According to cppchecker's `constParameter` error:
src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:7:58: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void Dilate(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest, unsigned char AlphaThreshold = TW_DILATE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD)
src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:58:67: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CopyColorValues(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest)
src\engine\shared\network_conn.cpp:241:42: style: Parameter 'Addr' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void CNetConnection::DirectInit(NETADDR &Addr, SECURITY_TOKEN SecurityToken, SECURITY_TOKEN Token, bool Sixup)
src\base\system.cpp:4060:71: style: Parameter 'random' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void generate_password(char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned short *random, unsigned random_length)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:263:38: style: Parameter 'AllocatedMemory' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void Free(SMemoryHeapQueueElement &AllocatedMemory)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:1708:47: style: Parameter 'ImgExtent' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
static size_t ImageMipLevelCount(VkExtent3D &ImgExtent)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:2801:29: style: Parameter 'Image' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void ImageBarrier(VkImage &Image, size_t MipMapBase, size_t MipMapCount, size_t LayerBase, size_t LayerCount, VkFormat Format, VkImageLayout OldLayout, VkImageLayout NewLayout)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:6495:46: style: Parameter 'ExecBuffer' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void Cmd_Clear(SRenderCommandExecuteBuffer &ExecBuffer, const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Clear *pCommand)
src\game\client\components\skins.cpp:83:72: style: Parameter 'pImg' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CheckMetrics(CSkin::SSkinMetricVariable &Metrics, uint8_t *pImg, int ImgWidth, int ImgX, int ImgY, int CheckWidth, int CheckHeight)
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.h:106:37: style: Parameter 'pNewInput' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void SetInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:106: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:151: style: Parameter 'pThisOnly' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:283:116: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
std::list<class CCharacter *> CGameWorld::IntersectedCharacters(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, class CEntity *pNotThis)
src\game\client\ui.cpp:522:180: style: Parameter 'pReadCursor' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CUI::DoLabel(CUIElement::SUIElementRect &RectEl, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, const SLabelProperties &LabelProps, int StrLen, CTextCursor *pReadCursor)
src\game\client\ui_scrollregion.cpp:23:86: style: Parameter 'pParams' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CScrollRegion::Begin(CUIRect *pClipRect, vec2 *pOutOffset, CScrollRegionParams *pParams)
src\game\server\scoreworker.h:239:29: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
void Set(float Time, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS])
src\game\server\score.cpp:135:80: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
void CScore::SaveScore(int ClientID, float Time, const char *pTimestamp, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS], bool NotEligible)
src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:57: style: Parameter 'pUseCustomColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:80: style: Parameter 'pSkinPartColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
According to cppchecker's `arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond` error:
src\engine\server\server.cpp:117:19: warning: Either the condition 'ID<0' is redundant or the array 'm_aIDs[32768]' is accessed at index 32768, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond]
dbg_assert(m_aIDs[ID].m_State == ID_ALLOCATED, "id is not allocated");
src\engine\server\server.cpp:115:8: note: Assuming that condition 'ID<0' is not redundant
if(ID < 0)
src\engine\server\server.cpp:117:19: note: Array index out of bounds
dbg_assert(m_aIDs[ID].m_State == ID_ALLOCATED, "id is not allocated");
src\engine\server\server.cpp:120:8: warning: Either the condition 'ID<0' is redundant or the array 'm_aIDs[32768]' is accessed at index 32768, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond]
m_aIDs[ID].m_State = ID_TIMED;
src\engine\server\server.cpp:115:8: note: Assuming that condition 'ID<0' is not redundant
if(ID < 0)
src\engine\server\server.cpp:120:8: note: Array index out of bounds
m_aIDs[ID].m_State = ID_TIMED;
src\engine\server\server.cpp:121:8: warning: Either the condition 'ID<0' is redundant or the array 'm_aIDs[32768]' is accessed at index 32768, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond]
m_aIDs[ID].m_Timeout = time_get() + time_freq() * 5;
src\engine\server\server.cpp:115:8: note: Assuming that condition 'ID<0' is not redundant
if(ID < 0)
src\engine\server\server.cpp:121:8: note: Array index out of bounds
m_aIDs[ID].m_Timeout = time_get() + time_freq() * 5;
src\engine\server\server.cpp:122:8: warning: Either the condition 'ID<0' is redundant or the array 'm_aIDs[32768]' is accessed at index 32768, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond]
m_aIDs[ID].m_Next = -1;
src\engine\server\server.cpp:115:8: note: Assuming that condition 'ID<0' is not redundant
if(ID < 0)
src\engine\server\server.cpp:122:8: note: Array index out of bounds
m_aIDs[ID].m_Next = -1;
According to cppchecker's `nullPointerRedundantCheck` error:
src\engine\server\server_logger.cpp:29:3: warning: Either the condition 'm_pServer' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: m_pServer. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
src\engine\server\server_logger.cpp:19:7: note: Assuming that condition 'm_pServer' is not redundant
src\engine\server\server_logger.cpp:29:3: note: Null pointer dereference
According to cppcheck's `redundantInitialization` and `redundantAssignment` errors:
src\game\client\ui.cpp:456:5: style: Redundant initialization for 'tw'. The initialized value is overwritten before it is read. [redundantInitialization]
tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Size, pText, -1, LabelProps.m_MaxWidth, &AlignedSize, &MaxCharacterHeightInLine);
src\game\client\ui.cpp:454:11: note: tw is initialized
float tw = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
src\game\client\ui.cpp:456:5: note: tw is overwritten
tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Size, pText, -1, LabelProps.m_MaxWidth, &AlignedSize, &MaxCharacterHeightInLine);
src\game\client\ui.cpp:529:5: style: Redundant initialization for 'tw'. The initialized value is overwritten before it is read. [redundantInitialization]
tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Size, pText, -1, LabelProps.m_MaxWidth, &AlignedSize, &MaxCharacterHeightInLine);
src\game\client\ui.cpp:527:11: note: tw is initialized
float tw = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
src\game\client\ui.cpp:529:5: note: tw is overwritten
tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Size, pText, -1, LabelProps.m_MaxWidth, &AlignedSize, &MaxCharacterHeightInLine);
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:6051:19: style: Variable 'm_Map.m_Modified' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
m_Map.m_Modified = false;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:6046:19: note: m_Map.m_Modified is assigned
m_Map.m_Modified = false;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:6051:19: note: m_Map.m_Modified is overwritten
m_Map.m_Modified = false;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:36: style: Variable 'm_LatestInput' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1134:16: note: m_LatestInput is assigned
m_LatestInput = m_LatestPrevInput = m_PrevInput = m_Input = m_SavedInput;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:36: note: m_LatestInput is overwritten
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:20: style: Variable 'm_LatestPrevInput' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1134:36: note: m_LatestPrevInput is assigned
m_LatestInput = m_LatestPrevInput = m_PrevInput = m_Input = m_SavedInput;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:20: note: m_LatestPrevInput is overwritten
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:50: style: Variable 'm_PrevInput' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [redundantAssignment]
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1134:50: note: m_PrevInput is assigned
m_LatestInput = m_LatestPrevInput = m_PrevInput = m_Input = m_SavedInput;
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.cpp:1148:50: note: m_PrevInput is overwritten
m_LatestPrevInput = m_LatestInput = m_PrevInput = m_SavedInput = m_Input;
According to cppcheck's `badBitmaskCheck` error:
src\engine\client\client.cpp:422:26: style: Operator '|' with one operand equal to zero is redundant. [badBitmaskCheck]
Packer.AddInt((0 << 1) | (pMsg->m_System ? 1 : 0)); // NETMSG_EX, NETMSGTYPE_EX
src\engine\shared\snapshot.cpp:40:45: style: Operator '|' with one operand equal to zero is redundant. [badBitmaskCheck]
int TypeItemIndex = GetItemIndex((0 << 16) | InternalType); // NETOBJTYPE_EX
src\engine\server\server.cpp:777:26: style: Operator '|' with one operand equal to zero is redundant. [badBitmaskCheck]
Packer.AddInt((0 << 1) | (pMsg->m_System ? 1 : 0)); // NETMSG_EX, NETMSGTYPE_EX
According to cppcheck's `selfAssignment` error:
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:5784:23: warning: Redundant assignment of 'DescrSetTextOutline' to itself. [selfAssignment]
DescrSetTextOutline = DescrSetText;
According to cppcheck's `unsignedLessThanZero` error:
src\engine\shared\datafile.cpp:129:13: style: Checking if unsigned expression 'Bytes' is less than zero. [unsignedLessThanZero]
if(Bytes <= 0)
According to cppcheck's `nullPointerRedundantCheck` check:
src\game\client\components\menus_settings.cpp:729:8: warning: Either the condition 'pSkinToBeSelected==0' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pSkinToBeSelected. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
if((pSkinToBeSelected->GetName()[0] == 'x' && pSkinToBeSelected->GetName()[1] == '_'))
src\game\client\components\menus_settings.cpp:732:25: note: Assuming that condition 'pSkinToBeSelected==0' is not redundant
if(pSkinToBeSelected == 0)
src\game\client\components\menus_settings.cpp:729:8: note: Null pointer dereference
if((pSkinToBeSelected->GetName()[0] == 'x' && pSkinToBeSelected->GetName()[1] == '_'))
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5034:19: warning: Either the condition 'pEnvelope' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pEnvelope. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
float EndTime = pEnvelope->EndTime();
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5056:7: note: Assuming that condition 'pEnvelope' is not redundant
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5034:19: note: Null pointer dereference
float EndTime = pEnvelope->EndTime();
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5038:3: warning: Either the condition 'pEnvelope' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pEnvelope. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5056:7: note: Assuming that condition 'pEnvelope' is not redundant
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5038:3: note: Null pointer dereference
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5039:15: warning: Either the condition 'pEnvelope' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pEnvelope. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
float Top = pEnvelope->m_Top;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5056:7: note: Assuming that condition 'pEnvelope' is not redundant
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5039:15: note: Null pointer dereference
float Top = pEnvelope->m_Top;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5040:18: warning: Either the condition 'pEnvelope' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pEnvelope. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
float Bottom = pEnvelope->m_Bottom;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5056:7: note: Assuming that condition 'pEnvelope' is not redundant
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5040:18: note: Null pointer dereference
float Bottom = pEnvelope->m_Bottom;
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5081:23: warning: Either the condition 'pEnvelope' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: pEnvelope. [nullPointerRedundantCheck]
for(int c = 0; c < pEnvelope->m_Channels; c++)
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5056:7: note: Assuming that condition 'pEnvelope' is not redundant
src\game\editor\editor.cpp:5081:23: note: Null pointer dereference
for(int c = 0; c < pEnvelope->m_Channels; c++)
The assigned values are never used, so the assignments can be removed or variable scopes can be reduced.
According to cppcheck's `unreadVariable` error.
The client crashes when launching with `screenshot` in the command line, as the graphics are not available when the command is executed.
This is fixed by storing the command, so it's executed when everything is ready.
When stored commands (`CFGFLAG_STORE`) were executed with `CConsole::StoreCommands(false)`, the associated chained commands were not properly executed, if they were chained after the command has been stored (e.g. in `CMenus::OnInit`).
Storing the command saves the current callback and userdata, which were overridden by the chain callback and userdata, but the stored callback and userdata were not updated.
This is fixed by storing a pointer to the command itself, which will be updated when it is chained.
From teeworlds/teeworlds#2572.
The key reader was displaying the old key for a frame. It now shows the new key immediately without flashing the old one after changing a bind.
- The if-branches are restructured to be the same as on upstream.
- The function `GetKeyBindModifiersName` can be called without an additional check, because it returns an empty string when no modifier is pressed.
- The unused parameter `Checked` of the `DoButton_KeySelect` function is removed.
From teeworlds/teeworlds#2877.
The state of teams was not reset when restarting a round with `restart`, which led to various issues (#5144):
- Switchers kept their previous state instead of being reset to the initial state after restarting.
- Teams that started racing sometimes could not be joined after restarting.
- Sometimes teams cannot finish a race after restarting. I cannot reproduce this issue, so I don't know if it's fixed by these changes.
6073: Remove // in ddnet:// url handler r=Jupeyy a=def-
<!-- What is the motivation for the changes of this pull request? -->
<!-- Note that builds and other checks will be run for your change. Don't feel intimidated by failures in some of the checks. If you can't resolve them yourself, experienced devs can also resolve them before merging your pull request. -->
## Checklist
- [ ] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [ ] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Dennis Felsing <>
6070: Add reason to vote mute, fix vote mute r=def- a=Vy0x2
<!-- What is the motivation for the changes of this pull request? -->
When vote muting a player, the message which notifies the player got send in team chat (should be chat_all) and a second message appeared in rcon. Furthermore you couldnt add a reason to vote mutes.
Fixed those issues.
<!-- Note that builds and other checks will be run for your change. Don't feel intimidated by failures in some of the checks. If you can't resolve them yourself, experienced devs can also resolve them before merging your pull request. -->
## Checklist
- [x] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [x] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [x] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Vy0x2 <>
6068: Fix client crash when unpacking a sixup packet r=def- a=Robyt3
The client crashes when trying to unpack a packet that has the sixup flag set, as `CNetClient` does not pass pointers for the output parameters `pSecurityToken` and `pResponseToken` to `CNetBase::UnpackPacket`. Since the client does not handle sixup packets, checks are added to return an error and ignore the packet instead of crashing due to a null pointer access.
This was found by fuzzing the data returned by `net_udp_recv` with radamsa.
==6200==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7f8d0fb8ba56 bp 0x7ffcbf67c7f0 sp 0x7ffcbf67c7a8 T0)
==6200==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
==6200==Hint: address points to the zero page.
0 0x7f8d0fb8ba56 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
1 0x563a7e250fbe in mem_copy src/base/system.cpp:208
2 0x563a7e1bc6b6 in CNetBase::UnpackPacket(unsigned char*, int, CNetPacketConstruct*, bool&, int*, int*) src/engine/shared/network.cpp:263
3 0x563a7e1bf57e in CNetClient::Recv(CNetChunk*) src/engine/shared/network_client.cpp:100
4 0x563a7cfa76a2 in CClient::PumpNetwork() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2546
5 0x563a7cfb7cf6 in CClient::Update() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2838
6 0x563a7cfcfe47 in CClient::Run() src/engine/client/client.cpp:3214
7 0x563a7d04c631 in main src/engine/client/client.cpp:4702
8 0x7f8d0faf0d8f in __libc_start_call_main ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
9 0x7f8d0faf0e3f in __libc_start_main_impl ../csu/libc-start.c:392
10 0x563a7cb28754 in _start (build-asan/DDNet+0x2472754)
==8315==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7f4accfe5a56 bp 0x7ffcf1318530 sp 0x7ffcf13184e8 T0)
==8315==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
==8315==Hint: address points to the zero page.
0 0x7f4accfe5a56 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
1 0x560413603200 in mem_copy src/base/system.cpp:208
2 0x56041356d9c7 in CNetBase::UnpackPacket(unsigned char*, int, CNetPacketConstruct*, bool&, int*, int*) src/engine/shared/network.cpp:224
3 0x5604135717c0 in CNetClient::Recv(CNetChunk*) src/engine/shared/network_client.cpp:104
4 0x5604123597e2 in CClient::PumpNetwork() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2546
5 0x560412369e36 in CClient::Update() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2838
6 0x560412381f87 in CClient::Run() src/engine/client/client.cpp:3214
7 0x5604123fe771 in main src/engine/client/client.cpp:4702
8 0x7f4accf4ad8f in __libc_start_call_main ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
9 0x7f4accf4ae3f in __libc_start_main_impl ../csu/libc-start.c:392
10 0x560411eda894 in _start (build-asan/DDNet+0x2472894)
## Checklist
- [X] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [X] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [X] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [X] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Robert Müller <>
The client crashes when trying to unpack a packet that has the sixup flag set, as `CNetClient` does not pass pointers for the output parameters `pSecurityToken` and `pResponseToken` to `CNetBase::UnpackPacket`.
Since the client does not handle sixup packets, checks are added to return an error and ignore the packet instead of crashing due to a null pointer access.
This was found by fuzzing the data returned by `net_udp_recv` with radamsa.
==6200==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7f8d0fb8ba56 bp 0x7ffcbf67c7f0 sp 0x7ffcbf67c7a8 T0)
==6200==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
==6200==Hint: address points to the zero page.
0 0x7f8d0fb8ba56 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
1 0x563a7e250fbe in mem_copy src/base/system.cpp:208
2 0x563a7e1bc6b6 in CNetBase::UnpackPacket(unsigned char*, int, CNetPacketConstruct*, bool&, int*, int*) src/engine/shared/network.cpp:263
3 0x563a7e1bf57e in CNetClient::Recv(CNetChunk*) src/engine/shared/network_client.cpp:100
4 0x563a7cfa76a2 in CClient::PumpNetwork() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2546
5 0x563a7cfb7cf6 in CClient::Update() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2838
6 0x563a7cfcfe47 in CClient::Run() src/engine/client/client.cpp:3214
7 0x563a7d04c631 in main src/engine/client/client.cpp:4702
8 0x7f8d0faf0d8f in __libc_start_call_main ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
9 0x7f8d0faf0e3f in __libc_start_main_impl ../csu/libc-start.c:392
10 0x563a7cb28754 in _start (build-asan/DDNet+0x2472754)
==8315==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7f4accfe5a56 bp 0x7ffcf1318530 sp 0x7ffcf13184e8 T0)
==8315==The signal is caused by a WRITE memory access.
==8315==Hint: address points to the zero page.
0 0x7f4accfe5a56 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
1 0x560413603200 in mem_copy src/base/system.cpp:208
2 0x56041356d9c7 in CNetBase::UnpackPacket(unsigned char*, int, CNetPacketConstruct*, bool&, int*, int*) src/engine/shared/network.cpp:224
3 0x5604135717c0 in CNetClient::Recv(CNetChunk*) src/engine/shared/network_client.cpp:104
4 0x5604123597e2 in CClient::PumpNetwork() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2546
5 0x560412369e36 in CClient::Update() src/engine/client/client.cpp:2838
6 0x560412381f87 in CClient::Run() src/engine/client/client.cpp:3214
7 0x5604123fe771 in main src/engine/client/client.cpp:4702
8 0x7f4accf4ad8f in __libc_start_call_main ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
9 0x7f4accf4ae3f in __libc_start_main_impl ../csu/libc-start.c:392
10 0x560411eda894 in _start (build-asan/DDNet+0x2472894)
6067: Implement smooth zoom for editor r=heinrich5991 a=Robyt3
Port the smooth zoom code from the ingame camera to the editor with some minor adjustments.
The smooth zoom animation time can be adjusted with the existing `cl_smooth_zoom_time` config variable.
## Checklist
- [X] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [X] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options: `cl_smooth_zoom_time`, `cl_limit_max_zoom_level` and `ed_zoom_target`
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [ ] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Robert Müller <>
Port the smooth zoom code from the ingame camera to the editor with some minor adjustments.
The smooth zoom animation time can be adjusted with the existing `cl_smooth_zoom_time` config variable.
6058: Fix invalid demo cutting, Add slice highlighting r=Chairn a=VoxelDoesCode
Before, you could place an end slice before the beginning, creating a "zero second" demo, which doesn't play in client, and renders a corrupt file. I implemented a check where if the playhead is before the beginning slice, it won't place an end slice, and vice versa.
I also added highlighting in between the slices, so that it's easier to see.
## Checklist
- [x] Tested the change ingame
- [x] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [x] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: VoxelDoesCode <>
6064: Fix choppy demo seeking when start/end ticks are very large r=def- a=Robyt3
Demo seeking for percent positions and relative time was choppy, when the first and last ticks of the demo are very large but close together (e.g. with 1308908156 to 1308905658, which are close to integer limit). During the calculation of `WantedTick` both operands were promoted to `float`s, which caused the information of the smaller operand, i.e. the seeked percentage or relative time, to be mostly lost, so seeking was very inaccurate. This is fixed by rounding the `float` operand to `int` before adding it to another `int`.
## Checklist
- [X] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [ ] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Robert Müller <>
Demo seeking for percent positions and relative time was choppy, when the first and last ticks of the demo are very large but close together (e.g. with 1308908156 to 1308905658, which are close to integer limit).
During the calculation of `WantedTick` both operands were promoted to `float`s, which caused the information of the smaller operand, i.e. the seeked percentage or relative time, to be mostly lost, so seeking was very inaccurate.
This is fixed by rounding the `float` operand to `int` before adding it to another `int`.
6061: Add friend counter + Change alignment of player count text r=def- a=l-ouis
Added friend counter, changed the alignment of player count indicator to better accommodate friend counter + line up with the "Players" text at the top of the tab
## Checklist
- [x] Tested the change ingame
- [x] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [x] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: louis <>
6063: Add `TYPE_ALL_OR_ABSOLUTE` and `TYPE_SAVE_OR_ABSOLUTE` storage types r=def- a=Robyt3
The types are translated to `TYPE_ALL`/`TYPE_SAVE` respectively if a given path is relative and to `TYPE_ABSOLUTE` if a path is absolute.
These types are only supported with the `OpenFile`, `ReadFile`, `ReadFileStr` and `GetCompletePath` methods.
This reduces duplicate code when calling the methods.
## Checklist
- [X] Tested the change ingame
- [ ] Provided screenshots if it is a visual change
- [ ] Tested in combination with possibly related configuration options
- [ ] Written a unit test (especially base/) or added coverage to integration test
- [ ] Considered possible null pointers and out of bounds array indexing
- [ ] Changed no physics that affect existing maps
- [ ] Tested the change with [ASan+UBSan or valgrind's memcheck]( (optional)
Co-authored-by: Robert Müller <>
The types are translated to `TYPE_ALL`/`TYPE_SAVE` respectively if a given path is relative and to `TYPE_ABSOLUTE` if a path is absolute.
These types are only supported with the `OpenFile`, `ReadFile`, `ReadFileStr` and `GetCompletePath` methods.
This reduces duplicate code when calling the methods.
6059: add cargo for fedora r=def- a=Anime-pdf
<!-- What is the motivation for the changes of this pull request? -->
looks like in 07be2a7663 cargo package for fedora wasn't added
<!-- Note that builds and other checks will be run for your change. Don't feel intimidated by failures in some of the checks. If you can't resolve them yourself, experienced devs can also resolve them before merging your pull request. -->
Co-authored-by: Paul <>