#include "test.h" #include #include // https://www.pcg-random.org/using-pcg-c-basic.html, retrieved 2020-05-25 // suggests to use `pcg-32-global.demo.c`: // // ``` // unix% ./pcg32-demo // pcg32_random_r: // - result: 32-bit unsigned int (uint32_t) // - period: 2^64 (* 2^63 streams) // - state type: pcg32_random_t (16 bytes) // - output func: XSH-RR // // Round 1: // 32bit: 0xa15c02b7 0x7b47f409 0xba1d3330 0x83d2f293 0xbfa4784b 0xcbed606e // Coins: HHTTTHTHHHTHTTTHHHHHTTTHHHTHTHTHTTHTTTHHHHHHTTTTHHTTTTTHTTTTTTTHT // Rolls: 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 5 2 3 1 3 1 5 1 4 1 5 6 4 6 6 2 6 3 3 // Cards: Qd Ks 6d 3s 3d 4c 3h Td Kc 5c Jh Kd Jd As 4s 4h Ad Th Ac Jc 7s Qs // 2s 7h Kh 2d 6c Ah 4d Qh 9h 6s 5s 2c 9c Ts 8d 9s 3c 8c Js 5d 2h 6h // 7d 8s 9d 5h 8h Qc 7c Tc // ⋮ // ⋮ // Round 5: // 32bit: 0xfcef7cd6 0x1b488b5a 0xd0daf7ea 0x1d9a70f7 0x241a37cf 0x9a3857b7 // Coins: HHHHTHHTTHTTHHHTTTHHTHTHTTTTHTTHTHTTTHHHTHTHTTHTTHTHHTHTHHHTHTHTT // Rolls: 5 4 1 2 6 1 3 1 5 6 3 6 2 1 4 4 5 2 1 5 6 5 6 4 4 4 5 2 6 4 3 5 6 // Cards: 4d 9s Qc 9h As Qs 7s 4c Kd 6h 6s 2c 8c 5d 7h 5h Jc 3s 7c Jh Js Ks // Tc Jd Kc Th 3h Ts Qh Ad Td 3c Ah 2d 3d 5c Ac 8s 5s 9c 2h 6c 6d Kh // Qd 8d 7d 2s 8h 4h 9d 4s // ``` // // Numbers can also be seen at // https://github.com/imneme/pcg-c/blob/83252d9c23df9c82ecb42210afed61a7b42402d7/test-high/expected/check-pcg32.out. // // It's also the output of `pcg32-global-demo.c` from // https://github.com/imneme/pcg-c-basic/tree/bc39cd76ac3d541e618606bcc6e1e5ba5e5e6aa3. // // Only the first 6 numbers are taken from the generator directly, after this, // something more complicated is done. static const unsigned int PCG32_GLOBAL_DEMO[] = { 0xa15c02b7, 0x7b47f409, 0xba1d3330, 0x83d2f293, 0xbfa4784b, 0xcbed606e, }; TEST(Prng, EqualsPcg32GlobalDemo) { uint64 aSeed[2] = {42, 54}; CPrng Prng; Prng.Seed(aSeed); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(PCG32_GLOBAL_DEMO) / sizeof(PCG32_GLOBAL_DEMO[0]); i++) { EXPECT_EQ(Prng.RandomBits(), PCG32_GLOBAL_DEMO[i]); } } TEST(Prng, Description) { CPrng Prng; EXPECT_STREQ(Prng.Description(), "pcg-xsh-rr:unseeded"); uint64 aSeed0[2] = {0xfedbca9876543210, 0x0123456789abcdef}; uint64 aSeed1[2] = {0x0123456789abcdef, 0xfedcba9876543210}; uint64 aSeed2[2] = {0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}; Prng.Seed(aSeed0); EXPECT_STREQ(Prng.Description(), "pcg-xsh-rr:fedbca9876543210:0123456789abcdef"); Prng.Seed(aSeed1); EXPECT_STREQ(Prng.Description(), "pcg-xsh-rr:0123456789abcdef:fedcba9876543210"); Prng.Seed(aSeed2); EXPECT_STREQ(Prng.Description(), "pcg-xsh-rr:0000000000000000:0000000000000000"); }