override; virtual int GetOwnerID() const override { return m_Owner; } protected: bool HitCharacter(vec2 From, vec2 To); void DoBounce(); private: vec2 m_From; vec2 m_Dir; vec2 m_TelePos; bool m_WasTele; float m_Energy; int m_Bounces; int m_EvalTick; int m_Owner; CClientMask m_TeamMask; bool m_ZeroEnergyBounceInLastTick; // DDRace vec2 m_PrevPos; int m_Type; int m_TuneZone; bool m_TeleportCancelled; bool m_IsBlueTeleport; bool m_BelongsToPracticeTeam; }; #endif