/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include "../g_math.h" #include "gc_client.h" static void rotate(POINT *center, POINT *point, float rotation) { int x = point->x - center->x; int y = point->y - center->y; point->x = (int)(x * cosf(rotation) - y * sinf(rotation) + center->x); point->y = (int)(x * sinf(rotation) + y * cosf(rotation) + center->y); } void render_quads(QUAD *quads, int num_quads) { gfx_quads_begin(); float conv = 1/255.0f; for(int i = 0; i < num_quads; i++) { QUAD *q = &quads[i]; gfx_quads_setsubset_free( fx2f(q->texcoords[0].x), fx2f(q->texcoords[0].y), fx2f(q->texcoords[1].x), fx2f(q->texcoords[1].y), fx2f(q->texcoords[2].x), fx2f(q->texcoords[2].y), fx2f(q->texcoords[3].x), fx2f(q->texcoords[3].y) ); float r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1; float offset_x = 0; float offset_y = 0; float rot = 0; /* // TODO: fix this if(editor.animate) { if(q->pos_env >= 0 && q->pos_env < editor.map.envelopes.len()) { ENVELOPE *e = editor.map.envelopes[q->pos_env]; float t = editor.animate_time+q->pos_env_offset/1000.0f; offset_x = e->eval(t, 0); offset_y = e->eval(t, 1); rot = e->eval(t, 2); } if(q->color_env >= 0 && q->color_env < editor.map.envelopes.len()) { ENVELOPE *e = editor.map.envelopes[q->color_env]; float t = editor.animate_time+q->color_env_offset/1000.0f; r = e->eval(t, 0); g = e->eval(t, 1); b = e->eval(t, 2); a = e->eval(t, 3); } }*/ gfx_setcolorvertex(0, q->colors[0].r*conv*r, q->colors[0].g*conv*g, q->colors[0].b*conv*b, q->colors[0].a*conv*a); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, q->colors[1].r*conv*r, q->colors[1].g*conv*g, q->colors[1].b*conv*b, q->colors[1].a*conv*a); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, q->colors[2].r*conv*r, q->colors[2].g*conv*g, q->colors[2].b*conv*b, q->colors[2].a*conv*a); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, q->colors[3].r*conv*r, q->colors[3].g*conv*g, q->colors[3].b*conv*b, q->colors[3].a*conv*a); POINT *points = q->points; if(rot != 0) { static POINT rotated[4]; rotated[0] = q->points[0]; rotated[1] = q->points[1]; rotated[2] = q->points[2]; rotated[3] = q->points[3]; points = rotated; rotate(&q->points[4], &rotated[0], rot); rotate(&q->points[4], &rotated[1], rot); rotate(&q->points[4], &rotated[2], rot); rotate(&q->points[4], &rotated[3], rot); } gfx_quads_draw_freeform( fx2f(points[0].x)+offset_x, fx2f(points[0].y)+offset_y, fx2f(points[1].x)+offset_x, fx2f(points[1].y)+offset_y, fx2f(points[2].x)+offset_x, fx2f(points[2].y)+offset_y, fx2f(points[3].x)+offset_x, fx2f(points[3].y)+offset_y ); } gfx_quads_end(); } void render_tilemap(TILE *tiles, int w, int h, float scale, int flags) { //gfx_texture_set(img_get(tmap->image)); float screen_x0, screen_y0, screen_x1, screen_y1; gfx_getscreen(&screen_x0, &screen_y0, &screen_x1, &screen_y1); // calculate the final pixelsize for the tiles float tile_pixelsize = 1024/32.0f; float final_tilesize = scale/(screen_x1-screen_x0) * gfx_screenwidth(); float final_tilesize_scale = final_tilesize/tile_pixelsize; gfx_quads_begin(); int starty = (int)(screen_y0/scale)-1; int startx = (int)(screen_x0/scale)-1; int endy = (int)(screen_y1/scale)+1; int endx = (int)(screen_x1/scale)+1; // adjust the texture shift according to mipmap level float texsize = 1024.0f; float frac = (1.25f/texsize) * (1/final_tilesize_scale); float nudge = (0.5f/texsize) * (1/final_tilesize_scale); for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++) for(int x = startx; x < endx; x++) { int mx = x; int my = y; if(flags) { if(mx<0) mx = 0; if(mx>=w) mx = w-1; if(my<0) my = 0; if(my>=h) my = h-1; } else { if(mx<0) continue; // mx = 0; if(mx>=w) continue; // mx = w-1; if(my<0) continue; // my = 0; if(my>=h) continue; // my = h-1; } int c = mx + my*w; unsigned char index = tiles[c].index; if(index) { unsigned char flags = tiles[c].flags; int tx = index%16; int ty = index/16; int px0 = tx*(1024/16); int py0 = ty*(1024/16); int px1 = (tx+1)*(1024/16)-1; int py1 = (ty+1)*(1024/16)-1; float u0 = nudge + px0/texsize+frac; float v0 = nudge + py0/texsize+frac; float u1 = nudge + px1/texsize-frac; float v1 = nudge + py1/texsize-frac; if(flags&TILEFLAG_VFLIP) { float tmp = u0; u0 = u1; u1 = tmp; } if(flags&TILEFLAG_HFLIP) { float tmp = v0; v0 = v1; v1 = tmp; } gfx_quads_setsubset(u0,v0,u1,v1); gfx_quads_drawTL(x*scale, y*scale, scale, scale); } } gfx_quads_end(); }