ChillerDragon 2c8e6aeb8f Unhardcode startinfo
Thanks a lot to @Learath2 for explaining the int packer to me <3
2022-11-04 11:39:41 +01:00

63 lines
1.4 KiB

class Packer
# poor mans int packer
# homebrew not covering
# the full tw fancyness
# Format: ESDDDDDD EDDDDDDD EDD... Extended, Data, Sign
def self.pack_int(num)
if num > 63 || num < -63
# the first byte can fit 6 bits
# because the first two bits are extended and sign
# so if you have a number bigger than 63
# it needs two bytes
# which are also least significant byte first etc
# so we do not support that YET
# the first too big number 64 is represented as those bits
# 10000000 00000001
# ^^^ ^ ^ ^
# ||\ / \ /
# || \ / \ /
# || \ \/
# || \ /
# || \ /
# || \ /
# || \/
# || /\
# || / \
# || / \
# || 00000001 000000
# || |
# || v
# || 64
# ||
# |positive
# extended
raise "Numbers greater than 63 are not supported yet"
sign = '0'
if num.negative?
sign = '1'
num += 1
num = num.abs
ext = '0'
bits = ext + sign + num.to_s(2).rjust(6, '0')
def todo_make_this_rspec_test
p Packer.pack_int(1) == [1]
p Packer.pack_int(16) == [16]
p Packer.pack_int(63) == [63]
p Packer.pack_int(3) == [3]
p Packer.pack_int(-1) == [64]
p Packer.pack_int(-2) == [65]
# todo
# p Packer.pack_int(64) == [64]