From 39ba4aef6c3d74445e6b661240f2108e6cf8e8b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tom Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 22:52:57 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Modify Simplified Chinese Language File --- data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt | 557 +++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 448 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) mode change 100644 => 100755 data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt diff --git a/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt b/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 2d113ebc2..690dfc718 --- a/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt +++ b/data/languages/simplified_chinese.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #originally created by: # MK124 #modified by: -# +# 2016.2.5 CarolVlCznYu ##### /authors ##### ##### translated strings ##### @@ -253,6 +253,9 @@ Kick player Language == 语言 +DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! +== DDNet客户端需要重新启动才能完成更新! + Loading == 载入中 @@ -283,6 +286,27 @@ Movement Mute when not active == 不活动的时候静音 +Enable game sounds +== 开启游戏声音 + +Enable gun sound +== 开启枪的声音 + +Enable server message sound +== 开启服务器消息声音 + +Enable regular chat sound +== 开启普通聊天的声音 + +Enable team chat sound +== 开启团队聊天声音 + +Enable highlighted chat sound +== 开启高亮(被@)聊天声音 + +Threaded sound loading +== 开启线程声音 + Name == 名字 @@ -334,6 +358,9 @@ Play background music Player == 玩家 +HUD +== 详细 + Player country: == 玩家的国家/地区: @@ -440,7 +467,7 @@ Show friends only == 只显示好友 Show ingame HUD -== 显示游戏内 HUD +== 显示游戏内信息 Show name plates == 显示名字板 @@ -488,11 +515,23 @@ Strict gametype filter == 严格过滤游戏类型 Sudden Death -== 出乎意料的死亡 +== 一枪击杀 Switch weapon on pickup == 拾取武器时自动装备 +Switch weapon when out of ammo +== 切换武器时发射弹药 + +Show clan above name plates +== 显示战队名称 + +Clan plates size +== 战队名称大小 + +Reset wanted weapon on death +== 在死亡时复位被给予的武器 + Team == 团队 @@ -580,313 +619,314 @@ You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == %d player left -== +== %d 个玩家离开 %d player not ready -== +== %d 个玩家没有准备 %d players left -== +== %d 个玩家离开 %d players not ready -== +== %d 个玩家没有准备 %d servers, %d players -== +== %d 个服务器, %d 个玩家 '%s' called for vote to kick '%s' (%s) -== +== '%s' 发起投票将 '%s' 踢出游戏 (%s) '%s' called for vote to move '%s' to spectators (%s) -== +== '%s' 发起投票将 '%s' 移动到旁观者 (%s) '%s' called vote to change server option '%s' (%s) -== +== '%s' 发起了一个修改服务器选项 '%s' 的投票 (%s) '%s' entered and joined the %s -== +== '%s' 加入了游戏 '%s' has left the game -== +== '%s' 离开了游戏 '%s' has left the game (%s) -== +== '%s' 离开了游戏 '%s' joined the %s -== +== '%s' 加入 %s Admin forced server option '%s' (%s) -== +== 管理员强制服务器投票 '%s' (%s) Admin forced vote no -== +== 管理员强制投票为否 Admin forced vote yes -== +== 管理员强制投票为是 Admin moved '%s' to spectator (%s) -== +== 管理员将 '%s' 移动到旁观者 (%s) Alp: -== +== 透明度 Anti Aliasing -== +== 抗锯齿 Are you sure you want to rename the demo? -== +== 你确定你要重命名录像? Are you sure you want to save your skin? If a skin with this name already exists, it will be replaced. -== +== 你确定你要保存你的皮肤?如果使用该名称的皮肤已经存在,它会被替换. Back -== +== 返回 Basic -== +== 基本 Bodies -== +== 身体 Borderless window -== +== 无边界窗口 Color -== +== 颜色 Crc -== +== Crc Created -== +== 创建 Custom -== +== 自定义 Customize -== +== 自定义 Decoration -== +== 装饰 Demo -== +== 录像 Detail -== +== 详情 Editor -== +== 编辑 Eyes -== +== 眼 Format -== +== 格式 Game starts in -== +== 游戏开始于 Global -== +== 全局 Hands -== +== 手 Host address: -== +== 主机地址 Hue: -== +== 色调: Join -== +== 加入 Joined -== +== 加入 Joined blue -== +== 加入蓝队 Joined red -== +== 加入红队 Kick voting requires %d players on the server -== +== 投票踢玩家需要 %d 个玩家 Laser -== +== 激光 Length -== +== 范围 Letterbox -== +== 信箱 Lgt: == Local -== +== 本地 Local server -== +== 本地服务器 Match -== +== 匹配 Max -== +== 最大 Misc -== +== 杂项 Netversion -== +== 网络版本 Nickname is empty. -== +== 名称为空. Normal: -== +== 正常: Only %d active players are allowed -== +== 最多允许 %d 个在线玩家 Personal -== +== 个人 Ready -== +== 准备 Record -== +== 记录 Recorded -== +== 录制 Reset -== +== 重置 Resolutions -== +== 决议 Round over -== +== 回合结束 Round over! -== +== 回合结束! Sat: -== +== 星期六 Save -== +== 保存 Save skin -== +== 保存皮肤 Screen -== +== 屏幕 Search: -== +== 搜索 Server does not allow voting to kick players -== +== 服务器不允许投票踢玩家 Server does not allow voting to move players to spectators -== +== 服务器不允许投票移动玩家到旁观者 Servers -== +== 服务器 Size -== +==大小 Skin -== +== 皮肤 Spectating -== +== 旁观者 Spectators aren't allowed to start a vote. -== +== 旁观者不允许参与投票 Standard Gametype -== +== 标准游戏类型 Tattoo -== +== 纹身 Tattoos -== +== 纹身 Team: -== +== 队伍 Teams are locked -== +== 团队锁定 Teams are locked. Time to wait before changing team: %02d:%02d -== +== 团队已锁定,在修改团队前需要等待: %02d:%02d + Teams were locked -== +== 团队锁定 Teams were unlocked -== +== 队伍解锁 Tee -== +== Tee Texture -== +== 质地 Volume -== +== 音量 Vote aborted -== +== 投票终止 Vote failed -== +== 投票失败 Vote passed -== +== 投票通过 Wait for current vote to end before calling a new one. -== +== 等待当前投票结束,才能发起新投票 Wait for next round -== +== 等待下一轮 Wide -== +== 宽 You must wait %d seconds before making another vote -== +== 进行另一次投票前,必须等待 %d 秒 blue -== +== 蓝 blue team -== +== 蓝队 game -== +== 游戏 red -== +== 红 red team -== +== 红队 spectators -== +== 旁观者 wait for more players -== +== 等待更多玩家 ##### old translations ##### @@ -920,23 +960,32 @@ FSAA samples Sound volume == 音量 +Map sound volume +== 地图音量 + Created: == 已创建: Max Screenshots == 最大截图数 +Dummy settings +== 假人设置 + +Vanilla Skins only +== 只显示默认皮肤 + Length: == 长度: Skin name -== +== 皮肤名字 Rifle == 激光枪 Patterns -== +== 模式 Netversion: == 网络版本 @@ -948,7 +997,7 @@ Map: == %d 字节 Coloration -== +== 着色 Info == 信息 @@ -986,6 +1035,18 @@ Lht. no limit == 无限制 +CPU Throttle +== CPU节流 + +Show console window +== 显示控制台窗口 + +Automatically take statboard screenshot +== 自动对状态版截图 + +none +== 没有 + Quick search: == 快速搜索: @@ -1002,7 +1063,7 @@ Alpha == 透明度 Are you sure you want to save your skin ? If a skin with this name already exists, it will be replaced. -== +== 你确定你要保存你的皮肤?如果使用该名称的皮肤已经存在,它会被替换。 Current version: %s == 当前版本: %s @@ -1016,3 +1077,281 @@ Name plates size Type: == 类型: +Switch +== 切换 + +Tele +== 远距 + +Unknown +== 未知 + +Something is VERY wrong with the %s layer please report this at, you will need to post the map as well and any steps that u think may have led to this +== + +localization +== 定位 + +unexpected end of file +== 文件出错 + +loaded '%s' +== 加载 '%s' + +malform replacement line for '%s' +== 格式不正确的替换路程 '%s' + +Switch team +== 切换团队 + +Kill yourself +== 自杀 + +Tune variable to value +== 音乐变量值 + +Reset tuning +== 复位 + +Dump tuning +== 转储调整 + +Change map +== 更换地图 + +Restart in x seconds +== 重新启动在x秒 + +Broadcast message +== 广播消息 + +Say in chat +== 聊天 + +Set team of player to team +== 设置玩家组队 + +Set team of all players to team +== 设置全部玩家组队 + +Add a voting option +== 添加投票选项 + +remove a voting option +== 删除投票选项 + +Force a voting option +== 强制投票的选项 + +Clears the voting options +== 清除投票选项 + +Force a vote to yes/no +== 强制投票是/否 + +Swap the current teams +== 交换当前的团队 + +Shuffle the current teams +== 重组目前球队 + +initialisation finished after %.2fms +== %.2fms 后初始化完成 + +dropped weird message '%s' (%d), failed on '%s' +== + +You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. +== 你必须重新启动游戏才能让所有新的设置生效。 + +Use DDRace Scoreboard +== 使用DDRace计分板 + +Show client IDs in Scoreboard +== 在计分板上显示客户端ID + +Show score +== 显示比分 + +Show health + ammo +== 显示生命与弹药 + +Show names in chat in team colors +== 在聊天中名称显示玩家颜色 + +Show kill messages +== 显示Kill消息 + +Show votes window after voting +== 在投票时显示投票窗口 + +Messages +== 信息 + +System message +== 系统信息 + +Highlighted message +== 高亮显示信息 + +Look out! +== 小心! + +Team message +== 团队信息 + +We will win +== 我们一定会赢 + +Normal message +== 普通信息 + +Hello and welcome +== 你好,欢迎 + +Inner color +== 内部颜色 + +Outline color +== 外部颜色 + +Save the best demo of each race +== 保存每场竞赛的录像 + +Ghost +== 幽灵 + +Show ghost +== 显示幽灵 + +Save ghost +== 保存幽灵 + +Gameplay +== 游戏 + +Overlay entities +== 显示实体层 + +Show others +== 显示其他 + +Show quads +== 显示背景 + +Default zoom +== 默认缩放 + +AntiPing limit +== AntiPing限制 + +AntiPing +== + +AntiPing: predict other players +== AntiPing:预测其他玩家 + +AntiPing: predict weapons +== AntiPing:预测武器 + +AntiPing: predict grenade paths +== AntiPing:预测榴弹路径 + +Show other players' hook collision lines +== 显示其他玩家的钩子线 + +Show other players' key presses +== 显示其他玩家的按键 + +Background (regular) +== 背景(常规) + +Background (entities) +== 背景(实体) + +Show tiles layers from BG map +== 在BG地图显示砖层 + +Try fast HTTP map download first +== 首先尝试下载最快的http地图 + +DDNet %s is available: +== DDnet %s 可用: + +Update now +== 更新 + +Updating... +== 更新中... + +DDNet Client updated! +== DDNet客户端更新! + +No updates available +== 没有可用的更新 + +Check now +== 检查更新 + +Timeout code +== 超时代码 + +Dummy Timeout code +== 假人超时代码 + +default +== 默认 + +Weapon +== 武器 + +DM +== 死亡竞技 + +TDM +== 团队竞技 + +CTF +== 夺旗模式 + +prediction error +== 预测误差 + +Loading DDNet Client +== 加载DDNet客户端中... + +add_favorite +== 添加喜爱 + +remove_favorite +== 删除喜爱 + +add_friend +== 添加好友 + +remove_friend +== 删除好友 + +*** '%s' entered and joined the spectators +== *** '%s' 进入游戏并加入旁观者 + +Network +== 网络 + +Browser +== 浏览 + +Connect dummy +== 开启假人 + +Connecting dummy +== 正在开启假人 + +Disconnect dummy +== 关闭假人 + +Spectator +== 旁观者 + +Search +== 搜索 \ No newline at end of file