/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "menus.hpp" #include "skins.hpp" #include extern "C" { #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include vec4 MENUS::gui_color; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_inactive_outgame; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_active_outgame; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_inactive; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_active; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_inactive_ingame; vec4 MENUS::color_tabbar_active_ingame; INPUT_EVENT MENUS::inputevents[MAX_INPUTEVENTS]; int MENUS::num_inputevents; inline float hue_to_rgb(float v1, float v2, float h) { if(h < 0) h += 1; if(h > 1) h -= 1; if((6 * h) < 1) return v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * 6 * h; if((2 * h) < 1) return v2; if((3 * h) < 2) return v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * ((2.0f/3.0f) - h) * 6; return v1; } inline vec3 hsl_to_rgb(vec3 in) { float v1, v2; vec3 out; if(in.s == 0) { out.r = in.l; out.g = in.l; out.b = in.l; } else { if(in.l < 0.5f) v2 = in.l * (1 + in.s); else v2 = (in.l+in.s) - (in.s*in.l); v1 = 2 * in.l - v2; out.r = hue_to_rgb(v1, v2, in.h + (1.0f/3.0f)); out.g = hue_to_rgb(v1, v2, in.h); out.b = hue_to_rgb(v1, v2, in.h - (1.0f/3.0f)); } return out; } MENUS::MENUS() { popup = POPUP_NONE; active_page = PAGE_INTERNET; game_page = PAGE_GAME; need_restart = false; menu_active = true; num_inputevents = 0; } vec4 MENUS::button_color_mul(const void *id) { if(ui_active_item() == id) return vec4(1,1,1,0.5f); else if(ui_hot_item() == id) return vec4(1,1,1,1.5f); return vec4(1,1,1,1); } void MENUS::ui_draw_browse_icon(int what, const RECT *r) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_BROWSEICONS].id); gfx_quads_begin(); select_sprite(what); gfx_quads_drawTL(r->x,r->y,r->w,r->h); gfx_quads_end(); } void MENUS::ui_draw_menu_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { ui_draw_rect(r, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f)*button_color_mul(id), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 18.0f, 0); } void MENUS::ui_draw_keyselect_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { ui_draw_rect(r, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f)*button_color_mul(id), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 14.0f, 0); } void MENUS::ui_draw_menu_tab_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(checked) ui_draw_rect(r, color_tabbar_active, CORNER_T, 10.0f); else ui_draw_rect(r, color_tabbar_inactive, CORNER_T, 10.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 22.0f, 0); } void MENUS::ui_draw_settings_tab_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(checked) ui_draw_rect(r, color_tabbar_active, CORNER_R, 10.0f); else ui_draw_rect(r, color_tabbar_inactive, CORNER_R, 10.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 20.0f, 0); } void MENUS::ui_draw_grid_header(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(checked) ui_draw_rect(r, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), CORNER_T, 5.0f); RECT t; ui_vsplit_l(r, 5.0f, 0, &t); ui_do_label(&t, text, 14.0f, -1); } void MENUS::ui_draw_list_row(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(checked) { RECT sr = *r; ui_margin(&sr, 1.5f, &sr); ui_draw_rect(&sr, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), CORNER_ALL, 4.0f); } ui_do_label(r, text, 14.0f, -1); } void MENUS::ui_draw_checkbox_common(const void *id, const char *text, const char *boxtext, const RECT *r) { RECT c = *r; RECT t = *r; c.w = c.h; t.x += c.w; t.w -= c.w; ui_vsplit_l(&t, 5.0f, 0, &t); ui_margin(&c, 2.0f, &c); ui_draw_rect(&c, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*button_color_mul(id), CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); c.y += 2; ui_do_label(&c, boxtext, 12.0f, 0); ui_do_label(&t, text, 14.0f, -1); } void MENUS::ui_draw_checkbox(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { ui_draw_checkbox_common(id, text, checked?"X":"", r); } void MENUS::ui_draw_checkbox_number(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { char buf[16]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", checked); ui_draw_checkbox_common(id, text, buf, r); } int MENUS::ui_do_edit_box(void *id, const RECT *rect, char *str, int str_size, float font_size, bool hidden) { int inside = ui_mouse_inside(rect); int r = 0; static int at_index = 0; if(ui_last_active_item() == id) { int len = strlen(str); if (inside && ui_mouse_button(0)) { int mx_rel = (int)(ui_mouse_x() - rect->x); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { if (gfx_text_width(0, font_size, str, i) + 10 > mx_rel) { at_index = i - 1; break; } if (i == len) at_index = len; } } for(int i = 0; i < num_inputevents; i++) { INPUT_EVENT e = inputevents[i]; char c = e.ch; int k = e.key; if (at_index > len) at_index = len; if (!(c >= 0 && c < 32)) { if (len < str_size - 1 && at_index < str_size - 1) { memmove(str + at_index + 1, str + at_index, len - at_index + 1); str[at_index] = c; at_index++; } } if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS) { if (k == KEY_BACKSPACE && at_index > 0) { memmove(str + at_index - 1, str + at_index, len - at_index + 1); at_index--; } else if (k == KEY_DEL && at_index < len) memmove(str + at_index, str + at_index + 1, len - at_index); else if (k == KEY_ENTER) ui_clear_last_active_item(); else if (k == KEY_LEFT && at_index > 0) at_index--; else if (k == KEY_RIGHT && at_index < len) at_index++; else if (k == KEY_HOME) at_index = 0; else if (k == KEY_END) at_index = len; } } r = 1; } bool just_got_active = false; if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) ui_set_active_item(0); } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { if (ui_last_active_item() != id) just_got_active = true; ui_set_active_item(id); } } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); RECT textbox = *rect; ui_draw_rect(&textbox, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_vmargin(&textbox, 5.0f, &textbox); const char *display_str = str; char stars[128]; if(hidden) { unsigned s = strlen(str); if(s >= sizeof(stars)) s = sizeof(stars)-1; memset(stars, '*', s); stars[s] = 0; display_str = stars; } ui_do_label(&textbox, display_str, font_size, -1); if (ui_last_active_item() == id && !just_got_active) { float w = gfx_text_width(0, font_size, display_str, at_index); textbox.x += w*ui_scale(); ui_do_label(&textbox, "_", font_size, -1); } return r; } float MENUS::ui_do_scrollbar_v(const void *id, const RECT *rect, float current) { RECT handle; static float offset_y; ui_hsplit_t(rect, 33, &handle, 0); handle.y += (rect->h-handle.h)*current; /* logic */ float ret = current; int inside = ui_mouse_inside(&handle); if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) ui_set_active_item(0); float min = rect->y; float max = rect->h-handle.h; float cur = ui_mouse_y()-offset_y; ret = (cur-min)/max; if(ret < 0.0f) ret = 0.0f; if(ret > 1.0f) ret = 1.0f; } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { ui_set_active_item(id); offset_y = ui_mouse_y()-handle.y; } } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); // render RECT rail; ui_vmargin(rect, 5.0f, &rail); ui_draw_rect(&rail, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), 0, 0.0f); RECT slider = handle; slider.w = rail.x-slider.x; ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CORNER_L, 2.5f); slider.x = rail.x+rail.w; ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CORNER_R, 2.5f); slider = handle; ui_margin(&slider, 5.0f, &slider); ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*button_color_mul(id), CORNER_ALL, 2.5f); return ret; } float MENUS::ui_do_scrollbar_h(const void *id, const RECT *rect, float current) { RECT handle; static float offset_x; ui_vsplit_l(rect, 33, &handle, 0); handle.x += (rect->w-handle.w)*current; /* logic */ float ret = current; int inside = ui_mouse_inside(&handle); if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) ui_set_active_item(0); float min = rect->x; float max = rect->w-handle.w; float cur = ui_mouse_x()-offset_x; ret = (cur-min)/max; if(ret < 0.0f) ret = 0.0f; if(ret > 1.0f) ret = 1.0f; } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { ui_set_active_item(id); offset_x = ui_mouse_x()-handle.x; } } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); // render RECT rail; ui_hmargin(rect, 5.0f, &rail); ui_draw_rect(&rail, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), 0, 0.0f); RECT slider = handle; slider.h = rail.y-slider.y; ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CORNER_T, 2.5f); slider.y = rail.y+rail.h; ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CORNER_B, 2.5f); slider = handle; ui_margin(&slider, 5.0f, &slider); ui_draw_rect(&slider, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f)*button_color_mul(id), CORNER_ALL, 2.5f); return ret; } int MENUS::ui_do_key_reader(void *id, const RECT *rect, int key) { // process static bool mouse_released = true; int inside = ui_mouse_inside(rect); int new_key = key; if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) mouse_released = true; if(ui_active_item() == id) { for(int i = 0; i < num_inputevents; i++) { INPUT_EVENT e = inputevents[i]; if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS && e.key && e.key != KEY_ESC) { new_key = e.key; ui_set_active_item(0); mouse_released = false; num_inputevents = 0; break; } } } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0) && mouse_released) ui_set_active_item(id); } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); // draw if (ui_active_item() == id) ui_draw_keyselect_button(id, "???", 0, rect, 0); else { if(key == 0) ui_draw_keyselect_button(id, "", 0, rect, 0); else ui_draw_keyselect_button(id, inp_key_name(key), 0, rect, 0); } return new_key; } int MENUS::render_menubar(RECT r) { RECT box = r; RECT button; int active_page = config.ui_page; int new_page = -1; if(client_state() != CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE) active_page = game_page; if(client_state() == CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE) { /* offline menus */ if(0) // this is not done yet { ui_vsplit_l(&box, 90.0f, &button, &box); static int news_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&news_button, "News", active_page==PAGE_NEWS, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) new_page = PAGE_NEWS; ui_vsplit_l(&box, 30.0f, 0, &box); } ui_vsplit_l(&box, 110.0f, &button, &box); static int internet_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&internet_button, "Internet", active_page==PAGE_INTERNET, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) { client_serverbrowse_refresh(BROWSETYPE_INTERNET); new_page = PAGE_INTERNET; } ui_vsplit_l(&box, 4.0f, 0, &box); ui_vsplit_l(&box, 90.0f, &button, &box); static int lan_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&lan_button, "LAN", active_page==PAGE_LAN, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) { client_serverbrowse_refresh(BROWSETYPE_LAN); new_page = PAGE_LAN; } ui_vsplit_l(&box, 4.0f, 0, &box); ui_vsplit_l(&box, 120.0f, &button, &box); static int favorites_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&favorites_button, "Favorites", active_page==PAGE_FAVORITES, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) { client_serverbrowse_refresh(BROWSETYPE_FAVORITES); new_page = PAGE_FAVORITES; } } else { /* online menus */ ui_vsplit_l(&box, 90.0f, &button, &box); static int game_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&game_button, "Game", active_page==PAGE_GAME, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) new_page = PAGE_GAME; ui_vsplit_l(&box, 4.0f, 0, &box); ui_vsplit_l(&box, 140.0f, &button, &box); static int server_info_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&server_info_button, "Server Info", active_page==PAGE_SERVER_INFO, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) new_page = PAGE_SERVER_INFO; ui_vsplit_l(&box, 30.0f, 0, &box); } /* ui_vsplit_r(&box, 110.0f, &box, &button); static int system_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&system_button, "System", config.ui_page==PAGE_SYSTEM, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) config.ui_page = PAGE_SYSTEM; ui_vsplit_r(&box, 30.0f, &box, 0); */ ui_vsplit_r(&box, 110.0f, &box, &button); static int quit_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&quit_button, "Quit", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) popup = POPUP_QUIT; ui_vsplit_r(&box, 10.0f, &box, &button); ui_vsplit_r(&box, 110.0f, &box, &button); static int settings_button=0; if (ui_do_button(&settings_button, "Settings", active_page==PAGE_SETTINGS, &button, ui_draw_menu_tab_button, 0)) new_page = PAGE_SETTINGS; if(new_page != -1) { if(client_state() == CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE) config.ui_page = new_page; else game_page = new_page; } return 0; } void MENUS::render_loading(float percent) { // need up date this here to get correct vec3 rgb = hsl_to_rgb(vec3(config.ui_color_hue/255.0f, config.ui_color_sat/255.0f, config.ui_color_lht/255.0f)); gui_color = vec4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, config.ui_color_alpha/255.0f); RECT screen = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h); render_background(); float tw; float w = 700; float h = 200; float x = screen.w/2-w/2; float y = screen.h/2-h/2; gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(0,0,0,0.50f); draw_round_rect(x, y, w, h, 40.0f); gfx_quads_end(); const char *caption = "Loading"; tw = gfx_text_width(0, 48.0f, caption, -1); RECT r; r.x = x; r.y = y+20; r.w = w; r.h = h; ui_do_label(&r, caption, 48.0f, 0, -1); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,0.75f); draw_round_rect(x+40, y+h-75, (w-80)*percent, 25, 5.0f); gfx_quads_end(); gfx_swap(); } void MENUS::render_news(RECT main_view) { ui_draw_rect(&main_view, color_tabbar_active, CORNER_ALL, 10.0f); } void MENUS::render_game(RECT main_view) { RECT button; ui_hsplit_t(&main_view, 45.0f, &main_view, 0); ui_draw_rect(&main_view, color_tabbar_active, CORNER_ALL, 10.0f); ui_hsplit_t(&main_view, 10.0f, 0, &main_view); ui_hsplit_t(&main_view, 25.0f, &main_view, 0); ui_vmargin(&main_view, 10.0f, &main_view); ui_vsplit_r(&main_view, 120.0f, &main_view, &button); static int disconnect_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&disconnect_button, "Disconnect", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_button, 0)) client_disconnect(); if(gameclient.snap.local_info && gameclient.snap.gameobj) { if(gameclient.snap.local_info->team != -1) { ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 10.0f, &button, &main_view); ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 120.0f, &button, &main_view); static int spectate_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&spectate_button, "Spectate", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_button, 0)) { gameclient.send_switch_team(-1); menu_active = false; } } if(gameclient.snap.gameobj->flags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS) { if(gameclient.snap.local_info->team != 0) { ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 10.0f, &button, &main_view); ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 120.0f, &button, &main_view); static int spectate_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&spectate_button, "Join Red", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_button, 0)) { gameclient.send_switch_team(0); menu_active = false; } } if(gameclient.snap.local_info->team != 1) { ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 10.0f, &button, &main_view); ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 120.0f, &button, &main_view); static int spectate_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&spectate_button, "Join Blue", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_button, 0)) { gameclient.send_switch_team(1); menu_active = false; } } } else { if(gameclient.snap.local_info->team != 0) { ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 10.0f, &button, &main_view); ui_vsplit_l(&main_view, 120.0f, &button, &main_view); static int spectate_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&spectate_button, "Join Game", 0, &button, ui_draw_menu_button, 0)) { gameclient.send_switch_team(0); menu_active = false; } } } } } void MENUS::render_serverinfo(RECT main_view) { // render background ui_draw_rect(&main_view, color_tabbar_active, CORNER_ALL, 10.0f); // render motd RECT view; ui_margin(&main_view, 10.0f, &view); //void gfx_text(void *font, float x, float y, float size, const char *text, int max_width); gfx_text(0, view.x, view.y, 16, gameclient.motd->server_motd, -1); } void MENUS::init() { if(config.cl_show_welcome) popup = POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH; config.cl_show_welcome = 0; } int MENUS::render() { RECT screen = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h); static bool first = true; if(first) { if(config.ui_page == PAGE_INTERNET) client_serverbrowse_refresh(0); else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_LAN) client_serverbrowse_refresh(1); first = false; } if(client_state() == CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE) { color_tabbar_inactive = color_tabbar_inactive_ingame; color_tabbar_active = color_tabbar_active_ingame; } else { render_background(); color_tabbar_inactive = color_tabbar_inactive_outgame; color_tabbar_active = color_tabbar_active_outgame; } RECT tab_bar; RECT main_view; // some margin around the screen ui_margin(&screen, 10.0f, &screen); if(popup == POPUP_NONE) { // do tab bar ui_hsplit_t(&screen, 26.0f, &tab_bar, &main_view); ui_vmargin(&tab_bar, 20.0f, &tab_bar); render_menubar(tab_bar); // render current page if(client_state() != CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE) { if(game_page == PAGE_GAME) render_game(main_view); else if(game_page == PAGE_SERVER_INFO) render_serverinfo(main_view); else if(game_page == PAGE_SETTINGS) render_settings(main_view); } else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_NEWS) render_news(main_view); else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_INTERNET) render_serverbrowser(main_view); else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_LAN) render_serverbrowser(main_view); else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_FAVORITES) render_serverbrowser(main_view); else if(config.ui_page == PAGE_SETTINGS) render_settings(main_view); } else { // make sure that other windows doesn't do anything funnay! //ui_set_hot_item(0); //ui_set_active_item(0); char buf[128]; const char *title = ""; const char *extra_text = ""; const char *button_text = ""; int extra_align = 0; if(popup == POPUP_CONNECTING) { title = "Connecting to"; extra_text = config.ui_server_address; // TODO: query the client about the address button_text = "Abort"; if(client_mapdownload_totalsize() > 0) { title = "Downloading map"; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d/%d KiB", client_mapdownload_amount()/1024, client_mapdownload_totalsize()/1024); extra_text = buf; } } else if(popup == POPUP_DISCONNECTED) { title = "Disconnected"; extra_text = client_error_string(); button_text = "Ok"; extra_align = -1; } else if(popup == POPUP_PASSWORD) { title = "Password Error"; extra_text = client_error_string(); button_text = "Try Again"; } else if(popup == POPUP_QUIT) { title = "Quit"; extra_text = "Are you sure that you want to quit?"; } else if(popup == POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH) { title = "Welcome to Teeworlds"; extra_text = "As this is the first time you launch the game, please enter your nick name below. " "It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking " "before joining a server."; button_text = "Ok"; extra_align = -1; } RECT box, part; box = screen; ui_vmargin(&box, 150.0f, &box); ui_hmargin(&box, 150.0f, &box); // render the box ui_draw_rect(&box, vec4(0,0,0,0.5f), CORNER_ALL, 15.0f); ui_hsplit_t(&box, 20.f, &part, &box); ui_hsplit_t(&box, 24.f, &part, &box); ui_do_label(&part, title, 24.f, 0); ui_hsplit_t(&box, 20.f, &part, &box); ui_hsplit_t(&box, 24.f, &part, &box); ui_vmargin(&part, 20.f, &part); if(extra_align == -1) ui_do_label(&part, extra_text, 20.f, -1, (int)part.w); else ui_do_label(&part, extra_text, 20.f, 0, -1); if(popup == POPUP_QUIT) { RECT yes, no; ui_hsplit_b(&box, 20.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vmargin(&part, 80.0f, &part); ui_vsplit_mid(&part, &no, &yes); ui_vmargin(&yes, 20.0f, &yes); ui_vmargin(&no, 20.0f, &no); static int button_abort = 0; if(ui_do_button(&button_abort, "No", 0, &no, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ESC)) popup = POPUP_NONE; static int button_tryagain = 0; if(ui_do_button(&button_tryagain, "Yes", 0, &yes, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ENTER)) client_quit(); } else if(popup == POPUP_PASSWORD) { RECT label, textbox, tryagain, abort; ui_hsplit_b(&box, 20.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vmargin(&part, 80.0f, &part); ui_vsplit_mid(&part, &abort, &tryagain); ui_vmargin(&tryagain, 20.0f, &tryagain); ui_vmargin(&abort, 20.0f, &abort); static int button_abort = 0; if(ui_do_button(&button_abort, "Abort", 0, &abort, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ESC)) popup = POPUP_NONE; static int button_tryagain = 0; if(ui_do_button(&button_tryagain, "Try again", 0, &tryagain, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ENTER)) { client_connect(config.ui_server_address); } ui_hsplit_b(&box, 60.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vsplit_l(&part, 60.0f, 0, &label); ui_vsplit_l(&label, 100.0f, 0, &textbox); ui_vsplit_l(&textbox, 20.0f, 0, &textbox); ui_vsplit_r(&textbox, 60.0f, &textbox, 0); ui_do_label(&label, "Password:", 20, -1); ui_do_edit_box(&config.password, &textbox, config.password, sizeof(config.password), 14.0f, true); } else if(popup == POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH) { RECT label, textbox; ui_hsplit_b(&box, 20.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vmargin(&part, 80.0f, &part); static int enter_button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&enter_button, "Enter", 0, &part, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ENTER)) popup = POPUP_NONE; ui_hsplit_b(&box, 40.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vsplit_l(&part, 60.0f, 0, &label); ui_vsplit_l(&label, 100.0f, 0, &textbox); ui_vsplit_l(&textbox, 20.0f, 0, &textbox); ui_vsplit_r(&textbox, 60.0f, &textbox, 0); ui_do_label(&label, "Nickname:", 20, -1); ui_do_edit_box(&config.player_name, &textbox, config.player_name, sizeof(config.player_name), 14.0f); } else { ui_hsplit_b(&box, 20.f, &box, &part); ui_hsplit_b(&box, 24.f, &box, &part); ui_vmargin(&part, 120.0f, &part); static int button = 0; if(ui_do_button(&button, button_text, 0, &part, ui_draw_menu_button, 0) || inp_key_down(KEY_ESC) || inp_key_down(KEY_ENTER)) { if(popup == POPUP_CONNECTING) client_disconnect(); popup = POPUP_NONE; } } } return 0; } void MENUS::on_reset() { } bool MENUS::on_mousemove(float x, float y) { if(!menu_active) return false; mouse_pos.x += x; mouse_pos.y += y; if(mouse_pos.x < 0) mouse_pos.x = 0; if(mouse_pos.y < 0) mouse_pos.y = 0; if(mouse_pos.x > gfx_screenwidth()) mouse_pos.x = gfx_screenwidth(); if(mouse_pos.y > gfx_screenheight()) mouse_pos.y = gfx_screenheight(); return true; } bool MENUS::on_input(INPUT_EVENT e) { if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS && e.key == KEY_ESC) { menu_active = !menu_active; return true; } if(menu_active) { if(num_inputevents < MAX_INPUTEVENTS) inputevents[num_inputevents++] = e; return true; } return false; } void MENUS::on_statechange(int new_state, int old_state) { if(new_state == CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE) { popup = POPUP_NONE; if(client_error_string() && client_error_string()[0] != 0) { if(strstr(client_error_string(), "password")) { popup = POPUP_PASSWORD; ui_set_hot_item(&config.password); ui_set_active_item(&config.password); } else popup = POPUP_DISCONNECTED; } } else if(new_state == CLIENTSTATE_LOADING) popup = POPUP_CONNECTING; else if(new_state == CLIENTSTATE_CONNECTING) popup = POPUP_CONNECTING; else if (new_state == CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE) { popup = POPUP_NONE; menu_active = false; } } void MENUS::on_render() { if(client_state() != CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE) menu_active = true; if(!menu_active) return; // update colors vec3 rgb = hsl_to_rgb(vec3(config.ui_color_hue/255.0f, config.ui_color_sat/255.0f, config.ui_color_lht/255.0f)); gui_color = vec4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, config.ui_color_alpha/255.0f); color_tabbar_inactive_outgame = vec4(0,0,0,0.25f); color_tabbar_active_outgame = vec4(0,0,0,0.5f); float color_ingame_scale_i = 0.5f; float color_ingame_scale_a = 0.2f; color_tabbar_inactive_ingame = vec4( gui_color.r*color_ingame_scale_i, gui_color.g*color_ingame_scale_i, gui_color.b*color_ingame_scale_i, gui_color.a*0.8f); color_tabbar_active_ingame = vec4( gui_color.r*color_ingame_scale_a, gui_color.g*color_ingame_scale_a, gui_color.b*color_ingame_scale_a, gui_color.a); // update the ui RECT *screen = ui_screen(); float mx = (mouse_pos.x/(float)gfx_screenwidth())*screen->w; float my = (mouse_pos.y/(float)gfx_screenheight())*screen->h; int buttons = 0; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_1)) buttons |= 1; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_2)) buttons |= 2; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_3)) buttons |= 4; ui_update(mx,my,mx*3.0f,my*3.0f,buttons); // render render(); /*render_background(); {RECT screen = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h);}*/ // render cursor gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_CURSOR].id); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); gfx_quads_drawTL(mx,my,24,24); gfx_quads_end(); // render debug information if(config.debug) { RECT screen = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h); char buf[512]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "%p %p %p", ui_hot_item(), ui_active_item(), ui_last_active_item()); TEXT_CURSOR cursor; gfx_text_set_cursor(&cursor, 10, 10, 10, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); gfx_text_ex(&cursor, buf, -1); } num_inputevents = 0; } static void render_sunrays(float x, float y) { vec2 pos(x, y); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_blend_additive(); gfx_quads_begin(); const int rays = 10; gfx_setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); for(int r = 0; r < rays; r++) { float a = r/(float)rays + client_localtime()*0.015f; float size = (1.0f/(float)rays)*0.25f; vec2 dir0(sinf((a-size)*pi*2.0f), cosf((a-size)*pi*2.0f)); vec2 dir1(sinf((a+size)*pi*2.0f), cosf((a+size)*pi*2.0f)); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.0f); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.0f); const float range = 1000.0f; gfx_quads_draw_freeform( pos.x+dir0.x, pos.y+dir0.y, pos.x+dir1.x, pos.y+dir1.y, pos.x+dir0.x*range, pos.y+dir0.y*range, pos.x+dir1.x*range, pos.y+dir1.y*range); } gfx_quads_end(); gfx_blend_normal(); } static int texture_mountains = -1; static int texture_sun = -1; static int texture_grass = -1; static const int tiles_width = 50; static const int tiles_height = 10; static TILE tiles[tiles_width*tiles_height] = {{0}}; class TEE { public: float speed; int skin; float time; vec2 pos; //float vy; float jumptime; float jumpstr; void new_jump() { jumptime = time + (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*2; jumpstr = 12.6f*20 * ((rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*0.5f+0.5f); } void init() { skin = rand(); speed = 150.0f + (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * 50.0f; time = (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * 5.0f; jumptime = 0; new_jump(); } void reset() { time = 0; pos.x = -100.0f; jumptime = 0; new_jump(); skin = rand(); } void update(float frametime) { time += frametime; pos.x = -100 + time*speed; pos.y = 0; if(time > jumptime) { float t = time - jumptime; float j = -jumpstr*t + 25.0f*15*(t*t); if(j < 0) pos.y = j; else new_jump(); } if(pos.x > 300*2) reset(); } }; static const int NUM_TEES = 35; static TEE tees[NUM_TEES]; void MENUS::render_background() { static int load = 1; if(load) { load = 0; texture_mountains = gfx_load_texture("data/mapres/mountains.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); texture_sun = gfx_load_texture("data/mapres/sun.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); texture_grass = gfx_load_texture("data/mapres/grass_main.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TEES; i++) tees[i].init(); int c = 0; for(int y = 0; y < tiles_height; y++) for(int x = 0; x < tiles_width; x++, c++) { if(y == 0) tiles[c].index = 16; else { int r = rand()&0x3f; if(r == 1) tiles[c].index = 2; else if(r == 2) tiles[c].index = 3; else tiles[c].index = 1; } } } float sw = 300*gfx_screenaspect(); float sh = 300; gfx_mapscreen(0, 0, sw, sh); // render backdrop color gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); vec4 top(0.7f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f); vec4 bottom = top*0.5f;//(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, top.r, top.g, top.b, top.a); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, top.r, top.g, top.b, top.a); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, bottom.r, bottom.g, bottom.b, bottom.a); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, bottom.r, bottom.g, bottom.b, bottom.a); gfx_quads_drawTL(0, 0, sw, sh); gfx_quads_end(); // render sunrays render_sunrays(75, 50); // render sun gfx_texture_set(texture_sun); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_quads_draw(75, 50, 128, 128); gfx_quads_end(); gfx_mapscreen(0, 0, sw, sh); int num_skins = gameclient.skins->num(); for(int layer = 0; layer < 2; layer++) { vec4 color = layer == 0 ? vec4(0.9f, 0.95f, 1.0f, 1.0f) : vec4(1,1,1,1); float scale = layer == 0 ? 0.5f : 1.0f; float mountainoffset = layer == 0 ? 220 : 190; float mountainstreach = layer == 0 ? 2 : 1; float groundoffset = layer == 0 ? 95 : 30; // draw mountains float w = 192*2*scale; float start = fmod(client_localtime()*20.0f*scale, w); gfx_mapscreen(start, 0, sw+start, sh); gfx_texture_set(texture_mountains); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); gfx_quads_drawTL(0, sh-mountainoffset, w, 192*scale*mountainstreach); gfx_quads_drawTL(w, sh-mountainoffset, w, 192*scale*mountainstreach); gfx_quads_drawTL(w*2, sh-mountainoffset, w, 192*scale*mountainstreach); gfx_quads_drawTL(w*3, sh-mountainoffset, w, 192*scale*mountainstreach); gfx_quads_end(); // draw ground { float w = 16.0f*scale*(tiles_width); float start = fmod(client_localtime()*20.0f*(scale+0.25f), w); float offset = -300.0f + groundoffset; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gfx_mapscreen(start-i*w, offset, sw+start-i*w, offset+sh); gfx_texture_set(texture_grass); render_tilemap(tiles, tiles_width, tiles_height, 16.0f*scale, color, LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE); render_tilemap(tiles, tiles_width, tiles_height, 16.0f*scale, color, LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT); } } if(num_skins) { gfx_mapscreen(0, 0, sw, sh); for(int i = layer; i < NUM_TEES; i+=2) { TEE *tee = &tees[i]; tee->update(client_frametime()); ANIMSTATE state; state.set(&data->animations[ANIM_BASE], 0); if(tee->pos.y < -0.0001f) state.add(&data->animations[ANIM_INAIR], 0, 1.0f); // TODO: some sort of time here else state.add(&data->animations[ANIM_WALK], fmod(tee->pos.x*0.025f, 1.0f), 1.0f); TEE_RENDER_INFO render_info; render_info.size = 24.0f*scale; render_info.color_body = color; render_info.color_feet = color; render_info.texture = gameclient.skins->get(tee->skin%num_skins)->org_texture; if(layer == 0) render_tee(&state, &render_info, 0, vec2(-1,0), vec2(sw+20-tee->pos.x, tee->pos.y*scale+(sh-groundoffset)-6*scale)); else render_tee(&state, &render_info, 0, vec2(1,0), vec2(tee->pos.x, tee->pos.y*scale+(sh-groundoffset)-6*scale)); } } } {RECT screen = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h);} /* if(data->images[IMAGE_BANNER].id != 0) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_BANNER].id); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(0,0,0,0.05f); gfx_quads_setrotation(-pi/4+0.15f); gfx_quads_draw(400, 300, 1000, 250); gfx_quads_end(); }*/ }