/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chat.h" CChat::CChat() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES; i++) { // reset the container indices, so the text containers can be deleted on reset m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex = -1; } #define CHAT_COMMAND(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help) RegisterCommand(name, params, flags, help); #include m_Commands.sort_range(); m_Mode = MODE_NONE; Reset(); } void CChat::RegisterCommand(const char *pName, const char *pParams, int flags, const char *pHelp) { m_Commands.add_unsorted(CCommand{pName, pParams}); } void CChat::OnWindowResize() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES; i++) { if(m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex != -1) TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex); m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex = -1; } } void CChat::Reset() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES; i++) { if(m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex != -1) TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex); m_aLines[i].m_Time = 0; m_aLines[i].m_aText[0] = 0; m_aLines[i].m_aName[0] = 0; m_aLines[i].m_Friend = false; m_aLines[i].m_TextContainerIndex = -1; m_aLines[i].m_TimesRepeated = 0; } m_PrevScoreBoardShowed = false; m_PrevShowChat = false; m_ReverseTAB = false; m_Show = false; m_InputUpdate = false; m_ChatStringOffset = 0; m_CompletionChosen = -1; m_aCompletionBuffer[0] = 0; m_PlaceholderOffset = 0; m_PlaceholderLength = 0; m_pHistoryEntry = 0x0; m_PendingChatCounter = 0; m_LastChatSend = 0; m_CurrentLine = 0; DisableMode(); for(int i = 0; i < CHAT_NUM; ++i) m_aLastSoundPlayed[i] = 0; } void CChat::OnRelease() { m_Show = false; } void CChat::OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) { if(OldState <= IClient::STATE_CONNECTING) Reset(); } void CChat::ConSay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CChat *)pUserData)->Say(0, pResult->GetString(0)); } void CChat::ConSayTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CChat *)pUserData)->Say(1, pResult->GetString(0)); } void CChat::ConChat(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { const char *pMode = pResult->GetString(0); if(str_comp(pMode, "all") == 0) ((CChat *)pUserData)->EnableMode(0); else if(str_comp(pMode, "team") == 0) ((CChat *)pUserData)->EnableMode(1); else ((CChat *)pUserData)->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", "expected all or team as mode"); if(pResult->GetString(1)[0] || g_Config.m_ClChatReset) ((CChat *)pUserData)->m_Input.Set(pResult->GetString(1)); } void CChat::ConShowChat(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CChat *)pUserData)->m_Show = pResult->GetInteger(0) != 0; } void CChat::ConEcho(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CChat *)pUserData)->Echo(pResult->GetString(0)); } void CChat::Echo(const char *pString) { AddLine(-2, 0, pString); } void CChat::OnConsoleInit() { Console()->Register("say", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConSay, this, "Say in chat"); Console()->Register("say_team", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConSayTeam, this, "Say in team chat"); Console()->Register("chat", "s['team'|'all'] ?r[message]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConChat, this, "Enable chat with all/team mode"); Console()->Register("+show_chat", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConShowChat, this, "Show chat"); Console()->Register("echo", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConEcho, this, "Echo the text in chat window"); } bool CChat::OnInput(IInput::CEvent Event) { if(m_Mode == MODE_NONE) return false; if(Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LCTRL) && Input()->KeyPress(KEY_V)) { const char *Text = Input()->GetClipboardText(); if(Text) { // if the text has more than one line, we send all lines except the last one // the last one is set as in the text field char Line[256]; int i, Begin = 0; for(i = 0; i < str_length(Text); i++) { if(Text[i] == '\n') { int max = minimum(i - Begin + 1, (int)sizeof(Line)); str_utf8_copy(Line, Text + Begin, max); Begin = i + 1; SayChat(Line); while(Text[i] == '\n') i++; } } int max = minimum(i - Begin + 1, (int)sizeof(Line)); str_utf8_copy(Line, Text + Begin, max); Begin = i + 1; m_Input.Add(Line); } } if(Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LCTRL) && Input()->KeyPress(KEY_C)) { Input()->SetClipboardText(m_Input.GetString()); } if(Input()->KeyIsPressed(KEY_LCTRL)) // jump to spaces and special ASCII characters { int SearchDirection = 0; if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_LEFT) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_BACKSPACE)) SearchDirection = -1; else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_RIGHT) || Input()->KeyPress(KEY_DELETE)) SearchDirection = 1; if(SearchDirection != 0) { int OldOffset = m_Input.GetCursorOffset(); int FoundAt = SearchDirection > 0 ? m_Input.GetLength() - 1 : 0; for(int i = m_Input.GetCursorOffset() + SearchDirection; SearchDirection > 0 ? i < m_Input.GetLength() - 1 : i > 0; i += SearchDirection) { int Next = i + SearchDirection; if((m_Input.GetString()[Next] == ' ') || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 32 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 47) || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 58 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 64) || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 91 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 96)) { FoundAt = i; if(SearchDirection < 0) FoundAt++; break; } } if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_BACKSPACE)) { if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != 0) { char aText[512]; str_copy(aText, m_Input.GetString(), FoundAt + 1); if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != str_length(m_Input.GetString())) str_append(aText, m_Input.GetString() + m_Input.GetCursorOffset(), str_length(m_Input.GetString())); m_Input.Set(aText); } } else if(Input()->KeyPress(KEY_DELETE)) { if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != m_Input.GetLength()) { char aText[512]; aText[0] = '\0'; str_copy(aText, m_Input.GetString(), m_Input.GetCursorOffset() + 1); if(FoundAt != m_Input.GetLength()) str_append(aText, m_Input.GetString() + FoundAt, sizeof(aText)); m_Input.Set(aText); FoundAt = OldOffset; } } m_Input.SetCursorOffset(FoundAt); } } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key == KEY_ESCAPE) { DisableMode(); m_pClient->OnRelease(); if(g_Config.m_ClChatReset) m_Input.Clear(); } else if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && (Event.m_Key == KEY_RETURN || Event.m_Key == KEY_KP_ENTER)) { if(m_Input.GetString()[0]) { bool AddEntry = false; if(m_LastChatSend + time_freq() < time()) { Say(m_Mode == MODE_ALL ? 0 : 1, m_Input.GetString()); AddEntry = true; } else if(m_PendingChatCounter < 3) { ++m_PendingChatCounter; AddEntry = true; } if(AddEntry) { CHistoryEntry *pEntry = m_History.Allocate(sizeof(CHistoryEntry) + m_Input.GetLength()); pEntry->m_Team = m_Mode == MODE_ALL ? 0 : 1; mem_copy(pEntry->m_aText, m_Input.GetString(), m_Input.GetLength() + 1); } } m_pHistoryEntry = 0x0; DisableMode(); m_pClient->OnRelease(); m_Input.Clear(); } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key == KEY_TAB) { // fill the completion buffer if(m_CompletionChosen < 0) { const char *pCursor = m_Input.GetString() + m_Input.GetCursorOffset(); for(int Count = 0; Count < m_Input.GetCursorOffset() && *(pCursor - 1) != ' '; --pCursor, ++Count) ; m_PlaceholderOffset = pCursor - m_Input.GetString(); for(m_PlaceholderLength = 0; *pCursor && *pCursor != ' '; ++pCursor) ++m_PlaceholderLength; str_copy(m_aCompletionBuffer, m_Input.GetString() + m_PlaceholderOffset, minimum(static_cast(sizeof(m_aCompletionBuffer)), m_PlaceholderLength + 1)); } if(m_aCompletionBuffer[0] == '/') { CCommand *pCompletionCommand = 0; const size_t NumCommands = m_Commands.size(); if(m_ReverseTAB) m_CompletionChosen = (m_CompletionChosen - 1 + 2 * NumCommands) % (2 * NumCommands); else m_CompletionChosen = (m_CompletionChosen + 1) % (2 * NumCommands); const char *pCommandStart = m_aCompletionBuffer + 1; for(size_t i = 0; i < 2 * NumCommands; ++i) { int SearchType; int Index; if(m_ReverseTAB) { SearchType = ((m_CompletionChosen - i + 2 * NumCommands) % (2 * NumCommands)) / NumCommands; Index = (m_CompletionChosen - i + NumCommands) % NumCommands; } else { SearchType = ((m_CompletionChosen + i) % (2 * NumCommands)) / NumCommands; Index = (m_CompletionChosen + i) % NumCommands; } auto &Command = m_Commands[Index]; if(str_comp_nocase_num(Command.pName, pCommandStart, str_length(pCommandStart)) == 0) { pCompletionCommand = &Command; m_CompletionChosen = Index + SearchType * NumCommands; break; } } // insert the command if(pCompletionCommand) { char aBuf[256]; // add part before the name str_copy(aBuf, m_Input.GetString(), minimum(static_cast(sizeof(aBuf)), m_PlaceholderOffset + 1)); // add the command str_append(aBuf, "/", sizeof(aBuf)); str_append(aBuf, pCompletionCommand->pName, sizeof(aBuf)); // add separator const char *pSeparator = pCompletionCommand->pParams[0] == '\0' ? "" : " "; str_append(aBuf, pSeparator, sizeof(aBuf)); if(*pSeparator) str_append(aBuf, pSeparator, sizeof(aBuf)); // add part after the name str_append(aBuf, m_Input.GetString() + m_PlaceholderOffset + m_PlaceholderLength, sizeof(aBuf)); m_PlaceholderLength = str_length(pSeparator) + str_length(pCompletionCommand->pName) + 1; m_OldChatStringLength = m_Input.GetLength(); m_Input.Set(aBuf); // TODO: Use Add instead m_Input.SetCursorOffset(m_PlaceholderOffset + m_PlaceholderLength); m_InputUpdate = true; } } else { // find next possible name const char *pCompletionString = 0; if(m_ReverseTAB) m_CompletionChosen = (m_CompletionChosen - 1 + 2 * MAX_CLIENTS) % (2 * MAX_CLIENTS); else m_CompletionChosen = (m_CompletionChosen + 1) % (2 * MAX_CLIENTS); for(int i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { int SearchType; int Index; if(m_ReverseTAB) { SearchType = ((m_CompletionChosen - i + 2 * MAX_CLIENTS) % (2 * MAX_CLIENTS)) / MAX_CLIENTS; Index = (m_CompletionChosen - i + MAX_CLIENTS) % MAX_CLIENTS; } else { SearchType = ((m_CompletionChosen + i) % (2 * MAX_CLIENTS)) / MAX_CLIENTS; Index = (m_CompletionChosen + i) % MAX_CLIENTS; } if(!m_pClient->m_Snap.m_paInfoByName[Index]) continue; int Index2 = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_paInfoByName[Index]->m_ClientID; bool Found = false; if(SearchType == 1) { if(str_utf8_comp_nocase_num(m_pClient->m_aClients[Index2].m_aName, m_aCompletionBuffer, str_length(m_aCompletionBuffer)) && str_utf8_find_nocase(m_pClient->m_aClients[Index2].m_aName, m_aCompletionBuffer)) Found = true; } else if(!str_utf8_comp_nocase_num(m_pClient->m_aClients[Index2].m_aName, m_aCompletionBuffer, str_length(m_aCompletionBuffer))) Found = true; if(Found) { pCompletionString = m_pClient->m_aClients[Index2].m_aName; m_CompletionChosen = Index + SearchType * MAX_CLIENTS; break; } } // insert the name if(pCompletionString) { char aBuf[256]; // add part before the name str_copy(aBuf, m_Input.GetString(), minimum(static_cast(sizeof(aBuf)), m_PlaceholderOffset + 1)); // add the name str_append(aBuf, pCompletionString, sizeof(aBuf)); // add separator const char *pSeparator = ""; if(*(m_Input.GetString() + m_PlaceholderOffset + m_PlaceholderLength) != ' ') pSeparator = m_PlaceholderOffset == 0 ? ": " : " "; else if(m_PlaceholderOffset == 0) pSeparator = ":"; if(*pSeparator) str_append(aBuf, pSeparator, sizeof(aBuf)); // add part after the name str_append(aBuf, m_Input.GetString() + m_PlaceholderOffset + m_PlaceholderLength, sizeof(aBuf)); m_PlaceholderLength = str_length(pSeparator) + str_length(pCompletionString); m_OldChatStringLength = m_Input.GetLength(); m_Input.Set(aBuf); // TODO: Use Add instead m_Input.SetCursorOffset(m_PlaceholderOffset + m_PlaceholderLength); m_InputUpdate = true; } } } else { // reset name completion process if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key != KEY_TAB) if(Event.m_Key != KEY_LSHIFT) m_CompletionChosen = -1; m_OldChatStringLength = m_Input.GetLength(); m_Input.ProcessInput(Event); m_InputUpdate = true; } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key == KEY_LSHIFT) { m_ReverseTAB = true; } else if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_RELEASE && Event.m_Key == KEY_LSHIFT) { m_ReverseTAB = false; } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key == KEY_UP) { if(m_pHistoryEntry) { CHistoryEntry *pTest = m_History.Prev(m_pHistoryEntry); if(pTest) m_pHistoryEntry = pTest; } else m_pHistoryEntry = m_History.Last(); if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_Input.Set(m_pHistoryEntry->m_aText); } else if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS && Event.m_Key == KEY_DOWN) { if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_pHistoryEntry = m_History.Next(m_pHistoryEntry); if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_Input.Set(m_pHistoryEntry->m_aText); else m_Input.Clear(); } return true; } void CChat::EnableMode(int Team) { if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) return; if(m_Mode == MODE_NONE) { if(Team) m_Mode = MODE_TEAM; else m_Mode = MODE_ALL; Input()->SetIMEState(true); Input()->Clear(); m_CompletionChosen = -1; } } void CChat::DisableMode() { if(m_Mode != MODE_NONE) { Input()->SetIMEState(false); m_Mode = MODE_NONE; } } void CChat::OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) { if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_CHAT) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *)pRawMsg; AddLine(pMsg->m_ClientID, pMsg->m_Team, pMsg->m_pMessage); } } bool CChat::LineShouldHighlight(const char *pLine, const char *pName) { const char *pHL = str_find_nocase(pLine, pName); if(pHL) { int Length = str_length(pName); if((pLine == pHL || pHL[-1] == ' ') && (pHL[Length] == 0 || pHL[Length] == ' ' || pHL[Length] == '.' || pHL[Length] == '!' || pHL[Length] == ',' || pHL[Length] == '?' || pHL[Length] == ':')) return true; } return false; } #define SAVES_FILE "ddnet-saves.txt" const char *SAVES_HEADER[] = { "Time", "Player", "Map", "Code", }; void CChat::StoreSave(const char *pText) { const char *pStart = str_find(pText, "Team successfully saved by "); const char *pMid = str_find(pText, ". Use '/load "); const char *pOn = str_find(pText, "' on "); const char *pEnd = str_find(pText, pOn ? " to continue" : "' to continue"); if(!pStart || !pMid || !pEnd || pMid < pStart || pEnd < pMid || (pOn && (pOn < pMid || pEnd < pOn))) return; char aName[16]; str_copy(aName, pStart + 27, minimum(static_cast(pMid - pStart - 26), sizeof(aName))); char aSaveCode[64]; str_copy(aSaveCode, pMid + 13, minimum(static_cast((pOn ? pOn : pEnd) - pMid - 12), sizeof(aSaveCode))); char aTimestamp[20]; str_timestamp_format(aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp), FORMAT_SPACE); // TODO: Find a simple way to get the names of team members. This doesn't // work since team is killed first, then save message gets sent: /* for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = GameClient()->m_Snap.m_paInfoByDDTeam[i]; if(!pInfo) continue; pInfo->m_Team // All 0 } */ IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(SAVES_FILE, IOFLAG_APPEND, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!File) return; const char *apColumns[4] = { aTimestamp, aName, Client()->GetCurrentMap(), aSaveCode, }; if(io_tell(File) == 0) { CsvWrite(File, 4, SAVES_HEADER); } CsvWrite(File, 4, apColumns); io_close(File); } void CChat::AddLine(int ClientID, int Team, const char *pLine) { if(*pLine == 0 || (ClientID == -1 && !g_Config.m_ClShowChatSystem) || (ClientID >= 0 && (m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_aName[0] == '\0' || // unknown client m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_ChatIgnore || (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID != ClientID && g_Config.m_ClShowChatFriends && !m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Friend) || (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID != ClientID && m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Foe)))) return; // trim right and set maximum length to 256 utf8-characters int Length = 0; const char *pStr = pLine; const char *pEnd = 0; while(*pStr) { const char *pStrOld = pStr; int Code = str_utf8_decode(&pStr); // check if unicode is not empty if(!str_utf8_isspace(Code)) { pEnd = 0; } else if(pEnd == 0) pEnd = pStrOld; if(++Length >= 256) { *(const_cast(pStr)) = 0; break; } } if(pEnd != 0) *(const_cast(pEnd)) = 0; bool Highlighted = false; char *p = const_cast(pLine); // Only empty string left if(*p == 0) return; while(*p) { Highlighted = false; pLine = p; // find line separator and strip multiline while(*p) { if(*p++ == '\n') { *(p - 1) = 0; break; } } CLine *pCurrentLine = &m_aLines[m_CurrentLine]; // If it's a client message, m_aText will have ": " prepended so we have to work around it. if(pCurrentLine->m_Team == Team && pCurrentLine->m_ClientID == ClientID && ((ClientID < 0 && str_comp(pCurrentLine->m_aText, pLine) == 0) || (ClientID >= 0 && str_length(pCurrentLine->m_aText) > 2 && str_comp(pCurrentLine->m_aText + 2, pLine) == 0))) { pCurrentLine->m_TimesRepeated++; if(pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex != -1) TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex); pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex = -1; pCurrentLine->m_Time = time(); pCurrentLine->m_YOffset[0] = -1.f; pCurrentLine->m_YOffset[1] = -1.f; return; } m_CurrentLine = (m_CurrentLine + 1) % MAX_LINES; pCurrentLine = &m_aLines[m_CurrentLine]; pCurrentLine->m_Time = time(); pCurrentLine->m_YOffset[0] = -1.0f; pCurrentLine->m_YOffset[1] = -1.0f; pCurrentLine->m_ClientID = ClientID; pCurrentLine->m_Team = Team; pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = -2; if(pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex != -1) TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex); pCurrentLine->m_TextContainerIndex = -1; // check for highlighted name if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { if(ClientID != m_pClient->m_LocalIDs[0]) { // main character if(LineShouldHighlight(pLine, m_pClient->m_aClients[m_pClient->m_LocalIDs[0]].m_aName)) Highlighted = true; // dummy if(m_pClient->Client()->DummyConnected() && LineShouldHighlight(pLine, m_pClient->m_aClients[m_pClient->m_LocalIDs[1]].m_aName)) Highlighted = true; } } else { // on demo playback use local id from snap directly, // since m_LocalIDs isn't valid there if(LineShouldHighlight(pLine, m_pClient->m_aClients[m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID].m_aName)) Highlighted = true; } pCurrentLine->m_Highlighted = Highlighted; if(ClientID < 0) // server or client message { str_copy(pCurrentLine->m_aName, "*** ", sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aName)); str_format(pCurrentLine->m_aText, sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aText), "%s", pLine); if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) StoreSave(pCurrentLine->m_aText); } else { if(m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = TEAM_SPECTATORS; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS) { if(m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Team == TEAM_RED) pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = TEAM_RED; else if(m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Team == TEAM_BLUE) pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = TEAM_BLUE; } if(Team == 2) // whisper send { str_format(pCurrentLine->m_aName, sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aName), "→ %s", m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_aName); pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = TEAM_BLUE; pCurrentLine->m_Highlighted = false; pCurrentLine->m_Team = 0; Highlighted = false; } else if(Team == 3) // whisper recv { str_format(pCurrentLine->m_aName, sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aName), "← %s", m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_aName); pCurrentLine->m_NameColor = TEAM_RED; pCurrentLine->m_Highlighted = true; pCurrentLine->m_Team = 0; Highlighted = true; } else str_copy(pCurrentLine->m_aName, m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_aName, sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aName)); str_format(pCurrentLine->m_aText, sizeof(pCurrentLine->m_aText), ": %s", pLine); pCurrentLine->m_Friend = m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Friend; } pCurrentLine->m_Friend = ClientID >= 0 ? m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Friend : false; char aBuf[1024]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s%s", pCurrentLine->m_aName, pCurrentLine->m_aText); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, Team >= 2 ? "whisper" : (pCurrentLine->m_Team ? "teamchat" : "chat"), aBuf, Highlighted); } // play sound int64 Now = time(); if(ClientID == -1) { if(Now - m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_SERVER] >= time_freq() * 3 / 10) { if(g_Config.m_SndServerMessage) { m_pClient->m_pSounds->Play(CSounds::CHN_GUI, SOUND_CHAT_SERVER, 0); m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_SERVER] = Now; } } } else if(ClientID == -2) // Client message { // No sound yet } else if(Highlighted && Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { if(Now - m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_HIGHLIGHT] >= time_freq() * 3 / 10) { char aBuf[1024]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s%s", m_aLines[m_CurrentLine].m_aName, m_aLines[m_CurrentLine].m_aText); Client()->Notify("DDNet Chat", aBuf); if(g_Config.m_SndHighlight) { m_pClient->m_pSounds->Play(CSounds::CHN_GUI, SOUND_CHAT_HIGHLIGHT, 0); m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_HIGHLIGHT] = Now; } if(g_Config.m_ClEditor) { GameClient()->Editor()->UpdateMentions(); } } } else if(Team != 2) { if(Now - m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_CLIENT] >= time_freq() * 3 / 10) { if((g_Config.m_SndTeamChat || !m_aLines[m_CurrentLine].m_Team) && (g_Config.m_SndChat || m_aLines[m_CurrentLine].m_Team)) { m_pClient->m_pSounds->Play(CSounds::CHN_GUI, SOUND_CHAT_CLIENT, 0); m_aLastSoundPlayed[CHAT_CLIENT] = Now; } } } } void CChat::OnPrepareLines() { float x = 5.0f; float y = 300.0f - 28.0f; float FontSize = 6.0f; bool ForceRecreate = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() != m_PrevScoreBoardShowed; bool ShowLargeArea = m_Show || g_Config.m_ClShowChat == 2; ForceRecreate |= ShowLargeArea != m_PrevShowChat; m_PrevScoreBoardShowed = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active(); m_PrevShowChat = ShowLargeArea; int64 Now = time(); float LineWidth = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() ? 90.0f : 200.0f; float HeightLimit = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() ? 230.0f : m_PrevShowChat ? 50.0f : 200.0f; float Begin = x; CTextCursor Cursor; int OffsetType = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() ? 1 : 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES; i++) { int r = ((m_CurrentLine - i) + MAX_LINES) % MAX_LINES; if(Now > m_aLines[r].m_Time + 16 * time_freq() && !m_PrevShowChat) break; if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex != -1 && !ForceRecreate) continue; if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex != -1) TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex); m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex = -1; char aName[64] = ""; if(g_Config.m_ClShowIDs && m_aLines[r].m_ClientID >= 0 && m_aLines[r].m_aName[0] != '\0') { if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID >= 10) str_format(aName, sizeof(aName), "%d: ", m_aLines[r].m_ClientID); else str_format(aName, sizeof(aName), " %d: ", m_aLines[r].m_ClientID); } str_append(aName, m_aLines[r].m_aName, sizeof(aName)); if(m_aLines[r].m_TimesRepeated > 0) { char aCount[8]; str_format(aCount, sizeof(aCount), " (%d)", m_aLines[r].m_TimesRepeated); str_append(aName, aCount, sizeof(aName)); } // get the y offset (calculate it if we haven't done that yet) if(m_aLines[r].m_YOffset[OffsetType] < 0.0f) { TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, Begin, 0.0f, FontSize, 0); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, "♥ ", -1); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aName, -1); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, m_aLines[r].m_aText, -1); m_aLines[r].m_YOffset[OffsetType] = Cursor.m_Y + Cursor.m_FontSize; } y -= m_aLines[r].m_YOffset[OffsetType]; // cut off if msgs waste too much space if(y < HeightLimit) break; // the position the text was created m_aLines[r].m_TextYOffset = y; // reset the cursor TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, Begin, y, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; if(g_Config.m_ClMessageFriend) { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageFriendColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb.WithAlpha(m_aLines[r].m_Friend ? 1.f : 0.f)); //Less ugly hack to align messages if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex == -1) m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex = TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(&Cursor, "♥ "); else TextRender()->AppendTextContainer(&Cursor, m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex, "♥ "); } // render name if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID == -1) // system { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageSystemColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID == -2) // client { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageClientColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else if(m_aLines[r].m_Team) { ColorRGBA rgb = CalculateNameColor(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageTeamColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); // team message } else if(m_aLines[r].m_NameColor == TEAM_RED) TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f); // red else if(m_aLines[r].m_NameColor == TEAM_BLUE) TextRender()->TextColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.f); // blue else if(m_aLines[r].m_NameColor == TEAM_SPECTATORS) TextRender()->TextColor(0.75f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1.f); // spectator else if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID >= 0 && g_Config.m_ClChatTeamColors && m_pClient->m_Teams.Team(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID)) { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(m_pClient->m_Teams.Team(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID) / 64.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else TextRender()->TextColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f); if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex == -1) m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex = TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(&Cursor, aName); else TextRender()->AppendTextContainer(&Cursor, m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex, aName); // render line if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID == -1) // system { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageSystemColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else if(m_aLines[r].m_ClientID == -2) // client { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageClientColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else if(m_aLines[r].m_Highlighted) // highlighted { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageHighlightColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else if(m_aLines[r].m_Team) // team message { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageTeamColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } else // regular message { ColorRGBA rgb = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClMessageColor)); TextRender()->TextColor(rgb); } if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex == -1) m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex = TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(&Cursor, m_aLines[r].m_aText); else TextRender()->AppendTextContainer(&Cursor, m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex, m_aLines[r].m_aText); } TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void CChat::OnRender() { // send pending chat messages if(m_PendingChatCounter > 0 && m_LastChatSend + time_freq() < time()) { CHistoryEntry *pEntry = m_History.Last(); for(int i = m_PendingChatCounter - 1; pEntry; --i, pEntry = m_History.Prev(pEntry)) { if(i == 0) { Say(pEntry->m_Team, pEntry->m_aText); break; } } --m_PendingChatCounter; } float Width = 300.0f * Graphics()->ScreenAspect(); Graphics()->MapScreen(0.0f, 0.0f, Width, 300.0f); float x = 5.0f; float y = 300.0f - 20.0f; if(m_Mode != MODE_NONE) { // render chat input CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, 8.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Width - 190.0f; Cursor.m_MaxLines = 2; if(m_Mode == MODE_ALL) TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, Localize("All"), -1); else if(m_Mode == MODE_TEAM) TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, Localize("Team"), -1); else TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, Localize("Chat"), -1); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, ": ", -1); // IME candidate editing bool Editing = false; int EditingCursor = Input()->GetEditingCursor(); if(Input()->GetIMEState()) { if(str_length(Input()->GetIMECandidate())) { m_Input.Editing(Input()->GetIMECandidate(), EditingCursor); Editing = true; } } // check if the visible text has to be moved if(m_InputUpdate) { if(m_ChatStringOffset > 0 && m_Input.GetLength(Editing) < m_OldChatStringLength) m_ChatStringOffset = maximum(0, m_ChatStringOffset - (m_OldChatStringLength - m_Input.GetLength(Editing))); if(m_ChatStringOffset > m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing)) m_ChatStringOffset -= m_ChatStringOffset - m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing); else { CTextCursor Temp = Cursor; Temp.m_Flags = 0; TextRender()->TextEx(&Temp, m_Input.GetString(Editing) + m_ChatStringOffset, m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing) - m_ChatStringOffset); TextRender()->TextEx(&Temp, "|", -1); while(Temp.m_LineCount > 2) { ++m_ChatStringOffset; Temp = Cursor; Temp.m_Flags = 0; TextRender()->TextEx(&Temp, m_Input.GetString(Editing) + m_ChatStringOffset, m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing) - m_ChatStringOffset); TextRender()->TextEx(&Temp, "|", -1); } } m_InputUpdate = false; } TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, m_Input.GetString(Editing) + m_ChatStringOffset, m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing) - m_ChatStringOffset); static float MarkerOffset = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 8.0f, "|", -1, -1.0f) / 3; CTextCursor Marker = Cursor; Marker.m_X -= MarkerOffset; TextRender()->TextEx(&Marker, "|", -1); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, m_Input.GetString(Editing) + m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing), -1); if(m_pClient->m_pGameConsole->IsClosed()) Input()->SetEditingPosition(Marker.m_X, Marker.m_Y + Marker.m_FontSize); } #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) if(!((g_Config.m_ClShowChat && !IVideo::Current()) || (g_Config.m_ClVideoShowChat && IVideo::Current()))) #else if(!g_Config.m_ClShowChat) #endif return; y -= 8.0f; OnPrepareLines(); int64 Now = time(); float HeightLimit = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() ? 230.0f : m_PrevShowChat ? 50.0f : 200.0f; int OffsetType = m_pClient->m_pScoreboard->Active() ? 1 : 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LINES; i++) { int r = ((m_CurrentLine - i) + MAX_LINES) % MAX_LINES; if(Now > m_aLines[r].m_Time + 16 * time_freq() && !m_PrevShowChat) break; y -= m_aLines[r].m_YOffset[OffsetType]; // cut off if msgs waste too much space if(y < HeightLimit) break; float Blend = Now > m_aLines[r].m_Time + 14 * time_freq() && !m_PrevShowChat ? 1.0f - (Now - m_aLines[r].m_Time - 14 * time_freq()) / (2.0f * time_freq()) : 1.0f; if(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex != -1) { STextRenderColor TextOutline(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f * Blend); STextRenderColor Text(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Blend); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aLines[r].m_TextContainerIndex, &Text, &TextOutline, 0, y - m_aLines[r].m_TextYOffset); } } } void CChat::Say(int Team, const char *pLine) { m_LastChatSend = time(); // send chat message CNetMsg_Cl_Say Msg; Msg.m_Team = Team; Msg.m_pMessage = pLine; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } void CChat::SayChat(const char *pLine) { if(!pLine || str_length(pLine) < 1) return; bool AddEntry = false; if(m_LastChatSend + time_freq() < time()) { Say(m_Mode == MODE_ALL ? 0 : 1, pLine); AddEntry = true; } else if(m_PendingChatCounter < 3) { ++m_PendingChatCounter; AddEntry = true; } if(AddEntry) { CHistoryEntry *pEntry = m_History.Allocate(sizeof(CHistoryEntry) + str_length(pLine) - 1); pEntry->m_Team = m_Mode == MODE_ALL ? 0 : 1; mem_copy(pEntry->m_aText, pLine, str_length(pLine)); } }