#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This script is intended to be called automatically every day (e.g. via cron). # It only output stuff if new ranks have to be inserted. Therefore the output # may be redirected to email notifying about manual action to transfer the # ranks to MySQL. # # Configure cron as the user running the DDNet-Server processes # # $ crontab -e # 30 5 * * * /path/to/this/script/move_sqlite.py --from /path/to/ddnet-server.sqlite # # Afterwards configure a MTA (e.g. postfix) and the users email address. import sqlite3 import argparse from time import strftime import os def sqlite_table_exists(cursor, table): cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}'".format(table)) return cursor.fetchone()[0] != 0 def sqlite_num_transfer(conn, table): c = conn.cursor() if not sqlite_table_exists(c, table): return 0 c.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}'.format(table)) num = c.fetchone()[0] return num def transfer(file_from, file_to): conn_to = sqlite3.connect(file_to, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE') cursor_to = conn_to.cursor() conn_from = sqlite3.connect(file_from, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE') for line in conn_from.iterdump(): cursor_to.execute(line) print(line) cursor_to.close() conn_to.commit() conn_to.close() cursor_from = conn_from.cursor() if sqlite_table_exists(cursor_from, 'record_race'): cursor_from.execute('DELETE FROM record_race') if sqlite_table_exists(cursor_from, 'record_teamrace'): cursor_from.execute('DELETE FROM record_teamrace') if sqlite_table_exists(cursor_from, 'record_saves'): cursor_from.execute('DELETE FROM record_saves') cursor_from.close() conn_from.commit() conn_from.close() def main(): default_output = 'ddnet-server-' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.sqlite' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Move DDNet ranks, teamranks and saves from a possible active SQLite3 to a new one', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--from', '-f', dest='f', default='ddnet-server.sqlite', help='Input file where ranks are deleted from when moved successfully (default: ddnet-server.sqlite)') parser.add_argument('--to', '-t', default=default_output, help='Output file where ranks are saved adds current date by default') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.f): print("Warning: '{}' does not exist (yet). Is the path specified correctly?".format(args.f)) return conn = sqlite3.connect(args.f) num_ranks = sqlite_num_transfer(conn, 'record_race') num_teamranks = sqlite_num_transfer(conn, 'record_teamrace') num_saves = sqlite_num_transfer(conn, 'record_saves') num = num_ranks + num_teamranks + num_saves conn.close() if num == 0: return print('{} new entries in backup database found ({} ranks, {} teamranks, {} saves'.format(num, num_ranks, num_teamranks, num_saves)) print('Moving entries from {} to {}'.format( os.path.abspath(args.f), os.path.abspath(args.to))) sql_file = 'ddnet-server-' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.sql' print("You can use the following commands to import the entries to MySQL (use sed 's/record_/prefix_/' for other database prefixes):") print() print((" echo '.dump --preserve-rowids' | sqlite3 {} | " + # including rowids, this forces sqlite to name all columns in each INSERT statement "grep -E '^INSERT INTO record_(race|teamrace|saves)' | " + # filter out inserts "sed -e 's/INSERT INTO/INSERT IGNORE INTO/' | " + # ignore duplicate rows "sed -e 's/rowid,//' -e 's/VALUES([0-9]*,/VALUES(/' > {}") # filter out rowids again .format(os.path.abspath(args.to), sql_file)) print(" mysql -u teeworlds -p'PW2' teeworlds < {}".format(sql_file)) print() print("When the ranks are transfered successfully to mysql, {} can be removed".format( os.path.abspath(args.to))) print() print("Log of the transfer:") print() transfer(args.f, args.to) if __name__ == '__main__': main()