# frozen_string_literal: true require 'socket' require_relative 'string' require_relative 'array' require_relative 'bytes' require_relative 'network' require_relative 'packet' require_relative 'chunk' require_relative 'net_base' require_relative 'models/net_addr' require_relative 'packer' require_relative 'game_server' require_relative 'message' require_relative 'models/token' class Client attr_accessor :id, :addr, :vital_sent, :last_recv_time, :token, :player, :in_game attr_reader :ack def initialize(attr = {}) @id = attr[:id] @addr = attr[:addr] @vital_sent = 0 @ack = 0 @in_game = false @last_recv_time = Time.now @player = Player.new( id: @id, local: 0, team: 0, name: '(connecting)', clan: '', country: -1 ) @token = attr[:token] SecurityToken.validate(@token) end def in_game? @in_game end def bump_ack @ack = (@ack + 1) % NET_MAX_SEQUENCE end # TODO: use or remove # not sure if its cool # one can make vital_sent read only # and then the seq reader increments it # so everytime a header is created # the chunk builder just calls # seq = client.seq def seq @vital_sent + 1 end end class TeeworldsServer attr_accessor :clients def initialize(options = {}) @verbose = options[:verbose] || false @ip = '' @port = 8303 @game_server = GameServer.new(self) @clients = {} @current_game_tick = 0 @last_snap_time = Time.now end def run(ip, port) @server_token = (1..4).to_a.map { |_| rand(0..255) } @server_token = @server_token.map { |b| b.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0') }.join puts "server token #{@server_token}" @netbase = NetBase.new(verbose: @verbose) NetChunk.reset @ip = ip @port = port puts "listening on #{@ip}:#{@port} .." @s = UDPSocket.new @s.bind(@ip, @port) @netbase.bind(@s) loop do tick # TODO: proper tick speed sleep # replace by blocking network read # m_NetServer # .Wait( # clamp( # int(( # TickStartTime( # m_CurrentGameTick+1)-time_get() # )*1000/time_freq()), # 1, # 1000/SERVER_TICK_SPEED/2)); sleep 0.001 end end def on_message(chunk, packet) puts "got game chunk: #{chunk}" case chunk.msg when NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO then @game_server.on_start_info(chunk, packet) when NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY then @game_server.on_say(chunk, packet) when NETMSGTYPE_CL_EMOTICON then @game_server.on_emoticon(chunk, packet) else puts "Unsupported game msg: #{chunk.msg}" exit(1) end end def process_chunk(chunk, packet) unless chunk.sys on_message(chunk, packet) return end puts "proccess chunk with msg: #{chunk.msg}" if @verbose case chunk.msg when NETMSG_INFO @game_server.on_info(chunk, packet) when NETMSG_READY @game_server.on_ready(chunk, packet) when NETMSG_ENTERGAME @game_server.on_enter_game(chunk, packet) when NETMSG_INPUT @game_server.on_input(chunk, packet) when NETMSG_RCON_CMD @game_server.on_rcon_cmd(chunk, packet) else puts "Unsupported system msg: #{chunk.msg}" exit(1) end end def on_client_packet(packet) client = packet.client if client.nil? # TODO: turn this into a silent return # otherwise bad actors can easily trigger this # with handcrafted packets puts 'Error: got client packet from unknown client' exit 1 end chunks = BigChungusTheChunkGetter.get_chunks(packet.payload) chunks.each do |chunk| if chunk.flags_vital && !chunk.flags_resend packet.client.bump_ack puts "got ack: #{packet.client.ack}" if @verbose end process_chunk(chunk, packet) end end def on_ctrl_message(packet) u = Unpacker.new(packet.payload) msg = u.get_int puts "got ctrl msg: #{msg}" case msg when NET_CTRLMSG_TOKEN then on_ctrl_token(packet) when NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT then on_ctrl_connect(packet) when NET_CTRLMSG_KEEPALIVE then on_ctrl_keep_alive(packet) when NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE then on_ctrl_close(packet) else puts "Uknown control message #{msg}" exit(1) end end def send_ctrl_close(client, reason) # when clients disconnect # during the connection process # we do not care return if client.nil? msg = [NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE] msg += Packer.pack_str(reason) unless reason.nil? @netbase.set_peer_token(client.token) @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 0, control: true, client:) # @netbase.set_peer_token(@server_token) end def send_ctrl_with_token(addr, token) msg = [NET_CTRLMSG_TOKEN] + str_bytes(@server_token) @netbase.set_peer_token(token) @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 0, control: true, addr:) # @netbase.set_peer_token(@server_token) end def send_map(client) data = [] data += Packer.pack_str(@game_server.map.name) data += @game_server.map.crc_arr # poor mans pack_raw() data += Packer.pack_int(@game_server.map.size) data += Packer.pack_int(8) # chunk num? data += Packer.pack_int(MAP_CHUNK_SIZE) data += @game_server.map.sha256_arr # poor mans pack_raw() msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: data.size + 1, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSG_MAP_CHANGE, system: true)] + data @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def send_ready(client) msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: 1, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSG_CON_READY, system: true)] @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def send_ready_to_enter(client) msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: 1, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSGTYPE_SV_READYTOENTER, system: false)] @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def send_server_settings(client, server_settings) msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: 1 + server_settings.size, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSGTYPE_SV_SERVERSETTINGS, system: false)] + server_settings @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def send_server_info(client, server_info) msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: 1 + server_info.size, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSG_SERVERINFO, system: true)] + server_info @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def send_game_info(client, data) msg = NetChunk.create_header(vital: true, size: 1 + data.size, client:) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSGTYPE_SV_GAMEINFO, system: false)] + data @netbase.send_packet(msg, chunks: 1, client:) end def on_ctrl_token(packet) u = Unpacker.new(packet.payload[1..]) token = u.get_raw(4) token_str = token.map { |b| b.to_s(16).rjust(2, '0') }.join puts "got token #{token_str}" send_ctrl_with_token(packet.addr, token_str) end def on_ctrl_keep_alive(packet) puts "Got keep alive from #{packet.addr}" if @verbose end def on_ctrl_close(packet) reason = nil if packet.payload[2] u = Unpacker.new(packet.payload[1..]) reason = u.get_string end drop_client(packet.client, reason) end def drop_client(client, reason = nil) send_ctrl_close(client, reason) return if client.nil? @game_server.on_client_drop(client, reason) @clients.delete(client.id) end def on_ctrl_connect(packet) id = get_next_client_id if id == -1 puts 'server full drop packet. TODO: tell the client' return end token = bytes_to_str(packet.payload[1..4]) puts "got connection, sending accept (client token: #{token})" client = Client.new(id:, addr: packet.addr, token:) @clients[id] = client @netbase.send_packet([NET_CTRLMSG_ACCEPT], chunks: 0, control: true, client:) end def on_packet(packet) # process connless packets data if packet.flags_control on_ctrl_message(packet) else # process non-connless packets on_client_packet(packet) end end def get_next_client_id (0..MAX_CLIENTS).each do |i| next if @clients[i] return i end -1 end def tick_start_time(tick) # TODO: implement this C++ code # m_GameStartTime + (time_freq()*Tick)/SERVER_TICK_SPEED; end def do_snapshot delta_tick = -1 # DeltaTick = m_aClients[i].m_LastAckedSnapshot; data = [] data += Packer.pack_int(@current_game_tick) data += Packer.pack_int(@current_game_tick - delta_tick) msg_snap_empty = NetChunk.create_header(vital: false, size: data.size + 1) + [pack_msg_id(NETMSG_SNAPEMPTY, system: true)] + data # data = [] # data += Packer.pack_int(@current_game_tick) # data += Packer.pack_int(@current_game_tick - delta_tick) # msg_snap_single = NetChunk.create_header(vital: false, size: data.size + 1) + # [pack_msg_id(NETMSG_SNAPSINGLE, system: true)] + # data @clients.each do |_id, client| next unless client.in_game? @netbase.send_packet(msg_snap_empty, chunks: 1, client:) end end def get_player_by_id(id) @clients[id]&.player end def tick unless @clients.empty? now = Time.now diff = now - @last_snap_time # TODO: replace snaps every second by something more correct if diff > 1 @current_game_tick += 1 do_snapshot end @game_server.on_tick end begin data, sender_inet_addr = @s.recvfrom_nonblock(1400) rescue IO::EAGAINWaitReadable data = nil sender_inet_addr = nil end return unless data packet = Packet.new(data, '<') packet.addr.ip = sender_inet_addr[2] # or 3 idk bot in my local test case packet.addr.port = sender_inet_addr[1] @clients.each do |id, client| next unless packet.addr.eq(client.addr) client.last_recv_time = Time.now packet.client_id = id packet.client = client end puts packet.to_s if @verbose on_packet(packet) end end