/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CCollision::CCollision() { m_pTiles = 0; m_Width = 0; m_Height = 0; m_pLayers = 0; m_pTele = 0; m_pSpeedup = 0; m_pFront = 0; m_pSwitch = 0; m_pDoor = 0; m_pSwitchers = 0; } void CCollision::Dest() { if(m_pDoor) delete[] m_pDoor; if(m_pSwitchers) delete[] m_pSwitchers; m_pTiles = 0; m_Width = 0; m_Height = 0; m_pLayers = 0; m_pTele = 0; m_pSpeedup = 0; m_pFront = 0; m_pSwitch = 0; m_pDoor = 0; m_pSwitchers = 0; } void CCollision::Init(class CLayers *pLayers) { if(m_pLayers) m_pLayers->Dest(); Dest(); m_NumSwitchers = 0; m_pLayers = pLayers; m_Width = m_pLayers->GameLayer()->m_Width; m_Height = m_pLayers->GameLayer()->m_Height; m_pTiles = static_cast(m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(m_pLayers->GameLayer()->m_Data)); if(m_pLayers->TeleLayer()) m_pTele = static_cast(m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(m_pLayers->TeleLayer()->m_Tele)); if(m_pLayers->SpeedupLayer()) m_pSpeedup = static_cast(m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(m_pLayers->SpeedupLayer()->m_Speedup)); if(m_pLayers->SwitchLayer()) { m_pSwitch = static_cast(m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(m_pLayers->SwitchLayer()->m_Switch)); m_pDoor = new CDoorTile[m_Width*m_Height]; mem_zero(m_pDoor, m_Width*m_Height*sizeof(m_pDoor)); } else { m_pDoor = 0; m_pSwitchers = 0; } if(m_pLayers->FrontLayer()) { m_pFront = static_cast(m_pLayers->Map()->GetData(m_pLayers->FrontLayer()->m_Front)); } for(int i = 0; i < m_Width*m_Height; i++) { int Index; if(m_pSwitch) { if(m_pSwitch[i].m_Number > m_NumSwitchers) m_NumSwitchers = m_pSwitch[i].m_Number; if(m_pSwitch[i].m_Number) m_pDoor[i].m_Number = m_pSwitch[i].m_Number; else m_pDoor[i].m_Number = 0; Index = m_pSwitch[i].m_Type; if(Index <= TILE_NPH) { if(Index >= TILE_FREEZE && Index <= TILE_SWITCHCLOSE) m_pSwitch[i].m_Type = Index; else m_pSwitch[i].m_Type = 0; } } if(m_pFront) { Index = m_pFront[i].m_Index; if(Index <= TILE_NPH) { switch(Index) { case TILE_DEATH: m_pFront[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_DEATH; break; case TILE_SOLID: m_pFront[i].m_Index = 0; break; case TILE_NOHOOK: m_pFront[i].m_Index = 0; break; case TILE_NOLASER: m_pFront[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_NOLASER; break; default: m_pFront[i].m_Index = 0; } // DDRace tiles if(Index == TILE_THROUGH || (Index >= TILE_FREEZE && Index <= TILE_UNFREEZE) || (Index >= TILE_SWITCHOPEN && Index<=TILE_BOOST) || (Index >= TILE_BEGIN && Index <= TILE_STOPA) || Index == TILE_CP || Index == TILE_CP_F || (Index >= TILE_OLDLASER && Index <= TILE_NPH) || (Index >= TILE_EHOOK_START && Index <= TILE_EHOOK_END) || (Index >= TILE_DFREEZE && Index <= TILE_DUNFREEZE)) m_pFront[i].m_Index = Index; } } Index = m_pTiles[i].m_Index; if(Index <= TILE_NPH) { switch(Index) { case TILE_DEATH: m_pTiles[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_DEATH; break; case TILE_SOLID: m_pTiles[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_SOLID; break; case TILE_NOHOOK: m_pTiles[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_SOLID|COLFLAG_NOHOOK; break; case TILE_NOLASER: m_pTiles[i].m_Index = COLFLAG_NOLASER; break; default: m_pTiles[i].m_Index = 0; } // DDRace tiles if(Index == TILE_THROUGH || (Index >= TILE_FREEZE && Index <= TILE_UNFREEZE) || (Index >= TILE_SWITCHOPEN && Index<=TILE_BOOST) || (Index >= TILE_BEGIN && Index <= TILE_STOPA) || Index == TILE_CP || Index == TILE_CP_F || (Index >= TILE_OLDLASER && Index <= TILE_NPH) || (Index >= TILE_EHOOK_START && Index <= TILE_EHOOK_END) || (Index >= TILE_DFREEZE && Index <= TILE_DUNFREEZE)) m_pTiles[i].m_Index = Index; } } if(m_NumSwitchers) { m_pSwitchers = new SSwitchers[m_NumSwitchers+1]; for (int i = 0; i < m_NumSwitchers+1; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { m_pSwitchers[i].m_Status[j] = true; m_pSwitchers[i].m_EndTick[j] = 0; m_pSwitchers[i].m_Type[j] = 0; } } } } int CCollision::GetTile(int x, int y) { int nx = clamp(x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(y/32, 0, m_Height-1); if(!m_pTiles || ny < 0 || nx < 0) { //dbg_msg("Collision","Something is terribly wrong, !m_pTiles %d, ny %d, ny %d", !m_pTiles, ny, ny); return 0; } /*dbg_msg("GetTile","m_Index %d",m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index);//Remove */ if(m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == COLFLAG_SOLID || m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == (COLFLAG_SOLID|COLFLAG_NOHOOK) || m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == COLFLAG_DEATH || m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == COLFLAG_NOLASER) return m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; else return 0; } /* bool CCollision::IsTileSolid(int x, int y) { return GetTile(x,y)&COLFLAG_SOLID; } */ int CCollision::IntersectLine(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, vec2 *pOutCollision, vec2 *pOutBeforeCollision, bool AllowThrough) { float d = distance(Pos0, Pos1); int End(d+1); vec2 Last = Pos0; int ix, iy; // Temporary position for checking collision int dx, dy; // Offset for checking the "through" tile if (AllowThrough) { ThroughOffset(Pos0, Pos1, &dx, &dy); } for(int i = 0; i < End; i++) { float a = i/d; vec2 Pos = mix(Pos0, Pos1, a); ix = round(Pos.x); iy = round(Pos.y); if(CheckPoint(ix, iy) && !(AllowThrough && IsThrough(ix + dx, iy + dy))) { if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Last; return GetCollisionAt(ix, iy); } Last = Pos; } if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos1; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Pos1; return 0; } // TODO: OPT: rewrite this smarter! void CCollision::MovePoint(vec2 *pInoutPos, vec2 *pInoutVel, float Elasticity, int *pBounces) { if(pBounces) *pBounces = 0; vec2 Pos = *pInoutPos; vec2 Vel = *pInoutVel; if(CheckPoint(Pos + Vel)) { int Affected = 0; if(CheckPoint(Pos.x + Vel.x, Pos.y)) { pInoutVel->x *= -Elasticity; if(pBounces) (*pBounces)++; Affected++; } if(CheckPoint(Pos.x, Pos.y + Vel.y)) { pInoutVel->y *= -Elasticity; if(pBounces) (*pBounces)++; Affected++; } if(Affected == 0) { pInoutVel->x *= -Elasticity; pInoutVel->y *= -Elasticity; } } else { *pInoutPos = Pos + Vel; } } bool CCollision::TestBox(vec2 Pos, vec2 Size) { Size *= 0.5f; if(CheckPoint(Pos.x-Size.x, Pos.y-Size.y)) return true; if(CheckPoint(Pos.x+Size.x, Pos.y-Size.y)) return true; if(CheckPoint(Pos.x-Size.x, Pos.y+Size.y)) return true; if(CheckPoint(Pos.x+Size.x, Pos.y+Size.y)) return true; return false; } void CCollision::MoveBox(vec2 *pInoutPos, vec2 *pInoutVel, vec2 Size, float Elasticity) { // do the move vec2 Pos = *pInoutPos; vec2 Vel = *pInoutVel; float Distance = length(Vel); int Max = (int)Distance; if(Distance > 0.00001f) { //vec2 old_pos = pos; float Fraction = 1.0f/(float)(Max+1); for(int i = 0; i <= Max; i++) { //float amount = i/(float)max; //if(max == 0) //amount = 0; vec2 NewPos = Pos + Vel*Fraction; // TODO: this row is not nice if(TestBox(vec2(NewPos.x, NewPos.y), Size)) { int Hits = 0; if(TestBox(vec2(Pos.x, NewPos.y), Size)) { NewPos.y = Pos.y; Vel.y *= -Elasticity; Hits++; } if(TestBox(vec2(NewPos.x, Pos.y), Size)) { NewPos.x = Pos.x; Vel.x *= -Elasticity; Hits++; } // neither of the tests got a collision. // this is a real _corner case_! if(Hits == 0) { NewPos.y = Pos.y; Vel.y *= -Elasticity; NewPos.x = Pos.x; Vel.x *= -Elasticity; } } Pos = NewPos; } } *pInoutPos = Pos; *pInoutVel = Vel; } int CCollision::IsSolid(int x, int y) { return (GetTile(x,y)&COLFLAG_SOLID); } int CCollision::IsThrough(int x, int y) { int nx = clamp(x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(y/32, 0, m_Height-1); int Index = m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; int Findex = 0; if (m_pFront) Findex = m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; if (Index == TILE_THROUGH) return Index; else if (Findex == TILE_THROUGH) return Findex; else return 0; } int CCollision::IsNoLaser(int x, int y) { return (CCollision::GetTile(x,y) & COLFLAG_NOLASER); } int CCollision::IsFNoLaser(int x, int y) { return (CCollision::GetFTile(x,y) & COLFLAG_NOLASER); } int CCollision::IsTeleport(int Index) { if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pTele) return 0; int Tele = 0; if(m_pTele[Index].m_Type == TILE_TELEIN) Tele = m_pTele[Index].m_Number; return Tele; } int CCollision::IsEvilTeleport(int Index) { if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pTele) return 0; int Tele = 0; if(m_pTele[Index].m_Type == TILE_TELEINEVIL) { Tele = m_pTele[Index].m_Number; } return Tele; } int CCollision::IsSpeedup(int Index) { if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pSpeedup) return false; if(m_pSpeedup[Index].m_Force > 0) return Index; return 0; } void CCollision::GetSpeedup(int Index, vec2 *Dir, int *Force, int *MaxSpeed) { if(Index < 0 || !m_pSpeedup) return; vec2 Direction = vec2(1, 0); float Angle = m_pSpeedup[Index].m_Angle * (pi / 180.0f); *Force = m_pSpeedup[Index].m_Force; *Dir = vec2(cos(Angle), sin(Angle)); if(MaxSpeed) *MaxSpeed = m_pSpeedup[Index].m_MaxSpeed; } int CCollision::IsSwitch(int Index) { //dbg_msg("IsSwitch","Index %d, pSwitch %d, m_Type %d, m_Number %d", Index, m_pSwitch, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type:0, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Number:0); if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pSwitch) return false; if(m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type > 0) return m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type; return 0; } int CCollision::GetSwitchNumber(int Index) { //dbg_msg("GetSwitchNumber","Index %d, pSwitch %d, m_Type %d, m_Number %d", Index, m_pSwitch, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type:0, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Number:0); if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pSwitch) return false; if(m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type > 0 && m_pSwitch[Index].m_Number > 0) return m_pSwitch[Index].m_Number; return 0; } int CCollision::GetSwitchDelay(int Index) { //dbg_msg("GetSwitchNumber","Index %d, pSwitch %d, m_Type %d, m_Number %d", Index, m_pSwitch, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type:0, (m_pSwitch)?m_pSwitch[Index].m_Number:0); if(Index < 0) return 0; if(!m_pSwitch) return false; if(m_pSwitch[Index].m_Type > 0) return m_pSwitch[Index].m_Delay; return 0; } int CCollision::IsMover(int x, int y, int* Flags) { int nx = clamp(x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(y/32, 0, m_Height-1); int Index = m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; *Flags = m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Flags; if(Index < 0) return 0; if (Index == TILE_CP || Index == TILE_CP_F) return Index; else return 0; } int CCollision::IsCheckpoint(int Index) { if(Index < 0) return -1; int z = m_pTiles[Index].m_Index; if(z >= 35 && z <= 59) return z-35; return -1; } int CCollision::IsFCheckpoint(int Index) { if(Index < 0 || !m_pFront) return -1; int z = m_pFront[Index].m_Index; if(z >= 35 && z <= 59) return z-35; return -1; } vec2 CCollision::CpSpeed(int Index, int Flags) { if(Index < 0) return vec2(0,0); vec2 target; if(Index == TILE_CP || Index == TILE_CP_F) switch(Flags) { case ROTATION_0: target.x=0; target.y=-4; break; case ROTATION_90: target.x=4; target.y=0; break; case ROTATION_180: target.x=0; target.y=4; break; case ROTATION_270: target.x=-4; target.y=0; break; default: target=vec2(0,0); break; } if(Index == TILE_CP_F) target*=4; return target; } int CCollision::GetPureMapIndex(vec2 Pos) { int nx = clamp((int)Pos.x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp((int)Pos.y/32, 0, m_Height-1); return ny*m_Width+nx; } std::list CCollision::GetMapIndices(vec2 PrevPos, vec2 Pos, unsigned MaxIndices) { std::list< int > Indices; float d = distance(PrevPos, Pos); int End(d+1); if(!d) { int nx = clamp((int)Pos.x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp((int)Pos.y/32, 0, m_Height-1); /*if (m_pTele && (m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEIN)) dbg_msg("m_pTele && TELEIN","ny*m_Width+nx %d",ny*m_Width+nx); else if (m_pTele && m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type==TILE_TELEOUT) dbg_msg("TELEOUT","ny*m_Width+nx %d",ny*m_Width+nx); else dbg_msg("GetMapIndex(","ny*m_Width+nx %d",ny*m_Width+nx);//REMOVE */ if( (m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index >= TILE_FREEZE && m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index <= TILE_NPH) || (m_pFront && (m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index >= TILE_FREEZE && m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index <= TILE_NPH)) || (m_pTele && (m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEIN || m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEINEVIL || m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEOUT)) || (m_pSpeedup && m_pSpeedup[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Force > 0) || (m_pDoor && m_pDoor[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index) || (m_pSwitch && m_pSwitch[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type) ) { Indices.push_back(ny*m_Width+nx); return Indices; } } float a = 0.0f; vec2 Tmp = vec2(0, 0); int nx = 0; int ny = 0; int Index,LastIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < End; i++) { a = i/d; Tmp = mix(PrevPos, Pos, a); nx = clamp((int)Tmp.x/32, 0, m_Width-1); ny = clamp((int)Tmp.y/32, 0, m_Height-1); Index = ny*m_Width+nx; //dbg_msg("lastindex","%d",LastIndex); //dbg_msg("index","%d",Index); if( ( (m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index >= TILE_FREEZE && m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index <= TILE_NPH) || (m_pFront && (m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index >= TILE_FREEZE && m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index <= TILE_NPH)) || (m_pTele && (m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEIN || m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEINEVIL || m_pTele[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type == TILE_TELEOUT)) || (m_pSpeedup && m_pSpeedup[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Force > 0) || (m_pDoor && m_pDoor[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index) || (m_pSwitch && m_pSwitch[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Type) ) && LastIndex != Index ) { if(MaxIndices && Indices.size() > MaxIndices) return Indices; Indices.push_back(Index); LastIndex = Index; //dbg_msg("pushed","%d",Index); } } return Indices; } vec2 CCollision::GetPos(int Index) { if(Index < 0) return vec2(0,0); int x = Index%m_Width; int y = Index/m_Width; return vec2(16+x*32, 16+y*32); } int CCollision::GetTileIndex(int Index) { /*dbg_msg("GetTileIndex","m_pTiles[%d].m_Index = %d",Index,m_pTiles[Index].m_Index);//Remove*/ if(Index < 0) return 0; return m_pTiles[Index].m_Index; } int CCollision::GetFTileIndex(int Index) { /*dbg_msg("GetFTileIndex","m_pFront[%d].m_Index = %d",Index,m_pFront[Index].m_Index);//Remove*/ if(Index < 0 || !m_pFront) return 0; return m_pFront[Index].m_Index; } int CCollision::GetTileFlags(int Index) { /*dbg_msg("GetTileIndex","m_pTiles[%d].m_Index = %d",Index,m_pTiles[Index].m_Index);//Remove*/ if(Index < 0) return 0; return m_pTiles[Index].m_Flags; } int CCollision::GetFTileFlags(int Index) { /*dbg_msg("GetFTileIndex","m_pFront[%d].m_Index = %d",Index,m_pFront[Index].m_Index);//Remove*/ if(Index < 0 || !m_pFront) return 0; return m_pFront[Index].m_Flags; } int CCollision::GetIndex(int nx, int ny) { return m_pTiles[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; } int CCollision::GetFIndex(int nx, int ny) { if(!m_pFront) return 0; return m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; } int CCollision::GetFTile(int x, int y) { if(!m_pFront) return 0; int nx = clamp(x/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(y/32, 0, m_Height-1); /*dbg_msg("GetFTile","m_Index %d",m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index);//Remove */ if(m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == COLFLAG_DEATH || m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index == COLFLAG_NOLASER) return m_pFront[ny*m_Width+nx].m_Index; else return 0; } int CCollision::Entity(int x, int y, int Layer) { if((0 > x || x >= m_Width) || (0 > y || y >= m_Height)) { char aBuf[12]; switch (Layer) { case LAYER_GAME: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Game"); break; case LAYER_FRONT: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Front"); break; case LAYER_SWITCH: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Switch"); break; case LAYER_TELE: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Tele"); break; case LAYER_SPEEDUP: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Speedup"); break; default: str_format(aBuf,sizeof(aBuf), "Unknown"); } dbg_msg("CCollision::Entity","Something is VERY wrong with the %s layer please report this at http://DDRace.info, you will need to post the map as well and any steps that u think may have led to this, Please Also Read the News Section every once and a while", aBuf); return 0; } switch (Layer) { case LAYER_GAME: return m_pTiles[y*m_Width+x].m_Index - ENTITY_OFFSET; case LAYER_FRONT: return m_pFront[y*m_Width+x].m_Index - ENTITY_OFFSET; case LAYER_SWITCH: return m_pSwitch[y*m_Width+x].m_Type - ENTITY_OFFSET; case LAYER_TELE: return m_pTele[y*m_Width+x].m_Type - ENTITY_OFFSET; case LAYER_SPEEDUP: return m_pSpeedup[y*m_Width+x].m_Type - ENTITY_OFFSET; default: return 0; break; } } void CCollision::SetCollisionAt(float x, float y, int flag) { int nx = clamp(round(x)/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(round(y)/32, 0, m_Height-1); m_pTiles[ny * m_Width + nx].m_Index = flag; } void CCollision::SetDCollisionAt(float x, float y, int Type, int Flags, int Number) { if(!m_pDoor) return; int nx = clamp(round(x)/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(round(y)/32, 0, m_Height-1); m_pDoor[ny * m_Width + nx].m_Index = Type; m_pDoor[ny * m_Width + nx].m_Flags = Flags; m_pDoor[ny * m_Width + nx].m_Number = Number; } int CCollision::GetDTileIndex(int Index) { if(!m_pDoor || Index < 0 || !m_pDoor[Index].m_Index) return 0; return m_pDoor[Index].m_Index; } int CCollision::GetDTileNumber(int Index) { if(!m_pDoor || Index < 0 || !m_pDoor[Index].m_Index) return 0; if(m_pDoor[Index].m_Number) return m_pDoor[Index].m_Number; return 0; } int CCollision::GetDTileFlags(int Index) { if(!m_pDoor || Index < 0 || !m_pDoor[Index].m_Index) return 0; return m_pDoor[Index].m_Flags; } void ThroughOffset(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, int *Ox, int *Oy) { float x = Pos0.x - Pos1.x; float y = Pos0.y - Pos1.y; if (fabs(x) > fabs(y)) { if (x < 0) { *Ox = -32; *Oy = 0; } else { *Ox = 32; *Oy = 0; } } else { if (y < 0) { *Ox = 0; *Oy = -32; } else { *Ox = 0; *Oy = 32; } } } int CCollision::IntersectNoLaser(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, vec2 *pOutCollision, vec2 *pOutBeforeCollision) { float d = distance(Pos0, Pos1); vec2 Last = Pos0; for(float f = 0; f < d; f++) { float a = f/d; vec2 Pos = mix(Pos0, Pos1, a); int nx = clamp(round(Pos.x)/32, 0, m_Width-1); int ny = clamp(round(Pos.y)/32, 0, m_Height-1); if(GetIndex(nx, ny) == COLFLAG_SOLID || GetIndex(nx, ny) == (COLFLAG_SOLID|COLFLAG_NOHOOK) || GetIndex(nx, ny) == COLFLAG_NOLASER || GetFIndex(nx, ny) == COLFLAG_NOLASER) { if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Last; if (GetFIndex(nx, ny) == COLFLAG_NOLASER) return GetFCollisionAt(Pos.x, Pos.y); else return GetCollisionAt(Pos.x, Pos.y); } Last = Pos; } if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos1; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Pos1; return 0; } int CCollision::IntersectNoLaserNW(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, vec2 *pOutCollision, vec2 *pOutBeforeCollision) { float d = distance(Pos0, Pos1); vec2 Last = Pos0; for(float f = 0; f < d; f++) { float a = f/d; vec2 Pos = mix(Pos0, Pos1, a); if(IsNoLaser(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)) || IsFNoLaser(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y))) { if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Last; if(IsNoLaser(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y))) return GetCollisionAt(Pos.x, Pos.y); else return GetFCollisionAt(Pos.x, Pos.y); } Last = Pos; } if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos1; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Pos1; return 0; } int CCollision::IntersectAir(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, vec2 *pOutCollision, vec2 *pOutBeforeCollision) { float d = distance(Pos0, Pos1); vec2 Last = Pos0; for(float f = 0; f < d; f++) { float a = f/d; vec2 Pos = mix(Pos0, Pos1, a); if(IsSolid(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)) || (!GetTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)) && !GetFTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)))) { if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Last; if(!GetTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)) && !GetFTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y))) return -1; else if (!GetTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y))) return GetTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)); else return GetFTile(round(Pos.x), round(Pos.y)); } Last = Pos; } if(pOutCollision) *pOutCollision = Pos1; if(pOutBeforeCollision) *pOutBeforeCollision = Pos1; return 0; }