diff --git a/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt b/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt index 225fa2222..e0166bef5 100644 --- a/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt +++ b/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ # 2022-09-17 cheeser0613 # 2022-10-24 cheeser0613 # 2022-12-11 cheeser0613 +# 2023-01-11 cheeser0613 ##### /authors ##### ##### translated strings ##### @@ -1665,59 +1666,59 @@ Are you sure that you want to reset the controls to their defaults? [Graphics error] Failed during initialization. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. -== +== 初始化失败。请尝试打开配置目录中的设置文件(settings_ddnet.cfg)并将“gfx_backend OpenGL”修改为“gfx_backend Vulkan”(若没有前者则可直接输入后者)再重试。 [Graphics error] Out of VRAM. Try removing custom assets (skins, entities, etc.), especially those with high resolution. -== +== 显存不足。请尝试移除自定义资源(如皮肤,实体层等等),尤其高分辨率的自定义资源。 [Graphics error] An error during command recording occurred. Try to update your GPU drivers. -== +== 指令记录期间检测到错误。请尝试更新显卡驱动程序。 [Graphics error] A render command failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. -== +== 渲染指令错误。请尝试更新显卡驱动程序 [Graphics error] Submitting the render commands failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. -== +== 渲染指令提交失败。请尝试更新显卡驱动程序。 [Graphics error] Failed to swap framebuffers. Try to update your GPU drivers. -== +== 帧缓存交替失败。请尝试更新显卡驱动程序。 [Graphics error] Unknown error. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. -== +== 未知错误。请尝试打开配置目录中的设置文件(settings_ddnet.cfg)并将“gfx_backend OpenGL”修改为“gfx_backend Vulkan”(若没有前者则可直接输入后者)再重试。 [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now. -== +== 无法初始化当前配置的图形后端,正在将配置回退至默认图形后端。 Open the directory that contains the demo files -== +== 打开存有回放文件的文件夹路径 Save power by lowering refresh rate (higher input latency) -== +== 省电模式(限制帧率上限以降低功耗但也将提高输入延迟) Open the settings file -== +== 打开设置文件 Open the directory that contains the configuration and user files -== +== 打开存有配置文件与用户文件的文件夹路径 Open the directory to add custom themes -== +== 打开用以添加自定义主题的文件夹路径 Open the directory to add custom skins -== +== 打开用以添加自定义皮肤的文件夹路径 No controller found. Plug in a controller. -== +== 未检测到任何控制器。请尝试重新连接控制器。 Unregister protocol and file extensions -== +== 未注册的协议与扩充文件 Open the directory to add custom assets -== +== 打开用以添加自定义资源的文件夹路径