#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d spec ] then echo "Error: spec folder not found" echo " run this script from the root of repo" exit 1 fi arg_generate_docs=0 function show_usage() { echo "usage: ./scripts/hooks.sh [OPTION]" echo "options:" echo " --fix | --generate-docs to generate docs" echo " -h | --help to show this help" } for arg in "$@" do if [ "$arg" == "--fix" ] || [ "$arg" == "--generate-docs" ] then arg_generate_docs=1 elif [ "$arg" == "-h" ] || [ "$arg" == "--help" ] then show_usage exit 0 else show_usage exit 1 fi done tmpdir=scripts/tmp mkdir -p scripts/tmp function get_hooks() { local ruby_file="$1" grep -o "^[[:space:]]*def on_.*(&block)" "$ruby_file" | grep -o "on_[^(]*" | awk NF } function get_msg_of_client_hook() { local hook="$1" local line local ifs="$IFS" local in_func=0 while IFS='' read -r line do if [ "$line" == " def $hook(chunk)" ] \ || [ "$line" == " def $hook(data)" ] \ || [ "$line" == " def $hook" ] then in_func=1 fi if [[ "$line" =~ " end" ]] then in_func=0 fi if [ "$in_func" == "1" ] then if [[ "$line" =~ message\ =\ (.*).new ]] then echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" break fi if [[ "$line" =~ Context\.new\(nil ]] then echo nil break fi fi done < lib/game_client.rb IFS="$ifs" } function add_hook_doc() { local mdfile="$1" local ruby_class="$2" local hook="$3" local class_ln if [ ! -f "$mdfile" ] then echo "Error: failed to generate docs! File not found $mdfile" exit 1 fi class_ln="$(grep -n "^# $ruby_class" "$mdfile" | cut -d':' -f1)" class_ln="$((class_ln+1))" if [ "$class_ln" == "" ] then echo "Error: failed to generate docs could not get line" echo " mdfile=$mdfile" echo " ruby_class=$ruby_class" echo " hook=$hook" exit 1 fi local tmpdoc local obj_var=client local run="client.connect('localhost', 8303, detach: false)" if [[ "$ruby_class" =~ Server ]] then obj_var=server run="server.run('', 8377)" fi local doc_text='TODO: generated documentation' local msg_class msg_class="$(get_msg_of_client_hook "$hook")" if [ "$msg_class" != "" ] then if [ "$msg_class" == "nil" ] then doc_text="context.message is nil because there is no message payload." else doc_text="context.message is a [$msg_class](../classes/messages/$msg_class.md)" fi fi tmpdoc="$tmpdir/doc.md" { head -n "$class_ln" "$mdfile" # the ancor tag is a hack to allow linking # methods using #hook_name # because we want to put junk after the hook name # for example the parameters cat <<- EOF ### #$hook(&block) **Parameter: block [Block |[context](../classes/Context.md)|]** $doc_text **Example:** EOF echo '```ruby' cat <<- EOF $obj_var = $ruby_class.new $obj_var.$hook do |context| # TODO: generated documentation end $run EOF echo '```' tail -n +"$class_ln" "$mdfile" } > "$tmpdoc" mv "$tmpdoc" "$mdfile" } function check_file() { local ruby_class="$1" local ruby_file="$2" local hooks local hook local got_err=0 hooks="$(get_hooks "$ruby_file")" # self testing the test # if the test finds no hooks the test is wrong not the code if [ "$(echo "$hooks" | wc -l)" -lt 8 ] then echo "Error: found only $(echo "$hooks" | wc -l) hooks in $ruby_file" echo " expected 8 or more" exit 1 fi for hook in $hooks do local hook_err=0 echo -n "[*] checking hook: $hook" # check documentation local mdfile mdfile="docs/classes/$ruby_class.md" if [ ! -f "$mdfile" ] then echo "ERROR: documentation not found $mdfile" exit 1 fi if ! grep -q "#$hook" "$mdfile" then if [ "$arg_generate_docs" == "1" ] then add_hook_doc "$mdfile" "$ruby_class" "$hook" else echo " ERROR: missing documentation in $mdfile" # TODO: totally overengineer this and get spacing of 2nd line correct # by computing prev line length echo " try --generate-docs and fill out the templated docs" got_err=1 hook_err=1 fi else printf ' .' fi # check calling it local tmpfile tmpfile="$tmpdir/hook.rb" { echo '# frozen_string_literal: true' echo '' echo "require_relative '../../${ruby_file::-3}'" echo "obj = $ruby_class.new" echo "obj.$hook(&:verify)" } > "$tmpfile" if ! ruby "$tmpfile" &>/dev/null then echo " ERROR: calling the hook failed" ruby "$tmpfile" elif [ "$hook_err" == "0" ] then echo ". OK" fi done if [ "$got_err" == "0" ] then echo "[+] OK: all hooks okay." return 1 else echo "[-] Error: some hooks have errors." return 0 fi } if check_file TeeworldsClient lib/teeworlds_client.rb # || check_file TeeworldsServer lib/teeworlds_server.rb then exit 1 fi