/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // cosf, sinf #include "graphics_threaded.h" static CVideoMode g_aFakeModes[] = { {320,240,8,8,8}, {400,300,8,8,8}, {640,480,8,8,8}, {720,400,8,8,8}, {768,576,8,8,8}, {800,600,8,8,8}, {1024,600,8,8,8}, {1024,768,8,8,8}, {1152,864,8,8,8}, {1280,768,8,8,8}, {1280,800,8,8,8}, {1280,960,8,8,8}, {1280,1024,8,8,8}, {1368,768,8,8,8}, {1400,1050,8,8,8}, {1440,900,8,8,8}, {1440,1050,8,8,8}, {1600,1000,8,8,8}, {1600,1200,8,8,8}, {1680,1050,8,8,8}, {1792,1344,8,8,8}, {1800,1440,8,8,8}, {1856,1392,8,8,8}, {1920,1080,8,8,8}, {1920,1200,8,8,8}, {1920,1440,8,8,8}, {1920,2400,8,8,8}, {2048,1536,8,8,8}, {320,240,5,6,5}, {400,300,5,6,5}, {640,480,5,6,5}, {720,400,5,6,5}, {768,576,5,6,5}, {800,600,5,6,5}, {1024,600,5,6,5}, {1024,768,5,6,5}, {1152,864,5,6,5}, {1280,768,5,6,5}, {1280,800,5,6,5}, {1280,960,5,6,5}, {1280,1024,5,6,5}, {1368,768,5,6,5}, {1400,1050,5,6,5}, {1440,900,5,6,5}, {1440,1050,5,6,5}, {1600,1000,5,6,5}, {1600,1200,5,6,5}, {1680,1050,5,6,5}, {1792,1344,5,6,5}, {1800,1440,5,6,5}, {1856,1392,5,6,5}, {1920,1080,5,6,5}, {1920,1200,5,6,5}, {1920,1440,5,6,5}, {1920,2400,5,6,5}, {2048,1536,5,6,5} }; void CGraphics_Threaded::FlushVertices() { if(m_NumVertices == 0) return; int NumVerts = m_NumVertices; m_NumVertices = 0; CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Render Cmd; Cmd.m_State = m_State; if(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS) { Cmd.m_PrimType = CCommandBuffer::PRIMTYPE_QUADS; Cmd.m_PrimCount = NumVerts/4; } else if(m_Drawing == DRAWING_LINES) { Cmd.m_PrimType = CCommandBuffer::PRIMTYPE_LINES; Cmd.m_PrimCount = NumVerts/2; } else return; Cmd.m_pVertices = (CCommandBuffer::SVertex *)m_pCommandBuffer->AllocData(sizeof(CCommandBuffer::SVertex)*NumVerts); if(Cmd.m_pVertices == 0x0) return; mem_copy(Cmd.m_pVertices, m_aVertices, sizeof(CCommandBuffer::SVertex)*NumVerts); m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); } void CGraphics_Threaded::AddVertices(int Count) { m_NumVertices += Count; if((m_NumVertices + Count) >= MAX_VERTICES) FlushVertices(); } void CGraphics_Threaded::Rotate4(const CCommandBuffer::SPoint &rCenter, CCommandBuffer::SVertex *pPoints) { float c = cosf(m_Rotation); float s = sinf(m_Rotation); float x, y; int i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { x = pPoints[i].m_Pos.x - rCenter.x; y = pPoints[i].m_Pos.y - rCenter.y; pPoints[i].m_Pos.x = x * c - y * s + rCenter.x; pPoints[i].m_Pos.y = x * s + y * c + rCenter.y; } } unsigned char CGraphics_Threaded::Sample(int w, int h, const unsigned char *pData, int u, int v, int Offset, int ScaleW, int ScaleH, int Bpp) { int Value = 0; for(int x = 0; x < ScaleW; x++) for(int y = 0; y < ScaleH; y++) Value += pData[((v+y)*w+(u+x))*Bpp+Offset]; return Value/(ScaleW*ScaleH); } unsigned char *CGraphics_Threaded::Rescale(int Width, int Height, int NewWidth, int NewHeight, int Format, const unsigned char *pData) { unsigned char *pTmpData; int ScaleW = Width/NewWidth; int ScaleH = Height/NewHeight; int Bpp = 3; if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA) Bpp = 4; pTmpData = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(NewWidth*NewHeight*Bpp, 1); int c = 0; for(int y = 0; y < NewHeight; y++) for(int x = 0; x < NewWidth; x++, c++) { pTmpData[c*Bpp] = Sample(Width, Height, pData, x*ScaleW, y*ScaleH, 0, ScaleW, ScaleH, Bpp); pTmpData[c*Bpp+1] = Sample(Width, Height, pData, x*ScaleW, y*ScaleH, 1, ScaleW, ScaleH, Bpp); pTmpData[c*Bpp+2] = Sample(Width, Height, pData, x*ScaleW, y*ScaleH, 2, ScaleW, ScaleH, Bpp); if(Bpp == 4) pTmpData[c*Bpp+3] = Sample(Width, Height, pData, x*ScaleW, y*ScaleH, 3, ScaleW, ScaleH, Bpp); } return pTmpData; } CGraphics_Threaded::CGraphics_Threaded() { m_State.m_ScreenTL.x = 0; m_State.m_ScreenTL.y = 0; m_State.m_ScreenBR.x = 0; m_State.m_ScreenBR.y = 0; m_State.m_ClipEnable = false; m_State.m_ClipX = 0; m_State.m_ClipY = 0; m_State.m_ClipW = 0; m_State.m_ClipH = 0; m_State.m_Texture = -1; m_State.m_BlendMode = CCommandBuffer::BLEND_NONE; m_CurrentCommandBuffer = 0; m_pCommandBuffer = 0x0; m_apCommandBuffers[0] = 0x0; m_apCommandBuffers[1] = 0x0; m_NumVertices = 0; m_ScreenWidth = -1; m_ScreenHeight = -1; m_Rotation = 0; m_Drawing = 0; m_InvalidTexture = 0; m_TextureMemoryUsage = 0; m_RenderEnable = true; m_DoScreenshot = false; } void CGraphics_Threaded::ClipEnable(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if(x < 0) w += x; if(y < 0) h += y; x = clamp(x, 0, ScreenWidth()); y = clamp(y, 0, ScreenHeight()); w = clamp(w, 0, ScreenWidth()-x); h = clamp(h, 0, ScreenHeight()-y); m_State.m_ClipEnable = true; m_State.m_ClipX = x; m_State.m_ClipY = ScreenHeight()-(y+h); m_State.m_ClipW = w; m_State.m_ClipH = h; } void CGraphics_Threaded::ClipDisable() { m_State.m_ClipEnable = false; } void CGraphics_Threaded::BlendNone() { m_State.m_BlendMode = CCommandBuffer::BLEND_NONE; } void CGraphics_Threaded::BlendNormal() { m_State.m_BlendMode = CCommandBuffer::BLEND_ALPHA; } void CGraphics_Threaded::BlendAdditive() { m_State.m_BlendMode = CCommandBuffer::BLEND_ADDITIVE; } int CGraphics_Threaded::MemoryUsage() const { return m_TextureMemoryUsage; } void CGraphics_Threaded::MapScreen(float TopLeftX, float TopLeftY, float BottomRightX, float BottomRightY) { m_State.m_ScreenTL.x = TopLeftX; m_State.m_ScreenTL.y = TopLeftY; m_State.m_ScreenBR.x = BottomRightX; m_State.m_ScreenBR.y = BottomRightY; } void CGraphics_Threaded::GetScreen(float *pTopLeftX, float *pTopLeftY, float *pBottomRightX, float *pBottomRightY) { *pTopLeftX = m_State.m_ScreenTL.x; *pTopLeftY = m_State.m_ScreenTL.y; *pBottomRightX = m_State.m_ScreenBR.x; *pBottomRightY = m_State.m_ScreenBR.y; } void CGraphics_Threaded::LinesBegin() { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == 0, "called Graphics()->LinesBegin twice"); m_Drawing = DRAWING_LINES; SetColor(1,1,1,1); } void CGraphics_Threaded::LinesEnd() { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_LINES, "called Graphics()->LinesEnd without begin"); FlushVertices(); m_Drawing = 0; } void CGraphics_Threaded::LinesDraw(const CLineItem *pArray, int Num) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_LINES, "called Graphics()->LinesDraw without begin"); for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X0; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y0; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i].m_Tex = m_aTexture[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i].m_Color = m_aColor[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i + 1].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X1; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i + 1].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y1; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i + 1].m_Tex = m_aTexture[1]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 2*i + 1].m_Color = m_aColor[1]; } AddVertices(2*Num); } int CGraphics_Threaded::UnloadTexture(int Index) { if(Index == m_InvalidTexture) return 0; if(Index < 0) return 0; CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Destroy Cmd; Cmd.m_Slot = Index; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); m_aTextures[Index].m_Next = m_FirstFreeTexture; m_TextureMemoryUsage -= m_aTextures[Index].m_MemSize; m_FirstFreeTexture = Index; return 0; } static int ImageFormatToTexFormat(int Format) { if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGB) return CCommandBuffer::TEXFORMAT_RGB; if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA) return CCommandBuffer::TEXFORMAT_RGBA; if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_ALPHA) return CCommandBuffer::TEXFORMAT_ALPHA; return CCommandBuffer::TEXFORMAT_RGBA; } int CGraphics_Threaded::LoadTextureRawSub(int TextureID, int x, int y, int Width, int Height, int Format, const void *pData) { CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Update Cmd; Cmd.m_Slot = TextureID; Cmd.m_X = x; Cmd.m_Y = y; Cmd.m_Width = Width; Cmd.m_Height = Height; Cmd.m_Format = ImageFormatToTexFormat(Format); // calculate memory usage int PixelSize = 4; if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGB) PixelSize = 3; else if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_ALPHA) PixelSize = 1; int MemSize = Width*Height*PixelSize; // copy texture data void *pTmpData = mem_alloc(MemSize, sizeof(void*)); mem_copy(pTmpData, pData, MemSize); Cmd.m_pData = pTmpData; // m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); return 0; } int CGraphics_Threaded::LoadTextureRaw(int Width, int Height, int Format, const void *pData, int StoreFormat, int Flags) { // don't waste memory on texture if we are stress testing if(g_Config.m_DbgStress) return m_InvalidTexture; // grab texture int Tex = m_FirstFreeTexture; m_FirstFreeTexture = m_aTextures[Tex].m_Next; m_aTextures[Tex].m_Next = -1; CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Create Cmd; Cmd.m_Slot = Tex; Cmd.m_Width = Width; Cmd.m_Height = Height; Cmd.m_Format = ImageFormatToTexFormat(Format); Cmd.m_StoreFormat = ImageFormatToTexFormat(StoreFormat); // flags Cmd.m_Flags = 0; if(Flags&IGraphics::TEXLOAD_NOMIPMAPS) Cmd.m_Flags |= CCommandBuffer::TEXFLAG_NOMIPMAPS; // calculate memory usage int PixelSize = 4; if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGB) PixelSize = 3; else if(Format == CImageInfo::FORMAT_ALPHA) PixelSize = 1; int MemSize = Width*Height*PixelSize; // copy texture data void *pTmpData = mem_alloc(MemSize, sizeof(void*)); mem_copy(pTmpData, pData, MemSize); Cmd.m_pData = pTmpData; // m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); // calculate memory usage int MemUsage = MemSize; while(Width > 2 && Height > 2) { Width>>=1; Height>>=1; MemUsage += Width*Height*PixelSize; } m_TextureMemoryUsage += MemUsage; //mem_free(pTmpData); return Tex; } // simple uncompressed RGBA loaders int CGraphics_Threaded::LoadTexture(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, int StoreFormat, int Flags) { int l = str_length(pFilename); int ID; CImageInfo Img; if(l < 3) return -1; if(LoadPNG(&Img, pFilename, StorageType)) { if (StoreFormat == CImageInfo::FORMAT_AUTO) StoreFormat = Img.m_Format; ID = LoadTextureRaw(Img.m_Width, Img.m_Height, Img.m_Format, Img.m_pData, StoreFormat, Flags); mem_free(Img.m_pData); if(ID != m_InvalidTexture && g_Config.m_Debug) dbg_msg("graphics/texture", "loaded %s", pFilename); return ID; } return m_InvalidTexture; } int CGraphics_Threaded::LoadPNG(CImageInfo *pImg, const char *pFilename, int StorageType) { char aCompleteFilename[512]; unsigned char *pBuffer; png_t Png; // ignore_convention // open file for reading png_init(0,0); // ignore_convention IOHANDLE File = m_pStorage->OpenFile(pFilename, IOFLAG_READ, StorageType, aCompleteFilename, sizeof(aCompleteFilename)); if(File) io_close(File); else { dbg_msg("game/png", "failed to open file. filename='%s'", pFilename); return 0; } int Error = png_open_file(&Png, aCompleteFilename); // ignore_convention if(Error != PNG_NO_ERROR) { dbg_msg("game/png", "failed to open file. filename='%s'", aCompleteFilename); if(Error != PNG_FILE_ERROR) png_close_file(&Png); // ignore_convention return 0; } if(Png.depth != 8 || (Png.color_type != PNG_TRUECOLOR && Png.color_type != PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA)) // ignore_convention { dbg_msg("game/png", "invalid format. filename='%s'", aCompleteFilename); png_close_file(&Png); // ignore_convention return 0; } pBuffer = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(Png.width * Png.height * Png.bpp, 1); // ignore_convention png_get_data(&Png, pBuffer); // ignore_convention png_close_file(&Png); // ignore_convention pImg->m_Width = Png.width; // ignore_convention pImg->m_Height = Png.height; // ignore_convention if(Png.color_type == PNG_TRUECOLOR) // ignore_convention pImg->m_Format = CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGB; else if(Png.color_type == PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA) // ignore_convention pImg->m_Format = CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA; pImg->m_pData = pBuffer; return 1; } void CGraphics_Threaded::KickCommandBuffer() { m_pBackend->RunBuffer(m_pCommandBuffer); // swap buffer m_CurrentCommandBuffer ^= 1; m_pCommandBuffer = m_apCommandBuffers[m_CurrentCommandBuffer]; m_pCommandBuffer->Reset(); } void CGraphics_Threaded::ScreenshotDirect(const char *pFilename) { // add swap command CImageInfo Image; mem_zero(&Image, sizeof(Image)); CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Screenshot Cmd; Cmd.m_pImage = &Image; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); // kick the buffer and wait for the result KickCommandBuffer(); WaitForIdle(); if(Image.m_pData) { // find filename char aWholePath[1024]; png_t Png; // ignore_convention IOHANDLE File = m_pStorage->OpenFile(pFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE, aWholePath, sizeof(aWholePath)); if(File) io_close(File); // save png char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "saved screenshot to '%s'", aWholePath); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf); png_open_file_write(&Png, aWholePath); // ignore_convention png_set_data(&Png, Image.m_Width, Image.m_Height, 8, PNG_TRUECOLOR, (unsigned char *)Image.m_pData); // ignore_convention png_close_file(&Png); // ignore_convention mem_free(Image.m_pData); } } void CGraphics_Threaded::TextureSet(int TextureID) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == 0, "called Graphics()->TextureSet within begin"); m_State.m_Texture = TextureID; } void CGraphics_Threaded::Clear(float r, float g, float b) { CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Clear Cmd; Cmd.m_Color.r = r; Cmd.m_Color.g = g; Cmd.m_Color.b = b; Cmd.m_Color.a = 0; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsBegin() { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == 0, "called Graphics()->QuadsBegin twice"); m_Drawing = DRAWING_QUADS; QuadsSetSubset(0,0,1,1); QuadsSetRotation(0); SetColor(1,1,1,1); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsEnd() { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called Graphics()->QuadsEnd without begin"); FlushVertices(); m_Drawing = 0; } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsSetRotation(float Angle) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation without begin"); m_Rotation = Angle; } void CGraphics_Threaded::SetColorVertex(const CColorVertex *pArray, int Num) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing != 0, "called Graphics()->SetColorVertex without begin"); for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { m_aColor[pArray[i].m_Index].r = pArray[i].m_R; m_aColor[pArray[i].m_Index].g = pArray[i].m_G; m_aColor[pArray[i].m_Index].b = pArray[i].m_B; m_aColor[pArray[i].m_Index].a = pArray[i].m_A; } } void CGraphics_Threaded::SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing != 0, "called Graphics()->SetColor without begin"); CColorVertex Array[4] = { CColorVertex(0, r, g, b, a), CColorVertex(1, r, g, b, a), CColorVertex(2, r, g, b, a), CColorVertex(3, r, g, b, a)}; SetColorVertex(Array, 4); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsSetSubset(float TlU, float TlV, float BrU, float BrV) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset without begin"); m_aTexture[0].u = TlU; m_aTexture[1].u = BrU; m_aTexture[0].v = TlV; m_aTexture[1].v = TlV; m_aTexture[3].u = TlU; m_aTexture[2].u = BrU; m_aTexture[3].v = BrV; m_aTexture[2].v = BrV; } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsSetSubsetFree( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { m_aTexture[0].u = x0; m_aTexture[0].v = y0; m_aTexture[1].u = x1; m_aTexture[1].v = y1; m_aTexture[2].u = x2; m_aTexture[2].v = y2; m_aTexture[3].u = x3; m_aTexture[3].v = y3; } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsDraw(CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) { for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { pArray[i].m_X -= pArray[i].m_Width/2; pArray[i].m_Y -= pArray[i].m_Height/2; } QuadsDrawTL(pArray, Num); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsDrawTL(const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num) { CCommandBuffer::SPoint Center; Center.z = 0; dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL without begin"); for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Tex = m_aTexture[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Color = m_aColor[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X + pArray[i].m_Width; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Tex = m_aTexture[1]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Color = m_aColor[1]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X + pArray[i].m_Width; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y + pArray[i].m_Height; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Tex = m_aTexture[2]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Color = m_aColor[2]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y + pArray[i].m_Height; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Tex = m_aTexture[3]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Color = m_aColor[3]; if(m_Rotation != 0) { Center.x = pArray[i].m_X + pArray[i].m_Width/2; Center.y = pArray[i].m_Y + pArray[i].m_Height/2; Rotate4(Center, &m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i]); } } AddVertices(4*Num); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsDrawFreeform(const CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num) { dbg_assert(m_Drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called Graphics()->QuadsDrawFreeform without begin"); for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X0; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y0; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Tex = m_aTexture[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i].m_Color = m_aColor[0]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X1; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y1; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Tex = m_aTexture[1]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 1].m_Color = m_aColor[1]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X3; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y3; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Tex = m_aTexture[3]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 2].m_Color = m_aColor[3]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Pos.x = pArray[i].m_X2; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Pos.y = pArray[i].m_Y2; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Tex = m_aTexture[2]; m_aVertices[m_NumVertices + 4*i + 3].m_Color = m_aColor[2]; } AddVertices(4*Num); } void CGraphics_Threaded::QuadsText(float x, float y, float Size, float r, float g, float b, float a, const char *pText) { float StartX = x; QuadsBegin(); SetColor(r,g,b,a); while(*pText) { char c = *pText; pText++; if(c == '\n') { x = StartX; y += Size; } else { QuadsSetSubset( (c%16)/16.0f, (c/16)/16.0f, (c%16)/16.0f+1.0f/16.0f, (c/16)/16.0f+1.0f/16.0f); CQuadItem QuadItem(x, y, Size, Size); QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); x += Size/2; } } QuadsEnd(); } int CGraphics_Threaded::IssueInit() { int Flags = 0; if(g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen) Flags |= IGraphicsBackend::INITFLAG_FULLSCREEN; if(g_Config.m_GfxVsync) Flags |= IGraphicsBackend::INITFLAG_VSYNC; if(g_Config.m_DbgResizable) Flags |= IGraphicsBackend::INITFLAG_RESIZABLE; return m_pBackend->Init("Teeworlds", g_Config.m_GfxScreenWidth, g_Config.m_GfxScreenHeight, g_Config.m_GfxFsaaSamples, Flags); } int CGraphics_Threaded::InitWindow() { if(IssueInit() == 0) return 0; // try disabling fsaa while(g_Config.m_GfxFsaaSamples) { g_Config.m_GfxFsaaSamples--; if(g_Config.m_GfxFsaaSamples) dbg_msg("gfx", "lowering FSAA to %d and trying again", g_Config.m_GfxFsaaSamples); else dbg_msg("gfx", "disabling FSAA and trying again"); if(IssueInit() == 0) return 0; } // try lowering the resolution if(g_Config.m_GfxScreenWidth != 640 || g_Config.m_GfxScreenHeight != 480) { dbg_msg("gfx", "setting resolution to 640x480 and trying again"); g_Config.m_GfxScreenWidth = 640; g_Config.m_GfxScreenHeight = 480; if(IssueInit() == 0) return 0; } dbg_msg("gfx", "out of ideas. failed to init graphics"); return -1; } int CGraphics_Threaded::Init() { // fetch pointers m_pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); // Set all z to -5.0f for(int i = 0; i < MAX_VERTICES; i++) m_aVertices[i].m_Pos.z = -5.0f; // init textures m_FirstFreeTexture = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; i++) m_aTextures[i].m_Next = i+1; m_aTextures[MAX_TEXTURES-1].m_Next = -1; m_pBackend = CreateGraphicsBackend(); if(InitWindow() != 0) return -1; // fetch final resolusion m_ScreenWidth = g_Config.m_GfxScreenWidth; m_ScreenHeight = g_Config.m_GfxScreenHeight; // create command buffers m_apCommandBuffers[0] = new CCommandBuffer(1024*512, 1024*1024); m_apCommandBuffers[1] = new CCommandBuffer(1024*512, 1024*1024); m_pCommandBuffer = m_apCommandBuffers[0]; // create null texture, will get id=0 static const unsigned char aNullTextureData[] = { 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, }; m_InvalidTexture = LoadTextureRaw(4,4,CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA,aNullTextureData,CImageInfo::FORMAT_RGBA,TEXLOAD_NORESAMPLE); return 0; } void CGraphics_Threaded::Shutdown() { // shutdown the backend m_pBackend->Shutdown(); delete m_pBackend; m_pBackend = 0x0; } void CGraphics_Threaded::Minimize() { m_pBackend->Minimize(); } void CGraphics_Threaded::Maximize() { // TODO: SDL m_pBackend->Maximize(); } int CGraphics_Threaded::WindowActive() { return m_pBackend->WindowActive(); } int CGraphics_Threaded::WindowOpen() { return m_pBackend->WindowOpen(); } void CGraphics_Threaded::TakeScreenshot(const char *pFilename) { // TODO: screenshot support char aDate[20]; str_timestamp(aDate, sizeof(aDate)); str_format(m_aScreenshotName, sizeof(m_aScreenshotName), "screenshots/%s_%s.png", pFilename?pFilename:"screenshot", aDate); m_DoScreenshot = true; } void CGraphics_Threaded::Swap() { // TODO: screenshot support if(m_DoScreenshot) { ScreenshotDirect(m_aScreenshotName); m_DoScreenshot = false; } // add swap command CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Swap Cmd; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); // kick the command buffer KickCommandBuffer(); } // syncronization void CGraphics_Threaded::InsertSignal(semaphore *pSemaphore) { CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Signal Cmd; Cmd.m_pSemaphore = pSemaphore; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); } bool CGraphics_Threaded::IsIdle() { return m_pBackend->IsIdle(); } void CGraphics_Threaded::WaitForIdle() { m_pBackend->WaitForIdle(); } int CGraphics_Threaded::GetVideoModes(CVideoMode *pModes, int MaxModes) { if(g_Config.m_GfxDisplayAllModes) { int Count = sizeof(g_aFakeModes)/sizeof(CVideoMode); mem_copy(pModes, g_aFakeModes, sizeof(g_aFakeModes)); if(MaxModes < Count) Count = MaxModes; return Count; } // add videomodes command CImageInfo Image; mem_zero(&Image, sizeof(Image)); int NumModes = 0; CCommandBuffer::SCommand_VideoModes Cmd; Cmd.m_pModes = pModes; Cmd.m_MaxModes = MaxModes; Cmd.m_pNumModes = &NumModes; m_pCommandBuffer->AddCommand(Cmd); // kick the buffer and wait for the result and return it KickCommandBuffer(); WaitForIdle(); return NumModes; } extern IEngineGraphics *CreateEngineGraphicsThreaded() { return new CGraphics_Threaded(); }