# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../packer' class SnapItemBase attr_reader :notes, :name, :id def initialize(hash_or_raw) @fields = @field_names.map do |_| 0 end @size = @fields.count @name = self.class.name @notes = [] # hexdump annotation notes if hash_or_raw.instance_of?(Hash) init_hash(hash_or_raw) elsif hash_or_raw.instance_of?(Unpacker) init_unpacker(hash_or_raw) else init_raw(hash_or_raw) end end def validate @fields.select(&:nil?).empty? end def init_unpacker(u) @id = u.get_int p = u.parsed.last @notes.push([:cyan, p[:pos], p[:len], "id=#{@id}"]) i = 0 @fields.map! do |_| # TODO: as of right now it can get nil values here # the fix would be "u.get_int || 0" # but fixing it would probably make it harder # to debug invalid data # # but do rethink this in a later point please :) # for now call .validate() everywhere val = u.get_int p = u.parsed.last color = (i % 2).zero? ? :yellow : :pink desc = @field_names[i] @notes.push([color, p[:pos], p[:len], "#{desc}=#{val}"]) i += 1 val end end def init_raw(data) u = Unpacker.new(data) init_unpacker(u) end def init_hash(attr) @fields_names.each do |name| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", attr[name] || 0) end end def to_h hash = {} hash[:id] = @id @field_names.each_with_index do |name, index| hash[name] = @fields[index] end hash end # basically to_network # int array the server sends to the client def to_a arr = [] @fields.each do |value| arr += Packer.pack_int(value) end arr end def to_s to_h end end