#ifndef ENGINE_INTERFACE_H #define ENGINE_INTERFACE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Title: Engine Interface */ #include "keys.h" enum { MAX_CLIENTS=16, SERVER_TICK_SPEED=50, /* TODO: this should be removed */ SNAP_CURRENT=0, SNAP_PREV=1, IMG_RGB=0, IMG_RGBA=1, CLIENTSTATE_OFFLINE=0, CLIENTSTATE_CONNECTING, CLIENTSTATE_LOADING, CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE, CLIENTSTATE_QUITING, BROWSESORT_NONE = 0, BROWSESORT_NAME, BROWSESORT_PING, BROWSESORT_MAP, BROWSESORT_NUMPLAYERS, }; typedef struct { int type; int id; } SNAP_ITEM; typedef struct { const char *name; int latency; } CLIENT_INFO; typedef struct { int width, height; int format; void *data; } IMAGE_INFO; typedef struct { int width, height; int red, green, blue; } VIDEO_MODE; typedef struct { int sorted_index; int server_index; int progression; int game_type; int max_players; int num_players; int flags; int latency; /* in ms */ char name[64]; char map[32]; char version[32]; char address[24]; char player_names[16][48]; int player_scores[16]; } SERVER_INFO; /* image loaders */ int gfx_load_png(IMAGE_INFO *img, const char *filename); /* Group: Graphics */ int gfx_init(); void gfx_shutdown(); void gfx_swap(); int gfx_get_video_modes(VIDEO_MODE *list, int maxcount); void gfx_set_vsync(int val); int gfx_window_active(); /* textures */ /* Function: gfx_load_texture Loads a texture from a file. TGA and PNG supported. Arguments: filename - Null terminated string to the file to load. Returns: An ID to the texture. -1 on failure. See Also: */ int gfx_load_texture(const char *filename); /* Function: gfx_load_texture_raw Loads a texture from memory. Arguments: w - Width of the texture. h - Height of the texture. data - Pointer to the pixel data. Returns: An ID to the texture. -1 on failure. Remarks: The pixel data should be in RGBA format with 8 bit per component. So the total size of the data should be w*h*4. See Also: */ int gfx_load_texture_raw(int w, int h, int format, const void *data); /*int gfx_load_mip_texture_raw(int w, int h, int format, const void *data);*/ /* Function: gfx_texture_set Sets the active texture. Arguments: id - ID to the texture to set. */ void gfx_texture_set(int id); /* Function: gfx_unload_texture Unloads a texture. Arguments: id - ID to the texture to unload. See Also: , Remarks: NOT IMPLEMENTED */ int gfx_unload_texture(int id); void gfx_clear(float r, float g, float b); /* Function: gfx_screenwidth Returns the screen width. See Also: */ int gfx_screenwidth(); /* Function: gfx_screenheight Returns the screen height. See Also: */ int gfx_screenheight(); /* Function: gfx_mapscreen Specifies the coordinate system for the screen. Arguments: tl_x - Top-left X tl_y - Top-left Y br_x - Bottom-right X br_y - Bottom-right y */ void gfx_mapscreen(float tl_x, float tl_y, float br_x, float br_y); /* Function: gfx_blend_normal Set the active blending mode to normal (src, 1-src). Remarks: This must be used before calling . This is equal to glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). See Also: */ void gfx_blend_normal(); /* Function: gfx_blend_additive Set the active blending mode to additive (src, one). Remarks: This must be used before calling . This is equal to glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE). See Also: */ void gfx_blend_additive(); /* Function: gfx_quads_begin Begins a quad drawing session. Remarks: This functions resets the rotation, color and subset. End the session by using . You can't change texture or blending mode during a session. See Also: */ void gfx_quads_begin(); /* Function: gfx_quads_end Ends a quad session. See Also: */ void gfx_quads_end(); /* Function: gfx_quads_setrotation Sets the rotation to use when drawing a quad. Arguments: angle - Angle in radians. Remarks: The angle is reset when is called. */ void gfx_quads_setrotation(float angle); /* Function: gfx_quads_setcolorvertex Sets the color of a vertex. Arguments: i - Index to the vertex. r - Red value. g - Green value. b - Blue value. a - Alpha value. Remarks: The color values are from 0.0 to 1.0. The color is reset when is called. */ void gfx_setcolorvertex(int i, float r, float g, float b, float a); /* Function: gfx_quads_setcolor Sets the color of all the vertices. Arguments: r - Red value. g - Green value. b - Blue value. a - Alpha value. Remarks: The color values are from 0.0 to 1.0. The color is reset when is called. */ void gfx_setcolor(float r, float g, float b, float a); /* Function: gfx_quads_setsubset Sets the uv coordinates to use. Arguments: tl_u - Top-left U value. tl_v - Top-left V value. br_u - Bottom-right U value. br_v - Bottom-right V value. Remarks: O,0 is top-left of the texture and 1,1 is bottom-right. The color is reset when is called. */ void gfx_quads_setsubset(float tl_u, float tl_v, float br_u, float br_v); /* Function: gfx_quads_drawTL Draws a quad by specifying the top-left point. Arguments: x - X coordinate of the top-left corner. y - Y coordinate of the top-left corner. width - Width of the quad. height - Height of the quad. Remarks: Rotation still occurs from the center of the quad. You must call before calling this function. See Also: */ void gfx_quads_drawTL(float x, float y, float width, float height); /* Function: gfx_quads_draw Draws a quad by specifying the center point. Arguments: x - X coordinate of the center. y - Y coordinate of the center. width - Width of the quad. height - Height of the quad. Remarks: You must call before calling this function. See Also: */ void gfx_quads_draw(float x, float y, float w, float h); void gfx_quads_draw_freeform( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); void gfx_quads_text(float x, float y, float size, const char *text); /* sound (client) */ enum { SND_PLAY_ONCE = 0, SND_LOOP }; int snd_init(); float snd_get_master_volume(); void snd_set_master_volume(float val); int snd_load_wav(const char *filename); int snd_load_wv(const char *filename); int snd_play(int cid, int sid, int loop, float x, float y); void snd_stop(int id); void snd_set_vol(int id, float vol); void snd_set_listener_pos(float x, float y); int snd_shutdown(); /* Group: Input */ /* Function: inp_mouse_relative Fetches the mouse movements. Arguments: x - Pointer to the variable that should get the X movement. y - Pointer to the variable that should get the Y movement. */ void inp_mouse_relative(int *x, int *y); int inp_mouse_scroll(); /* Function: inp_key_pressed Checks if a key is pressed. Arguments: key - Index to the key to check Returns: Returns 1 if the button is pressed, otherwise 0. Remarks: Check keys.h for the keys. */ int inp_key_pressed(int key); /* Group: Map */ int map_load(const char *mapname); void map_unload(); /* Function: map_is_loaded Checks if a map is loaded. Returns: Returns 1 if the button is pressed, otherwise 0. */ int map_is_loaded(); /* Function: map_num_items Checks the number of items in the loaded map. Returns: Returns the number of items. 0 if no map is loaded. */ int map_num_items(); /* Function: map_find_item Searches the map for an item. Arguments: type - Item type. id - Item ID. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise it returns NULL. */ void *map_find_item(int type, int id); /* Function: map_get_item Gets an item from the loaded map from index. Arguments: index - Item index. type - Pointer that recives the item type (can be NULL). id - Pointer that recives the item id (can be NULL). Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise it returns NULL. */ void *map_get_item(int index, int *type, int *id); /* Function: map_get_type Gets the index range of an item type. Arguments: type - Item type to search for. start - Pointer that recives the starting index. num - Pointer that recives the number of items. Returns: If the item type is not in the map, start and num will be set to 0. */ void map_get_type(int type, int *start, int *num); /* Function: map_get_data Fetches a pointer to a raw data chunk in the map. Arguments: index - Index to the data to fetch. Returns: A pointer to the raw data, otherwise 0. */ void *map_get_data(int index); /* Group: Network (Server) */ /* Function: snap_new_item Creates a new item that should be sent. Arguments: type - Type of the item. id - ID of the item. size - Size of the item. Returns: A pointer to the item data, otherwise 0. Remarks: The item data should only consist pf 4 byte integers as they are subject to byte swapping. This means that the size argument should be dividable by 4. */ void *snap_new_item(int type, int id, int size); /* Group: Network (Client) */ /* Function: snap_num_items Check the number of items in a snapshot. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. Returns: The number of items in the snapshot. */ int snap_num_items(int snapid); /* Function: snap_get_item Gets an item from a snapshot. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. index - Index of the item. item - Pointer that recives the item info. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise NULL. */ const void *snap_get_item(int snapid, int index, SNAP_ITEM *item); /* Function: snap_find_item Searches a snapshot for an item. Arguments: snapid - Snapshot ID to the data to fetch. * SNAP_PREV for previous snapshot. * SNAP_CUR for current snapshot. type - Type of the item. id - ID of the item. Returns: Returns a pointer to the item if it exists, otherwise NULL. */ const void *snap_find_item(int snapid, int type, int id); /* Function: snap_input Sets the input data to send to the server. Arguments: data - Pointer to the data. size - Size of the data. Remarks: The data should only consist of 4 bytes integer as they are subject to byte swapping. */ void snap_input(void *data, int size); /* Group: Server Callbacks */ /* Function: mods_init Called when the server is started. Remarks: It's called after the map is loaded so all map items are available. */ void mods_init(); /* Function: mods_shutdown Called when the server quits. Remarks: Should be used to clean up all resources used. */ void mods_shutdown(); /* Function: mods_client_enter Called when a client has joined the game. Arguments: cid - Client ID. Is 0 - MAX_CLIENTS. Remarks: It's called when the client is finished loading and should enter gameplay. */ void mods_client_enter(int cid); /* Function: mods_client_drop Called when a client drops from the server. Arguments: cid - Client ID. Is 0 - MAX_CLIENTS */ void mods_client_drop(int cid); /* Function: mods_client_input Called when the server recives new input from a client. Arguments: cid - Client ID. Is 0 - MAX_CLIENTS. input - Pointer to the input data. size - Size of the data. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) */ void mods_client_input(int cid, void *input); /* Function: mods_tick Called with a regular interval to progress the gameplay. Remarks: The SERVER_TICK_SPEED tells the number of ticks per second. */ void mods_tick(); /* Function: mods_presnap Called before the server starts to construct snapshots for the clients. */ void mods_presnap(); /* Function: mods_snap Called to create the snapshot for a client. Arguments: cid - Client ID. Is 0 - MAX_CLIENTS. Remarks: The game should make a series of calls to to construct the snapshot for the client. */ void mods_snap(int cid); /* Function: mods_postsnap Called after the server is done sending the snapshots. */ void mods_postsnap(); /* Group: Client Callbacks */ /* Function: modc_init Called when the client starts. Remarks: The game should load resources that are used during the entire time of the game. No map is loaded. */ void modc_init(); /* Function: modc_newsnapshot Called when the client progressed to a new snapshot. Remarks: The client can check for items in the snapshot and perform one time events like playing sounds, spawning client side effects etc. */ void modc_newsnapshot(); /* Function: modc_entergame Called when the client has successfully connect to a server and loaded a map. Remarks: The client can check for items in the map and load them. */ void modc_entergame(); /* Function: modc_shutdown Called when the client closes down. */ void modc_shutdown(); /* Function: modc_render Called every frame to let the game render it self. */ void modc_render(); /* Function: modc_statechange Called every time client changes state. */ void modc_statechange(int new_state, int old_state); /* Group: Menu Callbacks */ /* Function: modmenu_init Called when the menu starts. Remarks: The menu should load resources that are used during the entire time of the menu use. */ void modmenu_init(); /* Function: modmenu_shutdown Called when the menu closes down. */ void modmenu_shutdown(); /* Function: modmenu_render Called every frame to let the menu render it self. */ int modmenu_render(int ingame); /* undocumented callbacks */ void modc_message(int msg); void modc_predict(); void mods_message(int msg, int client_id); const char *modc_net_version(); const char *mods_net_version(); /* server */ int server_getclientinfo(int client_id, CLIENT_INFO *info); int server_tick(); int server_tickspeed(); /* input */ int inp_key_was_pressed(int key); int inp_key_down(int key); char inp_last_char(); int inp_last_key(); void inp_clear(); void inp_update(); void inp_init(); void inp_mouse_mode_absolute(); void inp_mouse_mode_relative(); const char *inp_key_name(int k); int inp_key_code(const char *key_name); /* message packing */ enum { MSGFLAG_VITAL=1, }; void msg_pack_start_system(int msg, int flags); void msg_pack_start(int msg, int flags); void msg_pack_int(int i); void msg_pack_string(const char *p, int limit); void msg_pack_raw(const void *data, int size); void msg_pack_end(); typedef struct { int msg; int flags; const unsigned char *data; int size; } MSG_INFO; const MSG_INFO *msg_get_info(); /* message unpacking */ int msg_unpack_start(const void *data, int data_size, int *system); int msg_unpack_int(); const char *msg_unpack_string(); const unsigned char *msg_unpack_raw(int size); /* message sending */ int server_send_msg(int client_id); /* client_id == -1 == broadcast */ int client_send_msg(); /* client */ int client_tick(); int client_predtick(); float client_intratick(); float client_intrapredtick(); int client_tickspeed(); float client_frametime(); float client_localtime(); int client_state(); const char *client_error_string(); int *client_get_input(int tick); void client_connect(const char *address); void client_disconnect(); void client_quit(); void client_rcon(const char *cmd); void client_serverbrowse_refresh(int lan); SERVER_INFO *client_serverbrowse_sorted_get(int index); int client_serverbrowse_sorted_num(); SERVER_INFO *client_serverbrowse_get(int index); int client_serverbrowse_num(); int client_serverbrowse_num_requests(); /* undocumented graphics stuff */ void gfx_pretty_text(float x, float y, float size, const char *text, int max_width); float gfx_pretty_text_width(float size, const char *text, int length); void gfx_getscreen(float *tl_x, float *tl_y, float *br_x, float *br_y); int gfx_memory_usage(); void gfx_screenshot(); void gfx_lines_begin(); void gfx_lines_draw(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1); void gfx_lines_end(); /* server snap id */ int snap_new_id(); void snap_free_id(int id); /* other */ void map_unload_data(int index); void map_set(void *m); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif