--[[@GROUP Configuration@END]]-- --[[@FUNCTION TODO @END]]-- function NewConfig(on_configured_callback) local config = {} config.OnConfigured = function(self) return true end if on_configured_callback then config.OnConfigured = on_configured_callback end config.options = {} config.settings = NewSettings() config.NewSettings = function(self) local s = NewSettings() for _,v in pairs(self.options) do v:Apply(s) end return s end config.Add = function(self, o) table.insert(self.options, o) self[o.name] = o end config.Print = function(self) for k,v in pairs(self.options) do print(v:FormatDisplay()) end end config.Save = function(self, filename) print("saved configuration to '"..filename.."'") local file = io.open(filename, "w") -- Define a little helper function to save options local saver = {} saver.file = file saver.line = function(self, str) self.file:write(str .. "\n") end saver.option = function(self, option, name) local valuestr = "no" if type(option[name]) == type(0) then valuestr = option[name] elseif type(option[name]) == type(true) then valuestr = "false" if option[name] then valuestr = "true" end elseif type(option[name]) == type("") then valuestr = "'"..option[name].."'" else error("option "..name.." have a value of type ".. type(option[name]).." that can't be saved") end self.file:write(option.name.."."..name.." = ".. valuestr.."\n") end -- Save all the options for k,v in pairs(self.options) do v:Save(saver) end file:close() end config.Load = function(self, filename) local options_func = loadfile(filename) local options_table = {} if not options_func then print("auto configuration") self:Config(filename) options_func = loadfile(filename) end if options_func then -- Setup the options tables for k,v in pairs(self.options) do options_table[v.name] = {} end setfenv(options_func, options_table) -- this is to make sure that we get nice error messages when -- someone sets an option that isn't valid. local mt = {} mt.__index = function(t, key) local v = rawget(t, key) if v ~= nil then return v end error("there is no configuration option named '" .. key .. "'") end setmetatable(options_table, mt) -- Process the options options_func() -- Copy the options for k,v in pairs(self.options) do if options_table[v.name] then for k2,v2 in pairs(options_table[v.name]) do v[k2] = v2 end v.auto_detected = false end end else print("error: no '"..filename.."' found") print("") print("run 'bam config' to generate") print("run 'bam config help' for configuration options") print("") os.exit(1) end end config.Config = function(self, filename) print("") print("configuration:") if _bam_targets[1] == "print" then self:Load(filename) self:Print() print("") print("notes:") self:OnConfigured() print("") else self:Autodetect() print("") print("notes:") if self:OnConfigured() then self:Save(filename) end print("") end end config.Autodetect = function(self) for k,v in pairs(self.options) do v:Check(self.settings) print(v:FormatDisplay()) self[v.name] = v end end config.PrintHelp = function(self) print("options:") for k,v in pairs(self.options) do if v.PrintHelp then v:PrintHelp() end end end config.Finalize = function(self, filename) if _bam_targets[0] == "config" then if _bam_targets[1] == "help" then self:PrintHelp() os.exit(0) end self:Config(filename) os.exit(0) end self:Load(filename) bam_update_globalstamp(filename) end return config end -- Helper functions -------------------------------------- function DefaultOptionDisplay(option) if not option.value then return "no" end if option.value == 1 or option.value == true then return "yes" end return option.value end function IsNegativeTerm(s) if s == "no" then return true end if s == "false" then return true end if s == "off" then return true end if s == "disable" then return true end if s == "0" then return true end return false end function IsPositiveTerm(s) if s == "yes" then return true end if s == "true" then return true end if s == "on" then return true end if s == "enable" then return true end if s == "1" then return true end return false end function MakeOption(name, value, check, save, display, printhelp) local o = {} o.name = name o.value = value o.Check = check o.Save = save o.auto_detected = true o.FormatDisplay = function(self) local a = "SET" if self.auto_detected then a = "AUTO" end return string.format("%-5s %-20s %s", a, self.name, self:Display()) end o.Display = display o.PrintHelp = printhelp if o.Display == nil then o.Display = DefaultOptionDisplay end return o end -- Test Compile C -------------------------------------- function OptTestCompileC(name, source, compileoptions, desc) local check = function(option, settings) option.value = false if ScriptArgs[option.name] then if IsNegativeTerm(ScriptArgs[option.name]) then option.value = false elseif IsPositiveTerm(ScriptArgs[option.name]) then option.value = true else error(ScriptArgs[option.name].." is not a valid value for option "..option.name) end option.auto_detected = false else if CTestCompile(settings, option.source, option.compileoptions) then option.value = true end end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") end local printhelp = function(option) print("\t"..option.name.."=on|off") if option.desc then print("\t\t"..option.desc) end end local o = MakeOption(name, false, check, save, nil, printhelp) o.desc = desc o.source = source o.compileoptions = compileoptions return o end -- OptToggle -------------------------------------- function OptToggle(name, default_value, desc) local check = function(option, settings) if ScriptArgs[option.name] then if IsNegativeTerm(ScriptArgs[option.name]) then option.value = false elseif IsPositiveTerm(ScriptArgs[option.name]) then option.value = true else error(ScriptArgs[option.name].." is not a valid value for option "..option.name) end end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") end local printhelp = function(option) print("\t"..option.name.."=on|off") if option.desc then print("\t\t"..option.desc) end end local o = MakeOption(name, default_value, check, save, nil, printhelp) o.desc = desc return o end -- OptInteger -------------------------------------- function OptInteger(name, default_value, desc) local check = function(option, settings) if ScriptArgs[option.name] then option.value = tonumber(ScriptArgs[option.name]) end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") end local printhelp = function(option) print("\t"..option.name.."=N") if option.desc then print("\t\t"..option.desc) end end local o = MakeOption(name, default_value, check, save, nil, printhelp) o.desc = desc return o end -- OptString -------------------------------------- function OptString(name, default_value, desc) local check = function(option, settings) if ScriptArgs[option.name] then option.value = ScriptArgs[option.name] end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") end local printhelp = function(option) print("\t"..option.name.."=STRING") if option.desc then print("\t\t"..option.desc) end end local o = MakeOption(name, default_value, check, save, nil, printhelp) o.desc = desc return o end -- Find Compiler -------------------------------------- --[[@FUNCTION TODO @END]]-- function OptCCompiler(name, default_driver, default_c, default_cxx, desc) local check = function(option, settings) if ScriptArgs[option.name] then -- set compile driver option.driver = ScriptArgs[option.name] -- set c compiler if ScriptArgs[option.name..".c"] then option.c_compiler = ScriptArgs[option.name..".c"] end -- set c+= compiler if ScriptArgs[option.name..".cxx"] then option.cxx_compiler = ScriptArgs[option.name..".cxx"] end option.auto_detected = false elseif option.driver then -- no need todo anything if we have a driver -- TODO: test if we can find the compiler else if ExecuteSilent("g++ -v") == 0 then option.driver = "gcc" elseif ExecuteSilent("cl") == 0 then option.driver = "cl" else error("no c/c++ compiler found") end end --setup_compiler(option.value) end local apply = function(option, settings) if option.driver == "cl" then SetDriversCL(settings) elseif option.driver == "gcc" then SetDriversGCC(settings) else error(option.driver.." is not a known c/c++ compile driver") end if option.c_compiler then settings.cc.c_compiler = option.c_compiler end if option.cxx_compiler then settings.cc.cxx_compiler = option.cxx_compiler end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "driver") output:option(option, "c_compiler") output:option(option, "cxx_compiler") end local printhelp = function(option) local a = "" if option.desc then a = "for "..option.desc end print("\t"..option.name.."=gcc|cl") print("\t\twhat c/c++ compile driver to use"..a) print("\t"..option.name..".c=FILENAME") print("\t\twhat c compiler executable to use"..a) print("\t"..option.name..".cxx=FILENAME") print("\t\twhat c++ compiler executable to use"..a) end local display = function(option) local s = option.driver if option.c_compiler then s = s .. " c="..option.c_compiler end if option.cxx_compiler then s = s .. " cxx="..option.cxx_compiler end return s end local o = MakeOption(name, nil, check, save, display, printhelp) o.desc = desc o.driver = false o.c_compiler = false o.cxx_compiler = false if default_driver then o.driver = default_driver end if default_c then o.c_compiler = default_c end if default_cxx then o.cxx_compiler = default_cxx end o.Apply = apply return o end -- Option Library -------------------------------------- --[[@FUNCTION TODO @END]]-- function OptLibrary(name, header, desc) local check = function(option, settings) option.value = false option.include_path = false local function check_compile_include(filename, paths) if CTestCompile(settings, "#include <" .. filename .. ">\nint main(){return 0;}", "") then return "" end for k,v in pairs(paths) do if CTestCompile(settings, "#include <" .. filename .. ">\nint main(){return 0;}", "-I"..v) then return v end end return false end if ScriptArgs[option.name] then if IsNegativeTerm(ScriptArgs[option.name]) then option.value = false elseif ScriptArgs[option.name] == "system" then option.value = true else option.value = true option.include_path = ScriptArgs[option.name] end option.auto_detected = false else option.include_path = check_compile_include(option.header, {}) if option.include_path == false then if option.required then print(name.." library not found and is required") error("required library not found") end else option.value = true option.include_path = false end end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") output:option(option, "include_path") end local display = function(option) if option.value then if option.include_path then return option.include_path else return "(in system path)" end else return "not found" end end local printhelp = function(option) print("\t"..option.name.."=disable|system|PATH") if option.desc then print("\t\t"..option.desc) end end local o = MakeOption(name, false, check, save, display, printhelp) o.include_path = false o.header = header o.desc = desc return o end