/* (c) Shereef Marzouk. See "licence DDRace.txt" and the readme.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ #include "gamecontext.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(CONF_SQL) #include #endif bool CheckClientID(int ClientID); void CGameContext::ConCredits(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "DDRaceNetwork is developed by deen."); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "Many ideas from the great community,"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "64 player support from eeeee's ddrace64."); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "Lots of awesome help and code by HMH."); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "Based on DDRace by the DDRace developers,"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "which is a mod of Teeworlds by the Teeworlds developers."); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "credit", "Check the changes on ddnet.tw"); } void CGameContext::ConInfo(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "DDraceNetwork Mod. Version: " GAME_VERSION); #if defined( GIT_SHORTREV_HASH ) pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "Git revision hash: " GIT_SHORTREV_HASH); #endif pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "Official site: ddnet.tw"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "For more Info /cmdlist"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "Or visit ddnet.tw"); } void CGameContext::ConHelp(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "help", "/cmdlist will show a list of all chat commands"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "help", "/help + any command will show you the help for this command"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "help", "Example /help settings will display the help about "); } else { const char *pArg = pResult->GetString(0); const IConsole::CCommandInfo *pCmdInfo = pSelf->Console()->GetCommandInfo(pArg, CFGFLAG_SERVER, false); if (pCmdInfo && pCmdInfo->m_pHelp) pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "help", pCmdInfo->m_pHelp); else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "help", "Command is either unknown or you have given a blank command without any parameters."); } } void CGameContext::ConSettings(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "setting", "to check a server setting say /settings and setting's name, setting names are:"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "setting", "teams, cheats, collision, hooking, endlesshooking, me, "); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "setting", "hitting, oldlaser, timeout, votes, pause and scores"); } else { const char *pArg = pResult->GetString(0); char aBuf[256]; float ColTemp; float HookTemp; pSelf->m_Tuning.Get("player_collision", &ColTemp); pSelf->m_Tuning.Get("player_hooking", &HookTemp); if (str_comp(pArg, "teams") == 0) { str_format( aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %s", g_Config.m_SvTeam == 1 ? "Teams are available on this server" : (g_Config.m_SvTeam == 0 || g_Config.m_SvTeam == 3) ? "Teams are not available on this server" : "You have to be in a team to play on this server", /*g_Config.m_SvTeamStrict ? "and if you die in a team all of you die" : */ "and if you die in a team only you die"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", aBuf); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "collision") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", ColTemp ? "Players can collide on this server" : "Players Can't collide on this server"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "hooking") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", HookTemp ? "Players can hook each other on this server" : "Players Can't hook each other on this server"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "endlesshooking") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag ? "Players can hook time is unlimited" : "Players can hook time is limited"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "hitting") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvHit ? "Player's weapons affect each other" : "Player's weapons has no affect on each other"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "oldlaser") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvOldLaser ? "Lasers can hit you if you shot them and that they pull you towards the bounce origin (Like DDRace Beta)" : "Lasers can't hit you if you shot them, and they pull others towards the shooter"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "me") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvSlashMe ? "Players can use /me commands the famous IRC Command" : "Players Can't use the /me command"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "timeout") == 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "The Server Timeout is currently set to %d seconds", g_Config.m_ConnTimeout); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", aBuf); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "votes") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvVoteKick ? "Players can use Callvote menu tab to kick offenders" : "Players Can't use the Callvote menu tab to kick offenders"); if (g_Config.m_SvVoteKick) str_format( aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Players are banned for %d second(s) if they get voted off", g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime); pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime ? aBuf : "Players are just kicked and not banned if they get voted off"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "pause") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvPauseable ? g_Config.m_SvPauseTime ? "/pause is available on this server and it pauses your time too" : "/pause is available on this server but it doesn't pause your time" :"/pause is NOT available on this server"); } else if (str_comp(pArg, "scores") == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "settings", g_Config.m_SvHideScore ? "Scores are private on this server" : "Scores are public on this server"); } } } void CGameContext::ConRules(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; bool Printed = false; if (g_Config.m_SvDDRaceRules) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", "Be nice."); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine1[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine1); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine2[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine2); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine3[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine3); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine4[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine4); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine5[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine5); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine6[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine6); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine7[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine7); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine8[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine8); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine9[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine9); Printed = true; } if (g_Config.m_SvRulesLine10[0]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", g_Config.m_SvRulesLine10); Printed = true; } if (!Printed) pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rules", "No Rules Defined, Kill em all!!"); } void CGameContext::ConTogglePause(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; char aBuf[128]; if(!g_Config.m_SvPauseable) { ConToggleSpec(pResult, pUserData); return; } CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pPlayer->GetCharacter() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "pause", "You can't pause while you are dead/a spectator."); return; } if (pPlayer->m_Paused == CPlayer::PAUSED_SPEC && g_Config.m_SvPauseable) { ConToggleSpec(pResult, pUserData); return; } if (pPlayer->m_Paused == CPlayer::PAUSED_FORCE) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "You are force-paused. %ds left.", pPlayer->m_ForcePauseTime/pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed()); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "pause", aBuf); return; } pPlayer->m_Paused = (pPlayer->m_Paused == CPlayer::PAUSED_PAUSED) ? CPlayer::PAUSED_NONE : CPlayer::PAUSED_PAUSED; } void CGameContext::ConToggleSpec(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; char aBuf[128]; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if(!pPlayer) return; if (pPlayer->GetCharacter() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "spec", "You can't spec while you are dead/a spectator."); return; } if(pPlayer->m_Paused == CPlayer::PAUSED_FORCE) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "You are force-paused. %ds left.", pPlayer->m_ForcePauseTime/pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed()); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "spec", aBuf); return; } pPlayer->m_Paused = (pPlayer->m_Paused == CPlayer::PAUSED_SPEC) ? CPlayer::PAUSED_NONE : CPlayer::PAUSED_SPEC; } void CGameContext::ConTeamTop5(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if (g_Config.m_SvHideScore) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "teamtop5", "Showing the team top 5 is not allowed on this server."); return; } if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0 && pResult->GetInteger(0) >= 0) pSelf->Score()->ShowTeamTop5(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData, pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pSelf->Score()->ShowTeamTop5(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } void CGameContext::ConTop5(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if (g_Config.m_SvHideScore) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "top5", "Showing the top 5 is not allowed on this server."); return; } if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0 && pResult->GetInteger(0) >= 0) pSelf->Score()->ShowTop5(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData, pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pSelf->Score()->ShowTop5(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } #if defined(CONF_SQL) void CGameContext::ConTimes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { if(!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) { CSqlScore *pScore = (CSqlScore *)pSelf->Score(); CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if(!pPlayer) return; if(pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pScore->ShowTimes(pPlayer->GetCID(),1); return; } else if(pResult->NumArguments() < 3) { if (pResult->NumArguments() == 1) { if(pResult->GetInteger(0) != 0) pScore->ShowTimes(pPlayer->GetCID(),pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pScore->ShowTimes(pPlayer->GetCID(), (str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "me") == 0) ? pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID) : pResult->GetString(0),1); return; } else if (pResult->GetInteger(1) != 0) { pScore->ShowTimes(pPlayer->GetCID(), (str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "me") == 0) ? pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID) : pResult->GetString(0),pResult->GetInteger(1)); return; } } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "times", "/times needs 0, 1 or 2 parameter. 1. = name, 2. = start number"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "times", "Example: /times, /times me, /times Hans, /times \"Papa Smurf\" 5"); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "times", "Bad: /times Papa Smurf 5 # Good: /times \"Papa Smurf\" 5 "); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } } #endif void CGameContext::ConDND(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if(!pPlayer) return; if(pPlayer->m_DND) { pPlayer->m_DND = false; pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "dnd", "You will receive global chat and server messages"); } else { pPlayer->m_DND = true; pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "dnd", "You will not receive any further global chat and server messages"); } } void CGameContext::ConMap(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; if (g_Config.m_SvMapVote == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "map", "Admin has disabled /map"); return; } if (pResult->NumArguments() <= 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "map", "Example: /map adr3 to call vote for Adrenaline 3. This means that the map name must start with 'a' and contain the characters 'd', 'r' and '3' in that order"); return; } CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif pSelf->Score()->MapVote(pResult->m_ClientID, pResult->GetString(0)); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } void CGameContext::ConMapPoints(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) pSelf->Score()->MapPoints(pResult->m_ClientID, pResult->GetString(0)); else pSelf->Score()->MapPoints(pResult->m_ClientID, g_Config.m_SvMap); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } void CGameContext::ConTeamRank(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) if (!g_Config.m_SvHideScore) pSelf->Score()->ShowTeamRank(pResult->m_ClientID, pResult->GetString(0), true); else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "teamrank", "Showing the team rank of other players is not allowed on this server."); else pSelf->Score()->ShowTeamRank(pResult->m_ClientID, pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID)); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } void CGameContext::ConRank(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; #endif if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) if (!g_Config.m_SvHideScore) pSelf->Score()->ShowRank(pResult->m_ClientID, pResult->GetString(0), true); else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "rank", "Showing the rank of other players is not allowed on this server."); else pSelf->Score()->ShowRank(pResult->m_ClientID, pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID)); #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); #endif } void CGameContext::ConLockTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; int Team = ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(pResult->m_ClientID); bool Lock = ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.TeamLocked(Team); if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) Lock = !pResult->GetInteger(0); if(Team > TEAM_FLOCK && Team < TEAM_SUPER) { char aBuf[512]; if(Lock) { ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.SetTeamLock(Team, false); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' unlocked your team.", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID)); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) if (((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(i) == Team) pSelf->SendChatTarget(i, aBuf); } else { ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.SetTeamLock(Team, true); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' locked your team. After the race started killing will kill everyone in your team.", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID)); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) if (((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(i) == Team) pSelf->SendChatTarget(i, aBuf); } } else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "print", "This team can't be locked"); } void CGameContext::ConJoinTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pSelf->m_VoteCloseTime && pSelf->m_VoteCreator == pResult->m_ClientID) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You are running a vote please try again after the vote is done!"); return; } else if (g_Config.m_SvTeam == 0 || g_Config.m_SvTeam == 3) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "Admin has disabled teams"); return; } else if (g_Config.m_SvTeam == 2 && pResult->GetInteger(0) == 0 && pPlayer->GetCharacter() && pPlayer->GetCharacter()->m_LastStartWarning < pSelf->Server()->Tick() - 3 * pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed()) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You must join a team and play with somebody or else you can\'t play"); pPlayer->GetCharacter()->m_LastStartWarning = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); } if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) { if (pPlayer->GetCharacter() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You can't change teams while you are dead/a spectator."); } else { if (pPlayer->m_Last_Team + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvTeamChangeDelay > pSelf->Server()->Tick()) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You can\'t change teams that fast!"); } else if(pResult->GetInteger(0) > 0 && pResult->GetInteger(0) < MAX_CLIENTS && ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.TeamLocked(pResult->GetInteger(0))) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "This team is locked using /lock. Only members of the team can unlock it using /lock."); } else if(pResult->GetInteger(0) > 0 && pResult->GetInteger(0) < MAX_CLIENTS && ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.Count(pResult->GetInteger(0)) >= g_Config.m_SvTeamMaxSize) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "This team already has the maximum allowed size of %d players", g_Config.m_SvTeamMaxSize); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", aBuf); } else if (((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.SetCharacterTeam( pPlayer->GetCID(), pResult->GetInteger(0))) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s joined team %d", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pPlayer->GetCID()), pResult->GetInteger(0)); pSelf->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); pPlayer->m_Last_Team = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); } else { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You cannot join this team at this time"); } } } else { char aBuf[512]; if (!pPlayer->IsPlaying()) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", "You can't check your team while you are dead/a spectator."); } else { str_format( aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "You are in team %d", ((CGameControllerDDRace*) pSelf->m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core.Team( pResult->m_ClientID)); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "join", aBuf); } } } void CGameContext::ConMe(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; char aBuf[256 + 24]; str_format(aBuf, 256 + 24, "'%s' %s", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID), pResult->GetString(0)); if (g_Config.m_SvSlashMe) pSelf->SendChat(-2, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf, pResult->m_ClientID); else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "me", "/me is disabled on this server, admin can enable it by using sv_slash_me"); } void CGameContext::ConConverse(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { // This will never be called } void CGameContext::ConWhisper(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { // This will never be called } void CGameContext::ConSetEyeEmote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if(pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", (pPlayer->m_EyeEmote) ? "You can now use the preset eye emotes." : "You don't have any eye emotes, remember to bind some. (until you die)"); return; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "on") == 0) pPlayer->m_EyeEmote = true; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "off") == 0) pPlayer->m_EyeEmote = false; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "toggle") == 0) pPlayer->m_EyeEmote = !pPlayer->m_EyeEmote; pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", (pPlayer->m_EyeEmote) ? "You can now use the preset eye emotes." : "You don't have any eye emotes, remember to bind some. (until you die)"); } void CGameContext::ConEyeEmote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (g_Config.m_SvEmotionalTees == -1) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", "Server admin disabled emotes."); return; } if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", "Emote commands are: /emote surprise /emote blink /emote close /emote angry /emote happy /emote pain"); pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", "Example: /emote surprise 10 for 10 seconds or /emote surprise (default 1 second)"); } else { if(pPlayer->m_LastEyeEmote + g_Config.m_SvEyeEmoteChangeDelay * pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "angry")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_ANGRY; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "blink")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_BLINK; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "close")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_BLINK; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "happy")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_HAPPY; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "pain")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_PAIN; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "surprise")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_SURPRISE; else if (!str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), "normal")) pPlayer->m_DefEmote = EMOTE_NORMAL; else pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "emote", "Unknown emote... Say /emote"); int Duration = 1; if (pResult->NumArguments() > 1) Duration = pResult->GetInteger(1); pPlayer->m_DefEmoteReset = pSelf->Server()->Tick() + Duration * pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed(); pPlayer->m_LastEyeEmote = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); } } void CGameContext::ConNinjaJetpack(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pResult->NumArguments()) pPlayer->m_NinjaJetpack = pResult->GetInteger(0); else pPlayer->m_NinjaJetpack = !pPlayer->m_NinjaJetpack; } void CGameContext::ConShowOthers(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (g_Config.m_SvShowOthers) { if (pResult->NumArguments()) pPlayer->m_ShowOthers = pResult->GetInteger(0); else pPlayer->m_ShowOthers = !pPlayer->m_ShowOthers; } else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "showotherschat", "Showing players from other teams is disabled by the server admin"); } void CGameContext::ConShowAll(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pResult->NumArguments()) pPlayer->m_ShowAll = pResult->GetInteger(0); else pPlayer->m_ShowAll = !pPlayer->m_ShowAll; } bool CheckClientID(int ClientID) { dbg_assert(ClientID >= 0 || ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS, "The Client ID is wrong"); if (ClientID < 0 || ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS) return false; return true; } void CGameContext::ConSayTime(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; int ClientID; char aBufname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) { for(ClientID = 0; ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS; ClientID++) if (str_comp(pResult->GetString(0), pSelf->Server()->ClientName(ClientID)) == 0) break; if(ClientID == MAX_CLIENTS) return; str_format(aBufname, sizeof(aBufname), "%s's", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); } else { str_copy(aBufname, "Your", sizeof(aBufname)); ClientID = pResult->m_ClientID; } CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; CCharacter* pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); if (!pChr) return; if(pChr->m_DDRaceState != DDRACE_STARTED) return; char aBuftime[64]; int IntTime = (int) ((float) (pSelf->Server()->Tick() - pChr->m_StartTime) / ((float) pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed())); str_format(aBuftime, sizeof(aBuftime), "%s time is %s%d:%s%d", aBufname, ((IntTime / 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime / 60, ((IntTime % 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime % 60); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "time", aBuftime); } void CGameContext::ConSayTimeAll(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; CCharacter* pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); if (!pChr) return; if(pChr->m_DDRaceState != DDRACE_STARTED) return; char aBuftime[64]; int IntTime = (int) ((float) (pSelf->Server()->Tick() - pChr->m_StartTime) / ((float) pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed())); str_format(aBuftime, sizeof(aBuftime), "%s\'s current race time is %s%d:%s%d", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID), ((IntTime / 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime / 60, ((IntTime % 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime % 60); pSelf->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuftime, pResult->m_ClientID); } void CGameContext::ConTime(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; CCharacter* pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); if (!pChr) return; char aBuftime[64]; int IntTime = (int) ((float) (pSelf->Server()->Tick() - pChr->m_StartTime) / ((float) pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed())); str_format(aBuftime, sizeof(aBuftime), "Your time is %s%d:%s%d", ((IntTime / 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime / 60, ((IntTime % 60) > 9) ? "" : "0", IntTime % 60); pSelf->SendBroadcast(aBuftime, pResult->m_ClientID); } void CGameContext::ConSetTimerType(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; const char msg[3][128] = {"game/round timer.", "broadcast.", "both game/round timer and broadcast."}; char aBuf[128]; if(pPlayer->m_TimerType <= 2 && pPlayer->m_TimerType >= 0) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Timer is displayed in", msg[pPlayer->m_TimerType]); else if(pPlayer->m_TimerType == 3) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Timer isn't displayed."); if(pResult->NumArguments() == 0) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD,"timer",aBuf); return; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "gametimer") == 0) { pSelf->SendBroadcast("", pResult->m_ClientID); pPlayer->m_TimerType = 0; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "broadcast") == 0) pPlayer->m_TimerType = 1; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "both") == 0) pPlayer->m_TimerType = 2; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "none") == 0) pPlayer->m_TimerType = 3; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "cycle") == 0) { if(pPlayer->m_TimerType < 3) pPlayer->m_TimerType++; else if(pPlayer->m_TimerType == 3) pPlayer->m_TimerType = 0; } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD,"timer",aBuf); } #if defined(CONF_SQL) void CGameContext::ConPoints(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]; if (!pPlayer) return; if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0) if (!g_Config.m_SvHideScore) pSelf->Score()->ShowPoints(pResult->m_ClientID, pResult->GetString(0), true); else pSelf->Console()->Print( IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "points", "Showing the global points of other players is not allowed on this server."); else pSelf->Score()->ShowPoints(pResult->m_ClientID, pSelf->Server()->ClientName(pResult->m_ClientID)); if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); } #endif #if defined(CONF_SQL) void CGameContext::ConTopPoints(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *) pUserData; if (!CheckClientID(pResult->m_ClientID)) return; if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() >= pSelf->Server()->Tick()) return; if (g_Config.m_SvHideScore) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "toppoints", "Showing the global top points is not allowed on this server."); return; } if (pResult->NumArguments() > 0 && pResult->GetInteger(0) >= 0) pSelf->Score()->ShowTopPoints(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData, pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pSelf->Score()->ShowTopPoints(pResult, pResult->m_ClientID, pUserData); if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID] && g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) pSelf->m_apPlayers[pResult->m_ClientID]->m_LastSQLQuery = pSelf->Server()->Tick(); } #endif