#include #include #include #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX) #include #include /* unix net includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 /* required for mingw to get getaddrinfo to work */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #error NOT IMPLEMENTED #endif #include #include //remove #include #include "autoupdate.h" static NETSOCKET invalid_socket = {NETTYPE_INVALID, -1, -1}; CAutoUpdate::CAutoUpdate() { Reset(); } void CAutoUpdate::Reset() { m_NeedUpdate = false; m_NeedUpdateBackground = false; m_NeedUpdateClient = false; m_NeedUpdateServer = false; m_NeedResetClient = false; m_Updated = false; m_vFiles.clear(); } bool CAutoUpdate::CanUpdate(const char *pFile) { std::list::iterator it = m_vFiles.begin(); while (it != m_vFiles.end()) { if ((*it).compare(pFile) == 0) return false; it++; } return true; } void CAutoUpdate::ExecuteExit() { if (!m_NeedResetClient) return dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Executing pre-quiting..."); if (m_NeedUpdateClient) { SelfDelete(); #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) ShellExecuteA(0,0,"du.bat",0,0,SW_HIDE); #else if (rename("DDNet_tmp","DDNet")) dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error renaming binary file"); if (system("chmod +x DDNet")) dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error setting executable bit"); #endif } #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) if (!m_NeedUpdateClient) ShellExecuteA(0,0,"DDNet.exe",0,0,SW_SHOW); #else pid_t pid; pid=fork(); if (pid==0) { char* argv[1]; argv[0] = NULL; execv("DDNet", argv); } else return; #endif } void CAutoUpdate::CheckUpdates(CMenus *pMenus) { char aReadBuf[512]; dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Checking for updates"); if (!GetFile("ddnet.upd", "ddnet.upd")) { dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error downloading update list"); return; } dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Processing data"); Reset(); IOHANDLE updFile = io_open("ddnet.upd", IOFLAG_READ); if (!updFile) return; //read data std::string ReadData; char last_version[15]; char cmd; while (io_read(updFile, aReadBuf, sizeof(aReadBuf)) > 0) { for (size_t i=0; i0 && aReadBuf[i-1] == '\r') ReadData = ReadData.substr(0, -2); //Parse Command cmd = ReadData[0]; if (cmd == '#') { str_copy(last_version, ReadData.substr(1).c_str(), sizeof(last_version)); if (ReadData.substr(1).compare(GAME_RELEASE_VERSION) != 0) pMenus->setPopup(CMenus::POPUP_AUTOUPDATE); else dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Version match"); io_close(updFile); return; } ReadData.clear(); } ReadData+=aReadBuf[i]; } } io_close(updFile); } void CAutoUpdate::DoUpdates(CMenus *pMenus) { char aReadBuf[512]; char aBuf[512]; dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Processing data"); Reset(); IOHANDLE updFile = io_open("ddnet.upd", IOFLAG_READ); if (!updFile) return; //read data std::string ReadData; char last_version[15], current_version[15]; char cmd; while (io_read(updFile, aReadBuf, sizeof(aReadBuf)) > 0) { for (size_t i=0; i0 && aReadBuf[i-1] == '\r') ReadData = ReadData.substr(0, -2); //Parse Command cmd = ReadData[0]; if (cmd == '#') { if (!m_NeedUpdate) str_copy(last_version, ReadData.substr(1).c_str(), sizeof(last_version)); if (ReadData.substr(1).compare(GAME_RELEASE_VERSION) != 0) m_NeedUpdate = true; else { dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Version match"); goto finish; } str_copy(current_version, ReadData.substr(1).c_str(), sizeof(current_version)); } if (m_NeedUpdate) { if (cmd == '@') { if (!m_NeedUpdateClient && ReadData.substr(2).compare("UPDATE_CLIENT") == 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Updating DDNet Client to %s", last_version); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); m_NeedUpdateClient = true; m_NeedResetClient = true; dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Updating client"); #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) if (!GetFile("DDNet.exe", "DDNet_tmp.exe")) #elif defined(CONF_ARCH_AMD64) if (!GetFile("DDNet64", "DDNet_tmp")) #else if (!GetFile("DDNet", "DDNet_tmp")) #endif dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error downloading new version"); } if (!m_NeedUpdateServer && ReadData.substr(2).compare("UPDATE_SERVER") == 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Updating DDNet Server to %s", last_version); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); m_NeedUpdateServer = true; dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Updating server"); #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) if (!GetFile("DDNet-Server.exe", "DDNet-Server.exe")) #elif defined(CONF_ARCH_AMD64) if (!GetFile("DDNet-Server64", "DDNet-Server")) #else if (!GetFile("DDNet-Server", "DDNet-Server")) #endif dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error downloading new version"); } else if (!m_NeedUpdateClient && ReadData.substr(2).compare("RESET_CLIENT") == 0) m_NeedResetClient = true; } else if (cmd == 'D') { int posDel=0; ReadData = ReadData.substr(2); posDel = ReadData.find_first_of(":"); if (CanUpdate(ReadData.substr(posDel+1).c_str())) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Downloading '%s'", ReadData.substr(posDel+1).c_str()); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Updating file '%s'", ReadData.substr(posDel+1).c_str()); if (!GetFile(ReadData.substr(0, posDel).c_str(), ReadData.substr(posDel+1).c_str())) dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error downloading '%s'", ReadData.substr(0, posDel).c_str()); else m_vFiles.push_back(ReadData.substr(posDel+1)); } } else if (cmd == 'R') { if (ReadData.substr(2).c_str()[0] == 0) return; if (CanUpdate(ReadData.substr(2).c_str())) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Deleting '%s'", ReadData.substr(2).c_str()); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Deleting file '%s'", ReadData.substr(2).c_str()); remove(ReadData.substr(2).c_str()); m_vFiles.push_back(ReadData.substr(2)); } } } ReadData.clear(); continue; } ReadData+=aReadBuf[i]; } if (!m_NeedUpdate) break; } finish: if (m_NeedUpdate) { m_Updated = true; m_NeedUpdate = false; if (!m_NeedUpdateClient) dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Updated successfully"); else dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Restart necessary"); } else dbg_msg("autoupdate", "No updates available"); io_close(updFile); if (m_Updated) { if (m_NeedUpdateClient) { pMenus->Client()->Quit(); return; } str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "DDNet Client updated successfully"); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); thread_sleep(200); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No update available"); pMenus->RenderUpdating(aBuf); thread_sleep(200); } } bool CAutoUpdate::GetFile(const char *pFile, const char *dst) { NETSOCKET Socket = invalid_socket; NETADDR HostAddress; char aNetBuff[1024]; //Lookup if(net_host_lookup(g_Config.m_ClDDNetUpdateServer, &HostAddress, NETTYPE_IPV4) != 0) { dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error running host lookup"); return false; } char aAddrStr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; net_addr_str(&HostAddress, aAddrStr, sizeof(aAddrStr), 80); //Connect int socketID = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(socketID < 0) { dbg_msg("autoupdate", "Error creating socket"); return false; } Socket.type = NETTYPE_IPV4; Socket.ipv4sock = socketID; HostAddress.port = 80; if(net_tcp_connect(Socket, &HostAddress) != 0) { net_tcp_close(Socket); dbg_msg("autoupdate","Error connecting to host"); return false; } //Send request str_format(aNetBuff, sizeof(aNetBuff), "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\nHOST: %s\n\n", pFile, g_Config.m_ClDDNetUpdateServer); net_tcp_send(Socket, aNetBuff, strlen(aNetBuff)); //read data IOHANDLE dstFile = io_open(dst, IOFLAG_WRITE); if (!dstFile) { net_tcp_close(Socket); dbg_msg("autoupdate","Error writing to disk"); return false; } std::string NetData; int TotalRecv = 0; int TotalBytes = 0; int CurrentRecv = 0; bool isHead = true; int enterCtrl = 0; while ((CurrentRecv = net_tcp_recv(Socket, aNetBuff, sizeof(aNetBuff))) > 0) { for (int i=0; i 0 && str_comp_nocase(NetData.substr(0, posDel).c_str(),"content-length") == 0) TotalBytes = atoi(NetData.substr(posDel+2).c_str()); NetData.clear(); continue; } else if (aNetBuff[i]!='\r') enterCtrl=0; NetData+=aNetBuff[i]; } else { if (TotalBytes == 0) { io_close(dstFile); net_tcp_close(Socket); dbg_msg("autoupdate","Error receiving file"); return false; } io_write(dstFile, &aNetBuff[i], 1); TotalRecv++; if (TotalRecv == TotalBytes) break; } } } //Finish io_close(dstFile); net_tcp_close(Socket); return true; } bool CAutoUpdate::SelfDelete() { #ifdef CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS IOHANDLE bhFile = io_open("du.bat", IOFLAG_WRITE); if (!bhFile) return false; char aFileData[512]; str_format(aFileData, sizeof(aFileData), ":_R\r\ndel \"DDNet.exe\"\r\nif exist \"DDNet.exe\" goto _R\r\nrename \"DDNet_tmp.exe\" \"DDNet.exe\"\r\n:_T\r\nif not exist \"DDNet.exe\" goto _T\r\nstart DDNet.exe\r\ndel \"du.bat\"\r\n"); io_write(bhFile, aFileData, str_length(aFileData)); io_close(bhFile); #else remove("DDNet"); return true; #endif return false; }