/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "gameworld.h" #include "entities/character.h" #include "entity.h" #include "gamecontext.h" #include "gamecontroller.h" #include "player.h" #include #include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // game world ////////////////////////////////////////////////// CGameWorld::CGameWorld() { m_pGameServer = 0x0; m_pConfig = 0x0; m_pServer = 0x0; m_Paused = false; m_ResetRequested = false; for(auto &pFirstEntityType : m_apFirstEntityTypes) pFirstEntityType = 0; } CGameWorld::~CGameWorld() { // delete all entities for(auto &pFirstEntityType : m_apFirstEntityTypes) while(pFirstEntityType) delete pFirstEntityType; } void CGameWorld::SetGameServer(CGameContext *pGameServer) { m_pGameServer = pGameServer; m_pConfig = m_pGameServer->Config(); m_pServer = m_pGameServer->Server(); } CEntity *CGameWorld::FindFirst(int Type) { return Type < 0 || Type >= NUM_ENTTYPES ? 0 : m_apFirstEntityTypes[Type]; } int CGameWorld::FindEntities(vec2 Pos, float Radius, CEntity **ppEnts, int Max, int Type) { if(Type < 0 || Type >= NUM_ENTTYPES) return 0; int Num = 0; for(CEntity *pEnt = m_apFirstEntityTypes[Type]; pEnt; pEnt = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity) { if(distance(pEnt->m_Pos, Pos) < Radius + pEnt->m_ProximityRadius) { if(ppEnts) ppEnts[Num] = pEnt; Num++; if(Num == Max) break; } } return Num; } void CGameWorld::InsertEntity(CEntity *pEnt) { #ifdef CONF_DEBUG for(CEntity *pCur = m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType]; pCur; pCur = pCur->m_pNextTypeEntity) dbg_assert(pCur != pEnt, "err"); #endif // insert it if(m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType]) m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType]->m_pPrevTypeEntity = pEnt; pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity = m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType]; pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity = 0x0; m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType] = pEnt; } void CGameWorld::RemoveEntity(CEntity *pEnt) { // not in the list if(!pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity && !pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity && m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType] != pEnt) return; // remove if(pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity) pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity->m_pNextTypeEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; else m_apFirstEntityTypes[pEnt->m_ObjType] = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; if(pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity) pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity->m_pPrevTypeEntity = pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity; // keep list traversing valid if(m_pNextTraverseEntity == pEnt) m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity = 0; pEnt->m_pPrevTypeEntity = 0; } // void CGameWorld::Snap(int SnappingClient) { for(CEntity *pEnt = m_apFirstEntityTypes[ENTTYPE_CHARACTER]; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->Snap(SnappingClient); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTTYPES; i++) { if(i == ENTTYPE_CHARACTER) continue; for(CEntity *pEnt = m_apFirstEntityTypes[i]; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->Snap(SnappingClient); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } } void CGameWorld::Reset() { // reset all entities for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes) for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->Reset(); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } RemoveEntities(); GameServer()->m_pController->OnReset(); RemoveEntities(); m_ResetRequested = false; } void CGameWorld::RemoveEntities() { // destroy objects marked for destruction for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes) for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; if(pEnt->m_MarkedForDestroy) { RemoveEntity(pEnt); pEnt->Destroy(); } pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } bool distCompare(std::pair a, std::pair b) { return (a.first < b.first); } void CGameWorld::UpdatePlayerMaps() { if(Server()->Tick() % g_Config.m_SvMapUpdateRate != 0) return; std::pair Dist[MAX_CLIENTS]; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!Server()->ClientIngame(i)) continue; int *pMap = Server()->GetIdMap(i); // compute distances for(int j = 0; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { Dist[j].second = j; if(!Server()->ClientIngame(j) || !GameServer()->m_apPlayers[j]) { Dist[j].first = 1e10; continue; } CCharacter *pChr = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter(); if(!pChr) { Dist[j].first = 1e9; continue; } // copypasted chunk from character.cpp Snap() follows CCharacter *pSnapChar = GameServer()->GetPlayerChar(i); if(pSnapChar && !pSnapChar->IsSuper() && !GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->IsPaused() && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS && !pChr->CanCollide(i) && (!GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i] || GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->GetClientVersion() == VERSION_VANILLA || (GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDRACE && (GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->m_ShowOthers == SHOW_OTHERS_OFF || (GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->m_ShowOthers == SHOW_OTHERS_ONLY_TEAM && !GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter()->SameTeam(j)))))) Dist[j].first = 1e8; else Dist[j].first = 0; Dist[j].first += distance(GameServer()->m_apPlayers[i]->m_ViewPos, GameServer()->m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter()->m_Pos); } // always send the player themselves Dist[i].first = 0; // compute reverse map int aReverseMap[MAX_CLIENTS]; for(int &j : aReverseMap) { j = -1; } for(int j = 0; j < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { if(pMap[j] == -1) continue; if(Dist[pMap[j]].first > 5e9f) pMap[j] = -1; else aReverseMap[pMap[j]] = j; } std::nth_element(&Dist[0], &Dist[VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1], &Dist[MAX_CLIENTS], distCompare); int Mapc = 0; int Demand = 0; for(int j = 0; j < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1; j++) { int k = Dist[j].second; if(aReverseMap[k] != -1 || Dist[j].first > 5e9f) continue; while(Mapc < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS && pMap[Mapc] != -1) Mapc++; if(Mapc < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1) pMap[Mapc] = k; else Demand++; } for(int j = MAX_CLIENTS - 1; j > VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 2; j--) { int k = Dist[j].second; if(aReverseMap[k] != -1 && Demand-- > 0) pMap[aReverseMap[k]] = -1; } pMap[VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1] = -1; // player with empty name to say chat msgs } } void CGameWorld::Tick() { if(m_ResetRequested) Reset(); if(!m_Paused) { if(GameServer()->m_pController->IsForceBalanced()) GameServer()->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Teams have been balanced"); // update all objects for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTTYPES; i++) { // It's important to call PreTick() and Tick() after each other. // If we call PreTick() before, and Tick() after other entities have been processed, it causes physics changes such as a stronger shotgun or grenade. if(g_Config.m_SvNoWeakHook && i == ENTTYPE_CHARACTER) { auto *pEnt = m_apFirstEntityTypes[i]; for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; ((CCharacter *)pEnt)->PreTick(); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } auto *pEnt = m_apFirstEntityTypes[i]; for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->Tick(); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes) for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->TickDeferred(); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } else { // update all objects for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes) for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->TickPaused(); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } RemoveEntities(); UpdatePlayerMaps(); // find the characters' strong/weak id int StrongWeakID = 0; for(CCharacter *pChar = (CCharacter *)FindFirst(ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); pChar; pChar = (CCharacter *)pChar->TypeNext()) { pChar->m_StrongWeakID = StrongWeakID; StrongWeakID++; } } void CGameWorld::SwapClients(int Client1, int Client2) { // update all objects for(auto *pEnt : m_apFirstEntityTypes) for(; pEnt;) { m_pNextTraverseEntity = pEnt->m_pNextTypeEntity; pEnt->SwapClients(Client1, Client2); pEnt = m_pNextTraverseEntity; } } // TODO: should be more general CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, const CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, const CCharacter *pThisOnly) { // Find other players float ClosestLen = distance(Pos0, Pos1) * 100.0f; CCharacter *pClosest = 0; CCharacter *p = (CCharacter *)FindFirst(ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(; p; p = (CCharacter *)p->TypeNext()) { if(p == pNotThis) continue; if(pThisOnly && p != pThisOnly) continue; if(CollideWith != -1 && !p->CanCollide(CollideWith)) continue; vec2 IntersectPos; if(closest_point_on_line(Pos0, Pos1, p->m_Pos, IntersectPos)) { float Len = distance(p->m_Pos, IntersectPos); if(Len < p->m_ProximityRadius + Radius) { Len = distance(Pos0, IntersectPos); if(Len < ClosestLen) { NewPos = IntersectPos; ClosestLen = Len; pClosest = p; } } } } return pClosest; } CCharacter *CGameWorld::ClosestCharacter(vec2 Pos, float Radius, const CEntity *pNotThis) { // Find other players float ClosestRange = Radius * 2; CCharacter *pClosest = 0; CCharacter *p = (CCharacter *)GameServer()->m_World.FindFirst(ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(; p; p = (CCharacter *)p->TypeNext()) { if(p == pNotThis) continue; float Len = distance(Pos, p->m_Pos); if(Len < p->m_ProximityRadius + Radius) { if(Len < ClosestRange) { ClosestRange = Len; pClosest = p; } } } return pClosest; } std::list CGameWorld::IntersectedCharacters(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, const CEntity *pNotThis) { std::list listOfChars; CCharacter *pChr = (CCharacter *)FindFirst(CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(; pChr; pChr = (CCharacter *)pChr->TypeNext()) { if(pChr == pNotThis) continue; vec2 IntersectPos; if(closest_point_on_line(Pos0, Pos1, pChr->m_Pos, IntersectPos)) { float Len = distance(pChr->m_Pos, IntersectPos); if(Len < pChr->m_ProximityRadius + Radius) { pChr->m_Intersection = IntersectPos; listOfChars.push_back(pChr); } } } return listOfChars; } void CGameWorld::ReleaseHooked(int ClientID) { CCharacter *pChr = (CCharacter *)CGameWorld::FindFirst(CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(; pChr; pChr = (CCharacter *)pChr->TypeNext()) { CCharacterCore *pCore = pChr->Core(); if(pCore->m_HookedPlayer == ClientID && !pChr->IsSuper()) { pCore->SetHookedPlayer(-1); pCore->m_TriggeredEvents |= COREEVENT_HOOK_RETRACT; pCore->m_HookState = HOOK_RETRACTED; } } }