/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gamecontext.hpp" #include "gamemodes/dm.hpp" #include "gamemodes/tdm.hpp" #include "gamemodes/ctf.hpp" TUNING_PARAMS tuning; void send_tuning_params(int cid) { /* msg_pack_start(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNE_PARAMS, MSGFLAG_VITAL); int *params = (int *)&tuning; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(tuning_params)/sizeof(int); i++) msg_pack_int(params[i]); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(cid); */ } int mods_is_tuned() { TUNING_PARAMS standard_tuning; if (memcmp(&standard_tuning, &tuning, sizeof(TUNING_PARAMS)) != 0) return 1; else return 0; } // Server hooks void mods_client_direct_input(int client_id, void *input) { if(!game.world.paused) game.players[client_id]->on_direct_input((NETOBJ_PLAYER_INPUT *)input); } void mods_client_predicted_input(int client_id, void *input) { if(!game.world.paused) game.players[client_id]->on_predicted_input((NETOBJ_PLAYER_INPUT *)input); } // Server hooks void mods_tick() { game.tick(); } void mods_snap(int client_id) { game.snap(client_id); } void mods_client_enter(int client_id) { //game.world.insert_entity(&game.players[client_id]); game.players[client_id]->respawn(); dbg_msg("game", "join player='%d:%s'", client_id, server_clientname(client_id)); char buf[512]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s entered and joined the %s", server_clientname(client_id), game.controller->get_team_name(game.players[client_id]->team)); game.send_chat(-1, GAMECONTEXT::CHAT_ALL, buf); dbg_msg("game", "team_join player='%d:%s' team=%d", client_id, server_clientname(client_id), game.players[client_id]->team); } void mods_connected(int client_id) { game.players[client_id] = new(client_id) PLAYER(client_id); //game.players[client_id].init(client_id); //game.players[client_id].client_id = client_id; // Check which team the player should be on if(config.sv_tournament_mode) game.players[client_id]->team = -1; else game.players[client_id]->team = game.controller->get_auto_team(client_id); (void) game.controller->check_team_balance(); // send motd NETMSG_SV_MOTD msg; msg.message = config.sv_motd; msg.pack(MSGFLAG_VITAL); server_send_msg(client_id); } void mods_client_drop(int client_id) { game.players[client_id]->on_disconnect(); (void) game.controller->check_team_balance(); delete game.players[client_id]; game.players[client_id] = 0; } void mods_message(int msgtype, int client_id) { void *rawmsg = netmsg_secure_unpack(msgtype); PLAYER *p = game.players[client_id]; if(!rawmsg) { dbg_msg("server", "dropped weird message '%s' (%d), failed on '%s'", netmsg_get_name(msgtype), msgtype, netmsg_failed_on()); return; } if(msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY) { NETMSG_CL_SAY *msg = (NETMSG_CL_SAY *)rawmsg; int team = msg->team; if(team) team = p->team; else team = GAMECONTEXT::CHAT_ALL; if(config.sv_spamprotection && p->last_chat+time_freq() > time_get()) return; p->last_chat = time_get(); game.send_chat(client_id, team, msg->message); } else if(msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CALLVOTE) { int64 now = time_get(); if(game.vote_closetime) { game.send_chat(-1, client_id, "Wait for current vote to end before calling a new one."); return; } int64 timeleft = p->last_votecall + time_freq()*60 - now; if(timeleft > 0) { char chatmsg[512] = {0}; str_format(chatmsg, sizeof(chatmsg), "You must wait %d seconds before making another vote", (timeleft/time_freq())+1); game.send_chat(-1, client_id, chatmsg); return; } char chatmsg[512] = {0}; char desc[512] = {0}; char cmd[512] = {0}; NETMSG_CL_CALLVOTE *msg = (NETMSG_CL_CALLVOTE *)rawmsg; if(str_comp_nocase(msg->type, "map") == 0) { if(!config.sv_vote_map) { game.send_chat(-1, client_id, "Server does not allow voting on map"); return; } str_format(chatmsg, sizeof(chatmsg), "Vote called to change map to '%s'", msg->value); str_format(desc, sizeof(desc), "Change map to '%s'", msg->value); str_format(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "sv_map %s", msg->value); } else if(str_comp_nocase(msg->type, "kick") == 0) { if(!config.sv_vote_kick) { game.send_chat(-1, client_id, "Server does not allow voting to kick players"); return; } int kick_id = atoi(msg->value); if(kick_id < 0 || kick_id >= MAX_CLIENTS || !game.players[kick_id]) { game.send_chat(-1, client_id, "Invalid client id to kick"); return; } str_format(chatmsg, sizeof(chatmsg), "Vote called to kick '%s'", server_clientname(kick_id)); str_format(desc, sizeof(desc), "Kick '%s'", server_clientname(kick_id)); str_format(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "kick %d", kick_id); } if(cmd[0]) { game.send_chat(-1, GAMECONTEXT::CHAT_ALL, chatmsg); game.start_vote(desc, cmd); p->vote = 1; game.vote_creator = client_id; p->last_votecall = now; game.send_vote_status(-1); } } else if(msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_VOTE) { if(!game.vote_closetime) return; if(p->vote == 0) { NETMSG_CL_VOTE *msg = (NETMSG_CL_VOTE *)rawmsg; p->vote = msg->vote; game.send_vote_status(-1); } } else if (msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETTEAM) { NETMSG_CL_SETTEAM *msg = (NETMSG_CL_SETTEAM *)rawmsg; if(config.sv_spamprotection && p->last_setteam+time_freq()*3 > time_get()) return; // Switch team on given client and kill/respawn him if(game.controller->can_join_team(msg->team, client_id)) { if(game.controller->can_change_team(p, msg->team)) { p->last_setteam = time_get(); p->set_team(msg->team); (void) game.controller->check_team_balance(); } else game.send_broadcast("Teams must be balanced, please join other team", client_id); } else { char buf[128]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "Only %d active players are allowed", config.sv_max_clients-config.sv_spectator_slots); game.send_broadcast(buf, client_id); } } else if (msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CHANGEINFO || msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { NETMSG_CL_CHANGEINFO *msg = (NETMSG_CL_CHANGEINFO *)rawmsg; if(config.sv_spamprotection && p->last_changeinfo+time_freq()*5 > time_get()) return; p->last_changeinfo = time_get(); p->use_custom_color = msg->use_custom_color; p->color_body = msg->color_body; p->color_feet = msg->color_feet; // check for invalid chars /* unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)name; while (*p) { if(*p < 32) *p = ' '; p++; }*/ // copy old name char oldname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; str_copy(oldname, server_clientname(client_id), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); server_setclientname(client_id, msg->name); if(msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CHANGEINFO && strcmp(oldname, server_clientname(client_id)) != 0) { char chattext[256]; str_format(chattext, sizeof(chattext), "%s changed name to %s", oldname, server_clientname(client_id)); game.send_chat(-1, GAMECONTEXT::CHAT_ALL, chattext); } // set skin str_copy(p->skin_name, msg->skin, sizeof(p->skin_name)); game.controller->on_player_info_change(p); if(msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { // send tuning parameters to client send_tuning_params(client_id); // send maps to the client { NETMSG_SV_MAPLIST m; m.names = config.sv_maplist; m.pack(MSGFLAG_VITAL); server_send_msg(client_id); } // NETMSG_SV_READYTOENTER m; m.pack(MSGFLAG_VITAL|MSGFLAG_FLUSH); server_send_msg(client_id); } } else if (msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_EMOTICON) { NETMSG_CL_EMOTICON *msg = (NETMSG_CL_EMOTICON *)rawmsg; if(config.sv_spamprotection && p->last_emote+time_freq()*5 > time_get()) return; p->last_emote = time_get(); game.send_emoticon(client_id, msg->emoticon); } else if (msgtype == NETMSGTYPE_CL_KILL) { if(p->last_kill+time_freq()*3 > time_get()) return; p->last_kill = time_get(); p->respawn_tick = server_tick()+server_tickspeed()*3; p->kill_character(); //(client_id, -1); } } static void con_tune_param(void *result, void *user_data) { const char *param_name = console_arg_string(result, 0); float new_value = console_arg_float(result, 1); if(tuning.set(param_name, new_value)) { dbg_msg("tuning", "%s changed to %.2f", param_name, new_value); send_tuning_params(-1); } else console_print("No such tuning parameter"); } static void con_tune_reset(void *result, void *user_data) { TUNING_PARAMS p; tuning = p; send_tuning_params(-1); console_print("tuning reset"); } static void con_tune_dump(void *result, void *user_data) { for(int i = 0; i < tuning.num(); i++) { float v; tuning.get(i, &v); dbg_msg("tuning", "%s %.2f", tuning.names[i], v); } } static void con_restart(void *result, void *user_data) { if(console_arg_num(result)) game.controller->do_warmup(console_arg_int(result, 0)); else game.controller->startround(); } static void con_broadcast(void *result, void *user_data) { game.send_broadcast(console_arg_string(result, 0), -1); } static void con_say(void *result, void *user_data) { game.send_chat(-1, GAMECONTEXT::CHAT_ALL, console_arg_string(result, 0)); } static void con_set_team(void *result, void *user_data) { int client_id = clamp(console_arg_int(result, 0), 0, (int)MAX_CLIENTS); int team = clamp(console_arg_int(result, 1), -1, 1); dbg_msg("", "%d %d", client_id, team); if(!game.players[client_id]) return; game.players[client_id]->set_team(team); } void mods_console_init() { MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("tune", "si", con_tune_param, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("tune_reset", "", con_tune_reset, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("tune_dump", "", con_tune_dump, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("restart", "?i", con_restart, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("broadcast", "r", con_broadcast, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("say", "r", con_say, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("set_team", "ii", con_set_team, 0); } void mods_init() { //if(!data) /* only load once */ //data = load_data_from_memory(internal_data); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_NETOBJTYPES; i++) snap_set_staticsize(i, netobj_get_size(i)); layers_init(); col_init(); // reset everything here //world = new GAMEWORLD; //players = new PLAYER[MAX_CLIENTS]; // select gametype if(strcmp(config.sv_gametype, "ctf") == 0) game.controller = new GAMECONTROLLER_CTF; else if(strcmp(config.sv_gametype, "tdm") == 0) game.controller = new GAMECONTROLLER_TDM; else game.controller = new GAMECONTROLLER_DM; // setup core world //for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) // game.players[i].core.world = &game.world.core; // create all entities from the game layer MAPITEM_LAYER_TILEMAP *tmap = layers_game_layer(); TILE *tiles = (TILE *)map_get_data(tmap->data); /* num_spawn_points[0] = 0; num_spawn_points[1] = 0; num_spawn_points[2] = 0; */ for(int y = 0; y < tmap->height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < tmap->width; x++) { int index = tiles[y*tmap->width+x].index; if(index >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { vec2 pos(x*32.0f+16.0f, y*32.0f+16.0f); game.controller->on_entity(index-ENTITY_OFFSET, pos); } } } //game.world.insert_entity(game.controller); if(config.dbg_dummies) { for(int i = 0; i < config.dbg_dummies ; i++) { mods_connected(MAX_CLIENTS-i-1); mods_client_enter(MAX_CLIENTS-i-1); if(game.controller->is_teamplay()) game.players[MAX_CLIENTS-i-1]->team = i&1; } } } void mods_shutdown() { delete game.controller; game.controller = 0; game.clear(); } void mods_presnap() {} void mods_postsnap() { game.events.clear(); } extern "C" const char *mods_net_version() { return GAME_NETVERSION; } extern "C" const char *mods_version() { return GAME_VERSION; }