//#include "gc_console.hpp" #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "console.hpp" enum { CONSOLE_CLOSED, CONSOLE_OPENING, CONSOLE_OPEN, CONSOLE_CLOSING, }; CONSOLE::INSTANCE::INSTANCE(int t) { // init ringbuffers history = ringbuf_init(history_data, sizeof(history_data)); backlog = ringbuf_init(backlog_data, sizeof(backlog_data)); history_entry = 0x0; type = t; } void CONSOLE::INSTANCE::execute_line(const char *line) { if(type == 0) console_execute_line(line); else { if(client_rcon_authed()) client_rcon(line); else client_rcon_auth("", line); } } void CONSOLE::INSTANCE::on_input(INPUT_EVENT e) { bool handled = false; if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS) { if(e.key == KEY_ENTER || e.key == KEY_KP_ENTER) { if(input.get_string()[0]) { char *entry = (char *)ringbuf_allocate(history, input.get_length()+1); mem_copy(entry, input.get_string(), input.get_length()+1); execute_line(input.get_string()); input.clear(); history_entry = 0x0; } handled = true; } else if (e.key == KEY_UP) { if (history_entry) { char *test = (char *)ringbuf_prev(history, history_entry); if (test) history_entry = test; } else history_entry = (char *)ringbuf_last(history); if (history_entry) { unsigned int len = strlen(history_entry); if (len < sizeof(input) - 1) input.set(history_entry); } handled = true; } else if (e.key == KEY_DOWN) { if (history_entry) history_entry = (char *)ringbuf_next(history, history_entry); if (history_entry) { unsigned int len = strlen(history_entry); if (len < sizeof(input) - 1) input.set(history_entry); } else input.clear(); handled = true; } } if(!handled) input.process_input(e); } void CONSOLE::INSTANCE::print_line(const char *line) { int len = strlen(line); if (len > 255) len = 255; char *entry = (char *)ringbuf_allocate(backlog, len+1); mem_copy(entry, line, len+1); } CONSOLE::CONSOLE() : local_console(0), remote_console(1) { console_type = 0; console_state = CONSOLE_CLOSED; state_change_end = 0.0f; state_change_duration = 0.1f; } float CONSOLE::time_now() { static long long time_start = time_get(); return float(time_get()-time_start)/float(time_freq()); } CONSOLE::INSTANCE *CONSOLE::current_console() { if(console_type != 0) return &remote_console; return &local_console; } void CONSOLE::on_reset() { } // only defined for 0<=t<=1 static float console_scale_func(float t) { //return t; return sinf(acosf(1.0f-t)); } void CONSOLE::on_render() { RECT screen = *ui_screen(); float console_max_height = screen.h*3/5.0f; float console_height; float progress = (time_now()-(state_change_end-state_change_duration))/float(state_change_duration); if (progress >= 1.0f) { if (console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSING) console_state = CONSOLE_CLOSED; else if (console_state == CONSOLE_OPENING) console_state = CONSOLE_OPEN; progress = 1.0f; } if (console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSED) return; float console_height_scale; if (console_state == CONSOLE_OPENING) console_height_scale = console_scale_func(progress); else if (console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSING) console_height_scale = console_scale_func(1.0f-progress); else //if (console_state == CONSOLE_OPEN) console_height_scale = console_scale_func(1.0f); console_height = console_height_scale*console_max_height; gfx_mapscreen(screen.x, screen.y, screen.w, screen.h); // do console shadow gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, 0,0,0, 0.5f); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, 0,0,0, 0.5f); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, 0,0,0, 0.0f); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, 0,0,0, 0.0f); gfx_quads_drawTL(0,console_height,screen.w,10.0f); gfx_quads_end(); // do background gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_CONSOLE_BG].id); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f,0.9f); if(console_type != 0) gfx_setcolor(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f,0.9f); gfx_quads_setsubset(0,-console_height*0.075f,screen.w*0.075f*0.5f,0); gfx_quads_drawTL(0,0,screen.w,console_height); gfx_quads_end(); // do small bar shadow gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, 0,0,0, 0.0f); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, 0,0,0, 0.0f); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, 0,0,0, 0.25f); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, 0,0,0, 0.25f); gfx_quads_drawTL(0,console_height-20,screen.w,10); gfx_quads_end(); // do the lower bar gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_CONSOLE_BAR].id); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f); gfx_quads_setsubset(0,0.1f,screen.w*0.015f,1-0.1f); gfx_quads_drawTL(0,console_height-10.0f,screen.w,10.0f); gfx_quads_end(); console_height -= 10.0f; INSTANCE *console = current_console(); { float font_size = 10.0f; float row_height = font_size*1.25f; float x = 3; float y = console_height - row_height - 2; // render prompt TEXT_CURSOR cursor; gfx_text_set_cursor(&cursor, x, y, font_size, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); const char *prompt = "> "; if(console_type) { if(client_state() == CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE) { if(client_rcon_authed()) prompt = "rcon> "; else prompt = "ENTER PASSWORD> "; } else prompt = "NOT CONNECTED> "; } gfx_text_ex(&cursor, prompt, -1); // render console input gfx_text_ex(&cursor, console->input.get_string(), console->input.cursor_offset()); TEXT_CURSOR marker = cursor; gfx_text_ex(&marker, "|", -1); gfx_text_ex(&cursor, console->input.get_string()+console->input.cursor_offset(), -1); // render version char buf[128]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "v%s", GAME_VERSION); float version_width = gfx_text_width(0, font_size, buf, -1); gfx_text(0, screen.w-version_width-5, y, font_size, buf, -1); // render log y -= row_height; char *entry = (char *)ringbuf_last(console->backlog); while (y > 0.0f && entry) { gfx_text(0, x, y, font_size, entry, -1); y -= row_height; entry = (char *)ringbuf_prev(console->backlog, entry); } } } void CONSOLE::on_message(int msgtype, void *rawmsg) { } bool CONSOLE::on_input(INPUT_EVENT e) { if(console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSED) return false; if(e.key >= KEY_F1 && e.key <= KEY_F25) return false; if(e.key == KEY_ESC && (e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS)) toggle(console_type); else current_console()->on_input(e); return true; } void CONSOLE::toggle(int type) { if(console_type != type && (console_state == CONSOLE_OPEN || console_state == CONSOLE_OPENING)) { // don't toggle console, just switch what console to use } else { if (console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSED || console_state == CONSOLE_OPEN) { state_change_end = time_now()+state_change_duration; } else { float progress = state_change_end-time_now(); float reversed_progress = state_change_duration-progress; state_change_end = time_now()+reversed_progress; } if (console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSED || console_state == CONSOLE_CLOSING) console_state = CONSOLE_OPENING; else console_state = CONSOLE_CLOSING; } console_type = type; } void CONSOLE::con_toggle_local_console(void *result, void *user_data) { ((CONSOLE *)user_data)->toggle(0); } void CONSOLE::con_toggle_remote_console(void *result, void *user_data) { ((CONSOLE *)user_data)->toggle(1); } void CONSOLE::client_console_print_callback(const char *str, void *user_data) { ((CONSOLE *)user_data)->local_console.print_line(str); } void CONSOLE::on_init() { // console_register_print_callback(client_console_print_callback, this); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("toggle_local_console", "", con_toggle_local_console, this); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("toggle_remote_console", "", con_toggle_remote_console, this); } /* void console_rcon_print(const char *line) { // TODO: repair me //remote_console.print_line(line); }*/ /* static void con_team(void *result, void *user_data) { send_switch_team(console_arg_int(result, 0)); } void send_kill(int client_id); static void con_kill(void *result, void *user_data) { send_kill(-1); } static void con_key_input_state(void *result, void *user_data) { ((int *)user_data)[0] = console_arg_int(result, 0); } static void con_key_input_counter(void *result, void *user_data) { int *v = (int *)user_data; if(((*v)&1) != console_arg_int(result, 0)) (*v)++; *v &= INPUT_STATE_MASK; } static void con_key_input_weapon(void *result, void *user_data) { int w = (char *)user_data - (char *)0; if(console_arg_int(result, 0)) input_data.wanted_weapon = w; } static void con_key_input_nextprev_weapon(void *result, void *user_data) { con_key_input_counter(result, user_data); input_data.wanted_weapon = 0; } static void con_emote(void *result, void *user_data) { send_emoticon(console_arg_int(result, 0)); } extern void con_chat(void *result, void *user_data); void client_console_init() { console_register_print_callback(client_console_print); // MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("toggle_local_console", "", con_toggle_local_console, 0x0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("toggle_remote_console", "", con_toggle_remote_console, 0x0); // MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("team", "i", con_team, 0x0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("kill", "", con_kill, 0x0); // bindings MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("bind", "sr", con_bind, 0x0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("unbind", "s", con_unbind, 0x0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("unbindall", "", con_unbindall, 0x0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("dump_binds", "", con_dump_binds, 0x0); // chatting MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("emote", "i", con_emote, 0); MACRO_REGISTER_COMMAND("+emote", "", con_key_input_state, &emoticon_selector_active); } bool console_input_cli(INPUT_EVENT e, void *user_data) { if(!console_active()) return false; if(e.key == KEY_ESC && (e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS)) console_toggle(console_type); else current_console()->handle_event(e); return true; } static bool console_execute_event(INPUT_EVENT e) { // don't handle invalid events and keys that arn't set to anything if(e.key <= 0 || e.key >= KEY_LAST || keybindings[e.key][0] == 0) return false; int stroke = 0; if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS) stroke = 1; console_execute_line_stroked(stroke, keybindings[e.key]); return true; } bool console_input_special_binds(INPUT_EVENT e, void *user_data) { // only handle function keys if(e.key < KEY_F1 || e.key > KEY_F25) return false; return console_execute_event(e); } bool console_input_normal_binds(INPUT_EVENT e, void *user_data) { // need to be ingame for these binds if(client_state() != CLIENTSTATE_ONLINE) return false; return console_execute_event(e); } */