#!/bin/bash arg_verbose=0 arg_valgrind_memcheck=0 for arg in "$@"; do if [ "$arg" == "-h" ] || [ "$arg" == "--help" ]; then echo "usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTION..]" echo "description:" echo " Runs a simple integration test of the client and server" echo " binaries from the current build directory." echo "options:" echo " --help|-h show this help" echo " --verbose|-v verbose output" echo " --valgrind-memcheck use valgrind's memcheck to run server and client" exit 0 elif [ "$arg" == "-v" ] || [ "$arg" == "--verbose" ]; then arg_verbose=1 elif [ "$arg" == "--valgrind-memcheck" ]; then arg_valgrind_memcheck=1 else echo "Error: unknown argument '$arg'" exit 1 fi done if [ ! -f DDNet ]; then echo "[-] Error: client binary 'DDNet' not found" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f DDNet-Server ]; then echo "[-] Error: server binary 'DDNet-Server' not found" exit 1 fi echo "[*] Setup" got_killed=0 function kill_all() { # needed to fix hang fifo with additional ctrl+c if [ "$got_killed" == "1" ]; then exit fi got_killed=1 if [ "$arg_verbose" == "1" ]; then echo "[*] Shutting down test clients and server" fi sleep 1 if [[ ! -f fail_server.txt ]]; then echo "[*] Shutting down server" if ! timeout 3 sh -c "echo shutdown > server.fifo"; then echo "[-] shutdown server timed out" fi fi sleep 1 local i for ((i = 1; i < 3; i++)); do if [[ ! -f fail_client$i.txt ]]; then echo "[*] Shutting down client$i" if ! timeout 3 sh -c "echo quit > \"client$i.fifo\""; then echo "[-] shutdown client $i timed out" fi fi done sleep 1 } function cleanup() { kill_all } trap cleanup EXIT function fail() { sleep 1 tail -n2 "$1".log > fail_"$1".txt echo "$1 exited with code $2" >> fail_"$1".txt echo "[-] $1 exited with code $2" } # Get unused port from the system by binding to port 0 and immediately closing the socket again port=$(python3 -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()') if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then DETECT_LEAKS=0 else DETECT_LEAKS=1 fi export UBSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=../ubsan.supp:log_path=./SAN:print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_errors=0 export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_path=./SAN:print_stacktrace=1:check_initialization_order=1:detect_leaks=$DETECT_LEAKS:halt_on_errors=0 export LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=../lsan.supp:print_suppressions=0 function check_asan_and_valgrind_results() { if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then # Wait to ensure that the error summary was written to the stderr files because valgrind takes some time # TODO: Instead wait for all started processes to finish sleep 20 if grep "== ERROR SUMMARY: " stderr_server.txt stderr_client1.txt stderr_client2.txt | grep -q -v "ERROR SUMMARY: 0"; then echo "[-] Error: Valgrind has detected the following errors:" grep "^==" stderr_server.txt stderr_client1.txt stderr_client2.txt return 1 fi else if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'SAN.*' -print -quit)"; then echo "[-] Error: ASAN has detected the following errors:" cat SAN.* return 1 fi fi return 0 } print_results() { for logfile in client1.log client2.log server.log; do if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then break fi if [ ! -f "$logfile" ]; then echo "[-] Error: logfile '$logfile' not found" touch fail_logs.txt continue fi logdiff="$(diff -u <(grep -v "console: .* access for .* is now .*abled" "$logfile" | sort) <(sort "stdout_$(basename "$logfile" .log).txt"))" if [ "$logdiff" != "" ]; then echo "[-] Error: logfile '$logfile' differs from stdout" echo "$logdiff" echo "[-] Error: logfile '$logfile' differs from stdout" >> fail_logs.txt echo "$logdiff" >> fail_logs.txt fi done for stderr in ./stderr_*.txt; do if [ ! -f "$stderr" ]; then continue fi if [ "$(cat "$stderr")" == "" ]; then continue fi echo "[!] Warning: $stderr" cat "$stderr" done if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'fail_*' -print -quit)"; then for fail in fail_*; do cat "$fail" done check_asan_and_valgrind_results echo "[-] Test failed. See errors above" exit 1 fi echo "[*] All tests passed" check_asan_and_valgrind_results || exit 1 } function fifo() { local cmd="$1" local fifo_file="$2" if [ -f fail_fifo_timeout.txt ]; then echo "[fifo] skipping because of timeout cmd: $cmd" return fi if [ "$arg_verbose" == "1" ]; then echo "[fifo] $cmd >> $fifo_file" fi if printf '%s' "$cmd" | grep -q '[`'"'"']'; then echo "[-] fifo commands can not contain backticks or single quotes" echo "[-] invalid fifo command: $cmd" exit 1 fi if ! timeout 3 sh -c "printf '%s\n' '$cmd' >> \"$fifo_file\""; then fifo_error="[-] fifo command timeout: $cmd >> $fifo_file" printf '%s\n' "$fifo_error" printf '%s\n' "$fifo_error" >> fail_fifo_timeout.txt kill_all print_results exit 1 fi } rm -rf integration_test mkdir -p integration_test/data/maps cp data/maps/coverage.map integration_test/data/maps cp data/maps/Tutorial.map integration_test/data/maps cd integration_test || exit 1 { echo $'add_path $CURRENTDIR' echo $'add_path $USERDIR' echo $'add_path $DATADIR' echo $'add_path ../data' } > storage.cfg tool="" client_args="cl_download_skins 0; gfx_fullscreen 0; snd_enable 0;" if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then tool="valgrind --tool=memcheck --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=../memcheck.supp --track-origins=yes" client_args="$client_args cl_menu_map \"\";" fi function wait_for_fifo() { local fifo="$1" local tries="$2" local fails=0 # give the server/client time to launch and create the fifo file # but assume after X secs that the server/client crashed before # being able to create the file while [[ ! -p "$fifo" ]]; do fails="$((fails + 1))" if [ "$arg_verbose" == "1" ]; then echo "[!] Note: $fifo not found (attempts $fails/$tries)" fi if [ "$fails" -gt "$tries" ]; then echo "[-] Error: $(basename "$fifo" .fifo) possibly crashed on launch" kill_all print_results exit 1 fi sleep 0.1 done } function wait_for_launch() { local fifo="$1" local baseDuration="$2" if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then wait_for_fifo "$fifo" $((400 * baseDuration)) sleep $((8 * baseDuration)) else wait_for_fifo "$fifo" $((100 * baseDuration)) sleep "$baseDuration" fi } echo "[*] Launch server" $tool ../DDNet-Server \ "sv_input_fifo server.fifo; sv_rcon_password rcon; sv_map coverage; sv_sqlite_file ddnet-server.sqlite; logfile server.log; sv_register 0; sv_port $port" > stdout_server.txt 2> stderr_server.txt || fail server "$?" & wait_for_launch server.fifo 1 echo "[*] Launch client 1" $tool ../DDNet \ "cl_input_fifo client1.fifo; player_name client1; logfile client1.log; $client_args connect localhost:$port" > stdout_client1.txt 2> stderr_client1.txt || fail client1 "$?" & wait_for_launch client1.fifo 3 echo "[*] Start demo recording" fifo "record server" server.fifo fifo "record client1" client1.fifo echo "[*] Launch client 2" $tool ../DDNet \ "cl_input_fifo client2.fifo; player_name client2; logfile client2.log; $client_args connect localhost:$port" > stdout_client2.txt 2> stderr_client2.txt || fail client2 "$?" & wait_for_launch client2.fifo 5 # wait for tees to finish sleep 15 echo "[*] Test chat and chat commands" fifo "say hello world" client1.fifo fifo "rcon_auth rcon" client1.fifo sleep 1 fifo "$( tr -d '\n' << EOF say "/mc ;top5 ;rank ;team 512 ;emote happy -999 ;pause ;points ;mapinfo ;list ;whisper client2 hi ;kill ;settings cheats ;timeout 123 ;timer broadcast ;cmdlist ;saytime" EOF )" client1.fifo sleep 10 echo "[*] Test rcon commands" fifo "$( tr -d '\n' << EOF rcon say hello from admin; rcon broadcast test; rcon status; rcon echo test; muteid 1 900 spam; unban_all; EOF )" client1.fifo sleep 5 echo "[*] Stop demo recording" fifo "stoprecord" server.fifo fifo "stoprecord" client1.fifo sleep 1 echo "[*] Test map change" fifo "rcon sv_map Tutorial" client1.fifo if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then sleep 60 else sleep 15 fi echo "[*] Play demos" fifo "play demos/server.demo" client1.fifo fifo "play demos/client1.demo" client2.fifo if [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" == "1" ]; then sleep 40 else sleep 10 fi # Kill all processes first so all outputs are fully written kill_all if ! grep -qE '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} ([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2} I chat: 0:-2:client1: hello world$' server.log; then touch fail_chat.txt echo "[-] Error: chat message not found in server log" fi if ! grep -q 'cmdlist' client1.log || ! grep -q 'pause' client1.log || ! grep -q 'rank' client1.log || ! grep -q 'points' client1.log; then touch fail_chatcommand.txt echo "[-] Error: did not find output of /cmdlist command" fi if ! grep -q "hello from admin" server.log; then touch fail_rcon.txt echo "[-] Error: admin message not found in server log" fi if ! grep -q "demo_player: Stopped playback" client1.log; then touch fail_demo_server.txt echo "[-] Error: demo playback of server demo in client 1 was not started/finished" fi if ! grep -q "demo_player: Stopped playback" client2.log; then touch fail_demo_client.txt echo "[-] Error: demo playback of client demo in client 2 was not started/finished" fi ranks="$(sqlite3 -cmd '.timeout 10000' ddnet-server.sqlite < <(echo "select * from record_race;"))" rank_time="$(echo "$ranks" | awk -F '|' '{ print "player:", $2, "time:", $4, "cps:", $6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28 }')" expected_times="\ player: client2 time: 1020.98 cps: 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.26 0.32 600.36 600.42 600.46 600.5 1020.54 1020.58 1020.6 1020.64 1020.66 1020.7 1020.72 1020.76 1020.78 1020.8 1020.84 1020.86 1020.88 1020.9 player: client2 time: 1020.38 cps: 1021.34 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.06 600.08 600.1 600.12 600.12 1020.14 1020.16 1020.18 1020.2 1020.2 1020.22 1020.24 1020.26 1020.26 1020.28 1020.3 1020.3 1020.32 1020.34 player: client1 time: 6248.56 cps: 0.42 0.5 0.0 0.66 0.92 0.02 300.18 300.46 300.76 300.88 300.98 301.02 301.04 301.06 301.08 301.18 301.38 301.66 307.34 308.08 308.1 308.14 308.44 player: client1 time: 168300.5 cps: 0.02 0.06 0.12 15300.14 15300.18 30600.2 30600.22 45900.24 45900.26 61200.28 61200.3 76500.32 76500.34 91800.36 91800.36 107100.38 107100.4 122400.42 122400.42 137700.44 137700.45 137700.45 153000.48 player: client2 time: 302.02 cps: 0.42 0.5 0.0 0.66 0.92 0.02 300.18 300.46 300.76 300.88 300.98 301.16 301.24 301.28 301.3 301.86 301.96 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" # require at least one rank in all cases. Exact finishes only with valgrind disabled if [ "$ranks" == "" ]; then touch fail_ranks.txt echo "[-] Error: no ranks found in database" elif [ "$arg_valgrind_memcheck" != "1" ] && [ "$rank_time" != "$expected_times" ]; then touch fail_ranks.txt echo "[-] Error: unexpected finish time" echo " expected: $expected_times" echo " got: $rank_time" fi print_results