/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include "../generated/gc_data.h" #include "../g_protocol.h" #include "../g_math.h" #include "gc_render.h" #include "gc_anim.h" #include "gc_client.h" #include "gc_skin.h" void render_projectile(const NETOBJ_PROJECTILE *current, int itemid) { if(debug_firedelay) { int64 delay = time_get()-debug_firedelay; dbg_msg("game", "firedelay=%.2f ms", delay/(float)time_freq()*1000.0f); debug_firedelay = 0; } gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_GAME].id); gfx_quads_begin(); // get positions float curvature = 0; float speed = 0; if(current->type == WEAPON_GRENADE) { curvature = tuning.grenade_curvature; speed = tuning.grenade_speed; } else if(current->type == WEAPON_SHOTGUN) { curvature = tuning.shotgun_curvature; speed = tuning.shotgun_speed; } else if(current->type == WEAPON_GUN) { curvature = tuning.gun_curvature; speed = tuning.gun_speed; } float ct = (client_tick()-current->start_tick)/(float)SERVER_TICK_SPEED + client_ticktime()*1/(float)SERVER_TICK_SPEED; vec2 startpos(current->x, current->y); vec2 startvel(current->vx/100.0f, current->vy/100.0f); vec2 pos = calc_pos(startpos, startvel, curvature, speed, ct); vec2 prevpos = calc_pos(startpos, startvel, curvature, speed, ct-0.001f); select_sprite(data->weapons[clamp(current->type, 0, NUM_WEAPONS-1)].sprite_proj); vec2 vel = pos-prevpos; //vec2 pos = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(current->x, current->y), client_intratick()); // add particle for this projectile if(current->type == WEAPON_GRENADE) { effect_smoketrail(pos, vel*-1); flow_add(pos, vel*1000*client_frametime(), 10.0f); gfx_quads_setrotation(client_localtime()*pi*2*2 + itemid); } else { effect_bullettrail(pos); flow_add(pos, vel*1000*client_frametime(), 10.0f); if(length(vel) > 0.00001f) gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(vel)); else gfx_quads_setrotation(0); } gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y, 32, 32); gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } void render_powerup(const NETOBJ_POWERUP *prev, const NETOBJ_POWERUP *current) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_GAME].id); gfx_quads_begin(); vec2 pos = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(current->x, current->y), client_intratick()); float angle = 0.0f; float size = 64.0f; if (current->type == POWERUP_WEAPON) { angle = 0; //-pi/6;//-0.25f * pi * 2.0f; select_sprite(data->weapons[clamp(current->subtype, 0, NUM_WEAPONS-1)].sprite_body); size = data->weapons[clamp(current->subtype, 0, NUM_WEAPONS-1)].visual_size; } else { const int c[] = { SPRITE_POWERUP_HEALTH, SPRITE_POWERUP_ARMOR, SPRITE_POWERUP_WEAPON, SPRITE_POWERUP_NINJA, SPRITE_POWERUP_TIMEFIELD }; select_sprite(c[current->type]); if(c[current->type] == SPRITE_POWERUP_NINJA) { effect_powerupshine(pos, vec2(96,18)); size *= 2.0f; pos.x += 10.0f; } } gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); float offset = pos.y/32.0f + pos.x/32.0f; pos.x += cosf(client_localtime()*2.0f+offset)*2.5f; pos.y += sinf(client_localtime()*2.0f+offset)*2.5f; draw_sprite(pos.x, pos.y, size); gfx_quads_end(); } void render_flag(const NETOBJ_FLAG *prev, const NETOBJ_FLAG *current) { float angle = 0.0f; float size = 42.0f; gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_GAME].id); gfx_quads_begin(); if(current->team == 0) // red team select_sprite(SPRITE_FLAG_RED); else select_sprite(SPRITE_FLAG_BLUE); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); vec2 pos = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(current->x, current->y), client_intratick()); // make sure that the flag isn't interpolated between capture and return if(prev->carried_by != current->carried_by) pos = vec2(current->x, current->y); // make sure to use predicted position if we are the carrier if(netobjects.local_info && current->carried_by == netobjects.local_info->cid) pos = local_character_pos; gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y-size*0.75f, size, size*2); gfx_quads_end(); } void render_laser(const struct NETOBJ_LASER *current) { vec2 pos = vec2(current->x, current->y); vec2 from = vec2(current->from_x, current->from_y); vec2 dir = normalize(pos-from); float ticks = client_tick() + client_intratick() - current->eval_tick; float ms = (ticks/50.0f) * 1000.0f; float a = ms / tuning.laser_bounce_delay; a = clamp(a, 0.0f, 1.0f); float ia = 1-a; vec2 out, border; gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); //vec4 inner_color(0.15f,0.35f,0.75f,1.0f); //vec4 outer_color(0.65f,0.85f,1.0f,1.0f); // do outline vec4 outer_color(0.075f,0.075f,0.25f,1.0f); gfx_setcolor(outer_color.r,outer_color.g,outer_color.b,1.0f); out = vec2(dir.y, -dir.x) * (7.0f*ia); gfx_quads_draw_freeform( from.x-out.x, from.y-out.y, from.x+out.x, from.y+out.y, pos.x-out.x, pos.y-out.y, pos.x+out.x, pos.y+out.y ); // do inner vec4 inner_color(0.5f,0.5f,1.0f,1.0f); out = vec2(dir.y, -dir.x) * (5.0f*ia); gfx_setcolor(inner_color.r, inner_color.g, inner_color.b, 1.0f); // center gfx_quads_draw_freeform( from.x-out.x, from.y-out.y, from.x+out.x, from.y+out.y, pos.x-out.x, pos.y-out.y, pos.x+out.x, pos.y+out.y ); gfx_quads_end(); // render head { gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_PARTICLES].id); gfx_quads_begin(); int sprites[] = {SPRITE_PART_SPLAT01, SPRITE_PART_SPLAT02, SPRITE_PART_SPLAT03}; select_sprite(sprites[client_tick()%3]); gfx_quads_setrotation(client_tick()); gfx_setcolor(outer_color.r,outer_color.g,outer_color.b,1.0f); gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y, 24,24); gfx_setcolor(inner_color.r, inner_color.g, inner_color.b, 1.0f); gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y, 20,20); gfx_quads_end(); } gfx_blend_normal(); } static void render_hand(tee_render_info *info, vec2 center_pos, vec2 dir, float angle_offset, vec2 post_rot_offset) { // for drawing hand //const skin *s = skin_get(skin_id); float basesize = 10.0f; //dir = normalize(hook_pos-pos); vec2 hand_pos = center_pos + dir; float angle = get_angle(dir); if (dir.x < 0) angle -= angle_offset; else angle += angle_offset; vec2 dirx = dir; vec2 diry(-dir.y,dir.x); if (dir.x < 0) diry = -diry; hand_pos += dirx * post_rot_offset.x; hand_pos += diry * post_rot_offset.y; //gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_CHAR_DEFAULT].id); gfx_texture_set(info->texture); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(info->color_body.r, info->color_body.g, info->color_body.b, info->color_body.a); // two passes for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bool outline = i == 0; select_sprite(outline?SPRITE_TEE_HAND_OUTLINE:SPRITE_TEE_HAND, 0, 0, 0); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); gfx_quads_draw(hand_pos.x, hand_pos.y, 2*basesize, 2*basesize); } gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } void render_player( const NETOBJ_PLAYER_CHARACTER *prev_char, const NETOBJ_PLAYER_CHARACTER *player_char, const NETOBJ_PLAYER_INFO *prev_info, const NETOBJ_PLAYER_INFO *player_info ) { NETOBJ_PLAYER_CHARACTER prev; NETOBJ_PLAYER_CHARACTER player; prev = *prev_char; player = *player_char; NETOBJ_PLAYER_INFO info = *player_info; tee_render_info render_info = client_datas[info.cid].render_info; // check for teamplay modes bool is_teamplay = false; if(netobjects.gameobj && netobjects.gameobj->gametype != GAMETYPE_DM) is_teamplay = true; // check for ninja if (player.weapon == WEAPON_NINJA) { // change the skin for the player to the ninja int skin = skin_find("x_ninja"); if(skin != -1) { if(is_teamplay) render_info.texture = skin_get(skin)->color_texture; else { render_info.texture = skin_get(skin)->org_texture; render_info.color_body = vec4(1,1,1,1); render_info.color_feet = vec4(1,1,1,1); } } } // set size render_info.size = 64.0f; float intratick = client_intratick(); float ticktime = client_ticktime(); if(player.health < 0) // dont render dead players return; if(info.local && config.cl_predict) { if(!netobjects.local_character || (netobjects.local_character->health < 0) || (netobjects.gameobj && netobjects.gameobj->game_over)) { } else { // apply predicted results predicted_player.write(&player); predicted_prev_player.write(&prev); intratick = client_predintratick(); } } vec2 direction = get_direction(player.angle); float angle = player.angle/256.0f; vec2 position = mix(vec2(prev.x, prev.y), vec2(player.x, player.y), intratick); vec2 vel = mix(vec2(prev.vx/256.0f, prev.vy/256.0f), vec2(player.vx/256.0f, player.vy/256.0f), intratick); flow_add(position, vel*100.0f, 10.0f); render_info.got_airjump = player.jumped&2?0:1; if(prev.health < 0) // Don't flicker from previous position position = vec2(player.x, player.y); bool stationary = player.vx < 1 && player.vx > -1; bool inair = col_check_point(player.x, player.y+16) == 0; bool want_other_dir = (player.wanted_direction == -1 && vel.x > 0) || (player.wanted_direction == 1 && vel.x < 0); // evaluate animation float walk_time = fmod(position.x, 100.0f)/100.0f; animstate state; anim_eval(&data->animations[ANIM_BASE], 0, &state); if(inair) anim_eval_add(&state, &data->animations[ANIM_INAIR], 0, 1.0f); // TODO: some sort of time here else if(stationary) anim_eval_add(&state, &data->animations[ANIM_IDLE], 0, 1.0f); // TODO: some sort of time here else if(!want_other_dir) anim_eval_add(&state, &data->animations[ANIM_WALK], walk_time, 1.0f); if (player.weapon == WEAPON_HAMMER) { float a = clamp((client_tick()-player.attacktick+ticktime)/10.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); anim_eval_add(&state, &data->animations[ANIM_HAMMER_SWING], a, 1.0f); } if (player.weapon == WEAPON_NINJA) { float a = clamp((client_tick()-player.attacktick+ticktime)/40.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); anim_eval_add(&state, &data->animations[ANIM_NINJA_SWING], a, 1.0f); } // do skidding if(!inair && want_other_dir && length(vel*50) > 500.0f) { static int64 skid_sound_time = 0; if(time_get()-skid_sound_time > time_freq()/10) { snd_play_random(CHN_WORLD, SOUND_PLAYER_SKID, 0.25f, position); skid_sound_time = time_get(); } effect_skidtrail( position+vec2(-player.wanted_direction*6,12), vec2(-player.wanted_direction*100*length(vel),-50) ); } // draw hook if (prev.hook_state>0 && player.hook_state>0) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_GAME].id); gfx_quads_begin(); //gfx_quads_begin(); vec2 pos = position; vec2 hook_pos; if(player_char->hooked_player != -1) { if(netobjects.local_info && player_char->hooked_player == netobjects.local_info->cid) { hook_pos = mix(vec2(predicted_prev_player.pos.x, predicted_prev_player.pos.y), vec2(predicted_player.pos.x, predicted_player.pos.y), client_predintratick()); } else hook_pos = mix(vec2(prev_char->hook_x, prev_char->hook_y), vec2(player_char->hook_x, player_char->hook_y), client_intratick()); } else hook_pos = mix(vec2(prev.hook_x, prev.hook_y), vec2(player.hook_x, player.hook_y), intratick); float d = distance(pos, hook_pos); vec2 dir = normalize(pos-hook_pos); gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(dir)+pi); // render head select_sprite(SPRITE_HOOK_HEAD); gfx_quads_draw(hook_pos.x, hook_pos.y, 24,16); // render chain select_sprite(SPRITE_HOOK_CHAIN); int i = 0; for(float f = 24; f < d && i < 1024; f += 24, i++) { vec2 p = hook_pos + dir*f; gfx_quads_draw(p.x, p.y,24,16); } gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); render_hand(&render_info, position, normalize(hook_pos-pos), -pi/2, vec2(20, 0)); } // draw gun { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_GAME].id); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_quads_setrotation(state.attach.angle*pi*2+angle); // normal weapons int iw = clamp(player.weapon, 0, NUM_WEAPONS-1); select_sprite(data->weapons[iw].sprite_body, direction.x < 0 ? SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_Y : 0); vec2 dir = direction; float recoil = 0.0f; vec2 p; if (player.weapon == WEAPON_HAMMER) { // Static position for hammer p = position + vec2(state.attach.x, state.attach.y); p.y += data->weapons[iw].offsety; // if attack is under way, bash stuffs if(direction.x < 0) { gfx_quads_setrotation(-pi/2-state.attach.angle*pi*2); p.x -= data->weapons[iw].offsetx; } else { gfx_quads_setrotation(-pi/2+state.attach.angle*pi*2); } draw_sprite(p.x, p.y, data->weapons[iw].visual_size); } else if (player.weapon == WEAPON_NINJA) { p = position; p.y += data->weapons[iw].offsety; if(direction.x < 0) { gfx_quads_setrotation(-pi/2-state.attach.angle*pi*2); p.x -= data->weapons[iw].offsetx; effect_powerupshine(p+vec2(32,0), vec2(32,12)); } else { gfx_quads_setrotation(-pi/2+state.attach.angle*pi*2); effect_powerupshine(p-vec2(32,0), vec2(32,12)); } draw_sprite(p.x, p.y, data->weapons[iw].visual_size); // HADOKEN if ((client_tick()-player.attacktick) <= (SERVER_TICK_SPEED / 6) && data->weapons[iw].nummuzzlesprites) { int itex = rand() % data->weapons[iw].nummuzzlesprites; float alpha = 1.0f; if (alpha > 0.0f && data->weapons[iw].sprite_muzzle[itex].psprite) { vec2 dir = vec2(player_char->x,player_char->y) - vec2(prev_char->x, prev_char->y); dir = normalize(dir); float hadokenangle = get_angle(dir); gfx_quads_setrotation(hadokenangle); //float offsety = -data->weapons[iw].muzzleoffsety; select_sprite(data->weapons[iw].sprite_muzzle[itex].psprite, 0); vec2 diry(-dir.y,dir.x); p = position; float offsetx = data->weapons[iw].muzzleoffsetx; p -= dir * offsetx; draw_sprite(p.x, p.y, 160.0f); } } } else { // TODO: should be an animation recoil = 0; float a = (client_tick()-player.attacktick+intratick)/5.0f; if(a < 1) recoil = sinf(a*pi); p = position + dir * data->weapons[iw].offsetx - dir*recoil*10.0f; p.y += data->weapons[iw].offsety; draw_sprite(p.x, p.y, data->weapons[iw].visual_size); } if (player.weapon == WEAPON_GUN || player.weapon == WEAPON_SHOTGUN) { // check if we're firing stuff if (true)//prev.attackticks) { float alpha = 0.0f; int phase1tick = (client_tick() - player.attacktick); if (phase1tick < (data->weapons[iw].muzzleduration + 3)) { float t = ((((float)phase1tick) + intratick)/(float)data->weapons[iw].muzzleduration); alpha = LERP(2.0, 0.0f, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } int itex = rand() % data->weapons[iw].nummuzzlesprites; if (alpha > 0.0f && data->weapons[iw].sprite_muzzle[itex].psprite) { float offsety = -data->weapons[iw].muzzleoffsety; select_sprite(data->weapons[iw].sprite_muzzle[itex].psprite, direction.x < 0 ? SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_Y : 0); if(direction.x < 0) offsety = -offsety; vec2 diry(-dir.y,dir.x); vec2 muzzlepos = p + dir * data->weapons[iw].muzzleoffsetx + diry * offsety; draw_sprite(muzzlepos.x, muzzlepos.y, data->weapons[iw].visual_size); } } } gfx_quads_end(); switch (player.weapon) { case WEAPON_GUN: render_hand(&render_info, p, direction, -3*pi/4, vec2(-15, 4)); break; case WEAPON_SHOTGUN: render_hand(&render_info, p, direction, -pi/2, vec2(-5, 4)); break; case WEAPON_GRENADE: render_hand(&render_info, p, direction, -pi/2, vec2(-4, 7)); break; } } // render the "shadow" tee if(info.local && config.debug) { vec2 ghost_position = mix(vec2(prev_char->x, prev_char->y), vec2(player_char->x, player_char->y), client_intratick()); tee_render_info ghost = render_info; ghost.color_body.a = 0.5f; ghost.color_feet.a = 0.5f; render_tee(&state, &ghost, player.emote, direction, ghost_position); // render ghost } render_info.size = 64.0f; // force some settings render_info.color_body.a = 1.0f; render_info.color_feet.a = 1.0f; render_tee(&state, &render_info, player.emote, direction, position); if(player.player_state == PLAYERSTATE_CHATTING) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_EMOTICONS].id); gfx_quads_begin(); select_sprite(SPRITE_DOTDOT); gfx_quads_draw(position.x + 24, position.y - 40, 64,64); gfx_quads_end(); } if (client_datas[info.cid].emoticon_start != -1 && client_datas[info.cid].emoticon_start + 2 * client_tickspeed() > client_tick()) { gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_EMOTICONS].id); gfx_quads_begin(); int since_start = client_tick() - client_datas[info.cid].emoticon_start; int from_end = client_datas[info.cid].emoticon_start + 2 * client_tickspeed() - client_tick(); float a = 1; if (from_end < client_tickspeed() / 5) a = from_end / (client_tickspeed() / 5.0); float h = 1; if (since_start < client_tickspeed() / 10) h = since_start / (client_tickspeed() / 10.0); float wiggle = 0; if (since_start < client_tickspeed() / 5) wiggle = since_start / (client_tickspeed() / 5.0); float wiggle_angle = sin(5*wiggle); gfx_quads_setrotation(pi/6*wiggle_angle); gfx_setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,a); // client_datas::emoticon is an offset from the first emoticon select_sprite(SPRITE_OOP + client_datas[info.cid].emoticon); gfx_quads_draw(position.x, position.y - 23 - 32*h, 64, 64*h); gfx_quads_end(); } // render name plate if(!info.local && config.cl_nameplates) { //gfx_text_color float a = 1; if(config.cl_nameplates_always == 0) a = clamp(1-powf(distance(local_target_pos, position)/200.0f,16.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f); const char *name = client_datas[info.cid].name; float tw = gfx_text_width(0, 28.0f, name, -1); gfx_text_color(1,1,1,a); gfx_text(0, position.x-tw/2.0f, position.y-60, 28.0f, name, -1); if(config.debug) // render client id when in debug aswell { char buf[128]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf),"%d", info.cid); gfx_text(0, position.x, position.y-90, 28.0f, buf, -1); } gfx_text_color(1,1,1,1); } }