Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
#include "register.h"
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
#include <base/lock_scope.h>
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
#include <base/log.h>
2010-08-17 22:06:00 +00:00
#include <engine/console.h>
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
#include <engine/engine.h>
2020-09-26 19:41:58 +00:00
#include <engine/shared/config.h>
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
#include <engine/shared/http.h>
#include <engine/shared/json.h>
#include <engine/shared/masterserver.h>
2020-09-26 19:41:58 +00:00
#include <engine/shared/network.h>
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
#include <engine/shared/uuid_manager.h>
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
class CRegister : public IRegister
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
static bool StatusFromString(int *pResult, const char *pString);
static const char *ProtocolToScheme(int Protocol);
static const char *ProtocolToString(int Protocol);
static bool ProtocolFromString(int *pResult, const char *pString);
static const char *ProtocolToSystem(int Protocol);
static IPRESOLVE ProtocolToIpresolve(int Protocol);
static void ConchainOnConfigChange(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData);
class CGlobal
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
LOCK m_Lock = lock_create();
int m_InfoSerial GUARDED_BY(m_Lock) = -1;
int m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial GUARDED_BY(m_Lock) = -1;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
class CProtocol
class CShared
CShared(std::shared_ptr<CGlobal> pGlobal) :
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
std::shared_ptr<CGlobal> m_pGlobal;
LOCK m_Lock = lock_create();
int m_NumTotalRequests GUARDED_BY(m_Lock) = 0;
int m_LatestResponseStatus GUARDED_BY(m_Lock) = STATUS_NONE;
int m_LatestResponseIndex GUARDED_BY(m_Lock) = -1;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
class CJob : public IJob
int m_Protocol;
int m_ServerPort;
int m_Index;
int m_InfoSerial;
std::shared_ptr<CShared> m_pShared;
std::unique_ptr<CHttpRequest> m_pRegister;
void Run() override;
CJob(int Protocol, int ServerPort, int Index, int InfoSerial, std::shared_ptr<CShared> pShared, std::unique_ptr<CHttpRequest> &&pRegister) :
virtual ~CJob() = default;
CRegister *m_pParent;
int m_Protocol;
std::shared_ptr<CShared> m_pShared;
bool m_NewChallengeToken = false;
bool m_HaveChallengeToken = false;
char m_aChallengeToken[128] = {0};
void CheckChallengeStatus();
int64_t m_PrevRegister = -1;
int64_t m_NextRegister = -1;
CProtocol(CRegister *pParent, int Protocol);
void OnToken(const char *pToken);
void SendRegister();
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
void SendDeleteIfRegistered(bool Shutdown);
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void Update();
CConfig *m_pConfig;
IConsole *m_pConsole;
IEngine *m_pEngine;
int m_ServerPort;
char m_aConnlessTokenHex[16];
std::shared_ptr<CGlobal> m_pGlobal = std::make_shared<CGlobal>();
bool m_aProtocolEnabled[NUM_PROTOCOLS] = {true, true, true, true};
CProtocol m_aProtocols[NUM_PROTOCOLS];
int m_NumExtraHeaders = 0;
char m_aaExtraHeaders[8][128];
char m_aVerifyPacketPrefix[sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_CHALLENGE) + UUID_MAXSTRSIZE];
CUuid m_Secret = RandomUuid();
CUuid m_ChallengeSecret = RandomUuid();
bool m_GotServerInfo = false;
char m_aServerInfo[16384];
CRegister(CConfig *pConfig, IConsole *pConsole, IEngine *pEngine, int ServerPort, unsigned SixupSecurityToken);
void Update() override;
void OnConfigChange() override;
bool OnPacket(const CNetChunk *pPacket) override;
void OnNewInfo(const char *pInfo) override;
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
void OnShutdown() override;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
bool CRegister::StatusFromString(int *pResult, const char *pString)
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(str_comp(pString, "success") == 0)
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
*pResult = STATUS_OK;
else if(str_comp(pString, "need_challenge") == 0)
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
else if(str_comp(pString, "need_info") == 0)
*pResult = -1;
return true;
return false;
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
const char *CRegister::ProtocolToScheme(int Protocol)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6: return "tw-0.6+udp://";
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4: return "tw-0.6+udp://";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6: return "tw-0.7+udp://";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4: return "tw-0.7+udp://";
dbg_assert(false, "invalid protocol");
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
const char *CRegister::ProtocolToString(int Protocol)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6: return "tw0.6/ipv6";
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4: return "tw0.6/ipv4";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6: return "tw0.7/ipv6";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4: return "tw0.7/ipv4";
dbg_assert(false, "invalid protocol");
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
bool CRegister::ProtocolFromString(int *pResult, const char *pString)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(str_comp(pString, "tw0.6/ipv6") == 0)
*pResult = PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6;
else if(str_comp(pString, "tw0.6/ipv4") == 0)
*pResult = PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4;
else if(str_comp(pString, "tw0.7/ipv6") == 0)
*pResult = PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6;
else if(str_comp(pString, "tw0.7/ipv4") == 0)
*pResult = PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4;
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
*pResult = -1;
return true;
return false;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
const char *CRegister::ProtocolToSystem(int Protocol)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6: return "register/6/ipv6";
case PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4: return "register/6/ipv4";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6: return "register/7/ipv6";
case PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4: return "register/7/ipv4";
dbg_assert(false, "invalid protocol");
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
IPRESOLVE CRegister::ProtocolToIpresolve(int Protocol)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
dbg_assert(false, "invalid protocol");
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::ConchainOnConfigChange(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData);
((CRegister *)pUserData)->OnConfigChange();
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::SendRegister()
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
2021-06-23 05:05:49 +00:00
int64_t Now = time_get();
int64_t Freq = time_freq();
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
char aAddress[64];
str_format(aAddress, sizeof(aAddress), "%sconnecting-address.invalid:%d", ProtocolToScheme(m_Protocol), m_pParent->m_ServerPort);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
char aSecret[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE];
FormatUuid(m_pParent->m_Secret, aSecret, sizeof(aSecret));
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
char aChallengeUuid[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE];
FormatUuid(m_pParent->m_ChallengeSecret, aChallengeUuid, sizeof(aChallengeUuid));
char aChallengeSecret[64];
str_format(aChallengeSecret, sizeof(aChallengeSecret), "%s:%s", aChallengeUuid, ProtocolToString(m_Protocol));
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
int InfoSerial;
bool SendInfo;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_Lock);
InfoSerial = m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_InfoSerial;
SendInfo = InfoSerial > m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
std::unique_ptr<CHttpRequest> pRegister;
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pRegister = HttpPostJson(m_pParent->m_pConfig->m_SvRegisterUrl, m_pParent->m_aServerInfo);
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pRegister = HttpPost(m_pParent->m_pConfig->m_SvRegisterUrl, (unsigned char *)"", 0);
pRegister->HeaderString("Address", aAddress);
pRegister->HeaderString("Secret", aSecret);
if(m_Protocol == PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6 || m_Protocol == PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pRegister->HeaderString("Connless-Token", m_pParent->m_aConnlessTokenHex);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pRegister->HeaderString("Challenge-Secret", aChallengeSecret);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
pRegister->HeaderString("Challenge-Token", m_aChallengeToken);
pRegister->HeaderInt("Info-Serial", InfoSerial);
for(int i = 0; i < m_pParent->m_NumExtraHeaders; i++)
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
int RequestIndex;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_Lock);
if(m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus != STATUS_OK)
log_info(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "registering...");
RequestIndex = m_pShared->m_NumTotalRequests;
m_pShared->m_NumTotalRequests += 1;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
m_pParent->m_pEngine->AddJob(std::make_shared<CJob>(m_Protocol, m_pParent->m_ServerPort, RequestIndex, InfoSerial, m_pShared, std::move(pRegister)));
m_NewChallengeToken = false;
m_PrevRegister = Now;
m_NextRegister = Now + 15 * Freq;
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::SendDeleteIfRegistered(bool Shutdown)
bool ShouldSendDelete = m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus == STATUS_OK;
m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus = STATUS_NONE;
char aAddress[64];
str_format(aAddress, sizeof(aAddress), "%sconnecting-address.invalid:%d", ProtocolToScheme(m_Protocol), m_pParent->m_ServerPort);
char aSecret[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE];
FormatUuid(m_pParent->m_Secret, aSecret, sizeof(aSecret));
std::unique_ptr<CHttpRequest> pDelete = HttpPost(m_pParent->m_pConfig->m_SvRegisterUrl, (const unsigned char *)"", 0);
pDelete->HeaderString("Action", "delete");
pDelete->HeaderString("Address", aAddress);
pDelete->HeaderString("Secret", aSecret);
for(int i = 0; i < m_pParent->m_NumExtraHeaders; i++)
// On shutdown, wait at most 1 second for the delete requests.
pDelete->Timeout(CTimeout{1000, 1000, 0, 0});
log_info(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "deleting...");
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
CRegister::CProtocol::CProtocol(CRegister *pParent, int Protocol) :
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::CheckChallengeStatus()
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_Lock);
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
// No requests in flight?
if(m_pShared->m_LatestResponseIndex == m_pShared->m_NumTotalRequests - 1)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
// Immediately resend if we got the token.
m_NextRegister = time_get();
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
// Act immediately if the master requests more info.
m_NextRegister = time_get();
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::Update()
if(time_get() >= m_NextRegister)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::OnToken(const char *pToken)
m_NewChallengeToken = true;
m_HaveChallengeToken = true;
str_copy(m_aChallengeToken, pToken, sizeof(m_aChallengeToken));
if(time_get() >= m_NextRegister)
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::CProtocol::CJob::Run()
if(m_pRegister->State() != HTTP_DONE)
// TODO: log the error response content from master
// TODO: exponential backoff
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "error response from master");
json_value *pJson = m_pRegister->ResultJson();
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "non-JSON response from master");
const json_value &Json = *pJson;
const json_value &StatusString = Json["status"];
if(StatusString.type != json_string)
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "invalid JSON response from master");
int Status;
if(StatusFromString(&Status, StatusString))
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "invalid status from master: %s", (const char *)StatusString);
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_Lock);
if(Status != STATUS_OK || Status != m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus)
log_debug(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "status: %s", (const char *)StatusString);
if(Status == m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus && Status == STATUS_NEEDCHALLENGE)
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "ERROR: the master server reports that clients can not connect to this server.");
log_error(ProtocolToSystem(m_Protocol), "ERROR: configure your firewall/nat to let through udp on port %d.", m_ServerPort);
if(m_Index > m_pShared->m_LatestResponseIndex)
m_pShared->m_LatestResponseIndex = m_Index;
m_pShared->m_LatestResponseStatus = Status;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(Status == STATUS_OK)
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_Lock);
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(m_InfoSerial > m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial = m_InfoSerial;
else if(Status == STATUS_NEEDINFO)
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_Lock);
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(m_InfoSerial == m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial)
// Tell other requests that they need to send the info again.
m_pShared->m_pGlobal->m_LatestSuccessfulInfoSerial -= 1;
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
CRegister::CRegister(CConfig *pConfig, IConsole *pConsole, IEngine *pEngine, int ServerPort, unsigned SixupSecurityToken) :
CProtocol(this, PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6),
CProtocol(this, PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4),
CProtocol(this, PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6),
CProtocol(this, PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4),
mem_copy(m_aVerifyPacketPrefix, SERVERBROWSE_CHALLENGE, HEADER_LEN);
FormatUuid(m_ChallengeSecret, m_aVerifyPacketPrefix + HEADER_LEN, sizeof(m_aVerifyPacketPrefix) - HEADER_LEN);
m_aVerifyPacketPrefix[HEADER_LEN + UUID_MAXSTRSIZE - 1] = ':';
// The DDNet code uses the `unsigned` security token in memory byte order.
unsigned char TokenBytes[4];
mem_copy(TokenBytes, &SixupSecurityToken, sizeof(TokenBytes));
str_format(m_aConnlessTokenHex, sizeof(m_aConnlessTokenHex), "%08x", bytes_be_to_uint(TokenBytes));
m_pConsole->Chain("sv_register", ConchainOnConfigChange, this);
m_pConsole->Chain("sv_sixup", ConchainOnConfigChange, this);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::Update()
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::OnConfigChange()
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
bool aOldProtocolEnabled[NUM_PROTOCOLS];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
aOldProtocolEnabled[i] = m_aProtocolEnabled[i];
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
const char *pProtocols = m_pConfig->m_SvRegister;
if(str_comp(pProtocols, "1") == 0)
for(auto &Enabled : m_aProtocolEnabled)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
Enabled = true;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
else if(str_comp(pProtocols, "0") == 0)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
for(auto &Enabled : m_aProtocolEnabled)
Enabled = false;
for(auto &Enabled : m_aProtocolEnabled)
Enabled = false;
char aBuf[16];
while((pProtocols = str_next_token(pProtocols, ",", aBuf, sizeof(aBuf))))
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
int Protocol;
if(str_comp(aBuf, "ipv6") == 0)
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6] = true;
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6] = true;
else if(str_comp(aBuf, "ipv4") == 0)
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4] = true;
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4] = true;
else if(str_comp(aBuf, "tw0.6") == 0)
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV6] = true;
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW6_IPV4] = true;
else if(str_comp(aBuf, "tw0.7") == 0)
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6] = true;
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4] = true;
else if(!ProtocolFromString(&Protocol, aBuf))
m_aProtocolEnabled[Protocol] = true;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
log_warn("register", "unknown protocol '%s'", aBuf);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV6] = false;
m_aProtocolEnabled[PROTOCOL_TW7_IPV4] = false;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
m_NumExtraHeaders = 0;
const char *pRegisterExtra = m_pConfig->m_SvRegisterExtra;
char aHeader[128];
while((pRegisterExtra = str_next_token(pRegisterExtra, ",", aHeader, sizeof(aHeader))))
2010-06-13 17:34:14 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(m_NumExtraHeaders == (int)std::size(m_aaExtraHeaders))
2010-06-13 17:34:14 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
log_warn("register", "reached maximum of %d extra headers, dropping '%s' and all further headers", m_NumExtraHeaders, aHeader);
2010-06-13 17:34:14 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(!str_find(aHeader, ": "))
log_warn("register", "header '%s' doesn't contain mandatory ': ', ignoring", aHeader);
str_copy(m_aaExtraHeaders[m_NumExtraHeaders], aHeader, sizeof(m_aaExtraHeaders));
m_NumExtraHeaders += 1;
2010-06-13 17:34:14 +00:00
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
if(aOldProtocolEnabled[i] == m_aProtocolEnabled[i])
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2011-04-13 18:37:12 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
bool CRegister::OnPacket(const CNetChunk *pPacket)
if((pPacket->m_Flags & NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS) == 0)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
return false;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(pPacket->m_DataSize >= (int)sizeof(m_aVerifyPacketPrefix) &&
mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, m_aVerifyPacketPrefix, sizeof(m_aVerifyPacketPrefix)) == 0)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
CUnpacker Unpacker;
Unpacker.Reset(pPacket->m_pData, pPacket->m_DataSize);
const char *pProtocol = Unpacker.GetString(0);
const char *pToken = Unpacker.GetString(0);
log_error("register", "got errorneous challenge packet from master");
return true;
log_debug("register", "got challenge token, protocol='%s' token='%s'", pProtocol, pToken);
int Protocol;
if(ProtocolFromString(&Protocol, pProtocol))
log_error("register", "got challenge packet with unknown protocol");
return true;
return true;
return false;
2020-06-16 12:41:30 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
void CRegister::OnNewInfo(const char *pInfo)
log_trace("register", "info: %s", pInfo);
if(m_GotServerInfo && str_comp(m_aServerInfo, pInfo) == 0)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
m_GotServerInfo = true;
str_copy(m_aServerInfo, pInfo, sizeof(m_aServerInfo));
2022-06-03 10:10:05 +00:00
CLockScope ls(m_pGlobal->m_Lock);
m_pGlobal->m_InfoSerial += 1;
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
// Immediately send new info if it changes, but at most once per second.
int64_t Now = time_get();
int64_t Freq = time_freq();
int64_t MaximumPrevRegister = -1;
int64_t MinimumNextRegister = -1;
int MinimumNextRegisterProtocol = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister == -1)
m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister = Now;
if(m_aProtocols[i].m_PrevRegister > MaximumPrevRegister)
MaximumPrevRegister = m_aProtocols[i].m_PrevRegister;
if(MinimumNextRegisterProtocol == -1 || m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister < MinimumNextRegister)
MinimumNextRegisterProtocol = i;
MinimumNextRegister = m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister;
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
if(i == MinimumNextRegisterProtocol)
m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister = std::min(m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister, MaximumPrevRegister + Freq);
if(Now >= m_aProtocols[i].m_NextRegister)
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00
2022-06-03 09:25:20 +00:00
void CRegister::OnShutdown()
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PROTOCOLS; i++)
Add HTTP masterserver registering and HTTP masterserver
The idea is that game servers push their server info to the
masterservers every 15 seconds or when the server info changes, but not
more than once per second.
The game servers do not support the old registering protocol anymore,
the backward compatibility is handled by the masterserver.
The register call is a HTTP POST to a URL like
`` and looks like this:
POST /ddnet/15/register HTTP/1.1
Address: tw-0.6+udp://connecting-address.invalid:8303
Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118
Challenge-Secret: 81fa3955-6f83-4290-818d-31c0906b1118:tw0.6/ipv6
Info-Serial: 0
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
The `Address` header declares that the server wants to register itself as
a `tw-0.6+udp` server, i.e. a server speaking a Teeworlds-0.6-compatible
The free-form `Secret` header is used as a server identity, the server
list will be deduplicated via this secret.
The free-form `Challenge-Secret` is sent back via UDP for a port forward
check. This might have security implications as the masterserver can be
asked to send a UDP packet containing some user-controlled bytes. This
is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it can only go to an
attacker-controlled IP address.
The `Info-Serial` header is an integer field that should increase each
time the server info (in the body) changes. The masterserver uses that
field to ensure that it doesn't use old server infos.
The body is a free-form JSON object set by the game server. It should
contain certain keys in the correct form to be accepted by clients. The
body is optional if the masterserver already confirmed the reception of
the info with the given `Info-Serial`.
Not shown in this payload is the `Connless-Token` header that is used
for Teeworlds 0.7 style communication.
Also not shown is the `Challenge-Token` that should be included once the
server receives the challenge token via UDP.
The masterserver responds with a `200 OK` with a body like this:
The `status` field can be `success` if the server was successfully
registered on the masterserver, `need_challenge` if the masterserver
wants the correct `Challenge-Token` header before the register process
is successful, `need_info` if the server sent an empty body but the
masterserver doesn't actually know the server info.
It can also be `error` if the request was malformed, only in this case
an HTTP status code except `200 OK` is sent.
The masterserver keeps state and outputs JSON files every second.
"servers": [
"addresses": [
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`servers.json` (or configured by `--out`) is a server list that is
compatible with DDNet 15.5+ clients. It is a JSON object containing a
single key `servers` with a list of game servers. Each game server is
represented by a JSON object with an `addresses` key containing a list
of all known addresses of the server and an `info` key containing the
free-form server info sent by the game server. The free-form `info` JSON
object re-encoded by the master server and thus canonicalized and
stripped of any whitespace characters outside strings.
"kind": "mastersrv",
"now": 1816002,
"secrets": {
"tw-0.6+udp://": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"tw-0.6+udp://[::1]:8303": {
"ping_time": 1811999,
"secret": "42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb"
"servers": {
"42d8f991-f2fa-46e5-a9ae-ebcc93846feb": {
"info_serial": 0,
"info": {
"max_clients": 64,
"max_players": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "TestDDraceNetwork",
"name": "My DDNet server",
"map": {
"name": "dm1",
"sha256": "0b0c481d77519c32fbe85624ef16ec0fa9991aec7367ad538bd280f28d8c26cf",
"size": 5805
"version": "0.6.4, 16.0.3",
"clients": []
`--write-dump` outputs a JSON file compatible with `--read-dump-dir`,
this can be used to synchronize servers across different masterservers.
`--read-dump-dir` is also used to ingest servers from the backward
compatibility layer that pings each server for their server info using
the old protocol.
The `kind` field describe that this is `mastersrv` output and not from a
`backcompat`. This is used for prioritizing `mastersrv` information over
`backcompat` information.
The `now` field contains an integer describing the current time in
milliseconds relative an unspecified epoch that is fixed for each JSON
file. This is done instead of using the current time as the epoch for
better compression of non-changing data.
`secrets` is a map from each server address and to a JSON object
containing the last ping time (`ping_time`) in milliseconds relative to
the same epoch as before, and the server secret (`secret`) that is used
to unify server infos from different addresses of the same logical
`servers` is a map from the aforementioned `secret`s to the
corresponding `info_serial` and `info`.
`--write-addresses` outputs a JSON file containing all addresses
corresponding to servers that are registered to HTTP masterservers. It
does not contain the servers that are obtained via backward
compatibility measures.
This file can be used by an old-style masterserver to also list
new-style servers without the game servers having to register there.
An implementation of this can be found at
for Teeworlds 0.5/0.6 masterservers and at
for Teeworlds 0.7 masterservers.
All these JSON files can be sent over the network in an efficient way
using It establishes a
zstd-compressed TCP connection authenticated by a string token that is
sent in plain-text. It watches the specified file and transmits it every
time it changes. Due to the zstd-compression, the data sent over the
network is similar to the size of a diff.
The masterserver implementation was done in Rust.
The current gameserver register implementation doesn't support more than
one masterserver for registering.
2022-05-19 20:03:17 +00:00
IRegister *CreateRegister(CConfig *pConfig, IConsole *pConsole, IEngine *pEngine, int ServerPort, unsigned SixupSecurityToken)
return new CRegister(pConfig, pConsole, pEngine, ServerPort, SixupSecurityToken);
2010-05-29 07:25:38 +00:00