/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_MENUS_H #define GAME_CLIENT_COMPONENTS_MENUS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct CServerProcess { PROCESS Process; bool Initialized; CLineReader LineReader; }; struct SColorPicker { public: const float ms_Width = 160.0f; const float ms_Height = 186.0f; float m_X; float m_Y; bool m_Active; CUIRect m_AttachedRect; unsigned int *m_pColor; unsigned int m_HSVColor; }; // compnent to fetch keypresses, override all other input class CMenusKeyBinder : public CComponent { public: bool m_TakeKey; bool m_GotKey; IInput::CEvent m_Key; int m_ModifierCombination; CMenusKeyBinder(); virtual int Sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); } virtual bool OnInput(IInput::CEvent Event) override; }; class CMenus : public CComponent { static ColorRGBA ms_GuiColor; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarInactiveOutgame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarActiveOutgame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarHoverOutgame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarInactiveIngame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarActiveIngame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarHoverIngame; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarInactive; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarActive; static ColorRGBA ms_ColorTabbarHover; static SColorPicker ms_ColorPicker; static bool ms_ValueSelectorTextMode; char m_aLocalStringHelper[1024]; int DoButton_DemoPlayer(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); int DoButton_FontIcon(CButtonContainer *pButtonContainer, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, int Corners, bool Enabled = true); int DoButton_Toggle(const void *pID, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, bool Active); int DoButton_Menu(CButtonContainer *pButtonContainer, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pImageName = nullptr, int Corners = IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, float r = 5.0f, float FontFactor = 0.0f, vec4 ColorHot = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f), vec4 Color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), int AlignVertically = 1, bool CheckForActiveColorPicker = false); int DoButton_MenuTab(CButtonContainer *pButtonContainer, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, int Corners, SUIAnimator *pAnimator = nullptr, const ColorRGBA *pDefaultColor = nullptr, const ColorRGBA *pActiveColor = nullptr, const ColorRGBA *pHoverColor = nullptr, float EdgeRounding = 10, int AlignVertically = 1); int DoButton_CheckBox_Common(const void *pID, const char *pText, const char *pBoxText, const CUIRect *pRect); int DoButton_CheckBox(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); int DoButton_CheckBoxAutoVMarginAndSet(const void *pID, const char *pText, int *pValue, CUIRect *pRect, float VMargin); int DoButton_CheckBox_Number(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); ColorHSLA DoLine_ColorPicker(CButtonContainer *pResetID, float LineSize, float WantedPickerPosition, float LabelSize, float BottomMargin, CUIRect *pMainRect, const char *pText, unsigned int *pColorValue, ColorRGBA DefaultColor, bool CheckBoxSpacing = true, bool UseCheckBox = false, int *pCheckBoxValue = nullptr); void DoLaserPreview(const CUIRect *pRect, ColorHSLA OutlineColor, ColorHSLA InnerColor, const int LaserType); int DoValueSelector(void *pID, CUIRect *pRect, const char *pLabel, bool UseScroll, int Current, int Min, int Max, int Step, float Scale, bool IsHex, float Round, ColorRGBA *pColor); int DoButton_GridHeader(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); void DoButton_KeySelect(const void *pID, const char *pText, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); int DoKeyReader(void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, int Key, int ModifierCombination, int *pNewModifierCombination); void DoSettingsControlsButtons(int Start, int Stop, CUIRect View); float RenderSettingsControlsJoystick(CUIRect View); void DoJoystickAxisPicker(CUIRect View); void DoJoystickBar(const CUIRect *pRect, float Current, float Tolerance, bool Active); void RenderColorPicker(); void RefreshSkins(); // new gui with gui elements template int DoButtonMenu(CUIElement &UIElement, const void *pID, T &&GetTextLambda, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, bool HintRequiresStringCheck, bool HintCanChangePositionOrSize = false, int Corners = IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, float r = 5.0f, float FontFactor = 0.0f, vec4 ColorHot = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f), vec4 Color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.5f), int AlignVertically = 1) { CUIRect Text = *pRect; Text.HMargin(pRect->h >= 20.0f ? 2.0f : 1.0f, &Text); Text.HMargin((Text.h * FontFactor) / 2.0f, &Text); if(!UIElement.AreRectsInit() || HintRequiresStringCheck || HintCanChangePositionOrSize || UIElement.Rect(0)->m_UITextContainer == -1) { bool NeedsRecalc = !UIElement.AreRectsInit() || UIElement.Rect(0)->m_UITextContainer == -1; if(HintCanChangePositionOrSize) { if(UIElement.AreRectsInit()) { if(UIElement.Rect(0)->m_X != pRect->x || UIElement.Rect(0)->m_Y != pRect->y || UIElement.Rect(0)->m_Width != pRect->w || UIElement.Rect(0)->m_Y != pRect->h) { NeedsRecalc = true; } } } const char *pText = nullptr; if(HintRequiresStringCheck) { if(UIElement.AreRectsInit()) { pText = GetTextLambda(); if(str_comp(UIElement.Rect(0)->m_Text.c_str(), pText) != 0) { NeedsRecalc = true; } } } if(NeedsRecalc) { if(!UIElement.AreRectsInit()) { UIElement.InitRects(3); } UI()->ResetUIElement(UIElement); vec4 RealColor = Color; for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Color.a = RealColor.a; if(i == 0) Color.a *= UI()->ButtonColorMulActive(); else if(i == 1) Color.a *= UI()->ButtonColorMulHot(); else if(i == 2) Color.a *= UI()->ButtonColorMulDefault(); Graphics()->SetColor(Color); CUIElement::SUIElementRect &NewRect = *UIElement.Rect(i); NewRect.m_UIRectQuadContainer = Graphics()->CreateRectQuadContainer(pRect->x, pRect->y, pRect->w, pRect->h, r, Corners); NewRect.m_X = pRect->x; NewRect.m_Y = pRect->y; NewRect.m_Width = pRect->w; NewRect.m_Height = pRect->h; if(i == 0) { if(pText == nullptr) pText = GetTextLambda(); NewRect.m_Text = pText; SLabelProperties Props; Props.m_AlignVertically = AlignVertically; UI()->DoLabel(NewRect, &Text, pText, Text.h * CUI::ms_FontmodHeight, TEXTALIGN_CENTER, Props); } } Graphics()->SetColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } } // render size_t Index = 2; if(UI()->CheckActiveItem(pID)) Index = 0; else if(UI()->HotItem() == pID) Index = 1; Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(UIElement.Rect(Index)->m_UIRectQuadContainer, -1); ColorRGBA ColorText(TextRender()->DefaultTextColor()); ColorRGBA ColorTextOutline(TextRender()->DefaultTextOutlineColor()); if(UIElement.Rect(0)->m_UITextContainer != -1) TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(UIElement.Rect(0)->m_UITextContainer, ColorText, ColorTextOutline); return UI()->DoButtonLogic(pID, Checked, pRect); } struct CListboxItem { int m_Visible; int m_Selected; CUIRect m_Rect; CUIRect m_HitRect; }; void UiDoListboxStart(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float RowHeight, const char *pTitle, const char *pBottomText, int NumItems, int ItemsPerRow, int SelectedIndex, float ScrollValue, bool LogicOnly = false); CListboxItem UiDoListboxNextItem(const void *pID, bool Selected = false, bool KeyEvents = true, bool NoHoverEffects = false); CListboxItem UiDoListboxNextRow(); int UiDoListboxEnd(float *pScrollValue, bool *pItemActivated, bool *pListBoxActive = nullptr); int UiLogicGetCurrentClickedItem(); /** * Places and renders a tooltip near pNearRect. * For now only works correctly with single line tooltips, since Text width calculation gets broken when there are multiple lines. * * @param pID The ID of the tooltip. Usually a reference to some g_Config value. * @param pNearTo Place the tooltip near this rect. * @param pText The text to display in the tooltip */ void DoToolTip(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pNearRect, const char *pText, float WidthHint = -1.0f); // menus_settings_assets.cpp public: struct SCustomItem { IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_RenderTexture; char m_aName[50]; bool operator<(const SCustomItem &Other) const { return str_comp(m_aName, Other.m_aName) < 0; } }; struct SCustomEntities : public SCustomItem { struct SEntitiesImage { IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_Texture; }; SEntitiesImage m_aImages[MAP_IMAGE_MOD_TYPE_COUNT]; }; struct SCustomGame : public SCustomItem { }; struct SCustomEmoticon : public SCustomItem { }; struct SCustomParticle : public SCustomItem { }; struct SCustomHud : public SCustomItem { }; struct SCustomExtras : public SCustomItem { }; protected: std::vector m_vEntitiesList; std::vector m_vGameList; std::vector m_vEmoticonList; std::vector m_vParticlesList; std::vector m_vHudList; std::vector m_vExtrasList; bool m_IsInit = false; static void LoadEntities(struct SCustomEntities *pEntitiesItem, void *pUser); static int EntitiesScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static int GameScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static int EmoticonsScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static int ParticlesScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static int HudScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static int ExtrasScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); static void ConchainAssetsEntities(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainAssetGame(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainAssetParticles(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainAssetEmoticons(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainAssetHud(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainAssetExtras(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); void ClearCustomItems(int CurTab); int m_MenuPage; int m_GamePage; int m_Popup; int m_ActivePage; bool m_ShowStart; bool m_MenuActive; vec2 m_MousePos; bool m_JoinTutorial; char m_aNextServer[256]; // images struct CMenuImage { char m_aName[64]; IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_OrgTexture; IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_GreyTexture; }; std::vector m_vMenuImages; static int MenuImageScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUser); const CMenuImage *FindMenuImage(const char *pName); // loading int m_LoadCurrent; int m_LoadTotal; // char m_aMessageTopic[512]; char m_aMessageBody[512]; char m_aMessageButton[512]; CUIElement m_RefreshButton; CUIElement m_ConnectButton; void PopupMessage(const char *pTopic, const char *pBody, const char *pButton); // TODO: this is a bit ugly but.. well.. yeah enum { MAX_INPUTEVENTS = 32 }; static IInput::CEvent m_aInputEvents[MAX_INPUTEVENTS]; static int m_NumInputEvents; // some settings static float ms_ButtonHeight; static float ms_ListheaderHeight; static float ms_ListitemAdditionalHeight; // for settings bool m_NeedRestartGeneral; bool m_NeedRestartSkins; bool m_NeedRestartGraphics; bool m_NeedRestartSound; bool m_NeedRestartUpdate; bool m_NeedRestartDDNet; bool m_NeedSendinfo; bool m_NeedSendDummyinfo; int m_SettingPlayerPage; // for map download popup int64_t m_DownloadLastCheckTime; int m_DownloadLastCheckSize; float m_DownloadSpeed; // for call vote int m_CallvoteSelectedOption; int m_CallvoteSelectedPlayer; char m_aCallvoteReason[VOTE_REASON_LENGTH]; char m_aFilterString[25]; bool m_ControlPageOpening; // demo enum { SORT_DEMONAME = 0, SORT_MARKERS, SORT_LENGTH, SORT_DATE, }; struct CDemoItem { char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char m_aName[128]; bool m_IsDir; int m_StorageType; time_t m_Date; bool m_InfosLoaded; bool m_Valid; CDemoHeader m_Info; CTimelineMarkers m_TimelineMarkers; CMapInfo m_MapInfo; int NumMarkers() const { return clamp(bytes_be_to_int(m_TimelineMarkers.m_aNumTimelineMarkers), 0, MAX_TIMELINE_MARKERS); } int Length() const { return bytes_be_to_int(m_Info.m_aLength); } unsigned Size() const { return bytes_be_to_uint(m_Info.m_aMapSize); } bool operator<(const CDemoItem &Other) const { if(!str_comp(m_aFilename, "..")) return true; if(!str_comp(Other.m_aFilename, "..")) return false; if(m_IsDir && !Other.m_IsDir) return true; if(!m_IsDir && Other.m_IsDir) return false; const CDemoItem &Left = g_Config.m_BrDemoSortOrder ? Other : *this; const CDemoItem &Right = g_Config.m_BrDemoSortOrder ? *this : Other; if(g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == SORT_DEMONAME) return str_comp_nocase(Left.m_aFilename, Right.m_aFilename) < 0; if(g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == SORT_DATE) return Left.m_Date < Right.m_Date; if(!Other.m_InfosLoaded) return m_InfosLoaded; if(!m_InfosLoaded) return !Other.m_InfosLoaded; if(g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == SORT_MARKERS) return Left.NumMarkers() < Right.NumMarkers(); if(g_Config.m_BrDemoSort == SORT_LENGTH) return Left.Length() < Right.Length(); // Unknown sort return true; } }; char m_aCurrentDemoFolder[256]; char m_aCurrentDemoFile[64]; int m_DemolistSelectedIndex; bool m_DemolistSelectedIsDir; int m_DemolistStorageType; int m_Speed = 4; std::chrono::nanoseconds m_DemoPopulateStartTime{0}; void DemolistOnUpdate(bool Reset); //void DemolistPopulate(); static int DemolistFetchCallback(const CFsFileInfo *pInfo, int IsDir, int StorageType, void *pUser); // friends struct CFriendItem { const CFriendInfo *m_pFriendInfo; int m_NumFound; CFriendItem() {} CFriendItem(const CFriendInfo *pFriendInfo) : m_pFriendInfo(pFriendInfo), m_NumFound(0) { } bool operator<(const CFriendItem &Other) const { if(m_NumFound && !Other.m_NumFound) return true; else if(!m_NumFound && Other.m_NumFound) return false; else { int Result = str_comp(m_pFriendInfo->m_aName, Other.m_pFriendInfo->m_aName); if(Result) return Result < 0; else return str_comp(m_pFriendInfo->m_aClan, Other.m_pFriendInfo->m_aClan) < 0; } } }; std::vector m_vFriends; int m_FriendlistSelectedIndex; void FriendlistOnUpdate(); // found in menus.cpp int Render(); //void render_background(); //void render_loading(float percent); int RenderMenubar(CUIRect r); void RenderNews(CUIRect MainView); static void ConchainUpdateMusicState(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); void UpdateMusicState(); // found in menus_demo.cpp static bool DemoFilterChat(const void *pData, int Size, void *pUser); bool FetchHeader(CDemoItem &Item); void FetchAllHeaders(); void HandleDemoSeeking(float PositionToSeek, float TimeToSeek); void RenderDemoPlayer(CUIRect MainView); void RenderDemoList(CUIRect MainView); // found in menus_start.cpp void RenderStartMenu(CUIRect MainView); // found in menus_ingame.cpp void RenderGame(CUIRect MainView); void RenderPlayers(CUIRect MainView); void RenderServerInfo(CUIRect MainView); void RenderServerControl(CUIRect MainView); bool RenderServerControlKick(CUIRect MainView, bool FilterSpectators); bool RenderServerControlServer(CUIRect MainView); // found in menus_browser.cpp int m_SelectedIndex; int m_DoubleClickIndex; int m_ScrollOffset; void RenderServerbrowserServerList(CUIRect View); void RenderServerbrowserServerDetail(CUIRect View); void RenderServerbrowserFilters(CUIRect View); void RenderServerbrowserFriends(CUIRect View); void RenderServerbrowser(CUIRect MainView); static void ConchainFriendlistUpdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); static void ConchainServerbrowserUpdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData); // found in menus_settings.cpp void RenderLanguageSelection(CUIRect MainView); void RenderThemeSelection(CUIRect MainView, bool Header = true); void RenderSettingsGeneral(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsPlayer(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsDummyPlayer(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsTee(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsControls(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsGraphics(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsSound(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettings(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsCustom(CUIRect MainView); void SetNeedSendInfo(); void SetActive(bool Active); IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_TextureBlob; bool CheckHotKey(int Key) const; class CMenuBackground *m_pBackground; public: void RenderBackground(); void SetMenuBackground(class CMenuBackground *pBackground) { m_pBackground = pBackground; } static CMenusKeyBinder m_Binder; CMenus(); virtual int Sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); } void RenderLoading(const char *pCaption, const char *pContent, int IncreaseCounter, bool RenderLoadingBar = true, bool RenderMenuBackgroundMap = true); bool IsInit() { return m_IsInit; } bool IsActive() const { return m_MenuActive; } void KillServer(); virtual void OnInit() override; virtual void OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) override; virtual void OnReset() override; virtual void OnRender() override; virtual bool OnInput(IInput::CEvent Event) override; virtual bool OnCursorMove(float x, float y, IInput::ECursorType CursorType) override; virtual void OnShutdown() override; enum { PAGE_NEWS = 1, PAGE_GAME, PAGE_PLAYERS, PAGE_SERVER_INFO, PAGE_CALLVOTE, PAGE_INTERNET, PAGE_LAN, PAGE_FAVORITES, PAGE_DDNET, PAGE_KOG, PAGE_DEMOS, PAGE_SETTINGS, PAGE_SYSTEM, PAGE_NETWORK, PAGE_GHOST, PAGE_LENGTH, SETTINGS_LANGUAGE = 0, SETTINGS_GENERAL, SETTINGS_PLAYER, SETTINGS_TEE, SETTINGS_APPEARANCE, SETTINGS_CONTROLS, SETTINGS_GRAPHICS, SETTINGS_SOUND, SETTINGS_DDNET, SETTINGS_ASSETS, SETTINGS_LENGTH, BIG_TAB_NEWS = 0, BIG_TAB_INTERNET, BIG_TAB_LAN, BIG_TAB_FAVORITES, BIG_TAB_DDNET, BIG_TAB_KOG, BIG_TAB_DEMOS, BIG_TAB_LENGTH, SMALL_TAB_HOME = 0, SMALL_TAB_CLOSE, SMALL_TAB_QUIT, SMALL_TAB_SETTINGS, SMALL_TAB_EDITOR, SMALL_TAB_DEMOBUTTON, SMALL_TAB_SERVER, SMALL_TAB_LENGTH, }; SUIAnimator m_aAnimatorsBigPage[BIG_TAB_LENGTH]; SUIAnimator m_aAnimatorsSmallPage[SMALL_TAB_LENGTH]; SUIAnimator m_aAnimatorsSettingsTab[SETTINGS_LENGTH]; // DDRace int DoButton_CheckBox_Tristate(const void *pID, const char *pText, TRISTATE Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); std::vector m_vDemos; void DemolistPopulate(); void DemoSeekTick(IDemoPlayer::ETickOffset TickOffset); bool m_Dummy; const char *GetCurrentDemoFolder() const { return m_aCurrentDemoFolder; } // Ghost struct CGhostItem { char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char m_aPlayer[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; int m_Time; int m_Slot; bool m_Own; CGhostItem() : m_Slot(-1), m_Own(false) { m_aFilename[0] = 0; } bool operator<(const CGhostItem &Other) const { return m_Time < Other.m_Time; } bool Active() const { return m_Slot != -1; } bool HasFile() const { return m_aFilename[0]; } }; std::vector m_vGhosts; std::chrono::nanoseconds m_GhostPopulateStartTime{0}; void GhostlistPopulate(); CGhostItem *GetOwnGhost(); void UpdateOwnGhost(CGhostItem Item); void DeleteGhostItem(int Index); void setPopup(int Popup) { m_Popup = Popup; } int GetCurPopup() { return m_Popup; } bool CanDisplayWarning(); void PopupWarning(const char *pTopic, const char *pBody, const char *pButton, std::chrono::nanoseconds Duration); std::chrono::nanoseconds m_PopupWarningLastTime; std::chrono::nanoseconds m_PopupWarningDuration; int m_DemoPlayerState; char m_aDemoPlayerPopupHint[256]; enum { POPUP_NONE = 0, POPUP_FIRST_LAUNCH, POPUP_POINTS, POPUP_CONNECTING, POPUP_MESSAGE, POPUP_DISCONNECTED, POPUP_LANGUAGE, POPUP_COUNTRY, POPUP_DELETE_DEMO, POPUP_RENAME_DEMO, POPUP_RENDER_DEMO, POPUP_REPLACE_VIDEO, POPUP_REMOVE_FRIEND, POPUP_SOUNDERROR, POPUP_PASSWORD, POPUP_QUIT, POPUP_DISCONNECT, POPUP_DISCONNECT_DUMMY, POPUP_WARNING, POPUP_SWITCH_SERVER, // demo player states DEMOPLAYER_NONE = 0, DEMOPLAYER_SLICE_SAVE, }; private: static int GhostlistFetchCallback(const char *pName, int IsDir, int StorageType, void *pUser); void SetMenuPage(int NewPage); void RefreshBrowserTab(int UiPage); bool HandleListInputs(const CUIRect &View, float &ScrollValue, float ScrollAmount, int *pScrollOffset, float ElemHeight, int &SelectedIndex, int NumElems); // found in menus_ingame.cpp void RenderInGameNetwork(CUIRect MainView); void RenderGhost(CUIRect MainView); // found in menus_settings.cpp void RenderSettingsDDNet(CUIRect MainView); void RenderSettingsAppearance(CUIRect MainView); ColorHSLA RenderHSLColorPicker(const CUIRect *pRect, unsigned int *pColor, bool Alpha); ColorHSLA RenderHSLScrollbars(CUIRect *pRect, unsigned int *pColor, bool Alpha = false, bool ClampedLight = false); int RenderDropDown(int &CurDropDownState, CUIRect *pRect, int CurSelection, const void **pIDs, const char **pStr, int PickNum, CButtonContainer *pButtonContainer, float &ScrollVal); CServerProcess m_ServerProcess; }; #endif