/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_INPUT_H #define ENGINE_INPUT_H #include "kernel.h" const int g_MaxKeys = 512; extern const char g_aaKeyStrings[g_MaxKeys][20]; class IInput : public IInterface { MACRO_INTERFACE("input", 0) public: class CEvent { public: int m_Flags; int m_Key; char m_aText[32]; int m_InputCount; }; protected: enum { INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE=32 }; // quick access to events int m_NumEvents; IInput::CEvent m_aInputEvents[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; public: enum { FLAG_PRESS=1, FLAG_RELEASE=2, FLAG_REPEAT=4, FLAG_TEXT=8, }; // events int NumEvents() const { return m_NumEvents; } virtual bool IsEventValid(CEvent *pEvent) const = 0; CEvent GetEvent(int Index) const { if(Index < 0 || Index >= m_NumEvents) { IInput::CEvent e = {0,0}; return e; } return m_aInputEvents[Index]; } // keys virtual bool KeyIsPressed(int Key) const = 0; virtual bool KeyPress(int Key, bool CheckCounter=false) const = 0; const char *KeyName(int Key) const { return (Key >= 0 && Key < g_MaxKeys) ? g_aaKeyStrings[Key] : g_aaKeyStrings[0]; } virtual void Clear() = 0; // virtual void MouseModeRelative() = 0; virtual void MouseModeAbsolute() = 0; virtual int MouseDoubleClick() = 0; virtual const char* GetClipboardText() = 0; virtual void SetClipboardText(const char *Text) = 0; virtual void MouseRelative(float *x, float *y) = 0; virtual bool GetIMEState() = 0; virtual void SetIMEState(bool Activate) = 0; virtual const char* GetIMECandidate() = 0; virtual int GetEditingCursor() = 0; }; class IEngineInput : public IInput { MACRO_INTERFACE("engineinput", 0) public: virtual void Init() = 0; virtual int Update() = 0; virtual void NextFrame() = 0; virtual int VideoRestartNeeded() = 0; }; extern IEngineInput *CreateEngineInput(); #endif