Add ingame touch controls

Add new client component `CTouchControls` for playing the game with touch inputs. The touch controls can be enabled/disabled with the config variable `cl_touch_controls`, which defaults to `1` on Android and `0` on other platforms. The touch controls consist of various on-screen touch buttons. The different buttons are only shown when they are usable depending on the context. The touch button configuration is stored in `touch_controls.json`.

Default touch button configuration

Movement buttons for left, right and jump actions are arranged in a `⊥`-pattern similar to WASD controls.

For the fire and hook action, two modes are implemented:

1. Direct touch input: the mouse is moved exactly where the player touches on the screen.
2. Virtual joystick: a button is used to emulate a joystick, which moves the mouse relative to the center of the screen.

In either mode, a button is used to switch between the active actions (fire and hook). While the virtual joystick is being held down, this button uses the other action directly instead of switching it.

The direct touch input mode can be enabled/disabled separately for ingame/spectating, to prevent accidental direct touch input when using a joystick.

When spectating, direct touch input is used to allow panning the map directly like in an image/map viewer. Virtual joysticks can also be used to pan the map while spectating.

Two separate buttons are shown to switch to the previous and next weapons.

A hamburger menu button `☰` is used to toggle the visibility of lesser used touch buttons. This includes buttons for showing the scoreboard, showing the emoticon selector, showing the spectator menu, opening team and team chat, voting yes/no, and zooming. Long pressing the hamburger menu button will open the regular menu.

When the dummy is connected, a button for swapping between main and dummy is shown.

The emoticon selector and spectator menu are activated with the respective touch buttons and can be deactivated by touching outside of them or by using the back-button, as toggling them while the ingame touch button is pressed down is currently not feasible and also inconvenient at least for using the spectator menu.

Touch button configuration format

The default button layout described above is loaded from `data/touch_controls.json`. This layout can be overridden by creating `touch_controls.json` in the user directory. The following button properties are adjustable:

- Position and size (attributes `x`, `y`, `w`, `h`): the X/Y position and width/height are integers on a 1,000,000² grid. The unit grid values are converted to screen grid values at runtime in relation to the aspect ratio of the screen. This means buttons may appear stretched if the resolution is changed, but it allows us to provide a reasonable default for slightly different aspect ratios. If we save the absolute position instead, we would have the problem of buttons appearing outside the screen or not being aligned on different aspect ratios.
- Shape (attribute `shape`): determines the shape of the button being rendered.
    - `"rect"`: rectangle shape.
    - `"circle"`: circle shape. The button size will automatically be adjusted so that width and height are identical.
- Visibility (attribute `visibilities`): an array of predefined visibility classes can be selected and the button is only shown if all conditions are satisfied. An empty array means that the button is always shown. The following visibility classes are defined:
    - `"ingame"`: player is ingame, i.e. not spectating.
    - `"extra-menu"`: the extra menu is activated.
    - `"zoom-allowed"`: zoom is allowed on the this server.
    - `"vote-active"`: a vote is currently active.
    - `"dummy-allowed"`: dummy is allowed on this server.
    - `"dummy-connected"`: dummy is currently connected.
    - `"rcon-authed"`: player is currently authed in rcon.
    - All visibility classes can be inverted by prefixing them with `-`, e.g. `"-ingame"` is satisfied when the player is not ingame, i.e. spectating.
- Behavior (attribute `behavior`): an object which describes the behavior of this touch button when it is activated/deactivated as well as its label. The attribute `type` is used to differentiate which type of behavior is used. The behavior is either predefined (hard-coded) or a generic console command (bind). Predefined behavior is only used where necessary, all other buttons are represented as generic binds.
    - Predefined behavior (attribute `type` set to `"predefined"`): The attribute `id` is set to a fixed string value which determines the specific predefined behavior. The following predefined behaviors exist:
        - `"extra-menu"`: The extra menu button which toggles visibility of buttons with `"extra-menu"` visibility. Also opens the normal menu on long press.
        - `"emoticon"`: Opens the emoticon selector (this does not work with binds).
        - `"spectate"`: Opens the spectator menu (this does not work with binds).
        - `"swap-action"`: Swaps the active action (fire and hook) for direct touch input and virtual joysticks.
        - `"use-action"`: Uses the active action with the current aiming position.
        - `"joystick-action"`: Virtual joystick which uses the active action.
        - `"joystick-fire"`: Virtual joystick which always uses fire.
        - `"joystick-hook"`: Virtual joystick which always uses hook.
    - Bind behavior (attribute `type` set to `"bind"`). Buttons with this behavior work like regular key binds.
        - The attribute `"label"` specifies as a string the label of the button.
        - The attribute `"label-type"` specifies as a string the type of the label of the button, i.e. how the attribute `"label"` is interpreted:
            - `"plain"`: Label is used as is.
            - `"localized"`: Label is localized. Only usable for the default buttons for which there are translations available.
            - `"icon"`: Icon font is used for the label. Icons must be encoded using `\uXXXX`, e.g. `\uf3ce` for the mobile phone icon.
        - The attribute `"command"` specifies as a string the command to execute in the console like a bind when this button is used.

Ingame menu buttons

In addition to the separate on-screen touch controls, a second row is added to the main page of the ingame menu when `cl_touch_controls` is enabled for less frequently used functions which are otherwise not usable without a keyboard:

- Buttons to open the local and remote consoles. Opening the local console without the touch controls is useful because error messages would be shown there if the touch controls configuration could not be loaded.
- Button to close the menu, which is more convenient than using the virtual back button if it's not always shown.
- Checkbox for toggling the touch controls editor UI (see below).

Ingame touch controls editor

The user interface to adjust the touch controls is rendered over the main screen of the ingame menu when enabled. For now, the implementation of the touch controls editor is limited to basic configuration management functions.

- Saving the configuration to the `touch_controls.json` file in config directory.
- Discarding the current changes by reloading the `touch_controls.json` file from config directory.
- Restoring the default configuration by reloading the `touch_controls.json` file from data directory.
- Displaying whether there are unsaved changes.
- Importing and exporting the configuration from and to the clipboard. This is the only way to edit the configuration on newer Android versions, as editing files within apps' storage is not possible anymore.

Furthermore, the global touch controls settings can be adjusted in this UI:

- Direct touch input can be enabled/disabled separately while ingame and while spectating.

While the touch controls editor is active, all buttons are shown regardless of their visibility, to better support arranging the buttons.

Future tasks

- Implement more usable UI for adjusting the button layout.
- Add `color` property to touch buttons to adjust the default background color?
- Support multiple independent extra menu visibilities and buttons with separate states, which would also add support for nesting buttons in menus.
- Support zooming gesture.
- Optimize touch button rendering using text and quad containers.
This commit is contained in:
Robert Müller 2024-07-13 22:25:34 +02:00
parent 5d4e6cf86a
commit 4df4fa237e
10 changed files with 2166 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -1843,6 +1843,7 @@ set(EXPECTED_DATA
@ -2397,6 +2398,8 @@ if(CLIENT)

data/touch_controls.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
"direct-touch-ingame": true,
"direct-touch-spectate": true,
"touch-buttons": [
"x": 0,
"y": 833333,
"w": 200000,
"h": 166667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Move left",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+left"
"x": 200000,
"y": 833333,
"w": 200000,
"h": 166667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Move right",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+right"
"x": 100000,
"y": 666667,
"w": 200000,
"h": 166667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Jump",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+jump"
"x": 116667,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Prev. weapon",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+prevweapon"
"x": 200000,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Next weapon",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+nextweapon"
"x": 16667,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "predefined",
"id": "extra-menu"
"x": 300000,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Zoom out",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "zoom-"
"x": 383333,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Default zoom",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "zoom"
"x": 466666,
"y": 16667,
"w": 83333,
"h": 83333,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Zoom in",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "zoom+"
"x": 16667,
"y": 133333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Scoreboard",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "+scoreboard"
"x": 116667,
"y": 133333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "predefined",
"id": "emoticon"
"x": 116667,
"y": 133333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "predefined",
"id": "spectate"
"x": 216667,
"y": 133333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Chat",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "chat all"
"x": 316667,
"y": 133333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Team chat",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "chat team"
"x": 16667,
"y": 333333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Vote yes",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "vote yes"
"x": 116667,
"y": 333333,
"w": 83333,
"h": 66667,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Vote no",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "vote no"
"x": 766667,
"y": 16667,
"w": 100000,
"h": 100000,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "bind",
"label": "Toggle dummy",
"label-type": "localized",
"command": "toggle cl_dummy 0 1"
"x": 883333,
"y": 16667,
"w": 100000,
"h": 100000,
"shape": "rect",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "predefined",
"id": "swap-action"
"x": 755000,
"y": 580000,
"w": 225000,
"h": 400000,
"shape": "circle",
"visibilities": [
"behavior": {
"type": "predefined",
"id": "joystick-action"

View file

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingSmooth, cl_antiping_smooth, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT |
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAntiPingGunfire, cl_antiping_gunfire, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict gunfire and show predicted weapon physics (with cl_antiping_grenade 1 and cl_antiping_weapons 1)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClPredictionMargin, cl_prediction_margin, 10, 1, 300, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Prediction margin in ms (adds latency, can reduce lag from ping jumps)")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClSubTickAiming, cl_sub_tick_aiming, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Send aiming data at sub-tick accuracy")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTouchControls, cl_touch_controls, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable ingame touch controls")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTouchControls, cl_touch_controls, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable ingame touch controls")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplates, cl_nameplates, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show name plates")
MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAfkEmote, cl_afk_emote, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show zzz emote next to afk players")

View file

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
class CControls : public CComponent
float GetMinMouseDistance() const;
float GetMaxMouseDistance() const;
vec2 m_aMousePos[NUM_DUMMIES];
vec2 m_aMousePosOnAction[NUM_DUMMIES];
vec2 m_aTargetPos[NUM_DUMMIES];

View file

@ -475,8 +475,12 @@ protected:
// found in menus_ingame.cpp
STextContainerIndex m_MotdTextContainerIndex;
void RenderGame(CUIRect MainView);
void RenderTouchControlsEditor(CUIRect MainView);
void PopupConfirmDisconnect();
void PopupConfirmDisconnectDummy();
void PopupConfirmDiscardTouchControlsChanged();
void PopupConfirmResetTouchControls();
void PopupConfirmImportTouchControlsClipboard();
void RenderPlayers(CUIRect MainView);
void RenderServerInfo(CUIRect MainView);
void RenderServerInfoMotd(CUIRect Motd);
@ -638,7 +642,6 @@ protected:
static CUi::EPopupMenuFunctionResult PopupMapPicker(void *pContext, CUIRect View, bool Active);
void SetNeedSendInfo();
void SetActive(bool Active);
void UpdateColors();
IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_TextureBlob;
@ -658,6 +661,8 @@ public:
bool IsInit() { return m_IsInit; }
bool IsActive() const { return m_MenuActive; }
void SetActive(bool Active);
void KillServer();
virtual void OnInit() override;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <game/client/animstate.h>
#include <game/client/components/countryflags.h>
#include <game/client/components/touch_controls.h>
#include <game/client/gameclient.h>
#include <game/client/render.h>
#include <game/client/ui.h>
@ -40,21 +41,19 @@ using namespace std::chrono_literals;
void CMenus::RenderGame(CUIRect MainView)
CUIRect Button, ButtonBar, ButtonBar2;
CUIRect Button, ButtonBars, ButtonBar, ButtonBar2;
bool ShowDDRaceButtons = MainView.w > 855.0f;
MainView.HSplitTop(45.0f, &ButtonBar, &MainView);
ButtonBar.Draw(ms_ColorTabbarActive, IGraphics::CORNER_B, 10.0f);
// button bar
ButtonBar.HSplitTop(10.0f, 0, &ButtonBar);
ButtonBar.HSplitTop(25.0f, &ButtonBar, 0);
ButtonBar.VMargin(10.0f, &ButtonBar);
ButtonBar.HSplitTop(30.0f, 0, &ButtonBar2);
ButtonBar2.HSplitTop(25.0f, &ButtonBar2, 0);
MainView.HSplitTop(45.0f + (g_Config.m_ClTouchControls ? 35.0f : 0.0f), &ButtonBars, &MainView);
ButtonBars.Draw(ms_ColorTabbarActive, IGraphics::CORNER_B, 10.0f);
ButtonBars.Margin(10.0f, &ButtonBars);
ButtonBars.HSplitTop(25.0f, &ButtonBar, &ButtonBars);
ButtonBars.HSplitTop(10.0f, nullptr, &ButtonBars);
ButtonBars.HSplitTop(25.0f, &ButtonBar2, &ButtonBars);
ButtonBar.VSplitRight(120.0f, &ButtonBar, &Button);
static CButtonContainer s_DisconnectButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_DisconnectButton, Localize("Disconnect"), 0, &Button))
@ -214,6 +213,147 @@ void CMenus::RenderGame(CUIRect MainView)
ButtonBar2.VSplitLeft(200.0f, &Button, &ButtonBar2);
static char s_TouchControlsEditCheckbox;
if(DoButton_CheckBox(&s_TouchControlsEditCheckbox, Localize("Edit touch controls"), GameClient()->m_TouchControls.IsEditingActive(), &Button))
ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(80.0f, &ButtonBar2, &Button);
static CButtonContainer s_CloseButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_CloseButton, Localize("Close"), 0, &Button))
ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ButtonBar2, nullptr);
ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(160.0f, &ButtonBar2, &Button);
static CButtonContainer s_RemoveConsoleButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_RemoveConsoleButton, Localize("Remote console"), 0, &Button))
ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(5.0f, &ButtonBar2, nullptr);
ButtonBar2.VSplitRight(120.0f, &ButtonBar2, &Button);
static CButtonContainer s_LocalConsoleButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_LocalConsoleButton, Localize("Console"), 0, &Button))
CUIRect TouchControlsEditor;
MainView.VMargin((MainView.w - 505.0f) / 2.0f, &TouchControlsEditor);
TouchControlsEditor.HMargin((TouchControlsEditor.h - 195.0f) / 2.0f, &TouchControlsEditor);
void CMenus::RenderTouchControlsEditor(CUIRect MainView)
CUIRect Button, Row;
MainView.Draw(ms_ColorTabbarActive, IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 10.0f);
MainView.Margin(10.0f, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Button, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
Ui()->DoLabel(&Button, Localize("Edit touch controls"), 20.0f, TEXTALIGN_MC);
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Row, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
static CButtonContainer s_SaveConfigurationButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_SaveConfigurationButton, Localize("Save changes"), GameClient()->m_TouchControls.HasEditingChanges() ? 0 : 1, &Button))
SWarning Warning(Localize("Error saving touch controls"), Localize("Could not save touch controls to file. See local console for details."));
Warning.m_AutoHide = false;
Row.VSplitLeft(5.0f, nullptr, &Row);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
TextRender()->TextColor(ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
Ui()->DoLabel(&Button, Localize("Unsaved changes"), 14.0f, TEXTALIGN_MC);
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Row, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
static CButtonContainer s_DiscardChangesButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_DiscardChangesButton, Localize("Discard changes"), GameClient()->m_TouchControls.HasEditingChanges() ? 0 : 1, &Button))
PopupConfirm(Localize("Discard changes"),
Localize("Are you sure that you want to discard the current changes to the touch controls?"),
Localize("Yes"), Localize("No"),
Row.VSplitLeft(5.0f, nullptr, &Row);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
static CButtonContainer s_ResetButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ResetButton, Localize("Reset to default"), 0, &Button))
PopupConfirm(Localize("Reset to default"),
Localize("Are you sure that you want to reset the touch controls to default?"),
Localize("Yes"), Localize("No"),
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Row, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
static CButtonContainer s_ClipboardImportButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ClipboardImportButton, Localize("Import from clipboard"), 0, &Button))
PopupConfirm(Localize("Import from clipboard"),
Localize("Are you sure that you want to import the touch controls from the clipboard? The will overwrite your current touch controls."),
Localize("Yes"), Localize("No"),
Row.VSplitLeft(5.0f, nullptr, &Row);
Row.VSplitLeft(240.0f, &Button, &Row);
static CButtonContainer s_ClipboardExportButton;
if(DoButton_Menu(&s_ClipboardExportButton, Localize("Export to clipboard"), 0, &Button))
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Button, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
static char s_DirectTouchIngameButton;
if(DoButton_CheckBox(&s_DirectTouchIngameButton, Localize("Direct touch input while ingame"), GameClient()->m_TouchControls.IsDirectTouchIngame(), &Button))
MainView.HSplitTop(25.0f, &Button, &MainView);
MainView.HSplitTop(5.0f, nullptr, &MainView);
static char s_DirectTouchSpectateButton;
if(DoButton_CheckBox(&s_DirectTouchSpectateButton, Localize("Direct touch input while spectate"), GameClient()->m_TouchControls.IsDirectTouchSpectate(), &Button))
void CMenus::PopupConfirmDisconnect()
@ -227,6 +367,57 @@ void CMenus::PopupConfirmDisconnectDummy()
void CMenus::PopupConfirmDiscardTouchControlsChanged()
SWarning Warning(Localize("Error loading touch controls"), Localize("Could not load touch controls from file. See local console for details."));
Warning.m_AutoHide = false;
void CMenus::PopupConfirmResetTouchControls()
bool Success = false;
for(int StorageType = 1; StorageType < Storage()->NumPaths(); ++StorageType)
Success = true;
SWarning Warning(Localize("Error loading touch controls"), Localize("Could not load default touch controls from file. See local console for details."));
Warning.m_AutoHide = false;
void CMenus::PopupConfirmImportTouchControlsClipboard()
SWarning Warning(Localize("Error loading touch controls"), Localize("Could not load touch controls from clipboard. See local console for details."));
Warning.m_AutoHide = false;
void CMenus::RenderPlayers(CUIRect MainView)
CUIRect Button, Button2, ButtonBar, PlayerList, Player;
@ -1259,6 +1450,9 @@ void CMenus::RenderGhost(CUIRect MainView)
void CMenus::RenderIngameHint()
float Width = 300 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect();
Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, Width, 300);
TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
#include <base/vmath.h>
#include <engine/input.h>
#include <game/client/component.h>
#include <game/client/ui_rect.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CJsonWriter;
typedef struct _json_value json_value;
class CTouchControls : public CComponent
enum class EButtonShape
static constexpr const char *SHAPE_NAMES[(int)EButtonShape::NUM_SHAPES] = {"rect", "circle"};
enum class EButtonVisibility
class CButtonVisibility
EButtonVisibility m_Type;
bool m_Parity;
CButtonVisibility(EButtonVisibility Type, bool Parity) :
m_Type(Type), m_Parity(Parity) {}
class CButtonVisibilityData
const char *m_pId;
std::function<bool()> m_Function;
CButtonVisibilityData m_aVisibilityFunctions[(int)EButtonVisibility::NUM_VISIBILITIES];
class CButtonLabel
enum class EType
* Label is used as is.
* Label is localized. Only usable for default button labels for which there must be
* corresponding `Localizable`-calls in code and string in the translation files.
* Icon font is used for the label.
* Number of label types.
EType m_Type;
const char *m_pLabel;
static constexpr const char *LABEL_TYPE_NAMES[(int)CButtonLabel::EType::NUM_TYPES] = {"plain", "localized", "icon"};
class CUnitRect
int m_X;
int m_Y;
int m_W;
int m_H;
class CTouchButtonBehavior;
class CTouchButton
CTouchButton(CTouchControls *pTouchControls);
CTouchButton(CTouchButton &&Other) noexcept;
CTouchButton(const CTouchButton &Other) = delete;
CTouchButton &operator=(const CTouchButton &Other) = delete;
CTouchButton &operator=(CTouchButton &&Other) noexcept;
CTouchControls *m_pTouchControls;
CUnitRect m_UnitRect;
CUIRect m_ScreenRect;
EButtonShape m_Shape;
int m_BackgroundCorners; // only used with EButtonShape::RECT
std::vector<CButtonVisibility> m_vVisibilities;
std::unique_ptr<CTouchButtonBehavior> m_pBehavior;
void UpdatePointers();
void UpdateScreenFromUnitRect();
void UpdateUnitFromScreenRect();
void UpdateBackgroundCorners();
vec2 ClampTouchPosition(vec2 TouchPosition) const;
bool IsInside(vec2 TouchPosition) const;
bool IsVisible() const;
void Render() const;
void WriteToConfiguration(CJsonWriter *pWriter);
class CTouchButtonBehavior
CTouchButton *m_pTouchButton;
CTouchControls *m_pTouchControls;
bool m_Active; // variables below must only be used when active
IInput::CTouchFinger m_Finger;
vec2 m_ActivePosition;
vec2 m_AccumulatedDelta;
std::chrono::nanoseconds m_ActivationStartTime;
virtual ~CTouchButtonBehavior() = default;
virtual void Init(CTouchButton *pTouchButton);
void Reset();
void SetActive(const IInput::CTouchFingerState &FingerState);
void SetInactive();
bool IsActive() const;
bool IsActive(const IInput::CTouchFinger &Finger) const;
virtual CButtonLabel GetLabel() const = 0;
virtual void OnActivate() {}
virtual void OnDeactivate() {}
virtual void OnUpdate() {}
virtual void WriteToConfiguration(CJsonWriter *pWriter) = 0;
* Abstract class for predefined behaviors.
* This implements the serialization for predefined behaviors.
* Subclasses must implemented the actual behavior and provide the label.
class CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior : public CTouchButtonBehavior
const char *m_pId;
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_TYPE = "predefined";
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(const char *pId) :
m_pId(pId) {}
void WriteToConfiguration(CJsonWriter *pWriter) override;
class CExtraMenuTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "extra-menu";
CExtraMenuTouchButtonBehavior() :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
class CEmoticonTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "emoticon";
CEmoticonTouchButtonBehavior() :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
class CSpectateTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "spectate";
CSpectateTouchButtonBehavior() :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
class CSwapActionTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
int m_ActiveAction = NUM_ACTIONS;
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "swap-action";
CSwapActionTouchButtonBehavior() :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnActivate() override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
class CUseActionTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
int m_ActiveAction = NUM_ACTIONS;
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "use-action";
CUseActionTouchButtonBehavior() :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnActivate() override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
class CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior : public CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior
int m_ActiveAction = NUM_ACTIONS;
CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior(const char *pId) :
CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior(pId) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnActivate() override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
void OnUpdate() override;
int ActiveAction() const { return m_ActiveAction; }
virtual int SelectedAction() const = 0;
class CJoystickActionTouchButtonBehavior : public CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "joystick-action";
CJoystickActionTouchButtonBehavior() :
CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
void Init(CTouchButton *pTouchButton) override;
int SelectedAction() const override;
class CJoystickFireTouchButtonBehavior : public CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "joystick-fire";
CJoystickFireTouchButtonBehavior() :
CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
int SelectedAction() const override;
class CJoystickHookTouchButtonBehavior : public CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_ID = "joystick-hook";
CJoystickHookTouchButtonBehavior() :
CJoystickTouchButtonBehavior(BEHAVIOR_ID) {}
int SelectedAction() const override;
* Generic behavior implementation that executes a console command like a bind.
class CBindTouchButtonBehavior : public CTouchButtonBehavior
std::string m_Label;
CButtonLabel::EType m_LabelType;
std::string m_Command;
bool m_Repeating = false;
std::chrono::nanoseconds m_LastUpdateTime;
std::chrono::nanoseconds m_AccumulatedRepeatingTime;
static constexpr const char *BEHAVIOR_TYPE = "bind";
CBindTouchButtonBehavior(const char *pLabel, CButtonLabel::EType LabelType, const char *pCommand) :
m_Command(pCommand) {}
CButtonLabel GetLabel() const override;
void OnActivate() override;
void OnDeactivate() override;
void OnUpdate() override;
void WriteToConfiguration(CJsonWriter *pWriter) override;
bool m_DirectTouchIngame = true;
bool m_DirectTouchSpectate = true;
std::vector<CTouchButton> m_vTouchButtons;
bool m_ExtraMenuActive = false;
class CActionState
bool m_Active = false;
IInput::CTouchFinger m_Finger;
int m_ActionSelected = ACTION_FIRE;
int m_ActionLastActivated = ACTION_FIRE;
CActionState m_aActionStates[NUM_ACTIONS];
CJoystickActionTouchButtonBehavior *m_pPrimaryJoystickTouchButtonBehavior;
bool m_EditingActive = false;
bool m_EditingChanges = false;
void InitVisibilityFunctions();
void UpdateButtons(const std::vector<IInput::CTouchFingerState> &vTouchFingerStates);
void RenderButtons();
vec2 CalculateScreenSize() const;
std::unique_ptr<CPredefinedTouchButtonBehavior> ParsePredefinedBehavior(const json_value *pBehaviorObject);
std::unique_ptr<CBindTouchButtonBehavior> ParseBindBehavior(const json_value *pBehaviorObject);
std::unique_ptr<CTouchButtonBehavior> ParseBehavior(const json_value *pBehaviorObject);
std::optional<CTouchButton> ParseButton(const json_value *pButtonObject);
bool ParseConfiguration(const void *pFileData, unsigned FileLength);
void WriteConfiguration(CJsonWriter *pWriter);
int Sizeof() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
void OnInit() override;
void OnReset() override;
void OnWindowResize() override;
bool OnTouchState(const std::vector<IInput::CTouchFingerState> &vTouchFingerStates) override;
void OnRender() override;
bool LoadConfigurationFromFile(int StorageType);
bool LoadConfigurationFromClipboard();
bool SaveConfigurationToFile();
void SaveConfigurationToClipboard();
bool IsDirectTouchIngame() const { return m_DirectTouchIngame; }
void SetDirectTouchIngame(bool DirectTouchIngame)
m_DirectTouchIngame = DirectTouchIngame;
m_EditingChanges = true;
bool IsDirectTouchSpectate() const { return m_DirectTouchSpectate; }
void SetDirectTouchSpectate(bool DirectTouchSpectate)
m_DirectTouchSpectate = DirectTouchSpectate;
m_EditingChanges = true;
bool IsEditingActive() const { return m_EditingActive; }
void SetEditingActive(bool EditingActive) { m_EditingActive = EditingActive; }
bool HasEditingChanges() const { return m_EditingChanges; }
void SetEditingChanges(bool EditingChanges) { m_EditingChanges = EditingChanges; }

View file

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ void CGameClient::OnConsoleInit()
@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ void CGameClient::OnConsoleInit()
// add basic console commands

View file

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
#include "components/spectator.h"
#include "components/statboard.h"
#include "components/tooltips.h"
#include "components/touch_controls.h"
#include "components/voting.h"
class CGameInfo
@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ public:
CSounds m_Sounds;
CEmoticon m_Emoticon;
CDamageInd m_DamageInd;
CTouchControls m_TouchControls;
CVoting m_Voting;
CSpectator m_Spectator;