/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include "character.h" #include "laser.h" #include "projectile.h" //input count struct CInputCount { int m_Presses; int m_Releases; }; CInputCount CountInput(int Prev, int Cur) { CInputCount c = {0, 0}; Prev &= INPUT_STATE_MASK; Cur &= INPUT_STATE_MASK; int i = Prev; while(i != Cur) { i = (i+1)&INPUT_STATE_MASK; if(i&1) c.m_Presses++; else c.m_Releases++; } return c; } MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID_IMPL(CCharacter, MAX_CLIENTS) // Character, "physical" player's part CCharacter::CCharacter(CGameWorld *pWorld) : CEntity(pWorld, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER) { m_ProximityRadius = ms_PhysSize; m_Health = 0; m_Armor = 0; } void CCharacter::Reset() { Destroy(); } bool CCharacter::Spawn(CPlayer *pPlayer, vec2 Pos) { m_EmoteStop = -1; m_LastAction = -1; m_ActiveWeapon = WEAPON_GUN; m_LastWeapon = WEAPON_HAMMER; m_QueuedWeapon = -1; m_pPlayer = pPlayer; m_Pos = Pos; m_Core.Reset(); m_Core.Init(&GameServer()->m_World.m_Core, GameServer()->Collision()); m_Core.m_Pos = m_Pos; GameServer()->m_World.m_Core.m_apCharacters[m_pPlayer->GetCID()] = &m_Core; m_ReckoningTick = 0; mem_zero(&m_SendCore, sizeof(m_SendCore)); mem_zero(&m_ReckoningCore, sizeof(m_ReckoningCore)); GameServer()->m_World.InsertEntity(this); m_Alive = true; GameServer()->m_pController->OnCharacterSpawn(this); return true; } void CCharacter::Destroy() { GameServer()->m_World.m_Core.m_apCharacters[m_pPlayer->GetCID()] = 0; m_Alive = false; } void CCharacter::SetWeapon(int W) { if(W == m_ActiveWeapon) return; m_LastWeapon = m_ActiveWeapon; m_QueuedWeapon = -1; m_ActiveWeapon = W; GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_WEAPON_SWITCH); if(m_ActiveWeapon < 0 || m_ActiveWeapon >= NUM_WEAPONS) m_ActiveWeapon = 0; } bool CCharacter::IsGrounded() { if(GameServer()->Collision()->CheckPoint(m_Pos.x+m_ProximityRadius/2, m_Pos.y+m_ProximityRadius/2+5)) return true; if(GameServer()->Collision()->CheckPoint(m_Pos.x-m_ProximityRadius/2, m_Pos.y+m_ProximityRadius/2+5)) return true; return false; } void CCharacter::HandleNinja() { if(m_ActiveWeapon != WEAPON_NINJA) return; vec2 Direction = normalize(vec2(m_LatestInput.m_TargetX, m_LatestInput.m_TargetY)); if ((Server()->Tick() - m_Ninja.m_ActivationTick) > (g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_Duration * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000)) { // time's up, return m_aWeapons[WEAPON_NINJA].m_Got = false; m_ActiveWeapon = m_LastWeapon; if(m_ActiveWeapon == WEAPON_NINJA) m_ActiveWeapon = WEAPON_GUN; SetWeapon(m_ActiveWeapon); return; } // force ninja Weapon SetWeapon(WEAPON_NINJA); m_Ninja.m_CurrentMoveTime--; if (m_Ninja.m_CurrentMoveTime == 0) { // reset velocity m_Core.m_Vel *= 0.2f; } if (m_Ninja.m_CurrentMoveTime > 0) { // Set velocity m_Core.m_Vel = m_Ninja.m_ActivationDir * g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_Velocity; vec2 OldPos = m_Pos; GameServer()->Collision()->MoveBox(&m_Core.m_Pos, &m_Core.m_Vel, vec2(m_ProximityRadius, m_ProximityRadius), 0.f); // reset velocity so the client doesn't predict stuff m_Core.m_Vel = vec2(0.f, 0.f); // check if we Hit anything along the way { CCharacter *aEnts[MAX_CLIENTS]; vec2 Dir = m_Pos - OldPos; float Radius = m_ProximityRadius * 2.0f; vec2 Center = OldPos + Dir * 0.5f; int Num = GameServer()->m_World.FindEntities(Center, Radius, (CEntity**)aEnts, MAX_CLIENTS, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { if (aEnts[i] == this) continue; // make sure we haven't Hit this object before bool bAlreadyHit = false; for (int j = 0; j < m_NumObjectsHit; j++) { if (m_apHitObjects[j] == aEnts[i]) bAlreadyHit = true; } if (bAlreadyHit) continue; // check so we are sufficiently close if (distance(aEnts[i]->m_Pos, m_Pos) > (m_ProximityRadius * 2.0f)) continue; // Hit a player, give him damage and stuffs... GameServer()->CreateSound(aEnts[i]->m_Pos, SOUND_NINJA_HIT); // set his velocity to fast upward (for now) if(m_NumObjectsHit < 10) m_apHitObjects[m_NumObjectsHit++] = aEnts[i]; aEnts[i]->TakeDamage(vec2(0, 10.0f), g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_pBase->m_Damage, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), WEAPON_NINJA); } } return; } return; } void CCharacter::DoWeaponSwitch() { // make sure we can switch if(m_ReloadTimer != 0 || m_QueuedWeapon == -1 || m_aWeapons[WEAPON_NINJA].m_Got) return; // switch Weapon SetWeapon(m_QueuedWeapon); } void CCharacter::HandleWeaponSwitch() { int WantedWeapon = m_ActiveWeapon; if(m_QueuedWeapon != -1) WantedWeapon = m_QueuedWeapon; // select Weapon int Next = CountInput(m_LatestPrevInput.m_NextWeapon, m_LatestInput.m_NextWeapon).m_Presses; int Prev = CountInput(m_LatestPrevInput.m_PrevWeapon, m_LatestInput.m_PrevWeapon).m_Presses; if(Next < 128) // make sure we only try sane stuff { while(Next) // Next Weapon selection { WantedWeapon = (WantedWeapon+1)%NUM_WEAPONS; if(m_aWeapons[WantedWeapon].m_Got) Next--; } } if(Prev < 128) // make sure we only try sane stuff { while(Prev) // Prev Weapon selection { WantedWeapon = (WantedWeapon-1)<0?NUM_WEAPONS-1:WantedWeapon-1; if(m_aWeapons[WantedWeapon].m_Got) Prev--; } } // Direct Weapon selection if(m_LatestInput.m_WantedWeapon) WantedWeapon = m_Input.m_WantedWeapon-1; // check for insane values if(WantedWeapon >= 0 && WantedWeapon < NUM_WEAPONS && WantedWeapon != m_ActiveWeapon && m_aWeapons[WantedWeapon].m_Got) m_QueuedWeapon = WantedWeapon; DoWeaponSwitch(); } void CCharacter::FireWeapon() { if(m_ReloadTimer != 0) return; DoWeaponSwitch(); vec2 Direction = normalize(vec2(m_LatestInput.m_TargetX, m_LatestInput.m_TargetY)); bool FullAuto = false; if(m_ActiveWeapon == WEAPON_GRENADE || m_ActiveWeapon == WEAPON_SHOTGUN || m_ActiveWeapon == WEAPON_RIFLE) FullAuto = true; // check if we gonna fire bool WillFire = false; if(CountInput(m_LatestPrevInput.m_Fire, m_LatestInput.m_Fire).m_Presses) WillFire = true; if(FullAuto && (m_LatestInput.m_Fire&1) && m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo) WillFire = true; if(!WillFire) return; // check for ammo if(!m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo) { // 125ms is a magical limit of how fast a human can click m_ReloadTimer = 125 * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000; GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_WEAPON_NOAMMO); return; } vec2 ProjStartPos = m_Pos+Direction*m_ProximityRadius*0.75f; switch(m_ActiveWeapon) { case WEAPON_HAMMER: { // reset objects Hit m_NumObjectsHit = 0; GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HAMMER_FIRE); CCharacter *apEnts[MAX_CLIENTS]; int Hits = 0; int Num = GameServer()->m_World.FindEntities(ProjStartPos, m_ProximityRadius*0.5f, (CEntity**)apEnts, MAX_CLIENTS, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for (int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { CCharacter *pTarget = apEnts[i]; if ((pTarget == this) || GameServer()->Collision()->IntersectLine(ProjStartPos, pTarget->m_Pos, NULL, NULL)) continue; // set his velocity to fast upward (for now) if(length(pTarget->m_Pos-ProjStartPos) > 0.0f) GameServer()->CreateHammerHit(pTarget->m_Pos-normalize(pTarget->m_Pos-ProjStartPos)*m_ProximityRadius*0.5f); else GameServer()->CreateHammerHit(ProjStartPos); vec2 Dir; if (length(pTarget->m_Pos - m_Pos) > 0.0f) Dir = normalize(pTarget->m_Pos - m_Pos); else Dir = vec2(0.f, -1.f); pTarget->TakeDamage(vec2(0.f, -1.f) + normalize(Dir + vec2(0.f, -1.1f)) * 10.0f, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Hammer.m_pBase->m_Damage, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), m_ActiveWeapon); Hits++; } // if we Hit anything, we have to wait for the reload if(Hits) m_ReloadTimer = Server()->TickSpeed()/3; } break; case WEAPON_GUN: { CProjectile *pProj = new CProjectile(GameWorld(), WEAPON_GUN, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), ProjStartPos, Direction, (int)(Server()->TickSpeed()*GameServer()->Tuning()->m_GunLifetime), 1, 0, 0, -1, WEAPON_GUN); // pack the Projectile and send it to the client Directly CNetObj_Projectile p; pProj->FillInfo(&p); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_EXTRAPROJECTILE); Msg.AddInt(1); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(CNetObj_Projectile)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(((int *)&p)[i]); Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, 0, m_pPlayer->GetCID()); GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_GUN_FIRE); } break; case WEAPON_SHOTGUN: { int ShotSpread = 2; CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_EXTRAPROJECTILE); Msg.AddInt(ShotSpread*2+1); for(int i = -ShotSpread; i <= ShotSpread; ++i) { float Spreading[] = {-0.185f, -0.070f, 0, 0.070f, 0.185f}; float a = GetAngle(Direction); a += Spreading[i+2]; float v = 1-(absolute(i)/(float)ShotSpread); float Speed = mix((float)GameServer()->Tuning()->m_ShotgunSpeeddiff, 1.0f, v); CProjectile *pProj = new CProjectile(GameWorld(), WEAPON_SHOTGUN, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), ProjStartPos, vec2(cosf(a), sinf(a))*Speed, (int)(Server()->TickSpeed()*GameServer()->Tuning()->m_ShotgunLifetime), 1, 0, 0, -1, WEAPON_SHOTGUN); // pack the Projectile and send it to the client Directly CNetObj_Projectile p; pProj->FillInfo(&p); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(CNetObj_Projectile)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(((int *)&p)[i]); } Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, 0,m_pPlayer->GetCID()); GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_SHOTGUN_FIRE); } break; case WEAPON_GRENADE: { CProjectile *pProj = new CProjectile(GameWorld(), WEAPON_GRENADE, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), ProjStartPos, Direction, (int)(Server()->TickSpeed()*GameServer()->Tuning()->m_GrenadeLifetime), 1, true, 0, SOUND_GRENADE_EXPLODE, WEAPON_GRENADE); // pack the Projectile and send it to the client Directly CNetObj_Projectile p; pProj->FillInfo(&p); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_EXTRAPROJECTILE); Msg.AddInt(1); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(CNetObj_Projectile)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(((int *)&p)[i]); Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, 0, m_pPlayer->GetCID()); GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_GRENADE_FIRE); } break; case WEAPON_RIFLE: { new CLaser(GameWorld(), m_Pos, Direction, GameServer()->Tuning()->m_LaserReach, m_pPlayer->GetCID()); GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_RIFLE_FIRE); } break; case WEAPON_NINJA: { // reset Hit objects m_NumObjectsHit = 0; m_AttackTick = Server()->Tick(); m_Ninja.m_ActivationDir = Direction; m_Ninja.m_CurrentMoveTime = g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_Movetime * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000; GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_NINJA_FIRE); } break; } m_AttackTick = Server()->Tick(); if(m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo > 0) // -1 == unlimited m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo--; if(!m_ReloadTimer) m_ReloadTimer = g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Firedelay * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000; } void CCharacter::HandleWeapons() { //ninja HandleNinja(); vec2 Direction = normalize(vec2(m_LatestInput.m_TargetX, m_LatestInput.m_TargetY)); // check reload timer if(m_ReloadTimer) { m_ReloadTimer--; return; } // fire Weapon, if wanted FireWeapon(); // ammo regen int AmmoRegenTime = g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammoregentime; if(AmmoRegenTime) { // If equipped and not active, regen ammo? if (m_ReloadTimer <= 0) { if (m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_AmmoRegenStart < 0) m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_AmmoRegenStart = Server()->Tick(); if ((Server()->Tick() - m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_AmmoRegenStart) >= AmmoRegenTime * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000) { // Add some ammo m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo = min(m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo + 1, 10); m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_AmmoRegenStart = -1; } } else { m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_AmmoRegenStart = -1; } } return; } bool CCharacter::GiveWeapon(int Weapon, int Ammo) { if(m_aWeapons[Weapon].m_Ammo < g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[Weapon].m_Maxammo || !m_aWeapons[Weapon].m_Got) { m_aWeapons[Weapon].m_Got = true; m_aWeapons[Weapon].m_Ammo = min(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[Weapon].m_Maxammo, Ammo); return true; } return false; } void CCharacter::GiveNinja() { m_Ninja.m_ActivationTick = Server()->Tick(); m_aWeapons[WEAPON_NINJA].m_Got = true; m_aWeapons[WEAPON_NINJA].m_Ammo = -1; m_LastWeapon = m_ActiveWeapon; m_ActiveWeapon = WEAPON_NINJA; GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PICKUP_NINJA); } void CCharacter::SetEmote(int Emote, int Tick) { m_EmoteType = Emote; m_EmoteStop = Tick; } void CCharacter::OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { // check for changes if(mem_comp(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(CNetObj_PlayerInput)) != 0) m_LastAction = Server()->Tick(); // copy new input mem_copy(&m_Input, pNewInput, sizeof(m_Input)); m_NumInputs++; // or are not allowed to aim in the center if(m_Input.m_TargetX == 0 && m_Input.m_TargetY == 0) m_Input.m_TargetY = -1; } void CCharacter::OnDirectInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput) { mem_copy(&m_LatestPrevInput, &m_LatestInput, sizeof(m_LatestInput)); mem_copy(&m_LatestInput, pNewInput, sizeof(m_LatestInput)); if(m_NumInputs > 2 && m_pPlayer->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS) { HandleWeaponSwitch(); FireWeapon(); } mem_copy(&m_LatestPrevInput, &m_LatestInput, sizeof(m_LatestInput)); } void CCharacter::Tick() { if(m_pPlayer->m_ForceBalanced) { char Buf[128]; str_format(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "You were moved to %s due to team balancing", GameServer()->m_pController->GetTeamName(m_pPlayer->GetTeam())); GameServer()->SendBroadcast(Buf, m_pPlayer->GetCID()); m_pPlayer->m_ForceBalanced = false; } m_Core.m_Input = m_Input; m_Core.Tick(true); // handle death-tiles and leaving gamelayer if(GameServer()->Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x+m_ProximityRadius/3.f, m_Pos.y-m_ProximityRadius/3.f)&CCollision::COLFLAG_DEATH || GameServer()->Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x+m_ProximityRadius/3.f, m_Pos.y+m_ProximityRadius/3.f)&CCollision::COLFLAG_DEATH || GameServer()->Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x-m_ProximityRadius/3.f, m_Pos.y-m_ProximityRadius/3.f)&CCollision::COLFLAG_DEATH || GameServer()->Collision()->GetCollisionAt(m_Pos.x-m_ProximityRadius/3.f, m_Pos.y+m_ProximityRadius/3.f)&CCollision::COLFLAG_DEATH || GameLayerClipped(m_Pos)) { Die(m_pPlayer->GetCID(), WEAPON_WORLD); } // handle Weapons HandleWeapons(); // Previnput m_PrevInput = m_Input; return; } void CCharacter::TickDefered() { // advance the dummy { CWorldCore TempWorld; m_ReckoningCore.Init(&TempWorld, GameServer()->Collision()); m_ReckoningCore.Tick(false); m_ReckoningCore.Move(); m_ReckoningCore.Quantize(); } //lastsentcore vec2 StartPos = m_Core.m_Pos; vec2 StartVel = m_Core.m_Vel; bool StuckBefore = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Move(); bool StuckAfterMove = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Core.Quantize(); bool StuckAfterQuant = GameServer()->Collision()->TestBox(m_Core.m_Pos, vec2(28.0f, 28.0f)); m_Pos = m_Core.m_Pos; if(!StuckBefore && (StuckAfterMove || StuckAfterQuant)) { // Hackish solution to get rid of strict-aliasing warning union { float f; unsigned u; }StartPosX, StartPosY, StartVelX, StartVelY; StartPosX.f = StartPos.x; StartPosY.f = StartPos.y; StartVelX.f = StartVel.x; StartVelY.f = StartVel.y; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "STUCK!!! %d %d %d %f %f %f %f %x %x %x %x", StuckBefore, StuckAfterMove, StuckAfterQuant, StartPos.x, StartPos.y, StartVel.x, StartVel.y, StartPosX.u, StartPosY.u, StartVelX.u, StartVelY.u); GameServer()->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); } int Events = m_Core.m_TriggeredEvents; int Mask = CmaskAllExceptOne(m_pPlayer->GetCID()); if(Events&COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER, CmaskAll()); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND, Mask); if(Events&COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_HOOK_NOATTACH, Mask); if(m_pPlayer->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { m_Pos.x = m_Input.m_TargetX; m_Pos.y = m_Input.m_TargetY; } // update the m_SendCore if needed { CNetObj_Character Predicted; CNetObj_Character Current; mem_zero(&Predicted, sizeof(Predicted)); mem_zero(&Current, sizeof(Current)); m_ReckoningCore.Write(&Predicted); m_Core.Write(&Current); // only allow dead reackoning for a top of 3 seconds if(m_ReckoningTick+Server()->TickSpeed()*3 < Server()->Tick() || mem_comp(&Predicted, &Current, sizeof(CNetObj_Character)) != 0) { m_ReckoningTick = Server()->Tick(); m_SendCore = m_Core; m_ReckoningCore = m_Core; } } } bool CCharacter::IncreaseHealth(int Amount) { if(m_Health >= 10) return false; m_Health = clamp(m_Health+Amount, 0, 10); return true; } bool CCharacter::IncreaseArmor(int Amount) { if(m_Armor >= 10) return false; m_Armor = clamp(m_Armor+Amount, 0, 10); return true; } void CCharacter::Die(int Killer, int Weapon) { int ModeSpecial = GameServer()->m_pController->OnCharacterDeath(this, GameServer()->m_apPlayers[Killer], Weapon); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "kill killer='%d:%s' victim='%d:%s' weapon=%d special=%d", Killer, Server()->ClientName(Killer), m_pPlayer->GetCID(), Server()->ClientName(m_pPlayer->GetCID()), Weapon, ModeSpecial); GameServer()->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); // send the kill message CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsg Msg; Msg.m_Killer = Killer; Msg.m_Victim = m_pPlayer->GetCID(); Msg.m_Weapon = Weapon; Msg.m_ModeSpecial = ModeSpecial; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); // a nice sound GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_DIE); // this is for auto respawn after 3 secs m_pPlayer->m_DieTick = Server()->Tick(); m_Alive = false; GameServer()->m_World.RemoveEntity(this); GameServer()->m_World.m_Core.m_apCharacters[m_pPlayer->GetCID()] = 0; GameServer()->CreateDeath(m_Pos, m_pPlayer->GetCID()); // we got to wait 0.5 secs before respawning m_pPlayer->m_RespawnTick = Server()->Tick()+Server()->TickSpeed()/2; } bool CCharacter::TakeDamage(vec2 Force, int Dmg, int From, int Weapon) { m_Core.m_Vel += Force; if(GameServer()->m_pController->IsFriendlyFire(m_pPlayer->GetCID(), From) && !g_Config.m_SvTeamdamage) return false; // m_pPlayer only inflicts half damage on self if(From == m_pPlayer->GetCID()) Dmg = max(1, Dmg/2); m_DamageTaken++; // create healthmod indicator if(Server()->Tick() < m_DamageTakenTick+25) { // make sure that the damage indicators doesn't group together GameServer()->CreateDamageInd(m_Pos, m_DamageTaken*0.25f, Dmg); } else { m_DamageTaken = 0; GameServer()->CreateDamageInd(m_Pos, 0, Dmg); } if(Dmg) { if(m_Armor) { if(Dmg > 1) { m_Health--; Dmg--; } if(Dmg > m_Armor) { Dmg -= m_Armor; m_Armor = 0; } else { m_Armor -= Dmg; Dmg = 0; } } m_Health -= Dmg; } m_DamageTakenTick = Server()->Tick(); // do damage Hit sound if(From >= 0 && From != m_pPlayer->GetCID() && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[From]) GameServer()->CreateSound(GameServer()->m_apPlayers[From]->m_ViewPos, SOUND_HIT, CmaskOne(From)); // check for death if(m_Health <= 0) { Die(From, Weapon); // set attacker's face to happy (taunt!) if (From >= 0 && From != m_pPlayer->GetCID() && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[From]) { CCharacter *pChr = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[From]->GetCharacter(); if (pChr) { pChr->m_EmoteType = EMOTE_HAPPY; pChr->m_EmoteStop = Server()->Tick() + Server()->TickSpeed(); } } return false; } if (Dmg > 2) GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_PAIN_LONG); else GameServer()->CreateSound(m_Pos, SOUND_PLAYER_PAIN_SHORT); m_EmoteType = EMOTE_PAIN; m_EmoteStop = Server()->Tick() + 500 * Server()->TickSpeed() / 1000; return true; } void CCharacter::Snap(int SnappingClient) { if(NetworkClipped(SnappingClient)) return; CNetObj_Character *pCharacter = static_cast(Server()->SnapNewItem(NETOBJTYPE_CHARACTER, m_pPlayer->GetCID(), sizeof(CNetObj_Character))); if(!pCharacter) return; // write down the m_Core if(!m_ReckoningTick || GameServer()->m_World.m_Paused) { // no dead reckoning when paused because the client doesn't know // how far to perform the reckoning pCharacter->m_Tick = 0; m_Core.Write(pCharacter); } else { pCharacter->m_Tick = m_ReckoningTick; m_SendCore.Write(pCharacter); } // set emote if (m_EmoteStop < Server()->Tick()) { m_EmoteType = EMOTE_NORMAL; m_EmoteStop = -1; } pCharacter->m_Emote = m_EmoteType; pCharacter->m_AmmoCount = 0; pCharacter->m_Health = 0; pCharacter->m_Armor = 0; pCharacter->m_Weapon = m_ActiveWeapon; pCharacter->m_AttackTick = m_AttackTick; pCharacter->m_Direction = m_Input.m_Direction; if(m_pPlayer->GetCID() == SnappingClient || SnappingClient == -1 || m_pPlayer->GetCID() == GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->m_SpectatorID) { pCharacter->m_Health = m_Health; pCharacter->m_Armor = m_Armor; if(m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo > 0) pCharacter->m_AmmoCount = m_aWeapons[m_ActiveWeapon].m_Ammo; } if(pCharacter->m_Emote == EMOTE_NORMAL) { if(250 - ((Server()->Tick() - m_LastAction)%(250)) < 5) pCharacter->m_Emote = EMOTE_BLINK; } pCharacter->m_PlayerFlags = GetPlayer()->m_PlayerFlags; }