diff --git a/src/game/ddracecommands.h b/src/game/ddracecommands.h index 3a61fb7c4..d399405eb 100644 --- a/src/game/ddracecommands.h +++ b/src/game/ddracecommands.h @@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ CONSOLE_COMMAND("move", "i[x] i[y]", CFGFLAG_SERVER|CMDFLAG_TEST, ConMove, this, CONSOLE_COMMAND("move_raw", "i[x] i[y]", CFGFLAG_SERVER|CMDFLAG_TEST, ConMoveRaw, this, "Moves to the point with x/y-coordinates ii") CONSOLE_COMMAND("force_pause", "v[id] i[seconds]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConForcePause, this, "Force i to pause for i seconds") CONSOLE_COMMAND("force_unpause", "v[id]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConForcePause, this, "Set force-pause timer of i to 0.") -CONSOLE_COMMAND("showothers", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT, ConShowOthers, this, "Whether to show players from other teams or not (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") -CONSOLE_COMMAND("showall", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT, ConShowAll, this, "Whether to show players at any distance (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") CONSOLE_COMMAND("list", "?s[filter]", CFGFLAG_CHAT, ConList, this, "List connected players with optional case-insensitive substring matching filter") CONSOLE_COMMAND("set_team_ddr", "v[id] ?i[team]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetDDRTeam, this, "Set ddrace team of a player") diff --git a/src/game/server/ddracechat.h b/src/game/server/ddracechat.h index 37b4bffde..d19c645ec 100644 --- a/src/game/server/ddracechat.h +++ b/src/game/server/ddracechat.h @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ CHAT_COMMAND("top5team", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, CHAT_COMMAND("teamtop5", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTeamTop5, this, "Shows five team ranks of the ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("top5", "?i[rank to start with]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTop5, this, "Shows five ranks of the ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)") CHAT_COMMAND("showothers", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConShowOthers, this, "Whether to show players from other teams or not (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") +CHAT_COMMAND("showall", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConShowAll, this, "Whether to show players at any distance (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") CHAT_COMMAND("specteam", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSpecTeam, this, "Whether to show players from other teams when spectating (on by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on") CHAT_COMMAND("ninjajetpack", "?i['0'|'1']", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConNinjaJetpack, this, "Whether to use ninja jetpack or not. Makes jetpack look more awesome") CHAT_COMMAND("saytime", "?r[player name]", CFGFLAG_CHAT|CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_NONTEEHISTORIC, ConSayTime, this, "Privately messages someone's current time in this current running race (your time by default)")