/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_SERVER_PLAYER_H #define GAME_SERVER_PLAYER_H // this include should perhaps be removed #include "entities/character.h" #include "gamecontext.h" // player object class CPlayer { MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID() public: CPlayer(CGameContext *pGameServer, int ClientID, int Team); ~CPlayer(); void Init(int CID); void TryRespawn(); void Respawn(); void SetTeam(int Team); int GetTeam() const { return m_Team; }; int GetCID() const { return m_ClientID; }; void Tick(); void Snap(int SnappingClient); void OnDirectInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *NewInput); void OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *NewInput); void OnDisconnect(); void KillCharacter(int Weapon = WEAPON_GAME); CCharacter *GetCharacter(); //--------------------------------------------------------- // this is used for snapping so we know how we can clip the view for the player vec2 m_ViewPos; // int m_Vote; int m_VotePos; // int m_Last_VoteCall; int m_Last_VoteTry; int m_Last_Chat; int m_Last_SetTeam; int m_Last_ChangeInfo; int m_Last_Emote; int m_Last_Kill; // TODO: clean this up struct { char m_SkinName[64]; int m_UseCustomColor; int m_ColorBody; int m_ColorFeet; } m_TeeInfos; int m_RespawnTick; int m_DieTick; int m_Score; int m_ScoreStartTick; bool m_ForceBalanced; int m_LastActionTick; struct { int m_TargetX; int m_TargetY; } m_LatestActivity; private: CCharacter *Character; CGameContext *m_pGameServer; CGameContext *GameServer() const { return m_pGameServer; } IServer *Server() const; // bool m_Spawning; int m_ClientID; int m_Team; // network latency calculations struct { int m_Accum; int m_AccumMin; int m_AccumMax; int m_Avg; int m_Min; int m_Max; } m_Latency; //DDRace public: struct PauseInfo { CCharacterCore m_Core; int m_StartTime; int m_DDRaceState; //int m_RefreshTime; int m_FreezeTime; int m_Armor; int m_LastMove; vec2 m_PrevPos; int m_ActiveWeapon; int m_LastWeapon; bool m_Respawn; bool m_aHasWeapon[NUM_WEAPONS]; int m_HammerType; bool m_Super; bool m_DeepFreeze; bool m_EndlessHook; int m_PauseTime; int m_Team; } m_PauseInfo; bool m_InfoSaved; void LoadCharacter(); void SaveCharacter(); int64 m_Last_Pause; int64 m_Last_KickVote; int64 m_Last_Team; bool m_Invisible; int m_Authed; bool m_IsUsingDDRaceClient; bool m_ShowOthers; bool m_RconFreeze; int m_ChatScore; // necessary for asking mutual exclusion int m_Asker; // who asked this player int m_AskedTick; // when was this player asked by another player int m_Asked; // who did this player ask int m_AskerTick; // when did this player ask another player }; #endif