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 Server Browser
 Server Browser Sorting
 Server Hooks
 Server Interface
 Server Operation
 Server Side
 Texture Loading Flags
 tick_defered, Entity
 Time on the client
 width, IMAGE_INFO
const char *server_clientname(int client_id)
int server_getclientinfo(int client_id,
void server_kick(int client_id,
const char *reason)
int *server_latestinput(int client_id,
int *size)
int server_send_msg(int client_id)
void server_setbrowseinfo(int game_type,
int progression)
void server_setclientname(int client_id,
const char *name)
void server_setclientscore(int client_id,
int score)
int server_tick()
int server_tickspeed()
virtual void snap(int snapping_client)
Called when a new snapshot is being generated for a specific client.
void snap(int snapping_client)
Calls snap on all the entities in the world to create the snapshot.
void *snap_find_item(int snapid,
int type,
int id)
Searches a snapshot for an item.
void snap_free_id(int id)
void *snap_get_item(int snapid,
int index,
SNAP_ITEM *item)
Gets an item from a snapshot.
void snap_input(void *data,
int size)
Sets the input data to send to the server.
void snap_invalidate_item(int snapid,
int index)
Marks an item as invalid byt setting type and id to 0xffffffff.
int snap_new_id()
void *snap_new_item(int type,
int id,
int size)
Creates a new item that should be sent.
int snap_num_items(int snapid)
Check the number of items in a snapshot.
void snap_set_staticsize(int type,
int size)
Tells the engine how big a specific item always will be.
int snd_load_wv(const char *filename)
Loads a wavpack compressed sound.
int snd_play(int cid,
int sid,
int flags)
Plays a sound.
int snd_play_at(int cid,
int sid,
int flags,
float x,
float y)
Plays a sound at a specified postition.
void snd_set_channel(int cid,
float vol,
float pan)
Sets the parameters for a sound channel.
void snd_set_listener_pos(float x,
float y)
Sets the listener posititon.
void snd_stop(int id)
Stops a currenly playing sound.
void str_append(char *dst,
const char *src,
int dst_size)
Appends a string to another.
int str_comp_nocase(const char *a,
const char *b)
Compares to strings case insensitive.
void str_copy(char *dst,
const char *src,
int dst_size)
Copies a string to another.
const char *str_find_nocase(const char *haystack,
const char *needle)
Finds a string inside another string case insensitive.
void str_format(char *buffer,
int buffer_size,
const char *format,
Performs printf formating into a buffer.
void str_hex(char *dst,
int dst_size,
const void *data,
int data_size)
Takes a datablock and generates a hexstring of it.
void str_sanitize(char *str)
Replaces all characters below 32 and above 127 with whitespace with exception to \r, \n and \r.
void str_sanitize_strong(char *str)
Replaces all characters below 32 and above 127 with whitespace.
A snapshot contains a series of items.
Prevents the texture from any resampling
void *thread_create(void (*threadfunc)(void *),
void *user)
Creates a new thread.
Destroys a thread.
void thread_sleep(int milliseconds)
Suspends the current thread for a given period.
void thread_wait(void *thread)
Waits for a thread to be done or destroyed.
Yeild the current threads execution slice.
virtual void tick()
Called progress the entity to the next tick.
void tick()
Calls tick on all the entities in the world to progress the world to the next tick.
virtual void tick_defered()
Called after all entities tick() function has been called.
tick, intratick predtick, predintratick
int64 time_freq()
Returns the frequency of the high resolution timer.
int64 time_get()
Fetches a sample from a high resolution timer.
unsigned time_timestamp()
Retrives the current time as a UNIX timestamp
int width
Contains the width of the image