/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "countryflags.h" #include "menus.h" #include "skins.h" #include "controls.h" vec4 CMenus::ms_GuiColor; vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarInactiveOutgame; vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarActiveOutgame; vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarInactive; vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarActive = vec4(0,0,0,0.5f); vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarInactiveIngame; vec4 CMenus::ms_ColorTabbarActiveIngame; #if defined(__ANDROID__) float CMenus::ms_ButtonHeight = 50.0f; float CMenus::ms_ListheaderHeight = 50.0f; float CMenus::ms_ListitemAdditionalHeight = 33.0f; #else float CMenus::ms_ButtonHeight = 25.0f; float CMenus::ms_ListheaderHeight = 17.0f; #endif float CMenus::ms_FontmodHeight = 0.8f; IInput::CEvent CMenus::m_aInputEvents[MAX_INPUTEVENTS]; int CMenus::m_NumInputEvents; CMenus::CMenus() { m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; m_ActivePage = PAGE_INTERNET; m_GamePage = PAGE_GAME; m_NeedRestartGraphics = false; m_NeedRestartSound = false; m_NeedSendinfo = false; m_NeedSendDummyinfo = false; m_MenuActive = true; m_UseMouseButtons = true; m_EscapePressed = false; m_EnterPressed = false; m_DeletePressed = false; m_NumInputEvents = 0; m_LastInput = time_get(); str_copy(m_aCurrentDemoFolder, "demos", sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFolder)); m_aCallvoteReason[0] = 0; m_FriendlistSelectedIndex = -1; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; m_DDRacePage = PAGE_BROWSER; m_DemoPlayerState = DEMOPLAYER_NONE; } vec4 CMenus::ButtonColorMul(const void *pID) { if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID) return vec4(1,1,1,0.5f); else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) return vec4(1,1,1,1.5f); return vec4(1,1,1,1); } int CMenus::DoButton_Icon(int ImageId, int SpriteId, const CUIRect *pRect) { Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[ImageId].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); RenderTools()->SelectSprite(SpriteId); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(pRect->x, pRect->y, pRect->w, pRect->h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); return 0; } int CMenus::DoButton_Toggle(const void *pID, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, bool Active) { Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[IMAGE_GUIBUTTONS].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); if(!Active) Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); RenderTools()->SelectSprite(Checked?SPRITE_GUIBUTTON_ON:SPRITE_GUIBUTTON_OFF); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(pRect->x, pRect->y, pRect->w, pRect->h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); if(UI()->HotItem() == pID && Active) { RenderTools()->SelectSprite(SPRITE_GUIBUTTON_HOVER); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(pRect->x, pRect->y, pRect->w, pRect->h); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); } Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); return Active ? UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, "", Checked, pRect) : 0; } int CMenus::DoButton_Menu(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f)*ButtonColorMul(pID), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); CUIRect Temp; pRect->HMargin(pRect->h>=20.0f?2.0f:1.0f, &Temp); #if defined(__ANDROID__) float TextH = min(22.0f, Temp.h); Temp.y += (Temp.h - TextH) / 2; UI()->DoLabel(&Temp, pText, TextH*ms_FontmodHeight, 0); #else UI()->DoLabel(&Temp, pText, Temp.h*ms_FontmodHeight, 0); #endif return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, pText, Checked, pRect); } void CMenus::DoButton_KeySelect(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f)*ButtonColorMul(pID), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); CUIRect Temp; pRect->HMargin(1.0f, &Temp); UI()->DoLabel(&Temp, pText, Temp.h*ms_FontmodHeight, 0); } int CMenus::DoButton_MenuTab(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, int Corners) { if(Checked) RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, ms_ColorTabbarActive, Corners, 10.0f); else RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, ms_ColorTabbarInactive, Corners, 10.0f); CUIRect Temp; pRect->HMargin(2.0f, &Temp); #if defined(__ANDROID__) float TextH = min(22.0f, Temp.h); Temp.y += (Temp.h - TextH) / 2; UI()->DoLabel(&Temp, pText, TextH*ms_FontmodHeight, 0); #else UI()->DoLabel(&Temp, pText, Temp.h*ms_FontmodHeight, 0); #endif return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, pText, Checked, pRect); } int CMenus::DoButton_GridHeader(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) //void CMenus::ui_draw_grid_header(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const CUIRect *r, const void *extra) { if(Checked) RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), CUI::CORNER_T, 5.0f); CUIRect t; pRect->VSplitLeft(5.0f, 0, &t); #if defined(__ANDROID__) float TextH = min(20.0f, pRect->h); UI()->DoLabel(&t, pText, TextH*ms_FontmodHeight, -1); #else UI()->DoLabel(&t, pText, pRect->h*ms_FontmodHeight, -1); #endif return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, pText, Checked, pRect); } int CMenus::DoButton_CheckBox_Common(const void *pID, const char *pText, const char *pBoxText, const CUIRect *pRect) //void CMenus::ui_draw_checkbox_common(const void *id, const char *text, const char *boxtext, const CUIRect *r, const void *extra) { CUIRect c = *pRect; CUIRect t = *pRect; c.w = c.h; t.x += c.w; t.w -= c.w; t.VSplitLeft(5.0f, 0, &t); c.Margin(2.0f, &c); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&c, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*ButtonColorMul(pID), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); c.y += 2; UI()->DoLabel(&c, pBoxText, pRect->h*ms_FontmodHeight*0.6f, 0); UI()->DoLabel(&t, pText, pRect->h*ms_FontmodHeight*0.8f, -1); return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, pText, 0, pRect); } int CMenus::DoButton_CheckBox(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, Checked?"X":"", pRect); } int CMenus::DoButton_CheckBox_Number(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { char aBuf[16]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", Checked); return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, aBuf, pRect); } int CMenus::DoEditBox(void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, char *pStr, unsigned StrSize, float FontSize, float *Offset, bool Hidden, int Corners, const char *pEmptyText) { int Inside = UI()->MouseInside(pRect); bool ReturnValue = false; bool UpdateOffset = false; static int s_AtIndex = 0; static bool s_DoScroll = false; static float s_ScrollStart = 0.0f; FontSize *= UI()->Scale(); if(UI()->LastActiveItem() == pID) { int Len = str_length(pStr); if(Len == 0) s_AtIndex = 0; if(Inside && UI()->MouseButton(0)) { s_DoScroll = true; s_ScrollStart = UI()->MouseX(); int MxRel = (int)(UI()->MouseX() - pRect->x); for(int i = 1; i <= Len; i++) { if(TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pStr, i) - *Offset > MxRel) { s_AtIndex = i - 1; break; } if(i == Len) s_AtIndex = Len; } } else if(!UI()->MouseButton(0)) s_DoScroll = false; else if(s_DoScroll) { // do scrolling if(UI()->MouseX() < pRect->x && s_ScrollStart-UI()->MouseX() > 10.0f) { s_AtIndex = max(0, s_AtIndex-1); s_ScrollStart = UI()->MouseX(); UpdateOffset = true; } else if(UI()->MouseX() > pRect->x+pRect->w && UI()->MouseX()-s_ScrollStart > 10.0f) { s_AtIndex = min(Len, s_AtIndex+1); s_ScrollStart = UI()->MouseX(); UpdateOffset = true; } } for(int i = 0; i < m_NumInputEvents; i++) { Len = str_length(pStr); int NumChars = Len; ReturnValue |= CLineInput::Manipulate(m_aInputEvents[i], pStr, StrSize, StrSize, &Len, &s_AtIndex, &NumChars); } } bool JustGotActive = false; if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID) { if(!UI()->MouseButton(0)) { s_AtIndex = min(s_AtIndex, str_length(pStr)); s_DoScroll = false; UI()->SetActiveItem(0); } } else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) { if(UI()->MouseButton(0)) { if (UI()->LastActiveItem() != pID) JustGotActive = true; UI()->SetActiveItem(pID); } } if(Inside) { UI()->SetHotItem(pID); #if defined(__ANDROID__) if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID && UI()->MouseButtonClicked(0)) { s_AtIndex = 0; UI()->AndroidBlockAndGetTextInput(pStr, StrSize, ""); } #endif } CUIRect Textbox = *pRect; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Textbox, vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), Corners, 3.0f); Textbox.VMargin(2.0f, &Textbox); Textbox.HMargin(2.0f, &Textbox); const char *pDisplayStr = pStr; char aStars[128]; if(pDisplayStr[0] == '\0') { pDisplayStr = pEmptyText; TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75f); } if(Hidden) { unsigned s = str_length(pDisplayStr); if(s >= sizeof(aStars)) s = sizeof(aStars)-1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < s; ++i) aStars[i] = '*'; aStars[s] = 0; pDisplayStr = aStars; } // check if the text has to be moved if(UI()->LastActiveItem() == pID && !JustGotActive && (UpdateOffset || m_NumInputEvents)) { float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pDisplayStr, s_AtIndex); if(w-*Offset > Textbox.w) { // move to the left float wt = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pDisplayStr, -1); do { *Offset += min(wt-*Offset-Textbox.w, Textbox.w/3); } while(w-*Offset > Textbox.w); } else if(w-*Offset < 0.0f) { // move to the right do { *Offset = max(0.0f, *Offset-Textbox.w/3); } while(w-*Offset < 0.0f); } } UI()->ClipEnable(pRect); Textbox.x -= *Offset; UI()->DoLabel(&Textbox, pDisplayStr, FontSize, -1); TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); // render the cursor if(UI()->LastActiveItem() == pID && !JustGotActive) { float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pDisplayStr, s_AtIndex); Textbox = *pRect; Textbox.VSplitLeft(2.0f, 0, &Textbox); Textbox.x += (w-*Offset-TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "|", -1)/2); if((2*time_get()/time_freq()) % 2) // make it blink UI()->DoLabel(&Textbox, "|", FontSize, -1); } UI()->ClipDisable(); return ReturnValue; } float CMenus::DoScrollbarV(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float Current) { CUIRect Handle; static float OffsetY; #if defined(__ANDROID__) pRect->HSplitTop(50, &Handle, 0); #else pRect->HSplitTop(33, &Handle, 0); #endif Handle.y += (pRect->h-Handle.h)*Current; // logic float ReturnValue = Current; int Inside = UI()->MouseInside(&Handle); if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID) { if(!UI()->MouseButton(0)) UI()->SetActiveItem(0); float Min = pRect->y; float Max = pRect->h-Handle.h; float Cur = UI()->MouseY()-OffsetY; ReturnValue = (Cur-Min)/Max; if(ReturnValue < 0.0f) ReturnValue = 0.0f; if(ReturnValue > 1.0f) ReturnValue = 1.0f; } else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) { if(UI()->MouseButton(0)) { UI()->SetActiveItem(pID); OffsetY = UI()->MouseY()-Handle.y; } } if(Inside) UI()->SetHotItem(pID); // render CUIRect Rail; pRect->VMargin(5.0f, &Rail); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Rail, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), 0, 0.0f); CUIRect Slider = Handle; Slider.w = Rail.x-Slider.x; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CUI::CORNER_L, 2.5f); Slider.x = Rail.x+Rail.w; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CUI::CORNER_R, 2.5f); Slider = Handle; Slider.Margin(5.0f, &Slider); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*ButtonColorMul(pID), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 2.5f); return ReturnValue; } float CMenus::DoScrollbarH(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float Current) { CUIRect Handle; static float OffsetX; pRect->VSplitLeft(33, &Handle, 0); Handle.x += (pRect->w-Handle.w)*Current; // logic float ReturnValue = Current; int Inside = UI()->MouseInside(&Handle); if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID) { if(!UI()->MouseButton(0)) UI()->SetActiveItem(0); float Min = pRect->x; float Max = pRect->w-Handle.w; float Cur = UI()->MouseX()-OffsetX; ReturnValue = (Cur-Min)/Max; if(ReturnValue < 0.0f) ReturnValue = 0.0f; if(ReturnValue > 1.0f) ReturnValue = 1.0f; } else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) { if(UI()->MouseButton(0)) { UI()->SetActiveItem(pID); OffsetX = UI()->MouseX()-Handle.x; } } if(Inside) UI()->SetHotItem(pID); // render CUIRect Rail; pRect->HMargin(5.0f, &Rail); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Rail, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), 0, 0.0f); CUIRect Slider = Handle; Slider.h = Rail.y-Slider.y; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CUI::CORNER_T, 2.5f); Slider.y = Rail.y+Rail.h; RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CUI::CORNER_B, 2.5f); Slider = Handle; Slider.Margin(5.0f, &Slider); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*ButtonColorMul(pID), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 2.5f); return ReturnValue; } int CMenus::DoKeyReader(void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, int Key) { // process static void *pGrabbedID = 0; static bool MouseReleased = true; static int ButtonUsed = 0; int Inside = UI()->MouseInside(pRect); int NewKey = Key; if(!UI()->MouseButton(0) && !UI()->MouseButton(1) && pGrabbedID == pID) MouseReleased = true; if(UI()->ActiveItem() == pID) { if(m_Binder.m_GotKey) { // abort with escape key if(m_Binder.m_Key.m_Key != KEY_ESCAPE) NewKey = m_Binder.m_Key.m_Key; m_Binder.m_GotKey = false; UI()->SetActiveItem(0); MouseReleased = false; pGrabbedID = pID; } if(ButtonUsed == 1 && !UI()->MouseButton(1)) { if(Inside) NewKey = 0; UI()->SetActiveItem(0); } } else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) { if(MouseReleased) { if(UI()->MouseButton(0)) { m_Binder.m_TakeKey = true; m_Binder.m_GotKey = false; UI()->SetActiveItem(pID); ButtonUsed = 0; } if(UI()->MouseButton(1)) { UI()->SetActiveItem(pID); ButtonUsed = 1; } } } if(Inside) UI()->SetHotItem(pID); // draw if (UI()->ActiveItem() == pID && ButtonUsed == 0) DoButton_KeySelect(pID, "???", 0, pRect); else { if(Key == 0) DoButton_KeySelect(pID, "", 0, pRect); else DoButton_KeySelect(pID, Input()->KeyName(Key), 0, pRect); } return NewKey; } int CMenus::RenderMenubar(CUIRect r) { CUIRect Box = r; CUIRect Button; m_ActivePage = g_Config.m_UiPage; int NewPage = -1; if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) m_ActivePage = m_GamePage; if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) { // offline menus Box.VSplitLeft(90.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_NewsButton=0; if (DoButton_MenuTab(&s_NewsButton, Localize("News"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_NEWS, &Button, CUI::CORNER_T)) { NewPage = PAGE_NEWS; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } Box.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &Box); Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_InternetButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_InternetButton, Localize("Internet"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_INTERNET, &Button, CUI::CORNER_TL)) { ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_INTERNET); NewPage = PAGE_INTERNET; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } //Box.VSplitLeft(4.0f, 0, &Box); Box.VSplitLeft(60.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_LanButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_LanButton, Localize("LAN"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_LAN, &Button, 0)) { ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_LAN); NewPage = PAGE_LAN; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } //box.VSplitLeft(4.0f, 0, &box); Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_FavoritesButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_FavoritesButton, Localize("Favorites"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_FAVORITES, &Button, 0)) { ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_FAVORITES); NewPage = PAGE_FAVORITES; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } //box.VSplitLeft(4.0f, 0, &box); Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_DDNetButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_DDNetButton, Localize("DDNet"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_DDNET, &Button, CUI::CORNER_TR)) { ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_DDNET); NewPage = PAGE_DDNET; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } Box.VSplitLeft(10.0f, 0, &Box); Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_DemosButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_DemosButton, Localize("Demos"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_DEMOS, &Button, CUI::CORNER_T)) { DemolistPopulate(); NewPage = PAGE_DEMOS; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } } else { // online menus Box.VSplitLeft(90.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_GameButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_GameButton, Localize("Game"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_GAME, &Button, CUI::CORNER_TL)) NewPage = PAGE_GAME; Box.VSplitLeft(90.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_PlayersButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_PlayersButton, Localize("Players"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_PLAYERS, &Button, 0)) NewPage = PAGE_PLAYERS; Box.VSplitLeft(130.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_ServerInfoButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_ServerInfoButton, Localize("Server info"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_SERVER_INFO, &Button, 0)) NewPage = PAGE_SERVER_INFO; Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); static int s_GhostButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_GhostButton, "Network", m_ActivePage==PAGE_DDRace, &Button, 0)) NewPage = PAGE_DDRace; Box.VSplitLeft(100.0f, &Button, &Box); Box.VSplitLeft(4.0f, 0, &Box); static int s_CallVoteButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_CallVoteButton, Localize("Call vote"), m_ActivePage==PAGE_CALLVOTE, &Button, CUI::CORNER_TR)) NewPage = PAGE_CALLVOTE; } /* box.VSplitRight(110.0f, &box, &button); static int system_button=0; if (UI()->DoButton(&system_button, "System", g_Config.m_UiPage==PAGE_SYSTEM, &button)) g_Config.m_UiPage = PAGE_SYSTEM; box.VSplitRight(30.0f, &box, 0); */ Box.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Box, &Button); static int s_QuitButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_QuitButton, "×", 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_T)) m_Popup = POPUP_QUIT; Box.VSplitRight(10.0f, &Box, &Button); Box.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Box, &Button); static int s_SettingsButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_SettingsButton, "⚙", m_ActivePage==PAGE_SETTINGS, &Button, CUI::CORNER_T)) NewPage = PAGE_SETTINGS; Box.VSplitRight(10.0f, &Box, &Button); Box.VSplitRight(30.0f, &Box, &Button); static int s_EditorButton=0; if(DoButton_MenuTab(&s_EditorButton, Localize("✎"), 0, &Button, CUI::CORNER_T)) { g_Config.m_ClEditor = 1; } if(NewPage != -1) { if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) g_Config.m_UiPage = NewPage; else m_GamePage = NewPage; } return 0; } void CMenus::RenderLoading() { // TODO: not supported right now due to separate render thread static int64 LastLoadRender = 0; float Percent = m_LoadCurrent++/(float)m_LoadTotal; // make sure that we don't render for each little thing we load // because that will slow down loading if we have vsync if(time_get()-LastLoadRender < time_freq()/60) return; LastLoadRender = time_get(); // need up date this here to get correct vec3 Rgb = HslToRgb(vec3(g_Config.m_UiColorHue/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorSat/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorLht/255.0f)); ms_GuiColor = vec4(Rgb.r, Rgb.g, Rgb.b, g_Config.m_UiColorAlpha/255.0f); CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); RenderBackground(); float w = 700; float h = 200; float x = Screen.w/2-w/2; float y = Screen.h/2-h/2; Graphics()->BlendNormal(); Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0,0,0,0.50f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 40.0f); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); const char *pCaption = Localize("Loading DDNet Client"); CUIRect r; r.x = x; r.y = y+20; r.w = w; r.h = h; UI()->DoLabel(&r, pCaption, 48.0f, 0, -1); Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1,1,1,0.75f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(x+40, y+h-75, (w-80)*Percent, 25, 5.0f); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); Graphics()->Swap(); } void CMenus::RenderNews(CUIRect MainView) { // TODO: Like the settings with big fonts // Make it work WITHOUT version updates // Show news once after each version or news update RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&MainView, ms_ColorTabbarActive, CUI::CORNER_ALL, 10.0f); MainView.HSplitTop(15.0f, 0, &MainView); MainView.VSplitLeft(15.0f, 0, &MainView); CUIRect Label; std::istringstream f(Client()->m_aNews); std::string line; while (std::getline(f, line)) { if(line.size() > 0 && line.at(0) == '|' && line.at(line.size()-1) == '|') { MainView.HSplitTop(30.0f, &Label, &MainView); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Label, Localize(line.substr(1, line.size()-2).c_str()), 20.0f, -1); } else { MainView.HSplitTop(20.0f, &Label, &MainView); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Label, line.c_str(), 15.f, -1, MainView.w-30.0f); } } } void CMenus::OnInit() { /* array my_strings; array::range r2; my_strings.add("4"); my_strings.add("6"); my_strings.add("1"); my_strings.add("3"); my_strings.add("7"); my_strings.add("5"); my_strings.add("2"); for(array::range r = my_strings.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) dbg_msg("", "%s", r.front().cstr()); sort(my_strings.all()); dbg_msg("", "after:"); for(array::range r = my_strings.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) dbg_msg("", "%s", r.front().cstr()); array myarray; myarray.add(4); myarray.add(6); myarray.add(1); myarray.add(3); myarray.add(7); myarray.add(5); myarray.add(2); for(array::range r = myarray.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) dbg_msg("", "%d", r.front()); sort(myarray.all()); sort_verify(myarray.all()); dbg_msg("", "after:"); for(array::range r = myarray.all(); !r.empty(); r.pop_front()) dbg_msg("", "%d", r.front()); exit(-1); // */ if(g_Config.m_ClShowWelcome) { m_Popup = POPUP_LANGUAGE; str_copy(g_Config.m_BrFilterString, "Novice [DDraceNetwork]", sizeof(g_Config.m_BrFilterString)); } g_Config.m_ClShowWelcome = 0; Console()->Chain("add_favorite", ConchainServerbrowserUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("remove_favorite", ConchainServerbrowserUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("add_friend", ConchainFriendlistUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("remove_friend", ConchainFriendlistUpdate, this); // setup load amount m_LoadCurrent = 0; m_LoadTotal = g_pData->m_NumImages; if(!g_Config.m_ClThreadsoundloading) m_LoadTotal += g_pData->m_NumSounds; } void CMenus::PopupMessage(const char *pTopic, const char *pBody, const char *pButton) { // reset active item UI()->SetActiveItem(0); str_copy(m_aMessageTopic, pTopic, sizeof(m_aMessageTopic)); str_copy(m_aMessageBody, pBody, sizeof(m_aMessageBody)); str_copy(m_aMessageButton, pButton, sizeof(m_aMessageButton)); m_Popup = POPUP_MESSAGE; } int CMenus::Render() { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); static bool s_First = true; if(s_First) { m_pClient->m_pSounds->Enqueue(CSounds::CHN_MUSIC, SOUND_MENU); s_First = false; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_INTERNET) ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_INTERNET); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_LAN) ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_LAN); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_FAVORITES) ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_FAVORITES); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_DDNET) ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_DDNET); } if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { ms_ColorTabbarInactive = ms_ColorTabbarInactiveIngame; ms_ColorTabbarActive = ms_ColorTabbarActiveIngame; } else { RenderBackground(); ms_ColorTabbarInactive = ms_ColorTabbarInactiveOutgame; ms_ColorTabbarActive = ms_ColorTabbarActiveOutgame; } CUIRect TabBar; CUIRect MainView; // some margin around the screen Screen.Margin(10.0f, &Screen); static bool s_SoundCheck = false; if(!s_SoundCheck && m_Popup == POPUP_NONE) { if(Client()->SoundInitFailed()) m_Popup = POPUP_SOUNDERROR; s_SoundCheck = true; } if(m_Popup == POPUP_NONE) { // do tab bar #if defined(__ANDROID__) Screen.HSplitTop(100.0f, &TabBar, &MainView); #else Screen.HSplitTop(24.0f, &TabBar, &MainView); #endif TabBar.VMargin(20.0f, &TabBar); RenderMenubar(TabBar); // news is not implemented yet if(g_Config.m_UiPage < PAGE_NEWS || g_Config.m_UiPage > PAGE_SETTINGS || (Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE && g_Config.m_UiPage >= PAGE_GAME && g_Config.m_UiPage <= PAGE_CALLVOTE)) { ServerBrowser()->Refresh(IServerBrowser::TYPE_INTERNET); g_Config.m_UiPage = PAGE_INTERNET; m_DoubleClickIndex = -1; } // render current page if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) { if(m_GamePage == PAGE_GAME) RenderGame(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_PLAYERS) RenderPlayers(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_SERVER_INFO) RenderServerInfo(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_DDRace) RenderInGameDDRace(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_CALLVOTE) RenderServerControl(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_SETTINGS) RenderSettings(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_GHOST) RenderGhost(MainView); else if(m_GamePage == PAGE_BROWSER) RenderInGameBrowser(MainView); } else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_NEWS) RenderNews(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_INTERNET) RenderServerbrowser(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_LAN) RenderServerbrowser(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_DEMOS) RenderDemoList(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_FAVORITES) RenderServerbrowser(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_DDNET) RenderServerbrowser(MainView); else if(g_Config.m_UiPage == PAGE_SETTINGS) RenderSettings(MainView); } else { // make sure that other windows doesn't do anything funnay! //UI()->SetHotItem(0); //UI()->SetActiveItem(0); char aBuf[128]; const char *pTitle = ""; const char *pExtraText = ""; const char *pButtonText = ""; int ExtraAlign = 0; if(m_Popup == POPUP_MESSAGE) { pTitle = m_aMessageTopic; pExtraText = m_aMessageBody; pButtonText = m_aMessageButton; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_CONNECTING) { pTitle = Localize("Connecting to"); pExtraText = g_Config.m_UiServerAddress; // TODO: query the client about the address pButtonText = Localize("Abort"); if(Client()->MapDownloadTotalsize() > 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s: %s", Localize("Downloading map"), Client()->MapDownloadName()); pTitle = aBuf; pExtraText = ""; } } else if (m_Popup == POPUP_DISCONNECTED) { pTitle = Localize("Disconnected"); pExtraText = Client()->ErrorString(); pButtonText = Localize("Ok"); if ((str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "full")) || (str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "reserved"))) { if (g_Config.m_ClReconnectFull) { if (_my_rtime == 0) _my_rtime = time_get(); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("\n\nReconnect in %d sec"), ((_my_rtime - time_get()) / time_freq() + g_Config.m_ClReconnectFullTimeout)); pTitle = Client()->ErrorString(); pExtraText = aBuf; pButtonText = Localize("Abort"); } } else if (str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "ban")) { if (g_Config.m_ClReconnectBan) { if (_my_rtime == 0) _my_rtime = time_get(); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("\n\nReconnect in %d sec"), ((_my_rtime - time_get()) / time_freq() + g_Config.m_ClReconnectBanTimeout)); pTitle = Client()->ErrorString(); pExtraText = aBuf; pButtonText = Localize("Abort"); } } ExtraAlign = 0; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_PURE) { pTitle = Localize("Disconnected"); pExtraText = Localize("The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type."); pButtonText = Localize("Ok"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_DELETE_DEMO) { pTitle = Localize("Delete demo"); pExtraText = Localize("Are you sure that you want to delete the demo?"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_RENAME_DEMO) { pTitle = Localize("Rename demo"); pExtraText = ""; ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_REMOVE_FRIEND) { pTitle = Localize("Remove friend"); pExtraText = Localize("Are you sure that you want to remove the player from your friends list?"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_SOUNDERROR) { pTitle = Localize("Sound error"); pExtraText = Localize("The audio device couldn't be initialised."); pButtonText = Localize("Ok"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_PASSWORD) { pTitle = Localize("Password incorrect"); pExtraText = ""; pButtonText = Localize("Try again"); } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_QUIT) { pTitle = Localize("Quit"); pExtraText = Localize("Are you sure that you want to quit?"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_DISCONNECT) { pTitle = Localize("Disconnect"); pExtraText = Localize("Are you sure that you want to disconnect?"); ExtraAlign = -1; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH) { pTitle = Localize("Welcome to Teeworlds"); pExtraText = Localize("As this is the first time you launch the game, please enter your nick name below. It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server."); pButtonText = Localize("Ok"); ExtraAlign = -1; } CUIRect Box, Part; Box = Screen; Box.VMargin(150.0f/UI()->Scale(), &Box); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HMargin(100.0f/UI()->Scale(), &Box); #else Box.HMargin(150.0f/UI()->Scale(), &Box); #endif // render the box RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Box, vec4(0,0,0,0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 15.0f); Box.HSplitTop(20.f/UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f/UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Part, pTitle, 24.f, 0); Box.HSplitTop(20.f/UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f/UI()->Scale(), &Part, &Box); Part.VMargin(20.f/UI()->Scale(), &Part); if(ExtraAlign == -1) UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Part, pExtraText, 20.f, -1, (int)Part.w); else UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Part, pExtraText, 20.f, 0, -1); if(m_Popup == POPUP_QUIT) { CUIRect Yes, No; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif // additional info Box.HSplitTop(10.0f, 0, &Box); Box.VMargin(20.f/UI()->Scale(), &Box); if(m_pClient->Editor()->HasUnsavedData()) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s\n%s", Localize("There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game."), Localize("Quit anyway?")); UI()->DoLabelScaled(&Box, aBuf, 20.f, -1, Part.w-20.0f); } // buttons Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&No, &Yes); Yes.VMargin(20.0f, &Yes); No.VMargin(20.0f, &No); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("No"), 0, &No) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonTryAgain = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonTryAgain, Localize("Yes"), 0, &Yes) || m_EnterPressed) Client()->Quit(); } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_DISCONNECT) { CUIRect Yes, No; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif // buttons Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&No, &Yes); Yes.VMargin(20.0f, &Yes); No.VMargin(20.0f, &No); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("No"), 0, &No) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonTryAgain = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonTryAgain, Localize("Yes"), 0, &Yes) || m_EnterPressed) Client()->Disconnect(); } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_PASSWORD) { CUIRect Label, TextBox, TryAgain, Abort; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&Abort, &TryAgain); TryAgain.VMargin(20.0f, &TryAgain); Abort.VMargin(20.0f, &Abort); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("Abort"), 0, &Abort) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonTryAgain = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonTryAgain, Localize("Try again"), 0, &TryAgain) || m_EnterPressed) { Client()->Connect(g_Config.m_UiServerAddress); } Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VSplitLeft(60.0f, 0, &Label); Label.VSplitLeft(100.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitLeft(20.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitRight(60.0f, &TextBox, 0); UI()->DoLabel(&Label, Localize("Password"), 18.0f, -1); static float Offset = 0.0f; DoEditBox(&g_Config.m_Password, &TextBox, g_Config.m_Password, sizeof(g_Config.m_Password), 12.0f, &Offset, true); } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_CONNECTING) { Box = Screen; Box.VMargin(150.0f, &Box); Box.HMargin(150.0f, &Box); Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(120.0f, &Part); static int s_Button = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_Button, pButtonText, 0, &Part) || m_EscapePressed || m_EnterPressed) { Client()->Disconnect(); m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; } if(Client()->MapDownloadTotalsize() > 0) { int64 Now = time_get(); if(Now-m_DownloadLastCheckTime >= time_freq()) { if(m_DownloadLastCheckSize > Client()->MapDownloadAmount()) { // map downloaded restarted m_DownloadLastCheckSize = 0; } // update download speed float Diff = (Client()->MapDownloadAmount()-m_DownloadLastCheckSize)/((int)((Now-m_DownloadLastCheckTime)/time_freq())); float StartDiff = m_DownloadLastCheckSize-0.0f; if(StartDiff+Diff > 0.0f) m_DownloadSpeed = (Diff/(StartDiff+Diff))*(Diff/1.0f) + (StartDiff/(Diff+StartDiff))*m_DownloadSpeed; else m_DownloadSpeed = 0.0f; m_DownloadLastCheckTime = Now; m_DownloadLastCheckSize = Client()->MapDownloadAmount(); } Box.HSplitTop(64.f, 0, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f, &Part, &Box); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d/%d KiB (%.1f KiB/s)", Client()->MapDownloadAmount()/1024, Client()->MapDownloadTotalsize()/1024, m_DownloadSpeed/1024.0f); UI()->DoLabel(&Part, aBuf, 20.f, 0, -1); // time left const char *pTimeLeftString; int TimeLeft = max(1, m_DownloadSpeed > 0.0f ? static_cast((Client()->MapDownloadTotalsize()-Client()->MapDownloadAmount())/m_DownloadSpeed) : 1); if(TimeLeft >= 60) { TimeLeft /= 60; pTimeLeftString = TimeLeft == 1 ? Localize("%i minute left") : Localize("%i minutes left"); } else pTimeLeftString = TimeLeft == 1 ? Localize("%i second left") : Localize("%i seconds left"); Box.HSplitTop(20.f, 0, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f, &Part, &Box); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), pTimeLeftString, TimeLeft); UI()->DoLabel(&Part, aBuf, 20.f, 0, -1); // progress bar Box.HSplitTop(20.f, 0, &Box); Box.HSplitTop(24.f, &Part, &Box); Part.VMargin(40.0f, &Part); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Part, vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); Part.w = max(10.0f, (Part.w*Client()->MapDownloadAmount())/Client()->MapDownloadTotalsize()); RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(&Part, vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); } } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_LANGUAGE) { Box = Screen; Box.VMargin(150.0f, &Box); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HMargin(20.0f, &Box); #else Box.HMargin(150.0f, &Box); #endif Box.HSplitTop(20.f, &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, 0); Box.VMargin(20.0f, &Box); RenderLanguageSelection(Box); Part.VMargin(120.0f, &Part); static int s_Button = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_Button, Localize("Ok"), 0, &Part) || m_EscapePressed || m_EnterPressed) m_Popup = POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH; } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_COUNTRY) { Box = Screen; Box.VMargin(150.0f, &Box); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HMargin(20.0f, &Box); #else Box.HMargin(150.0f, &Box); #endif Box.HSplitTop(20.f, &Part, &Box); Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, 0); Box.VMargin(20.0f, &Box); static int ActSelection = -2; if(ActSelection == -2) ActSelection = g_Config.m_BrFilterCountryIndex; static float s_ScrollValue = 0.0f; int OldSelected = -1; UiDoListboxStart(&s_ScrollValue, &Box, 50.0f, Localize("Country"), "", m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->Num(), 6, OldSelected, s_ScrollValue); for(int i = 0; i < m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->Num(); ++i) { const CCountryFlags::CCountryFlag *pEntry = m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->GetByIndex(i); if(pEntry->m_CountryCode == ActSelection) OldSelected = i; CListboxItem Item = UiDoListboxNextItem(&pEntry->m_CountryCode, OldSelected == i); if(Item.m_Visible) { CUIRect Label; Item.m_Rect.Margin(5.0f, &Item.m_Rect); Item.m_Rect.HSplitBottom(10.0f, &Item.m_Rect, &Label); float OldWidth = Item.m_Rect.w; Item.m_Rect.w = Item.m_Rect.h*2; Item.m_Rect.x += (OldWidth-Item.m_Rect.w)/ 2.0f; vec4 Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->Render(pEntry->m_CountryCode, &Color, Item.m_Rect.x, Item.m_Rect.y, Item.m_Rect.w, Item.m_Rect.h); UI()->DoLabel(&Label, pEntry->m_aCountryCodeString, 10.0f, 0); } } const int NewSelected = UiDoListboxEnd(&s_ScrollValue, 0); if(OldSelected != NewSelected) ActSelection = m_pClient->m_pCountryFlags->GetByIndex(NewSelected)->m_CountryCode; Part.VMargin(120.0f, &Part); static int s_Button = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_Button, Localize("Ok"), 0, &Part) || m_EnterPressed) { g_Config.m_BrFilterCountryIndex = ActSelection; Client()->ServerBrowserUpdate(); m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; } if(m_EscapePressed) { ActSelection = g_Config.m_BrFilterCountryIndex; m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; } } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_DELETE_DEMO) { CUIRect Yes, No; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&No, &Yes); Yes.VMargin(20.0f, &Yes); No.VMargin(20.0f, &No); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("No"), 0, &No) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonTryAgain = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonTryAgain, Localize("Yes"), 0, &Yes) || m_EnterPressed) { m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; // delete demo if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0 && !m_DemolistSelectedIsDir) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename); if(Storage()->RemoveFile(aBuf, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_StorageType)) { DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } else PopupMessage(Localize("Error"), Localize("Unable to delete the demo"), Localize("Ok")); } } } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_RENAME_DEMO) { CUIRect Label, TextBox, Ok, Abort; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&Abort, &Ok); Ok.VMargin(20.0f, &Ok); Abort.VMargin(20.0f, &Abort); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("Abort"), 0, &Abort) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonOk = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonOk, Localize("Ok"), 0, &Ok) || m_EnterPressed) { m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; // rename demo if(m_DemolistSelectedIndex >= 0 && !m_DemolistSelectedIsDir) { char aBufOld[512]; str_format(aBufOld, sizeof(aBufOld), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_aFilename); int Length = str_length(m_aCurrentDemoFile); char aBufNew[512]; if(Length <= 4 || m_aCurrentDemoFile[Length-5] != '.' || str_comp_nocase(m_aCurrentDemoFile+Length-4, "demo")) str_format(aBufNew, sizeof(aBufNew), "%s/%s.demo", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_aCurrentDemoFile); else str_format(aBufNew, sizeof(aBufNew), "%s/%s", m_aCurrentDemoFolder, m_aCurrentDemoFile); if(Storage()->RenameFile(aBufOld, aBufNew, m_lDemos[m_DemolistSelectedIndex].m_StorageType)) { DemolistPopulate(); DemolistOnUpdate(false); } else PopupMessage(Localize("Error"), Localize("Unable to rename the demo"), Localize("Ok")); } } Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VSplitLeft(60.0f, 0, &Label); Label.VSplitLeft(120.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitLeft(20.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitRight(60.0f, &TextBox, 0); UI()->DoLabel(&Label, Localize("New name:"), 18.0f, -1); static float Offset = 0.0f; DoEditBox(&Offset, &TextBox, m_aCurrentDemoFile, sizeof(m_aCurrentDemoFile), 12.0f, &Offset); } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_REMOVE_FRIEND) { CUIRect Yes, No; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); Part.VSplitMid(&No, &Yes); Yes.VMargin(20.0f, &Yes); No.VMargin(20.0f, &No); static int s_ButtonAbort = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonAbort, Localize("No"), 0, &No) || m_EscapePressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; static int s_ButtonTryAgain = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ButtonTryAgain, Localize("Yes"), 0, &Yes) || m_EnterPressed) { m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; // remove friend if(m_FriendlistSelectedIndex >= 0) { m_pClient->Friends()->RemoveFriend(m_lFriends[m_FriendlistSelectedIndex].m_pFriendInfo->m_aName, m_lFriends[m_FriendlistSelectedIndex].m_pFriendInfo->m_aClan); FriendlistOnUpdate(); Client()->ServerBrowserUpdate(); } } } else if(m_Popup == POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH) { CUIRect Label, TextBox; Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(80.0f, &Part); static int s_EnterButton = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_EnterButton, Localize("Enter"), 0, &Part) || m_EnterPressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; Box.HSplitBottom(40.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VSplitLeft(60.0f, 0, &Label); Label.VSplitLeft(100.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitLeft(20.0f, 0, &TextBox); TextBox.VSplitRight(60.0f, &TextBox, 0); UI()->DoLabel(&Label, Localize("Nickname"), 18.0f, -1); static float Offset = 0.0f; DoEditBox(&g_Config.m_PlayerName, &TextBox, g_Config.m_PlayerName, sizeof(g_Config.m_PlayerName), 12.0f, &Offset); } else { Box.HSplitBottom(20.f, &Box, &Part); #if defined(__ANDROID__) Box.HSplitBottom(60.f, &Box, &Part); #else Box.HSplitBottom(24.f, &Box, &Part); #endif Part.VMargin(120.0f, &Part); static int s_Button = 0; if(DoButton_Menu(&s_Button, pButtonText, 0, &Part) || m_EscapePressed || m_EnterPressed) m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; } if(m_Popup == POPUP_NONE) UI()->SetActiveItem(0); } if (m_Popup == POPUP_DISCONNECTED) { if (str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "full") || str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "reserved")) { if (g_Config.m_ClReconnectFull && time_get() > _my_rtime + time_freq() * g_Config.m_ClReconnectFullTimeout) Client()->Connect(g_Config.m_UiServerAddress); } else if (str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "ban") || str_find_nocase(Client()->ErrorString(), "kick")) { if (g_Config.m_ClReconnectBan && time_get() > _my_rtime + time_freq() * g_Config.m_ClReconnectBanTimeout) Client()->Connect(g_Config.m_UiServerAddress); } } else if (_my_rtime != 0) { _my_rtime = 0; } return 0; } void CMenus::SetActive(bool Active) { m_MenuActive = Active; #if defined(__ANDROID__) UI()->AndroidShowScreenKeys(!m_MenuActive && !m_pClient->m_pControls->m_UsingGamepad); #endif if(!m_MenuActive) { if(m_NeedSendinfo) { m_pClient->SendInfo(false); m_NeedSendinfo = false; } if(m_NeedSendDummyinfo) { m_pClient->SendDummyInfo(false); m_NeedSendDummyinfo = false; } if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { m_pClient->OnRelease(); } } else if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { m_pClient->OnRelease(); } } void CMenus::OnReset() { } bool CMenus::OnMouseMove(float x, float y) { m_LastInput = time_get(); if(!m_MenuActive) return false; #if defined(__ANDROID__) // No relative mouse on Android m_MousePos.x = x; m_MousePos.y = y; #else UI()->ConvertMouseMove(&x, &y); m_MousePos.x += x; m_MousePos.y += y; #endif if(m_MousePos.x < 0) m_MousePos.x = 0; if(m_MousePos.y < 0) m_MousePos.y = 0; if(m_MousePos.x > Graphics()->ScreenWidth()) m_MousePos.x = Graphics()->ScreenWidth(); if(m_MousePos.y > Graphics()->ScreenHeight()) m_MousePos.y = Graphics()->ScreenHeight(); return true; } bool CMenus::OnInput(IInput::CEvent e) { m_LastInput = time_get(); // special handle esc and enter for popup purposes if(e.m_Flags&IInput::FLAG_PRESS) { if(e.m_Key == KEY_ESCAPE) { m_EscapePressed = true; SetActive(!IsActive()); return true; } } if(IsActive()) { if(e.m_Flags&IInput::FLAG_PRESS) { // special for popups if(e.m_Key == KEY_RETURN || e.m_Key == KEY_KP_ENTER) m_EnterPressed = true; else if(e.m_Key == KEY_DELETE) m_DeletePressed = true; } if(m_NumInputEvents < MAX_INPUTEVENTS) m_aInputEvents[m_NumInputEvents++] = e; return true; } return false; } void CMenus::OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) { // reset active item UI()->SetActiveItem(0); if(NewState == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) { if(OldState >= IClient::STATE_ONLINE && NewState < IClient::STATE_QUITING) m_pClient->m_pSounds->Play(CSounds::CHN_MUSIC, SOUND_MENU, 1.0f); m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; if(Client()->ErrorString() && Client()->ErrorString()[0] != 0) { if(str_find(Client()->ErrorString(), "password")) { m_Popup = POPUP_PASSWORD; UI()->SetHotItem(&g_Config.m_Password); UI()->SetActiveItem(&g_Config.m_Password); } else m_Popup = POPUP_DISCONNECTED; } } else if(NewState == IClient::STATE_LOADING) { m_Popup = POPUP_CONNECTING; m_DownloadLastCheckTime = time_get(); m_DownloadLastCheckSize = 0; m_DownloadSpeed = 0.0f; //client_serverinfo_request(); } else if(NewState == IClient::STATE_CONNECTING) m_Popup = POPUP_CONNECTING; else if (NewState == IClient::STATE_ONLINE || NewState == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { m_Popup = POPUP_NONE; SetActive(false); } } extern "C" void font_debug_render(); void CMenus::OnRender() { /* // text rendering test stuff render_background(); CTextCursor cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&cursor, 10, 10, 20, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); TextRender()->TextEx(&cursor, "ようこそ - ガイド", -1); TextRender()->SetCursor(&cursor, 10, 30, 15, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); TextRender()->TextEx(&cursor, "ようこそ - ガイド", -1); //Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(60, 60, 5000, 5000); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); return;*/ if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_ONLINE && Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) SetActive(true); if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); RenderDemoPlayer(Screen); } if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE && m_pClient->m_ServerMode == m_pClient->SERVERMODE_PUREMOD) { Client()->Disconnect(); SetActive(true); m_Popup = POPUP_PURE; } if(!IsActive()) { m_EscapePressed = false; m_EnterPressed = false; m_DeletePressed = false; m_NumInputEvents = 0; return; } // update colors vec3 Rgb = HslToRgb(vec3(g_Config.m_UiColorHue/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorSat/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorLht/255.0f)); ms_GuiColor = vec4(Rgb.r, Rgb.g, Rgb.b, g_Config.m_UiColorAlpha/255.0f); ms_ColorTabbarInactiveOutgame = vec4(0,0,0,0.25f); ms_ColorTabbarActiveOutgame = vec4(0,0,0,0.5f); float ColorIngameScaleI = 0.5f; float ColorIngameAcaleA = 0.2f; ms_ColorTabbarInactiveIngame = vec4( ms_GuiColor.r*ColorIngameScaleI, ms_GuiColor.g*ColorIngameScaleI, ms_GuiColor.b*ColorIngameScaleI, ms_GuiColor.a*0.8f); ms_ColorTabbarActiveIngame = vec4( ms_GuiColor.r*ColorIngameAcaleA, ms_GuiColor.g*ColorIngameAcaleA, ms_GuiColor.b*ColorIngameAcaleA, ms_GuiColor.a); // update the ui CUIRect *pScreen = UI()->Screen(); float mx = (m_MousePos.x/(float)Graphics()->ScreenWidth())*pScreen->w; float my = (m_MousePos.y/(float)Graphics()->ScreenHeight())*pScreen->h; int Buttons = 0; if(m_UseMouseButtons) { if(Input()->KeyPressed(KEY_MOUSE_1)) Buttons |= 1; if(Input()->KeyPressed(KEY_MOUSE_2)) Buttons |= 2; if(Input()->KeyPressed(KEY_MOUSE_3)) Buttons |= 4; } #if defined(__ANDROID__) static int ButtonsOneFrameDelay = 0; // For Android touch input UI()->Update(mx,my,mx*3.0f,my*3.0f,ButtonsOneFrameDelay); ButtonsOneFrameDelay = Buttons; #else UI()->Update(mx,my,mx*3.0f,my*3.0f,Buttons); #endif // render if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) Render(); // render cursor Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[IMAGE_CURSOR].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1,1,1,1); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(mx, my, 24, 24); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // render debug information if(g_Config.m_Debug) { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%p %p %p", UI()->HotItem(), UI()->ActiveItem(), UI()->LastActiveItem()); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 10, 10, 10, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aBuf, -1); } m_EscapePressed = false; m_EnterPressed = false; m_DeletePressed = false; m_NumInputEvents = 0; } static int gs_TextureBlob = -1; void CMenus::RenderBackground() { //Graphics()->Clear(1,1,1); //render_sunrays(0,0); if(gs_TextureBlob == -1) gs_TextureBlob = Graphics()->LoadTexture("blob.png", IStorage::TYPE_ALL, CImageInfo::FORMAT_AUTO, 0); float sw = 300*Graphics()->ScreenAspect(); float sh = 300; Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, sw, sh); // render background color Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); //vec4 bottom(gui_color.r*0.3f, gui_color.g*0.3f, gui_color.b*0.3f, 1.0f); //vec4 bottom(0, 0, 0, 1.0f); vec4 Bottom(ms_GuiColor.r, ms_GuiColor.g, ms_GuiColor.b, 1.0f); vec4 Top(ms_GuiColor.r, ms_GuiColor.g, ms_GuiColor.b, 1.0f); IGraphics::CColorVertex Array[4] = { IGraphics::CColorVertex(0, Top.r, Top.g, Top.b, Top.a), IGraphics::CColorVertex(1, Top.r, Top.g, Top.b, Top.a), IGraphics::CColorVertex(2, Bottom.r, Bottom.g, Bottom.b, Bottom.a), IGraphics::CColorVertex(3, Bottom.r, Bottom.g, Bottom.b, Bottom.a)}; Graphics()->SetColorVertex(Array, 4); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(0, 0, sw, sh); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // render the tiles Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); float Size = 15.0f; float OffsetTime = fmod(Client()->LocalTime()*0.15f, 2.0f); for(int y = -2; y < (int)(sw/Size); y++) for(int x = -2; x < (int)(sh/Size); x++) { Graphics()->SetColor(0,0,0,0.045f); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem((x-OffsetTime)*Size*2+(y&1)*Size, (y+OffsetTime)*Size, Size, Size); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); } Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // render border fade Graphics()->TextureSet(gs_TextureBlob); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0,0,0,0.5f); QuadItem = IGraphics::CQuadItem(-100, -100, sw+200, sh+200); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // restore screen {CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h);} } int CMenus::DoButton_CheckBox_DontCare(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect) { switch(Checked) { case 0: return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, "", pRect); case 1: return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, "X", pRect); case 2: return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, "O", pRect); default: return DoButton_CheckBox_Common(pID, pText, "", pRect); } } void CMenus::RenderUpdating(const char *pCaption, int current, int total) { // make sure that we don't render for each little thing we load // because that will slow down loading if we have vsync static int64 LastLoadRender = 0; if(time_get()-LastLoadRender < time_freq()/60) return; LastLoadRender = time_get(); // need up date this here to get correct vec3 Rgb = HslToRgb(vec3(g_Config.m_UiColorHue/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorSat/255.0f, g_Config.m_UiColorLht/255.0f)); ms_GuiColor = vec4(Rgb.r, Rgb.g, Rgb.b, g_Config.m_UiColorAlpha/255.0f); CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); Graphics()->MapScreen(Screen.x, Screen.y, Screen.w, Screen.h); RenderBackground(); float w = 700; float h = 200; float x = Screen.w/2-w/2; float y = Screen.h/2-h/2; Graphics()->BlendNormal(); Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0,0,0,0.50f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(0, y, Screen.w, h, 0.0f); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); CUIRect r; r.x = x; r.y = y+20; r.w = w; r.h = h; UI()->DoLabel(&r, Localize(pCaption), 32.0f, 0, -1); if (total>0) { float Percent = current/(float)total; Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.15f,0.15f,0.15f,0.75f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(x+40, y+h-75, w-80, 30, 5.0f); Graphics()->SetColor(1,1,1,0.75f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(x+45, y+h-70, (w-85)*Percent, 20, 5.0f); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } Graphics()->Swap(); }