/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_RENDER_H #define GAME_CLIENT_RENDER_H #include #include #include #include class CAnimState; class CSpeedupTile; class CSwitchTile; class CTeleTile; class CTile; class CTuneTile; namespace client_data7 { struct CDataSprite; } struct CDataSprite; struct CEnvPoint; struct CEnvPointBezier; struct CEnvPointBezier_upstream; struct CMapItemGroup; struct CQuad; class CTeeRenderInfo { public: CTeeRenderInfo() { Reset(); } void Reset() { m_OriginalRenderSkin.Reset(); m_ColorableRenderSkin.Reset(); m_SkinMetrics.Reset(); m_CustomColoredSkin = false; m_BloodColor = ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); m_ColorBody = ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); m_ColorFeet = ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); m_Size = 1.0f; m_GotAirJump = true; m_TeeRenderFlags = 0; m_FeetFlipped = false; } CSkin::SSkinTextures m_OriginalRenderSkin; CSkin::SSkinTextures m_ColorableRenderSkin; CSkin::SSkinMetrics m_SkinMetrics; bool m_CustomColoredSkin; ColorRGBA m_BloodColor; ColorRGBA m_ColorBody; ColorRGBA m_ColorFeet; float m_Size; bool m_GotAirJump; int m_TeeRenderFlags; bool m_FeetFlipped; }; // Tee Render Flags enum { TEE_EFFECT_FROZEN = 1, TEE_NO_WEAPON = 2, }; // sprite renderings enum { SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_Y = 1, SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_X = 2, LAYERRENDERFLAG_OPAQUE = 1, LAYERRENDERFLAG_TRANSPARENT = 2, TILERENDERFLAG_EXTEND = 4, }; class IEnvelopePointAccess { public: virtual ~IEnvelopePointAccess() = default; virtual int NumPoints() const = 0; virtual const CEnvPoint *GetPoint(int Index) const = 0; virtual const CEnvPointBezier *GetBezier(int Index) const = 0; }; class CMapBasedEnvelopePointAccess : public IEnvelopePointAccess { int m_StartPoint; int m_NumPoints; int m_NumPointsMax; CEnvPoint *m_pPoints; CEnvPointBezier *m_pPointsBezier; CEnvPointBezier_upstream *m_pPointsBezierUpstream; public: CMapBasedEnvelopePointAccess(class CDataFileReader *pReader); CMapBasedEnvelopePointAccess(class IMap *pMap); void SetPointsRange(int StartPoint, int NumPoints); int StartPoint() const; int NumPoints() const override; int NumPointsMax() const; const CEnvPoint *GetPoint(int Index) const override; const CEnvPointBezier *GetBezier(int Index) const override; }; typedef void (*ENVELOPE_EVAL)(int TimeOffsetMillis, int Env, ColorRGBA &Channels, void *pUser); class CRenderTools { class IGraphics *m_pGraphics; class ITextRender *m_pTextRender; int m_TeeQuadContainerIndex; void GetRenderTeeBodyScale(float BaseSize, float &BodyScale); void GetRenderTeeFeetScale(float BaseSize, float &FeetScaleWidth, float &FeetScaleHeight); public: class IGraphics *Graphics() const { return m_pGraphics; } class ITextRender *TextRender() const { return m_pTextRender; } void Init(class IGraphics *pGraphics, class ITextRender *pTextRender); void SelectSprite(CDataSprite *pSprite, int Flags = 0, int sx = 0, int sy = 0); void SelectSprite(int Id, int Flags = 0, int sx = 0, int sy = 0); void GetSpriteScale(CDataSprite *pSprite, float &ScaleX, float &ScaleY); void GetSpriteScale(int Id, float &ScaleX, float &ScaleY); void GetSpriteScaleImpl(int Width, int Height, float &ScaleX, float &ScaleY); void DrawSprite(float x, float y, float size); void DrawSprite(float x, float y, float ScaledWidth, float ScaledHeight); void RenderCursor(vec2 Center, float Size); void RenderIcon(int ImageId, int SpriteId, const CUIRect *pRect, const ColorRGBA *pColor = nullptr); int QuadContainerAddSprite(int QuadContainerIndex, float x, float y, float size); int QuadContainerAddSprite(int QuadContainerIndex, float size); int QuadContainerAddSprite(int QuadContainerIndex, float Width, float Height); int QuadContainerAddSprite(int QuadContainerIndex, float X, float Y, float Width, float Height); // larger rendering methods void GetRenderTeeBodySize(const CAnimState *pAnim, const CTeeRenderInfo *pInfo, vec2 &BodyOffset, float &Width, float &Height); void GetRenderTeeFeetSize(const CAnimState *pAnim, const CTeeRenderInfo *pInfo, vec2 &FeetOffset, float &Width, float &Height); void GetRenderTeeAnimScaleAndBaseSize(const CTeeRenderInfo *pInfo, float &AnimScale, float &BaseSize); // returns the offset to use, to render the tee with @see RenderTee exactly in the mid void GetRenderTeeOffsetToRenderedTee(const CAnimState *pAnim, const CTeeRenderInfo *pInfo, vec2 &TeeOffsetToMid); // object render methods void RenderTee(const CAnimState *pAnim, const CTeeRenderInfo *pInfo, int Emote, vec2 Dir, vec2 Pos, float Alpha = 1.0f); // map render methods (render_map.cpp) static void RenderEvalEnvelope(const IEnvelopePointAccess *pPoints, int Channels, std::chrono::nanoseconds TimeNanos, ColorRGBA &Result); void RenderQuads(CQuad *pQuads, int NumQuads, int Flags, ENVELOPE_EVAL pfnEval, void *pUser); void ForceRenderQuads(CQuad *pQuads, int NumQuads, int Flags, ENVELOPE_EVAL pfnEval, void *pUser, float Alpha = 1.0f); void RenderTilemap(CTile *pTiles, int w, int h, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags, ENVELOPE_EVAL pfnEval, void *pUser, int ColorEnv, int ColorEnvOffset); // render a rectangle made of IndexIn tiles, over a background made of IndexOut tiles // the rectangle include all tiles in [RectX, RectX+RectW-1] x [RectY, RectY+RectH-1] void RenderTileRectangle(int RectX, int RectY, int RectW, int RectH, unsigned char IndexIn, unsigned char IndexOut, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags, ENVELOPE_EVAL pfnEval, void *pUser, int ColorEnv, int ColorEnvOffset); // helpers void CalcScreenParams(float Aspect, float Zoom, float *pWidth, float *pHeight); void MapScreenToWorld(float CenterX, float CenterY, float ParallaxX, float ParallaxY, float ParallaxZoom, float OffsetX, float OffsetY, float Aspect, float Zoom, float *pPoints); void MapScreenToGroup(float CenterX, float CenterY, CMapItemGroup *pGroup, float Zoom); void MapScreenToInterface(float CenterX, float CenterY); // DDRace void RenderTeleOverlay(CTeleTile *pTele, int w, int h, float Scale, float Alpha = 1.0f); void RenderSpeedupOverlay(CSpeedupTile *pSpeedup, int w, int h, float Scale, float Alpha = 1.0f); void RenderSwitchOverlay(CSwitchTile *pSwitch, int w, int h, float Scale, float Alpha = 1.0f); void RenderTuneOverlay(CTuneTile *pTune, int w, int h, float Scale, float Alpha = 1.0f); void RenderTelemap(CTeleTile *pTele, int w, int h, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags); void RenderSpeedupmap(CSpeedupTile *pSpeedup, int w, int h, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags); void RenderSwitchmap(CSwitchTile *pSwitch, int w, int h, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags); void RenderTunemap(CTuneTile *pTune, int w, int h, float Scale, ColorRGBA Color, int RenderFlags); }; #endif