According to cppchecker's `constParameter` error:
src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:7:58: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void Dilate(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest, unsigned char AlphaThreshold = TW_DILATE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD)
src\engine\gfx\image_manipulation.cpp:58:67: style: Parameter 'pSrc' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CopyColorValues(int w, int h, int BPP, unsigned char *pSrc, unsigned char *pDest)
src\engine\shared\network_conn.cpp:241:42: style: Parameter 'Addr' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void CNetConnection::DirectInit(NETADDR &Addr, SECURITY_TOKEN SecurityToken, SECURITY_TOKEN Token, bool Sixup)
src\base\system.cpp:4060:71: style: Parameter 'random' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void generate_password(char *buffer, unsigned length, unsigned short *random, unsigned random_length)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:263:38: style: Parameter 'AllocatedMemory' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void Free(SMemoryHeapQueueElement &AllocatedMemory)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:1708:47: style: Parameter 'ImgExtent' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
static size_t ImageMipLevelCount(VkExtent3D &ImgExtent)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:2801:29: style: Parameter 'Image' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void ImageBarrier(VkImage &Image, size_t MipMapBase, size_t MipMapCount, size_t LayerBase, size_t LayerCount, VkFormat Format, VkImageLayout OldLayout, VkImageLayout NewLayout)
src\engine\client\backend\vulkan\backend_vulkan.cpp:6495:46: style: Parameter 'ExecBuffer' can be declared as reference to const [constParameter]
void Cmd_Clear(SRenderCommandExecuteBuffer &ExecBuffer, const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Clear *pCommand)
src\game\client\components\skins.cpp:83:72: style: Parameter 'pImg' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
static void CheckMetrics(CSkin::SSkinMetricVariable &Metrics, uint8_t *pImg, int ImgWidth, int ImgX, int ImgY, int CheckWidth, int CheckHeight)
src\game\client\prediction\entities\character.h:106:37: style: Parameter 'pNewInput' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void SetInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:106: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:245:151: style: Parameter 'pThisOnly' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CCharacter *CGameWorld::IntersectCharacter(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, vec2 &NewPos, CCharacter *pNotThis, int CollideWith, class CCharacter *pThisOnly)
src\game\client\prediction\gameworld.cpp:283:116: style: Parameter 'pNotThis' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
std::list<class CCharacter *> CGameWorld::IntersectedCharacters(vec2 Pos0, vec2 Pos1, float Radius, class CEntity *pNotThis)
src\game\client\ui.cpp:522:180: style: Parameter 'pReadCursor' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CUI::DoLabel(CUIElement::SUIElementRect &RectEl, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, const SLabelProperties &LabelProps, int StrLen, CTextCursor *pReadCursor)
src\game\client\ui_scrollregion.cpp:23:86: style: Parameter 'pParams' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
void CScrollRegion::Begin(CUIRect *pClipRect, vec2 *pOutOffset, CScrollRegionParams *pParams)
src\game\server\scoreworker.h:239:29: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
void Set(float Time, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS])
src\game\server\score.cpp:135:80: style: Parameter 'aTimeCp' can be declared as const array [constParameter]
void CScore::SaveScore(int ClientID, float Time, const char *pTimestamp, float aTimeCp[NUM_CHECKPOINTS], bool NotEligible)
src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:57: style: Parameter 'pUseCustomColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
src\game\server\teeinfo.cpp:40:80: style: Parameter 'pSkinPartColors' can be declared as pointer to const [constParameter]
CTeeInfo::CTeeInfo(const char *apSkinPartNames[6], int *pUseCustomColors, int *pSkinPartColors)
Previously, close messages were entirely ignored during the connection
process, this meant that ban messages weren't shown to players. Instead,
they'd see the standard "no answer from server yet" message.
This allows the client to connect to servers that have both an IPv4 and
an IPv6 address, even if the client is only connected to one of the two.
The one faster to answer will be picked.
Timeout codes are now generated based on *all* of the server's
Purely automatic change. In case of conflict with this change, apply the
other change and rerun the formatting to restore it:
$ python scripts/