/* (c) Redix and Sushi */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "race_demo.h" const char *CRaceDemo::ms_pRaceDemoDir = "demos/auto/race"; struct CDemoItem { char m_aName[128]; int m_Time; }; struct CDemoListParam { const CRaceDemo *m_pThis; std::vector *m_plDemos; const char *pMap; }; CRaceDemo::CRaceDemo() : m_RaceState(RACE_NONE), m_RaceStartTick(-1), m_RecordStopTick(-1), m_Time(0) {} void CRaceDemo::GetPath(char *pBuf, int Size, int Time) const { const char *pMap = Client()->GetCurrentMap(); char aPlayerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; str_copy(aPlayerName, Client()->PlayerName(), sizeof(aPlayerName)); str_sanitize_filename(aPlayerName); if(Time < 0) str_format(pBuf, Size, "%s/%s_tmp_%d.demo", ms_pRaceDemoDir, pMap, pid()); else if(g_Config.m_ClDemoName) str_format(pBuf, Size, "%s/%s_%d.%03d_%s.demo", ms_pRaceDemoDir, pMap, Time / 1000, Time % 1000, aPlayerName); else str_format(pBuf, Size, "%s/%s_%d.%03d.demo", ms_pRaceDemoDir, pMap, Time / 1000, Time % 1000); } void CRaceDemo::OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) { if(OldState == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) StopRecord(); } void CRaceDemo::OnNewSnapshot() { if(!GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_Race || !g_Config.m_ClAutoRaceRecord || Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_ONLINE) return; if(!m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj || m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active || !m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter || !m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter) return; static int s_LastRaceTick = -1; bool RaceFlag = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_RACETIME; bool ServerControl = RaceFlag && g_Config.m_ClRaceRecordServerControl; int RaceTick = -m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer; // start the demo bool ForceStart = ServerControl && s_LastRaceTick != RaceTick && Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - RaceTick < Client()->GameTickSpeed(); bool AllowRestart = (m_AllowRestart || ForceStart) && m_RaceStartTick + 10 * Client()->GameTickSpeed() < Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); if(m_RaceState == RACE_IDLE || m_RaceState == RACE_PREPARE || (m_RaceState == RACE_STARTED && AllowRestart)) { vec2 PrevPos = vec2(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter->m_X, m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalPrevCharacter->m_Y); vec2 Pos = vec2(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_X, m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Y); if(ForceStart || (!ServerControl && CRaceHelper::IsStart(m_pClient, PrevPos, Pos))) { if(m_RaceState == RACE_STARTED) Client()->RaceRecord_Stop(); if(m_RaceState != RACE_PREPARE) // start recording again { GetPath(m_aTmpFilename, sizeof(m_aTmpFilename)); Client()->RaceRecord_Start(m_aTmpFilename); } m_RaceStartTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); m_RaceState = RACE_STARTED; } } // start recording before the player passes the start line, so we can see some preparation steps if(m_RaceState == RACE_NONE) { GetPath(m_aTmpFilename, sizeof(m_aTmpFilename)); Client()->RaceRecord_Start(m_aTmpFilename); m_RaceStartTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); m_RaceState = RACE_PREPARE; } // stop recording if the player did not pass the start line after 20 seconds if(m_RaceState == RACE_PREPARE && Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - m_RaceStartTick >= Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 20) { StopRecord(); m_RaceState = RACE_IDLE; } // stop the demo if(m_RaceState == RACE_FINISHED && m_RecordStopTick <= Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) StopRecord(m_Time); s_LastRaceTick = RaceFlag ? RaceTick : -1; } void CRaceDemo::OnReset() { StopRecord(); } void CRaceDemo::OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) { // check for messages from server if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_KILLMSG) { CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsg *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsg *)pRawMsg; if(pMsg->m_Victim == m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID && Client()->RaceRecord_IsRecording()) StopRecord(m_Time); } else if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_CHAT) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *)pRawMsg; if(pMsg->m_ClientID == -1 && m_RaceState == RACE_STARTED) { char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; int Time = CRaceHelper::TimeFromFinishMessage(pMsg->m_pMessage, aName, sizeof(aName)); if(Time > 0 && str_comp(aName, m_pClient->m_aClients[m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID].m_aName) == 0) { m_RaceState = RACE_FINISHED; m_RecordStopTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) + Client()->GameTickSpeed(); m_Time = Time; } } } } void CRaceDemo::OnMapLoad() { m_AllowRestart = false; } void CRaceDemo::StopRecord(int Time) { if(Client()->RaceRecord_IsRecording()) Client()->RaceRecord_Stop(); if(m_aTmpFilename[0] != '\0') { if(Time > 0 && CheckDemo(Time)) { // save file char aNewFilename[512]; GetPath(aNewFilename, sizeof(aNewFilename), m_Time); Storage()->RenameFile(m_aTmpFilename, aNewFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } else // no new record Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aTmpFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); m_aTmpFilename[0] = '\0'; } m_Time = 0; m_RaceState = RACE_NONE; m_RaceStartTick = -1; m_RecordStopTick = -1; } int CRaceDemo::RaceDemolistFetchCallback(const char *pName, time_t Date, int IsDir, int StorageType, void *pUser) { CDemoListParam *pParam = (CDemoListParam *)pUser; int Length = str_length(pName); int MapLen = str_length(pParam->pMap); if(IsDir || !str_endswith(pName, ".demo") || !str_startswith(pName, pParam->pMap) || pName[MapLen] != '_') return 0; CDemoItem Item; str_copy(Item.m_aName, pName, minimum(static_cast(sizeof(Item.m_aName)), Length - 4)); const char *pTime = Item.m_aName + MapLen + 1; const char *pTEnd = pTime; while(isdigit(*pTEnd) || *pTEnd == ' ' || *pTEnd == '.' || *pTEnd == ',') pTEnd++; if(g_Config.m_ClDemoName) { char aPlayerName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; str_copy(aPlayerName, pParam->m_pThis->Client()->PlayerName(), sizeof(aPlayerName)); str_sanitize_filename(aPlayerName); if(pTEnd[0] != '_' || str_comp(pTEnd + 1, aPlayerName) != 0) return 0; } else if(pTEnd[0]) return 0; Item.m_Time = CRaceHelper::TimeFromSecondsStr(pTime); if(Item.m_Time > 0) pParam->m_plDemos->push_back(Item); return 0; } bool CRaceDemo::CheckDemo(int Time) const { std::vector lDemos; CDemoListParam Param = {this, &lDemos, Client()->GetCurrentMap()}; Storage()->ListDirectoryInfo(IStorage::TYPE_SAVE, ms_pRaceDemoDir, RaceDemolistFetchCallback, &Param); // loop through demo files for(unsigned i = 0; i < lDemos.size(); i++) { if(Time >= lDemos[i].m_Time) // found a better demo return false; // delete old demo char aFilename[512]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "%s/%s.demo", ms_pRaceDemoDir, lDemos[i].m_aName); Storage()->RemoveFile(aFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } return true; }